Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The Libertarian Trump Defender #1

Documented: Commentaries from the Libertarian blogger Willis Hart in which he acts as an apologist for, and defends the likely Republican potus nominee Donald Trump. See also The Libertarian Trump Defender #2 - a catalogue of commentaries in which WTNPH acts as an apologist for, and defends BLOTUS #45, preznit Trump.

SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2015 AT 4:13 PM.

On the Fact that the Only Republican Candidate Who's Making Sense on Syria These Days Is Trump (the Fact that He's Willing to Let Russia Get Bogged Down in the Middle of a Civil War, Devastate His Country's Economy, Smoke a Few Terrorists for Us, etc).

How fucking scary is that, folks (the looniest of the bunch actually being the wisest)?


On the Possibility that Cruz and Rubio MIGHT Be Worse than Trump.

a) Trump had the good sense to see that Bush's Iraq War was a turkey right from the get. b) He seems to think that Ukraine is none of our damned business. And c) he also seems more than willing to let Russia and Iran do the heavy lifting in Syria and that another international civil war is not in America's best interests. Yes, the dude has a lot of warts in addition but at least he seems a wee-bit more cautious than some of these other neocon ramrods and for that I will give him SOME respect.

[Re: "Trump had the good sense to see that Bush's Iraq War was a turkey right from the get"... bullshit. See SWTD #326 and OST #113].

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2015 AT 8:36 PM.

So, Does a Trump Presidency Scare Me?

Of course it does. But does it scare me any more than a Cruz Presidency (if impudence was an art-form this fellow would be Mussorgsky), a Clinton Presidency (one of the idiots who thought that getting rid of Gadaffi was a great idea), a Sanders Presidency (not just a socialist but a dumb one), a Huckabee Presidency (a miscreant and a bible-thumping buffoon), a Graham Presidency (yep, he's still running, that moron), etc.? Not really, folks. Nope, they all pretty much scare me and, so, yeah, I'll be voting for Johnson again.

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2015 AT 8:36 PM.

On Donald Trump Arguing (Against Neocon Buffoons Like Christie and Rubio) that We Should "Let Syria and ISIS Fight".

Yeah, I'm definitely with the Donald on this one, folks (the fact that allowing our enemies to slaughter each other is always a decent option). And that's the aggravating thing in that while the dude can obviously be a shithead at times, he's also capable of common sense and wouldn't it be nice if he showed us this side a bit more often? I'm just askin'.

[Trump on 7/8/2015: "That's not our fight. That's other people's fight. That's revolutions, that's whatever you want to call it, religious wars". Versus Trump on 12/15/2015: "Never said that", responding to Jeb Bush saying "two months ago, Donald Trump said that ISIS was not our fight". Source: PoltiFact, 12/15/2015].

SUNDAY, JANUARY 17, 2016 AT 5:11 PM.

The Best Thing About Trump (and, Yes, He's a Dick Overall, I Grant)?

For me, it's the fact that he doesn't seem hellbent on a second cold war and apparently wants the U.S. to steer clear of that whole Russia Versus Ukraine Bugger-Fest. I give him a lot of credit for that.

THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 2016 AT 8:51 PM.

On Steve Hayes Recently Referring to the Trump Candidacy as a "Clown Show".

Maybe, but do I need to remind you that Mr. Hayes currently scrimmages with the "Weekly Standard", a neocon rag that gives both cover and credence to some of the most buffoonish and despicable war-mongers inside the beltway (William Kristol, Fred Barnes, Charles Krauthammer, etc.)? Yes, Trump has his flaws - NO QUESTION but at least he doesn't have blood rupturing from his typewriter, for Christ.

SUNDAY, JANUARY 24, 2016 AT 4:08 PM.

On the Claim that Donald Trump's Promise to Restrict the Flow of Muslim Immigrants for a Set Period of Time Is Illegal.

