Friday, April 5, 2019

The Libertarian Trump Defender #2

Documented: Commentaries from the Libertarian blogger Willis Hart in which he acts as a stooge for, and defends BLOTUS Donald Trump. See also The Libertarian Trump Defender #1, which is a catalogue of commentaries in which WTNPH acted as an apologist for, and defended the sociopathic Trump during the runup to him stealing the presidency (SWTD #358).

==========Gap #1==========

2/21/2017 at 4:23pm.

On My Fear that it Is the Goal of the Neocons and the Clintonites to Destroy the Russian Government and to Replace it with Something that's a Little More to Their Liking (You Know, Like They Did In Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Ukraine, and Like What They're Attempting to Do Now in Syria).

There are only so many ways that you can play with fire and I'm pretty damned certain that a nuclear-armed-to-the-teeth Russia isn't one of them. Hopefully President Trump knows better.

[Regardless of whether or not you agree that Russia is still a superpower, I don't think their power has decreased to the point where the US could have any chance of overthrowing their government militarily. The idea sounds quite nuts to me, in fact, because, yeah, they have nukes. For one].

[Trump might "know better" because he's a Putin puppet, perhaps?].

2/23/2017 at 10:47pm.

On "Trump Is a Liar" Versus "the Media Is Biased and Corrupt".

In a saner time we could have entertained both notions. Not today, though. Not with the Fox Newses, MSNBCs, Salons, Breitbarts, and Huffington Posts of the world delivering what can only be called pure partisan pablum 24/7 and a public that is all-too willing to lap it up. No Sir.

2/24/2017 at 11:15pm.

On CNN Talking-Head, Chris Cuomo, Criticizing Trump for Not Condemning Putin.

Oh, so the way that FDR condemned Stalin when the latter murdered millions of his own citizens, invaded numerous countries, and ensconced the entirety of Eastern Europe, in other words. I get it now. Yeah, that Trump really needs to step it up.

3/1/2017 at 4:17pm.

On Trump Calling the Press "the Enemy of the People".

Yeah, that was probably over the line and the fellow definitely needs to be more careful and less inflammatory with his words but do I need to remind you that his predecessor prosecuted nine whistle-blowers and leakers, constantly used the Espionage Act (a relic of WW1 and the loathsome Wilson administration), spied on numerous reporters, and even tabbed one of these reporters (Fox News's James Rosen) an unindicted co-conspirator [Link]?

I probably do, huh?

3/2/2017 at 11:35pm.

On the Fact that the Left Is Seemingly More Exercised that Donald Trump Puts Ketchup on His Steak and that Kellyanne Conway Puts Her Feet on the Sofa than They Ever Were About Hillary and Obama Destroying Libya, Funneling Weapons to ISIS and al Qaeda, and Selling Weapons Outright to Saudi Arabia (Weapons that Are Currently Being Used to Conduct a Genocide in Yemen).

Yeah, those are some fucked-up priorities, for sure.

[There's a valid point here, but the framing takes the form of Trump-defending. I wouldn't be exercised about it, except for the Trump-defending pattern. And Progressing bashing pattern].

3/3/2017 at 4:06pm.

On the Fact that the Person Who's Responsible for at Least Some of Those Bomb-Threats to Jewish Community Centers Isn't a Trump Supporter (as a Shitload of Bloggers and "Journalists" Have Alleged) but Rather a Disgraced, Black, Leftist Journalist Who Was Fired last Year for Making Shit Up [Link].

So just another hoax/story that the mainstream media isn't interested in, in other words. Just great.

3/3/2017 at 5:16pm.

On the Fact that the Left Apparently Wants Anybody Who's Ever Had so Much as a Casual Conversation with a Russian Person to Resign from Life Immediately.

Unless your name is Hillary Clinton and it involves uranium, of course.

[Bullshit. The issue is people in the Trump campaign violating the Logan Act. Including possibly Trump himself. For starters. Collusion with Russia would be treason. But WTNPH obviously doesn't care about that].

3/5/2017 at 4:25pm.

