Tuesday, February 7, 2006

DS Documents First Post

[1] The primary purpose of this blog is to gather together disparate items I have collected from many webpages. Such posts will serve as a reference of (in most instances) comments by specific individuals on a specific topic.

[2] The secondary purpose of this blog is to document items (posts/articles/etc) I have found on the web. As a handy reference, or because I think they might end up being removed. I might archive such items here just in case.

[3] All commentaries should be considered a work in progress. I reserve the right to modify any commentary (most likely by adding to it) at any time. Some documents, however, may have a notation indicating they are complete. That these documents might be added to is highly unlikely.

[4] Posts which are comment catalogs are not guaranteed to be complete catalogs of ALL comments by the individual in question on the topic in question. Only the ones that have been located and have been deemed germane by the blog author. If additional comments are found and deemed germane they may be added to the appropriate commentary.

[5] I guarantee that all comments have been copied as posted and that they have not been altered. Except as follows: red font denotes a sentence I deemed to be of importance (html to change the font color was added by me). Also, text within brackets has been added by me for the purpose of clarification or notation.

[6] Some of these comments may latter be deleted by their original authors, but this absolutely should not lead to any suspicion that the copy here is not an exact copy of the original prior to deletion. Because it is... with minor exceptions (see #5).

DSD #1

Monday, February 6, 2006

Bloggers List

Documented: Blogger ID pages for people I have encountered while blogging. Links to other pages including: FaceBook (FB), Twitter. PNA = Profile Not Available.

Blogger Accounts, Etc.

Capt. Fogg. Human Voices, The Impolitic.

Dave Dubya. Dave Dubya's Freedom Rants.

Dervish Sanders AKA "w-dervish", "wd" (FB, MS, Twitter) Sleeping with The Devil, Dervish Sanders Blog.

Dervish Sanders (fake). "Peanut butter" comment.

dmarks AKA "Dennis Marks". Throw Away Blog AKA "In A Holding Pattern".

Ducky's Here. No Blog.

Franco Aragosta. Franco Aragosta, il pescatore saggio.

Franco Aragusto.

Flying Junior. Dog Report.

FreeThinke AKA "FreeStinke". FreeThinke.

Grung_e_Gene. Disaffected and it Feels So Good.

Jerry Critter 2008 (G+ 117224904582086495468) Critter's Crap.

Jerry Critter 2012 (another Jerry Critter account).

Jerry E Beuterbaugh. As The Crackerhead Crumbles.

Jersey McJones AKA JMJ. Jersey McJones & miscprojs.

John Myste. John Myste Archives, Mysterious Things.

Lisa. Who's Your Daddy AKA "The Stench Trench".

Lord Lying Lester (Parody ID). Lord Lying Lester's Blog Of Reason.

https://www.blogger.com/profile/13349424089426839322">Luke. It seems that "Luke" is a popular Blogger name. Several "Lukes" have come and gone.

mystere's moonbat slayer club AKA Edward T. Endo. Mystere's Moonbat Slayer Club.

Malcolm Bondon. FB, Twitter) Progressive Soup AKA "Diversity Ink".

Minus FJ aka -FJ. Farmers Letters.

(O)CT(O)PUS AKA "Octopus". The Swash Zone.

okjimm. okjimm's eggroll emporium.

Pamela D. Hart (FB) The Oracular Opinion, Blogging Sleuth, Harts Beat.

Paul AKA "Luke The Puke" & Steve. Luke Spencer on G+ 117464045539266787800. Words And Music AKA "Speak Your Mind".

The Radical Redneck.

Rusty Shackelford. Mr. Mackey Speaks, Leopold's House.

Rational Nation USA (Les Carpenter III on FB) Rational Nation USA.

Rational Nation USA (Fake).

https://www.blogger.com/profile/05215189051561543461">Ray Cranston PNA.

rockync. North Carolina Real Estate.

Rusty Shackelford. Mr.Mackey speaks, LeoplodsHouse.

Shaw Kenawe. Progressive Eruptions. G+.

squatlo. Squatlo Rant.

Sue AKA Sue Welch. Helloooo Mr. President, Are You Listening? AKA "The Left In Me". FB.

Thersites. Thersite's Campsite, Thersites Corner, Progressive Disruptions.

TOM AKA "TOM The Omelet Man". Stay A While.

Truth 101 AKA "Joe Truth 101 Kelly", Joe Hagstrom. Truth Shall Rule, Mad Mike's America. FB.

Will "Take No Prisoners" Hart AKA Willis V. Hart. Contra O'Reilly AKA "Paranoiac Stooge Talk". FB.

DSD #0

Sunday, February 5, 2006

Cataloging Toms

Documented: Bloggers who are, or who have used the name "Tom" (that I am aware of). Note that TOM-5704 and TOM-3136 are controlled by the same person.

09538055688006675704. Tom/TOM (posted as both). (Gort set as profile pic). Primary author of the WordPress blog Stay A While. Note: According to TOM-3136, TOM-5704 died.

02464117691722213136. TOM (profile Not Available). Former "co-author" of Stay A While (he told me). Although he later said "I never had a blog".

11291386577335294637. TOM (changed display name to "Unknown"). Posted another version of Liberal Hate/Liberal Haters to WYD on 12/5/2016.

14210479399761047671. TOM (profile Not Available). Yet another TOM. My suspicion is that the troll behind the 2 Stay A While TOMs is creating more TOM accounts to muddy the waters. "You are a vile little fag" this TOM says, displaying the same hate for gay people that TOM-3136 and Luke/Paul are notorious for.

05131237115281602146. Tom (changed display name to "Michael Corleone"). Posted as "Tom" on 8/24/2013 (and likely on other occassions, though this is the one that I found. Other instances will be added if discovered).

05081670758096739959. TOM (profile not available). 12/13/2016 WYD comment.

00824244465505608870. TOM (profile Not Available). Says he is "a blogger from way back" in a 3/22/2020 WYD comment.

Posts That Link Here
[SWTD #356] James Comey Is Trying To Influence The Election & Should Be Fired By Barack Obama. 10/31/2016.
[SWTD #357] Analyzing The Posts "Liberal Hate" By Luke Spencer & "Liberal Haters" By TOM The Omelet Man. 11/9/2016.

DSD #-1