Apparently not, folks (and, no, I'm not necessarily saying that it's a good idea, just that it isn't illegal). 8 U.S. Code § 1182 – Inadmissible aliens Page 138 - (f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President - Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

[Constitutional scholars: Trump's anti-Muslim immigration proposal is probably illegal by Ari Melber. MSNBC 12/07/2015]

THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, 2016 AT 3:55 PM.

On the Fact that Each and Every One of that 22 Person Anti-Trump Conservative Composium Over at the "National Review" Supported the Iraq War While Donald Trump Didn't.

I'm not a Trump supporter and it's doubtful that I'd vote for him (Johnson's my man) but I really want people to think about this and ask themselves, "so, who are the real morons here?".


On the Fact that Donald Trump Supposedly Said that "Eminent Domain Is Great".

I've tried to be fair with Donald (the fact that I a) don't like being part of a bum's rush, b) find his critics every bit as obnoxious as he is, and c) appreciate the fact that the dude's deviated from the neocons on more than a few occasions). But this is a view that I cannot tolerate. The fact of the matter is that eminent domain is one of the most loathsome and abusive acts that the government engages in (the fact that it isn't being used just for roads and bridges anymore but for private enterprises as well, the fact that there's already an abundance of property that can be used for development, the fact that a lot of the property taken through eminent domain never gets developed, etc.) and if Trump considers it "great" a pox on him. There, how's that for fair and balanced?


On the Fact that Every Single Republican Presidential Candidate (Except for Trump, Surprisingly) Has Purchased Hook, Line, and Sinker the Standard Narrative that Russia is 100% Wrong in its Burgeoning Conflict with Ukraine.

Yeah, we've heard this story before; the North versus the South in the Civil War, Spain versus the U.S.A. in the Spanish-American War, Germany versus England in WW1, Germany versus Poland in WW2, the North Vietnamese versus the South Vietnamese, Iran versus Kuwait in the first Gulf War, etc., etc., etc..You want to know why I'm not a Republican (or a Democrat for that matter in that they've consumed the Kool-Aid, too)? Consider this exhibit A.

MONDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 2016 AT 8:33 PM.

On the Fact that Donald Trump Is the Only Republican Candidate Who's Had the Cajones to Bitch-Slap George W. Bush for His Ham-Handed and Ultimately Tragic Iraq War Policy.

I'm not a big Trump supporter but I, unlike your average partisan stooge blogger whose entire existence is one mindless and gratuitous anti-Trump post after another, am willing to give credit where credit is due. And, yes, on this particular issue, Trump deserves some credit (not just for being right but for standing up to his own party and withstanding the boos - and, yes, there were many). Boom, done.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2016 AT 8:36 PM.

On the Fact that No High Profile Elected Democrat (Save for Possibly Dennis Kucinich) Has Ever Gone as Far as Trump Has in His Full-Throated Condemnation of George W. Bush (Calling Him a Liar, etc).

Say what you want about Donald. He does have cajones and on this particular example, I say, amen.


On Donald Trump's New "Idea" to Carpet-Bomb ISIS (an Act that Could Quite Conceivably Kill and Mame Thousands of Civilians).

Every time that I think that maybe, just maybe, he isn't that bad, the fellow says something like this (in this instance conjuring up the ghost of Mad-Bomber Harris; the war-criminal who blew to smithereens hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians during WW2) and I end up with omelet on my face. One of us has to learn and it looks as if it's gonna have to be me.

FRIDAY, MARCH 4, 2016 AT 10:01 PM.

On the Fact that Donald Trump Is Now Saying that He WON'T Target the Families of Terrorists.

Yeah, I'm gonna go with, way too little and much too late, on this one, folks. P.S. But let's not kid ourselves. FDR and Churchill (two of the left's primo darlings) ROUTINELY targeted not just families of soldiers BUT ENTIRE FUCKING TOWNS, CITIES, DISTRICTS, AND NEIGHBORHOODS (murdering hundreds of thousands in the process). Yeah, what Trump said was wrong but at least he... [at least he WHAT?]

TUESDAY, MARCH 8, 2016 AT 3:58 PM.