On the Fact Some Bald-Headed Stooge on that Piece-of-Shit Leftist Web-Site, "The Ring of Fire", Recently Tried to Equate President Trump with Adolf Hitler Because the Latter Kept Crime Statistics on Jews and Trump Wants to Keep Similar Stats on Illegal Aliens.

Yes, Hitler kept crime-stats. He also ate food, drank beverages, breathed air, and probably did some fucking. So what!! And as for keeping statistics on crime and race, you want to know who else does it? Try the F.B.I. and pretty much every big city police department in the fucking country. What, are they Hitlers, too?

[The "bald headed stooge" is Farron Cousins. See here for what Farron said].

3/5/2017 at 5:23pm.

"One Mississippi, Two Mississippi, Three Mississippi, Four Mississippi......"

What would be my answer to the question, "So, what would you tell President Trump to say to himself right before he engages in one of his patented Twitter tirades?"

[Trump is going to do what he's going to do. But WTNPH obviously wants Trump to have a successful presidency].

3/7/2017 at 4:14pm.

On the Fact that President Trump Is Eventually Going to Do Something Exceedingly Stupid (Every President Save for Possibly Coolidge Has) but Because the Media Has Already Cried Wolf Over What Has Essentially Been Bullshit Numerous Times, Nobody's Going to Listen.

And then where will we be? Yeah, huh?

3/7/2017 at 4:59pm.

On the Fact that the Obamas, Instead of Getting the Hell Out of the Washington Cesspool Like Pretty Much Every Other First Family, Have Decided to Rent a Multi-Million Dollar Mansion that's Just a Stone's-Throw from the White House.

He probably thinks that things can't run without him (with the thought of someday coming off the bench being the dude's ultimate wet-dream, no doubt).

[WNTPH may have no doubt re this bullshit, but I'm thinking he's staying in DC because, as Obama explained, "We're going to have to stay a couple of years in D.C. probably so Sasha can finish... Transferring someone in the middle of high school? Tough". The SAME reason Melania isn't moving to DC. So her son Baron can his his school year. Or so she says. It won't surprise me if she never moves into the White House. Yet WNTPH criticizes Obama but NOT Trump].

3/7/2017 at 5:27pm.

On the Fact that if the Political Establishment, Mainstream Media, and Intelligence Community Ultimately Succeed in Pushing Trump Out of Office Over What Has Thus Far Been Absolute Bullshit it Will Change the Fabric of the Country and In a Way that We May Not Appreciate.

Yeah, I would say that we all need to stop and take a deep breath before we decide to cross that particular Rubicon. Don't you (the few sane people still around) agree?

[No, I don't agree. Trump will NOT be removed from office for "bullshit". IF he is removed, it will be for a legitimate reason. See OST #199].

3/8/2017 at 5:26pm.

On the Notion that Since John Lewis Marched with Marin Luther King and Took a Few Pops to the Noggin 50 Years Ago, He Will Continue to Have for the Rest of His Natural Life Carte Blanche to Say or Do Any Damn Thing that He Pleases.

Yeah, that kinda sounds like "black privilege" to me (not to mention the soft and insidious bigotry of low expectations).

[Sounds like racism to me. Anyway, no mention of Trump, but WHAT is the "any damn thing" WTNPH refers to? Could it be his reference to Trump as illegitimate? SWTD #369. Yeah, I think so. And CLEARLY a defense of BLOTUS if that is the case. "Black privilege"? Being Black has nothing to do with it. What's important is that he's right, you racist asshole!].

3/9/2017 at 10:13pm.

On the Fact that Trump Wants to Spend Over a Half Trillion Dollars More on Defense Over the Next Ten Years.

Well, being that a) we already spend more than the next 14 countries combined and b) the types of threats that we're bound to encounter in the coming decades will not necessitate an enormous conventional force, yeah, it does seem a trifle high. P.S. And, yes, when you combine this with the monstrous infrastructure boondoggle of Trump's and the fact that neither party seems to want to engage in any sort of meaningful entitlement reform, it really does appear that this President is virtually indecipherable from the previous two. Sadly.

