Sunday, March 26, 2017

Catalog of Luke The Blog Troll's Disgusting & Graphic Homophobic Comments (Caution, Explicit Content!)

Documented: Graphic and disgusting comments from the homophobic homosapien, Luke. Proof that this bigoted blog troll hates gay people and has no moral authority whatsoever to chastise anyone for other supposed bigotry (I refer to Luke's frequent charges of antisemitism and "jew hate" directed at Rational Nation and anyone who allows RN to comment on their blog). Note that these are the homophobic anti-gay comments made as "Luke" (who later changed his name to "Paul"). There are 38 more he made while the name on the account was "Steve" (proven here).

11/15/2016 at 6:51am. #190. SWTD #359.

Luke: Hi Nazi Boy!!!
Gee you do get the scum to comment at your hate site!! I'm jealous!
Gee, I wish I could get a Jew hating, fag boy, liar to comment on my blog!
I guess I have to learn how to suck dick as good as you do to get such greats to comment at my blog!
Enjoy sucking his dick Nazi Boy!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

11/30/2016 at 6:45pm. #209. SWTD #361.

Luke: Is that the best you can do Nazi Boy?? Loan apps? HA HA HA HA HA HA
It didn't work because my last name is not Spencer. I have told you that for months, but you are just to stupid.
I'll try and find something fitting for you. HA HA HA HA HA HA
I'll sign you up for all the gay stuff possible, since you are gay. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Try harder next time chicken shit IDIOT Nazi Boy!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

3/12/2017 at 10:40am. WYD.

Luke: Assholes who send death threats should expect the same. You started all this asshole. I've only been blogging for 9 months and never heard of you before, yet, you attacked my blog, stole my posts, sent me thousands of vile emails, and got your buddies to do the same all because your retarded mind told you I was someone else. What a stupid jackass. You are friends with a proven Jew hater and supported his Jew hate statements. Anything you get from me is because you sent me your crap and you deserve anything you get. You are a butt fucking homo, a self declared drunk, an obvious fouled mouthed asshole, yet, you claim to be a Christian HA HA HA HA HA HA . The Golden Rule applies. I treat you as you have treated me and you deserve it.
Now get back to your Christian HA HA HA HA HA HA blog with its multiple attack blogs attacking multiple people. Seems you are the same asshole to everyone, yet, you claim I was the only one trolling you, what a lying jackass. So enjoy your asshole, Jew hate, plagiarizing buddies and keep writing Trump is the anti-Christ (only an idiot who believes in invisible Gods in the sky could believe in an anti-Christ) Trump is Caligula, Trump's wife is a Russian spy (100% confirmed) as you have said, and of course Trump stole the election (without any proof) you are a bigger liar than Trump and from now on I will call you Trump.
By Trump asshole liar.

3/12/2017 at 1:35pm. WYD.

Luke: Total bullshit since I am not TOM or any of these others you claim I am. YOU started this asshole and you have proven you are an asshole to all not just me. It's not an enemies list Trump Dervish it is a list of those proven to have stolen my posts. You evidence of Trump stealing the election is not fact but delusions in your sick mind Trump Dervish. Seems you can dish it out but you can't take it just like your name sake Trump Dervish. YOU made up these sock puppets just as you make up parody hate blogs of Will, Dmarks, me, and many others. Go get butt fucked by your boyfriend RN Trump Dervish.

3/12/2017 at 8:46pm. WYD.

Luke: I have over 1,000 vile emails from you and multiple death threats from you to prove you attacked my blog, not to mention your own confession that you did Trump Dervish. HA HA HA HA HA HA YOU LOSE AGAIN CHRISTIAN, DRUNK, HOMO!!!

3/13/2017 at 10:05am. WYD.

Luke: I don't hate the mentally challenged, I hate people who claim to be intelligent but act like a 5 year old, like you. Drunks (YOU said in one of your filthy rant comments to my blog you were drunk while leaving your 500 comments one mourning-YOUR WORDS AGAIN LIAR) like you who sit up all night drunk writing insults to strangers. Sorry Trump Dervish I only even knew you existed less than a year ago, but your egotistical self importance is funny. The gay thing is sensitive to you, which tells me it's true! Just like you are sensitive to the Jew hate allegation, but you defended RN's Jew hate in a two paragraph rant and RN has never denied his sic comment and it's still on his blog Trump Dervish liar!I could go on but everyone here knows what kind of scum you are Trump Dervish!

3/16/2017 at 10:36am. WYD [deleted/removed post/thread].

Luke: So only you can post satire and jokes? I see HA HA HA HA HA HA
RN's comment was not a joke, or satire and he admitted on Shaw's blog that he was serious about the comment. Next lie Trump Dervish......

[Luke says his homophobia is a joke. Bullshit! He obviously thinks calling someone "homo" is an insult. Indicating to me that it is NOT a joke but how he actually feels. BTW, the RN comment Luke refers to is the one where he writes "American Jews are the offspring of the pacifists that willing were led to the gas chambers in Hitlers Holocaust"].

3/26/2017 at 8:57am. WYD.

Luke: Or your buddy Dog calls Lisa a bitch!
Be sure and wash your sheets for the next meeting with all your hate buddies!

[Is "wash your sheets" a reference to a gay sex orgy Luke thinks his enemies are engaging in?].

1/12/2018 at 5:03pm. WYD.

Paul: Anonymous really got to you Anonymous Dervish. No one else here has the gay obsession with me like you do. You are kidding no one when you post as one of your many sock puppets, or anonymous. You haven't left me alone since you found out I was not gay. Sorry I burst your fantasies about having sex wit me, but that's no reason to turn into my stalker. I saw the comment you made about you voting for Oprah obviously so did others. Cheer up Dervish RN is still gay. Oh that's right, he rejected you tears ago when you started going after me. Only you continue to say I support Trump, because anyone else reading my blog can read and knows I don't, but you are hilarious.

5/26/2018 at 7:40am. WYM deleted #1.

Paul: One can't have a gay crush on a straight guy. It's been common knowledge for years, that you are gay Dervish. Me thinks YOU protest to much!

5/27/2018 at 1:41am. WYM deleted #2.

Paul: You have been promoting NAMBLA on WYD all year! You are a pedophile and love to have sex with young boys

5/27/2018 at 6:54am. WYM deleted #3.

Paul: Hey faggot, I don't need my comments published, because everyone already knows you are a boy fucking pedophile.

[With his use of a gay slur, Paul links pedophilia and homosexuality, a favorite lie of the homophobic Right].

5/27/2018 at 7:55pm. WYM deleted #4.

Paul: Those are the lies you made up Dervish like your parody (hate) blogs. And RN is just sick and full of hate enough to be your best buddy. A couple of pedophiles sharing boys to but fuck.

5/29/2018 at 3:30am. WYM deleted #6.

Paul: That's the same salve pedophile Dervish uses on his boys when he is done butt fucking them.

5/29/2018 at 8:14am. WYM deleted #7.

Paul: Copying "Who's Your Daddy?"
You, as a lying pedophile that likes to butt fuck boys, easily surpasses Lisa's vulgar blog.
Your Mama is certainly a whore.

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DSD #58