On John Oliver's "Epic" HBO Take-Down of Trump.

Not a huge fan of Trump but does America really need some bespectacled, effeminate, cockneyed British douche-bag (whose corporate overlord, Time Warner Cable, has consistently supported Mrs. Clinton with mucho dinero) to act as an attack-puppy and tell us what to think? I personally don't think so and it wasn't even all that funny (Trump being such an easy mark, the fact that it was mostly insult shit, the rank double-standards applied, etc.)!

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2016 AT 8:35 PM.

On the Odds of John Oliver Ever Doing a 22 Minute Diatribe on the Dangerous and Dimwitted Bernie Sanders (as He Did Against Trump).

Zero is probably low-balling it in that this ass is a total partisan hack who only denigrates Republicans (not that the clapping seals are complaining, mind you). I could be wrong but I doubt it.

SUNDAY, MARCH 13, 2016 AT 4:37 PM.

On Carl Bernstein Recently Referring to Donald Trump as a "Neo Fascist".

Yeah, I guess that that works. I just wish that these partisan media hacks would show at least a semblance of consistency. Like, I don't know, maybe also pointing out that Senator Sheldon Whitehouse apparently wants to prosecute global warming skeptics, that a large percentage of public colleges and universities are essentially outlawing freedom of speech, that conservative speakers are routinely shouted down at numerous campuses throughout the country, that Senator Sanders has literally zero regard for the non-aggression principle and wants to hold a gun to our head and confiscate private property, that President Obama has used executive orders to make and change laws and to do so in a blatantly political way (and, YES, it was wrong when Bush did it, too), etc.. Just to be fair, that's all. Is that too much to ask?

TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2016 AT 5:10 PM.

On the Fact that Bernie Sanders Supporters, Black Lives Matter Extremists, and Other Leftist Agitators Crashed a Donald Trump Rally in Chicago and Proceeded to Attack People, Assault the Police, Rip Signs, Block an Ambulance with an Injured Dude in it, Fire Guns, etc. and Everybody from Megyn Kelly and Ted Cruz to Rachel Maddow and Bernie Sanders Attempted to Blame Trump Entirely for the Anarchy.

I'm not a big Trump fan and wouldn't even consider voting for him (Johnson's my guy) but, I'm sorry, the coverage on Trump has been awful. Yes, the man can be divisive at times but to try and blame him entirely for the negative political climate when the leftists have been every bit as divisive (the rhetoric from Democratic politicians like Grayson and Reid, the vulgar leftist postings on Twitter - some of which have called for Trump's assassination, the racial demagoguery from slant-heads like Sharpton, the vitriol from piece of garbage enterprises like The Young Turks and The Daily Kos, etc.) is patently unfair, I think, and if you don't believe me just think what would have happened if a bunch of unruly Trump supporters had successfully shut down a Clinton or Sanders rally. Yeah, huh? -

TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 2016 AT 10:03 PM.

On the Fact that a Sanders Supporter Was Spotted Carrying a Communist Flag at a Trump Protest Rally.

Alright, let's see if I've gotten this straight. Trump uttering a cadre of impolitic statements is bad but a philosophy and system of government that murdered in excess of 100,000,000 people during the 20th Century isn't? Man, are you folks ever fucked up.

MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2016 AT 3:49 PM.

On Dullard Comedian and Leftist Lapdog, John Oliver, Making Fun of Donald Trump for Starting His Real Estate Seminars in 2006, Right Before the Housing Collapse.

Hindsight is always 20-20 and, just for the record here, the only two folks that I know who accurately predicted the calamity were Peter Schiff and Ron Paul, neither of whom is a leftist buffoon or Keynesian moron (not that a comedian necessarily always needs facts, mind you) and, so, yeah, I gotta call, foul, on this one, too.

[Lawsuit Alleges Trump Defrauded "Students" In Seminars Meant To Teach Investing Wisdom by Kathryn Dill. 8/26/2013 Forbes.]

MONDAY, MARCH 21, 2016 AT 4:27 PM.