[Here the defense is suggesting that Trump "is virtually indecipherable from the previous two", which is bullshit, of course. The last two presidents at least were qualified for the job. I think gwb did a spectacularly bad job, but, even though he Cheney might have been the actual president in some regard, he at least had a clue. Unlike Trump, who many say doesn't know what he's doing].

3/10/2017 at 10:19pm.

On the Fact that While I'm Not a Big Fan of Trump (I Held My Nose and Voted for the Aleppo Fellow), if it Ultimately Comes Down to Him Versus the Deep State, Corporate Media, Cultural Marxists, SJWs, Political Establishment, Hollywood, etc., Yeah, I'm Probably Gonna Have to Side with Him, Sorry.

It sure is a sad state of affairs, isn't it?

[Not a BIG fan? So, does that mean WTNPH is a small fan of Trump? I'm guess YES].

3/10/2017 at 10:19pm.

On the Almost Perfect Correlation Between Trump Popping Off About Obama Wiretapping His Ass and the Mainstream Media's Newfound Requirement for Evidence.

A pure coincidence, I'm sure.

3/13/2017 at 9:24pm.

On Van Jones Saying One Complimentary Thing About Donald Trump and Immediately Getting Slammed by His Fellow Leftists as a "Sell-Out".

Yeah, I figured that they'd start cannibalizing each other eventually. Purists, you know?

3/15/2017 at 1:15pm.

On Rachel Maddow Going on the Air the Other Night and Proving that President Trump a) Dished Out $38,000,000 In Taxes In 2005 and b) Had an Effective Tax Rate (25%) that Was Higher than Even that of MSNBC's Parent Company, Comcast, and Double that of Bernie Sanders.

Well that'll certainly teach the Donald. Wayta' go, Rach! P.S. And, yes, the only person who's happier than Trump right now is Geraldo Rivera whose Al Capone vault special is no longer the biggest dive-bomb in TV history. Youza!

3/24/2017 at 10:14pm.

On the Fact that Only an Dullard, Liar, or Propagandist Would Have the Balls to Go Around Holding President Trump to the Literal Definition of Wire-Tap When Anybody with Even an Iota of Common Sense Should Have Known that What He Meant Was General Surveillance (i.e., that He Was Being Spied Upon).

And yet this is exactly what the brain-disordered schmucks and douche-bags at CNN and MSNBC are doing; HOLDING HIM TO THE LITERAL DEFINITION OF WIRE-TAPPING!!! P.S. And, no, I'm not saying that Trump was justified in popping off like that in that it is almost always better to keep one's powder dry (or to steal a phrase from Al Pacino in "Glengarry Glen Ross" - "You don't open your mouth until you know what the shot is"). But to try and paint the guy as some sort of lunatic when it now appears that he was probably more right than wrong is just more Trump Derangement Syndrome" and little else.

3/25/2017 at 3:27pm.

On the Fact that Trump Derangement Syndrome Has Already Eclipsed Bush and Obama Derangement Syndromes and We're Only a Couple of Months Into it.

Yeah, I haven't seen this much vitriol directed at an office-holder in a long, long time; maybe never. And while, no, I can't say that I'm a big fan of the dude, either, can we at least a) not get completely hysterical and plant our damned flags 24/7 and b) realize that his opponent for this office was an extraordinarily corrupt, dishonest, and war-mongering piece of garbage whose commitment to the 1st and 2nd Amendments seemed tepid at best? A little perspective, in other words.

3/25/2017 at 4:19pm.

On Trump Versus the Left.

I find this whole thing a bit perplexing in that if you take the time to look at his positions, he's actually kind of a leftist himself. For example, the dude's a) a protectionist, b) a believer in the graduated income tax (the first $50,000 tax free, as I recall), c) a person who wants an enormous infrastructure project (bigger than Obama's, for Christ!), d) a person who while he denigrated Obamacare has seeming signed on to something virtually identical, and e) someone who wants to establish a brand new entitlement relative to child care and family leave. No, it's not a down-the-line leftist agenda but it's certainly close enough to where you would think that the left could at least work with the guy, no? Oh and, yeah, he eviscerated George W. Bush. That alone should give him some cred.

3/26/2017 at 4:19pm.

On the Fact that Some of Donald Trump's Critics Are so Moronic that They Actually Believe that the Dude's Sons Killed a Woolly Mammoth, a Saber Toothed Tiger, and a Triceratops.

Yes sir, that's a special kind of stupid.

==========GAP #2==========

3/24/2019 at 4:38pm.

On CNN's Disgusting and Pernicious Lie About Trump Calling the KKK, Neo-Nazis, etc., "Fine People".

Here's part of the transcript from his press-conference and you can easily see that not only was Trump not praising these groups, he was doing the exact opposite... and yet you still have these vile, vulgar, and slimy press miscreants like Don Lemon and Anderson Cooper trying to convince their low IQ viewers that Trump in fact did make these comments. It's disgusting and if this type of bullshit doesn't make these slants the enemy of the people, I'm asking you, WHAT WOULD? Seriously.

3/25/2019 at 8:55pm.

On the Fact that it Took Robert Mueller Two Years, Over $30,000,000, 19 Lawyers (Virtually All of Them Democrats), 15 to 20 F.B.I. Agents, and Countless Witnesses and Documents to Figure Out What What Pretty Much Everyone with a Fair Mind Knew from the Start; Namely, that it Was a Democrat-Led Witch-Hunt and a Method to Destroy Mr. Trump.

Now maybe they can go after the other side; the people who paid for that bullshit dossier, those who organized the spying on Trump and unmasked innocent people, the participants in that tarmac fiasco, etc.. I mean, it's only fair, correct?

3/26/2019 at 8:16pm.

On the Fact that In a Sane World, Folks Like Rachel Maddow and Don Lemon Would Be Forced to Clean Out Their Desks, Made to Feel Humiliated, and Politely Escorted Out of the Building (the Price for Being 100% Wrong About Russian Collusion) but Being that the Mainstream Media Has Now Become the Propaganda Wing of the Democratic Party, They'll Probably Get a Huge Raise Instead.

And there's never any self-reflection with these buffoons (a form of arrested development, it seems), EVER! Have you noticed? Pathetic, huh?

3/27/2019 at 5:39pm.

On the Fact that Most Sane People Would Be Relieved to Hear that Their President Wasn't a Traitor and Yet You Have These Deranged On-Air Buffoons Like Rachel Maddow Almost Crying In Front of the Camera that this Wasn't the Situation.

I truly believe that we've finally reached that point where satire and reality are essentially indistinguishable... and that there may not be a way to reverse the decline at this point. Sadly but, no.

3/29/2019 at 9:53pm.

On Low Rent and Low IQ Congressman, Eric Swalwell, Arguing that Trump Is Always Putting Russia's Interests Ahead of America's.

What a moron. Now if the schmuck had said Israel and Saudi Arabia, THAT I might have been on board with. Russia, yeah, not so much. P.S. One of the examples that this buffoon put forth was Trump's decision to pull out of Syria, a hellhole where we never should have been in the first case, and why in the fuck would we stay there if ISIS has been decimated? It makes no sense.

3/29/2019 at 11:39pm.

On Democratic Presidential Hopeful, Peter Buttigieg (Yeah, I Never Heard of the Dude before Today, Either), Arguing that President Trump Has "Radicalized the Nation".

Wow, so the guy who wants to be the standard-bearer for a party that a) argues for open borders, b) wants illegal aliens to vote, c) consistently engages in identity politics (always demonizing white folks in the process), d) wants to eliminate the electoral college, e) believes that post-birth abortions are a woman's choice, f) thinks that the world will end in 12 years if we don't enact something called a Green New Deal, g) wants to give high school students the right to vote, h) wants to give blacks slavery reparations, i) wants to institute an iron-fisted and highly centralized Medicare for all scheme that will eliminate all private insurance plans, j) believes that gender is a social construct, etc., etc. is calling the other side radical. Now THAT is rich.

4/1/2019 at 5:38pm.