On the Fact that Cruz and Rubio Have Both Repeatedly Blasted Trump for Not Releasing His Tax Forms.

Two points; a) Trump is being audited and no reputable tax attorney would ever recommend that a person being audited release his or her records to the public and b) while, yes, Cruz and Rubio have both released their 1040 forms, neither has released their Schedule C form and that is clearly what has the juicier info ( I mean, you do want the total picture here, right (and, yes, preferably from someone who doesn't have a dog in the fight)?

[IRS: Nothing prevents Trump from releasing tax returns by Naomi Jagoda. The Hill 02/26/2016.]

SUNDAY, MARCH 27, 2016AT 5:03 PM.

On Breitbart's Michelle Fields Claiming that She Was Roughed Up by a Trump Lackey When the Video Clearly Shows that She Wasn't.

How many more of these ludicrous incidents do we have to endure before we can finally conclude that women are just as capable of lying as men are and that we should probably be a tad more skeptical when these accusations (and worse; the Duke lacrosse case, for example) are thrown around? Me, I'm already there.

[Video Shows Trump Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski Grabbing Reporter Michelle Fields by Andrew Kirell & Justin Miller. The Daily Beast 3/11/2016]

MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2016 AT 4:09 PM.

On Angry, Irrational, and Unhinged Trump Protesters Consistently Referring to Trump Supporters as Angry, Irrational, and Unhinged.

Yeah, I saw some footage of these people, going bonkers at a Trump rally and the Trump supporters were essentially ignoring them (and, no, the anti-Trump folks certainly didn't seem scared). That and don't even get me going on the irony.

TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 2016 AT 9:12 PM.

Another View on Mr. Trump's Rallies. [Video: Police officer shares his experience at Trump rally].

Yeah, this clip will never be shown on MSPMS, or even CNN.

TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 2016 AT 9:52 PM.

On a Recent Yahoo Hit-Piece Which Compares Donald Trump to George Wallace.

As I patiently wait to see a comparable piece comparing Hillary to Nixon or Sanders to Ho Chi Minh. P.S. And what exactly has Trump done to or said about black people that is comparable to George Wallace? I mean, yeah, he said that dumb thing about illegal immigrants and wants a pause on Muslim immigration but a) he never denigrated Mexicans as a whole and b) based on that Pew research study (which showed that a majority of citizens of Muslim countries hold views which are 180 degrees diametrical to ours) and the fact that even many of Obama's own security people have warned us of a possible terrorist infiltration of the migrant population, his Muslim pause may not be anywhere near as insane as its being made out to be (and it's certainly a boatload less draconian than what FDR, that progressive darling, did to the Japanese).

SUNDAY, APRIL 3, 2016 AT 4:11 PM.

On the Fact that Trump Allowed Himself to get Punked by the Smarmy, Hero-Worshiping, Intellectually-Challenged, Nearly Unwatchable, and Bonkers Left-of-Center TV Host, Chris Matthews.

How embarrassing is that? I mean, if you can't match wits with a slant-headed, buffoonish wack-job like Matthews, what chance do you have amongst world leaders? Maybe the "establishment" is right for a change.

P.S. And as far as abortion (the issue that Trump flubbed) goes, I don't doubt that Trump gives a rat's ass about it and that dullard response to Matthews was strictly what he thought that his target audience wanted hear. The dude was pandering, in other words.

TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 2016 AT 4:00 PM.

On Cruz Operative, Andrea McWilliams, Attempting to Make Hay Over the Fact that Melania Trump Would Be America's "First Foreign-Born First Lady in a Century" (Clearly Implying that that Would Be a Bad Thing).

Well, being that Senator Cruz himself was born in Canada, that was either a brain-fart of the highest magnitude or pure, unadulterated chutzpah. I'll leave it to the reader to decide.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 2016 AT 4:23 PM.

On that Disgusting Rap Song Which Threatens Donald Trump with an AK-47, a Shovel, and Various Others Weapons.

Can you imagine if a bunch of militia members had engaged in such behavior while threatening Mrs. Clinton? Yeah, I don't think that it would have been sloughed off as some sort of joke. And look at these assholes. They're unemployable and, yes, Donald Trump is the least of their problems.

THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2016 AT 10:04 PM.

On Hillary Clinton Accusing Donald Trump of "Playing Coy with White Supremacists".

So, kind of like her with Saudi Arabia (the fact that that slush-fund of hers, the Clinton Global Initiative, receives millions of dollars in donations from the Saudi Royal family while Hillary - that self-proclaimed champion of women - never utters a peep about how that country treats its women like shit), in other words? Yeah, I get it.

TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 2016 AT 4:15 PM.

On the Fact that College Students All Throughout the Country Are Currently Being "Triggered" Simply by Hearing the Name, Trump.

So we're basically churning out defenseless morons who have to be pampered and who will ultimately face the greatest shock in human history when they come to Jesus and see that the real world doesn't function that way. Just great.

SATURDAY, APRIL 16, 2016 AT 9:43 PM.

On the Fact that, While I'm Not a Huge Trump Supporter (Johnson's My Candidate), I Do Take Some Solace from the Likelihood that at Least the Dude Won't be Forced to Run his Campaign from a Prison Cell or from a Pre-1990 Time-Machine in Which the Old Soviet Union Still Exists.

Yep, there is that.

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2016 AT 8:43 PM.

On the "Reasoning" that Since Donald Trump Has Said a Litany of Idiotic Things (and, Yes, He Has) that Gives Anti-Trump People the Right to Physically Attack His Supporters.

What kind of moral comportment is that (stage 2 of Kohlberg's moral development scale at best would be my suspicion)? I mean, anybody with even half a brain who didn't sleep through Civics in grade school knows that you can't physically attack a person simply for having an opinion and exercising his or her free speech. Of course, the fact that the media (folks who should know better) is still trying to blame Trump every time that somebody so much as slips on a banana peel certainly hasn't helped and so, yeah, I strongly feel that the violence will continue.

>FRIDAY, JULY 22, 2016 AT 11:18 PM.

On the Fact that a 16 Year-Old Black Trump Supporter Has Been "Doxed" by Black Lives Matter Slant-Heads and Has Even Received a Half-Dozen or So Death-Threats.

The intolerant left at work yet again, it appears. P.S. They also doxed Heather MacDonald for the equally unpardonable sin of simply stating facts. Busy little beavers they are.

SUNDAY, AUGUST 7, 2016 AT 5:24 PM.

On the Fact that Those Guttersnipes at MSNBC Made a Big Fuss When the Mother of Sean Smith Spoke at the Republican Convention and Blasted Hillary for Lying to Her but Had No Problem Whatsoever When that Khan Guy Who Lost His Son in Iraq Blasted Trump at the Democratic Convention Over Trump's Proposed Temporary Muslim Ban.

Yeah, they're not even trying to be even-handed at this point (I guess that using a consistent moral yardstick is just out of the question - fucking a-holes).

TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 2016 AT 8:19 PM.

On the Fact that Mrs. Clinton (a Piss-Poor Candidate Who Would Probably Get Steamrolled Under Normal Circumstances) Gets to Run Against Donald Trump (and Even Bigger Horse's Ass Though Not Quite as Evil) this Time.

The political equivalent of winning Mass Megabucks one week, Powerball the next week, and having a gibbon parachute out of the sky and land in your backyard with a million dollars in his nap-sack. And she still can't put the fellow away!!

FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 2016 AT 4:02 PM.

On the Fact that the Borderline Retarded Actor, Will Smith, Recently Stated that the Trump Supporters Needed to Be "Cleansed".

Fine, but only if they take all of those shitty Will Smith box-office bombs with 'em. You know, 'cause otherwise it might be seen as a tad too authoritarian, Stalinist, Milosevicesque, etc.