On My Sneaking Suspicion that Special Counsel (AKA Surveillance-State Fiend), Robert Mueller, Probably Knew Pretty Early On that the Russian Collusion Story Was a Steaming Pile of Bullshit (the Strzok/Page Texts Alone In Which The Two Talked About There Being "No Big There There" Should have Been a Monstrous Red-Flag) and that He Only Kept the Thing Going Because He Wanted to Tarnish Trump for 2020.

Seems like the most plausible explanation, no? P.S. And how 'bout these media jerks (half of them doubling down on this collusion delusion and the other half trying to justify their partisan idiocy by, yep, you got it, blaming it all on Trump; his tone, etc.)? Can they possibly go any lower? Probably, huh?

4/2/2019 at 5:44pm.

On the Fact that Chuck Schumer Could Trade Places with Any Number of CNN Hosts and Anchors and You More than Likely Wouldn't Be Able to Discern a Difference.

And, while, yeah, you could probably say the same thing about Trump and some of the Fox anchors (Sean Hannity and the "Fox and Friends" folks, especially), at least with Fox there's a little diversity (people like Shepard Smith, Neil Cavuto, Chris Wallace, and Judge Napolitano don't seem to care for Trump that much) and you can differentiate the news reporters from the opinion people. CNN and MSNBC, not so much.

4/3/2019 at 5:22pm.

On the Mere Thought of Displaying Mercy to Clowns Like Comey, Brennan, and Clapper,

Well, being that they played a major role in trying to oust a duly-elected President in what could only be characterized as a soft coups (treason, in other words), I would probably have to vote, no, on this one. Sorry but, yeah.

4/8/2019 at 4:27pm.

On Crazy-Assed Congressman, Adam Schiff, Going On CNN the Other Night and Spreading the Slanderous Lie that President Trump Referred to Neo-Nazis as, "Fine People".

And what a big surprise, Fake Tapper, the clown who was conducting this powder-puff interview, DIDN'T PUSH BACK AT ALL!!! Nope, he just let the lie happen. And then they wonder why Trump hates the media. Unreal, this shit.

4/9/2019 at 10:45pm.

On the Fact that the Left Would Probably Love to Hammer Trump On His Yemen Policy... but Being that this Barbarous Course of Action Started Under that Awesome Peace-Maker, President Obama (and, Yes, I Jest - the Fact that the Guy Dropped 40% More Bombs than Bush According to "Consortium News"), They Simply Can't and Instead Focus Almost Exclusively On Bullshit (the Russian Collusion Nonsense Especially).

Or maybe the left just doesn't give a shit about war any longer (Tulsi Gabbard being the sole noninterventionist competing on that side, it seems - and why I've endorsed her). That's a possibility, too.

4/10/2019 at 5:20pm.

On the Fact that Even Though No Self-Respecting Human Being Would Likely Have Anything to Do with that Race-Baiting and Highly Corrosive Piece of Shit, Al Sharpton, We Still Nonetheless Had One Hard-Core Leftist Politician After Another Showing Up at the Buffoon's National Action Network Extravaganza the Other Day, Not Just Kissing His Ass but Even Going as Far as to Denounce the Country as this Racist Cesspool.

People always accuse Trump of dividing the nation and, while, yes, he's clearly had his moments, nobody ever addresses this type of behavior from the increasingly hard-core leftist Democrats which in my estimation is every bit as "divisive" as Trump's comments, tweets, etc.. Double standards, anybody?

4/12/2019 at 10:19pm.

On the Claim that Trump Slandered John McCain.

Maybe a bit but being that McCain a) played a huge role in arming ISIS and al Qaeda in Syria (a treasonous act in my book), b) helped to facilitate the dissemination of that bullshit Steele dossier to the media, c) almost single-handedly stymied a piece of legislation that would have made it easier for the families of MIAs and POWs to get information on their loved ones, and d) took to the floor of the U.S. Senate and all but accused Senator Paul of working for Vladimir Putin (simply because Paul opposed allowing Montenegro into N.A.T.O.), exorcised over it, I'm not. Sorry but, no.

4/14/2019 at 4:30pm.

President Trump's Most Noble Sentiment?