[Will Smith quote: "As painful as it is to hear Donald Trump talk and as embarrassing as it is as an American to hear him talk, I think it's good. We get to know who people are and now we get to cleanse it out of our country". "It" the racism and not "them" the people].

SUNDAY, AUGUST 14, 2016 AT 4:10 PM.

On Trump's Claim that Obama and Hillary Created ISIS.

Strictly speaking, of course he's wrong (the fact that it was George Bush who a) invaded Iraq and created the initial destabilization and b) signed the Status of Forces Agreement which mandated our departure) but having said that neither is the dude entirely full of shit. The fact of the matter is that it was under Obama and Hillary that a) the Afghan conflict was expanded, b) Gadaffi in Libya was overthrown, c) weapons were poured into the region in an effort to overthrow Assad in Syria, and d) the drone program was increased SIX-FOLD and expanded into numerous countries - all of which added to the destabilization and made it much easier for terrorist groups to recruit. Granted, a lot of this stuff probably isn't even on Trumps radar BUT if he's as smart as he claims to be.

THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 2016 AT 9:02 PM.

On Biden Saying that Trump Would Have "Loved Stalin".

So more or less like the institutional left (after their junket to the Soviet Union) in the 1930s, in other words. Interesting (albeit utterly speculative).

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 24, 2016 AT 5:12 PM.

On the Fact that the Left Eviscerated Donald Trump for Donating Play Doh (it Is Standard to Donate Toys to Disaster Victims and it Was Hardly the Only Thing that He Donated) to the Flood Victims in Louisiana While Simultaneously Not Criticizing Obama for Not Showing Up at All and Instead Spraying Golf-Balls on the Cape.

These people have no moral compunction whatsoever and judge literally every action under the sun based solely on whether the responsible agent has a D or R in front of his or her name. It's pathetic and damned if we don't need to marginalize these degenerates. Are you with me?

THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 2016 AT 3:56 PM.

On if Donald Trump and Bill O'Reilly Had Made that Moronic Colored People's Time Joke Rather than Clinton and de Blasio.

They would have been bitch-slapped for days and from every direction. The Democrats, yeah, not so much (pandering buys silence, I guess).

SATURDAY, AUGUST 27, 2016 AT 9:48 PM.

On Hillary's Claim that Trump Is Attempting to Get "Radical Fringe Groups" to "Take Over".

So kind of like Obama and Black Lives Matter (a group that has inspired cop-killers, fostered mayhem, lied profusely, and whose ideological progenitor is currently on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List), in other words. OK, I get it now. P.S. And, no, this isn't an attempt to defend Trump. He's an asshole as well.


On Bono Saying that Donald Trump Is Potentially the Worst American "Idea" of All Time.

Really? Worse than slavery, worse than the Trail of Tears, worse than Sherman's march through South Carolina and Georgia, worse than our occupation of the Philippines, worse than our involvement in WW1 (a war between European imperial powers), worse than the internment of Japanese-Americans in WW2 (the ghoulish FDR even sending thugs down to South America and kidnapping Japanese citizens of those nations), worse than Jim Crow, worse than sending 500,000 American troops to Vietnam, worse than the Iraq War, worse than the cancelling of Arrested Development (sorry, had to break the tension), etc.? Wow, this Trump guy must really be awful.

P.S. And, yes, this is coming from a guy who runs a charity that in 2008 only used about 1.3% of the millions that it received in donations to, you know, ACTUALLY HELP FOLKS - [Link] - so consider the source.

Posts that link here
[OST #126] On Donald Trump Defender Willis Hart Lying About "What The Video Clearly Shows" Re Trump Lackey Roughing Up A Reporter, 4/1/2016.
[OST #128] Re Referring To A TV Personality You Dislike As A Smarmy, Hero-Worshiping, Intellectually-Challenged, Nearly Unwatchable, Bonkers, Left-of-Center, Slant-Headed, Buffoonish Wack-Job, 4/4/2016.
[OST #181] Re A Misogynist Moron's Post On Hypothetical Hypocrisy. 10/11/2016.

DSD #19

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