Probably when he stated that, "we cannot continue to pay for the military protection of Europe while the N.A.T.O. states are not paying their fair-share and living off the fat of the land." And that, "we have been very generous to Europe and it is now time for us to look out for ourselves, knowing full well that the Europeans will not do anything for us simply because we have in the past helped them." And that, "we should consider very hard the narrower interests of the United States."... What's that? It wasn't President Trump who said this but rather J.F.K.? Well I'll be damned... And this was at a time when N.A.T.O. actually made some sense (though, yes, I still tend to agree with President Washington that foreign entanglements of any kind should be eschewed). Damn, huh?

4/14/2019 at 10:12pm.

On Low IQ Democratic Candidate, Julian Castro, Referring to the Trump Administration's Floated Idea of Dumping Illegal Aliens Into Sanctuary Cities as, "Cruel".

Yeah, I don't get this one. Cruel to who? I mean, it certainly isn't cruel to the illegal aliens who will get not just protection but a massive quantity of freebies... and while it's possible that he's referring to the taxpayers of these states and cities, that doesn't make much sense, either, in that we've been led to believe that immigration and multiculturalism are wonderful things and that everybody benefits from them (yes, tongue firmly in cheek). The only thing that I can come up with is that Castro (aptly named, huh?) doesn't want these illegals to come to states that are already dark blue but rather to red and purple states where they can rack up even more electoral votes (Plan B, Plan A of course being to neuter the Electoral College). I mean, I hate to be so cynical but, damn, look at who we're dealing with here. Demons!

4/15/2019 at 11:18pm.

On Democratic Buffoons Like Nancy Pelosi and Cory Booker Trying to Tell Us that Releasing Illegal Aliens Into THEIR Sanctuary Cities and StatesIllegal Aliens Into THEIR Sanctuary Cities and States Illegal Aliens Into THEIR Sanctuary Cities and States Would Be a Dangerous Move by the President.

This after months and months of gaslighting the public that illegal aliens were no grave threat whatsoever (ignoring the fact that a major percentage of the drugs that enter America come across the border from Mexico and that illegals commit thousands of murders every year) and that we needed to approach the whole thing more like a humanitarian crisis. Well, what could be more humanitarian than bringing them to a jurisdiction where they'd be wanted? They do want them, don't they? Or is this yet another case of NIMBY (a la the Kennedys and those Hyannis wind-turbines)?

4/18/2019 at 10:04pm.

On the Fact that Anybody with a Brain-Stem and a Scintilla of Fairness Knows that Trump Wasn't Referring to Asylum-Seekers with that Animals Tag but Rather the Slugs In MS-13 and Yet You Still Had the Alzheimer's-Addled Nancy Pelosi Out There Trying to Convince Her Low IQ Constituents that He Was.

And zero pushback from the media. What a big surprise - NOT!!.

4/26/2019 at 10:07pm.

On the Fact that Not Only Did John Brennan Lie Under Oath About Drone-Strikes Killing Civilians (Ridiculously Claiming that Not a Single Civilian Had Been Killed), He Also Played a Key Role In Developing the C.I.A.'s Torture Program While Working Under Bush [link].

Yeah, if I had this bozo's resume (and, yeah, he had best be lawyering-up), I majorly doubt that I'd be going on national television damn near every night bashing the President of the United States... but that's just me and I ain't him, THANK GOD!

4/26/2019 at 10:20pm.

On the Fact that In 2008, WikiLeaks Released a Treasure-Trove of Sarah Palin's Emails and I Don't Seem to Recall Any of the Mainstream Media Outlets Expressing Any Outrage About it... and In Fact Appeared to Revel In it.

No collusion (real and/or imaginary), I guess. A pity, huh?

4/18/2019 at 5:38pm.

On What Lincoln Would Have Done to CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, etc. (Were They to Have Mistreated Him In a Manner Equivalent to Their Present Treatment of Trump).

Oh, he would have shut the cork-soakers down (Mr. Lincoln shut down nearly 200 newspapers during his oft-times tyrannical rule). And buffoons like Cuomo, Lemon, Cooper, Hayes, O'Donnell, etc., I'm pretty certain that they'd be pounding boulders with a rusty, old sledge-hammer somewhere (probably in a gulag nestled close to the Alleghenies, would be my guess). It's how they rolled back then (as opposed to today with Mr. Trump simply delivering rhetorical salvos).

5/2/2019 at 5:18pm.

On the Fact that In October of 2016, Then President Barack Obama Stated that, "No Serious Person Believes that U.S. Elections Could Be 'Rigged' or Stolen", and that Mr. Trump Needed to, "Stop Whining About it".

And not one single reporter from the mainstream media has had the journalist integrity to point this out and/or question Mr. Obama about it (this huge discrepancy between what he was saying then and when the Dems are saying now). Sad, huh (this degree to which journalistic standards have cratered and been replaced by sheer partisan foolishness)?

5/5/2019 at 10:14pm.

On the Fact that We Now Know that Former F.B.I. Lawyer, Lisa Page, Has Sworn Under Oath that it Was the Obama Justice Department that Blocked Any Indictment of Hillary Clinton Under the Espionage Act (the Same Folks Who Changed "Grossly Negligent" to "Extremely Careless") [link].

Do you understand now why the Dems are trying so desperately to dirty-up Barr (their perception that the jig is over and their people will soon be under the microscope)? Yeah, huh?

5/6/2019 at 5:26pm.

On CNN's Embarrassingly Low-Brow and Partisan Hack Reporter, Oliver Darcy, Actually Referring to the Washington Post and New York Times as "Credible News Outlets".

He's right... but only if you exclude WMD, their shit polling for the 2016 election, the Trump-Russia collusion hoax, the Covington Catholic kids, the Jussie Smollett fiasco, and the plethora of other things that they've gotten wrong over the years. Now if Mr. Darcy had written this for the Onion...

5/6/2019 at 10:10pm.

On Attorney General Barr Providing to Congress a 98.5% Unredacted Version of the Mueller Report (99.9% of Volume Two Which Deals Specifically with the President) and the Congress Ignoring it, Insisting On Instead a 100% Unredacted Version (Something that They Know Isn't Possible Due to Department Protocol) [Fox News Link].

Yeah, it's called moving the goal posts (in this instance, going from Trump colluding with Putin to frivolous bullshit like this) and they're obviously doing it because they're trying to protect Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Comey, Lynch, and everybody else who was involved in this coups attempt. Will they succeed? Kinda' doubt it but only time will tell. Stay tuned, I guess.

5/9/2019 at 9:50pm.

On Trump Telling Billy Bush that He Likes to Grab Pussy.

Or as I prefer to call it, the one thing that he and Hillary agree on. PUSSY!!!!!

5/9/2019 at 9:53pm.

On the Number of Subpoenas that Jerry Nadler Has Issued to the Clintons, Glen Simpson/Fusion GPS, the Top Brass at the F.B.I., Perkins Coie, the FISA court, Crowdstrike, Loretta Lynch, Susan Rice, Samantha Powers, and the Rest of Those Miscreants Involved In this Spygate Nonsense.

And, yes, it's a rhetorical question (the answer of course being negative 7).

5/9/2019 at 10:18pm.

On Low IQ Nadler, Knowing Fully Well that AG Barr Cannot Release Grand Jury Testimony Without Court Approval (I Know this Because He Himself Rightly Pointed this Fact Out During the Clinton Era), Nonetheless Threatening Mr. Barr with Contempt if He Fails to Do so.

Remember the book and movie, "Catch 22"? That (with a dash of Kafka, Orwell, Huxley, Beckett, and Vonnegut thrown in for seasoning), I'm thinking.

5/9/2019 at 10:26pm.

On James Woods Losing His Twitter Account for Posting, #hangemhigh, Because it Supposedly Violates Twitter's "Community Standards".

Yeah, it's bullshit because if you do a Twitter search for "hang Trump", you get countless results and virtually none of these accounts have been deleted by Dorsey and company. Surprised? NOT ME!!!

5/11/2019 at 8:01pm.

On the Claim by Some of Trump's More Hard-Core Supporters that His Appointment of Neocons Such as Bolton and Pompeo Were Strictly for Cover and that His Real Plans Are 180 Degrees Away from Neoconservatism.

While I'm clearly hoping that that's the case, yeah, I don't know; this whole concept of Trump as some great mastermind who's playing 9-D chess... seems like a stretch to me. If I had to make a guess here, Trump probably hired these two schmucks because somebody recommended them to him and being that he's a novice he took the advice. Now this isn't to imply that Mr. Trump doesn't have some good instincts when it comes to interventionism, regime-change wars, etc... or that he won't be more judicious than his four predecessors... but just to be safe here, I say that we don't allow Mr. Bolton be the last person who Trump talks to prior to a big foreign policy decision... 'cause that's another big concern with Trump, I've heard.

5/12/2019 at 5:41pm.

On the Fact that None of the Six Democrats Who Were Offered Access to that 98.5% (99.9% of Part Two) Unredacted Version of the Muller Report Have Bothered to Show Up and Read the Fucking Thing.

And what does that tell you? It tells me that this is all about show (the fact that they have to know that grand jury testimony needs to be concealed and yet they persist with these ramrod tactics anyway) and jack-shit about getting to the bottom of this mess (though, yeah, we pretty much know already; Glen Simpson, Fusion GPS, fascist pricks Comey and Brennan, Christopher Steele, some bullshit contacts in Russia, etc.). In a nutshell.

5/12/2019 at 10:31pm.

On Meh Comedian, Amy Poehler, Lamenting the Fact that We Could Have Had a Nice "Moderate" President In Mrs. Clinton and Instead Got a Dumpster-Fire Buffoon (or Words to that Effect) In Donald Trump.

Well, being that Mrs. Clinton ran to the left of Bernie Sanders in the primaries and didn't seem to moderate all that much in the general, "moderate" probably wouldn't be the first word that I would conjure up but whatever. P.S. I also doubt that this would be the way that the Libyans and Syrians would describe the gal after her shit policies destabilized the region and led to the deaths of thousands of civilians. To coin a phrase of hers, "She came, she saw, they died".

5/13/2019 at 7:49pm.

On Bernie Sanders Saying that Russia Cheated by Exposing How Bernie Sanders Was Cheated (by Hillary, the DNC, the Podestas, etc).

The irony cup overfloweth on this one, eh folks? YOUZA!

5/14/2019 at 5:42pm.

On the Fact that We Now Know with Total Certainty that President Obama's Own State Department Had Forwarded Memos to the F.B.I. Informing Them that Christopher Steele's Information Was Suspect at Best and a Fabrication at Worst... and that the Top Brass at the F.B.I. Had Apparently Deep-Sixed These Memos and/or Redacted the More Embarrassing Sections [Link].

Yeah, I would not want to be James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, James Baker, and the rest of those deep-state tyrants at this point, cuz they are going OUT!! Can you say, military tribunals while the rest of us commoners kick back, pound-down some tequila, and enjoy the festivities? I can!

5/14/2019 at 8:18pm.

On Christopher Steele's Dossier Referencing the Russian Consulate In Miami.

Uh, yeah, there isn't one but because Comey and McCabe were either too moronic, too lazy, or too corrupt to do a simple Google search, the F.B.I. signed off on it and just look at where we are now; this mess. Yeah, those two need to go away. For sure.

5/15/2019 at 11:21pm.

On the Fact that the Steele Dossier of 2017 Bears an Uncanny Resemblance to a 2007 Wall Street Journal Editorial Written by None-Other than Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS [Link].

What's that old expression, there's nothing new under the sun? A case in point right here, it seems (though, yeah, you'd think that they would at least try to come up with something original, for Christ).

5/15/2019 at 11:37pm.

On the Fact that the Stated Purpose of the F.B.I. Has Always Been to Protect American Citizens, Not to Fabricate Investigations, Engage In Political Surveillance, etc.

Yeah, it was bad under Hoover at times but I think that even he would be aghast at some of the tactics of Comey, McCabe, etc... and how embarrassing is that?

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