Documented: Commentaries from the Libertarian blogger Willis Hart in which he espouses the Republican argument (AKA Clinton Derangement Syndrome) that says HRC is definitely, without question, going to be indicted, convicted, and sent to prison re her email controversy. As well as other anti-Clinton commentaries (except for the first one, in which WTNPH actually defends Mrs. Clinton!).
1/28/2012 at 4:06pm. Defend!
Miscellaneous 112.
1) Hillary Clinton was treated like garbage in 2008....BY LIBERALS! It started when you had clowns like Chris Matthews and David Shuster cheap-shotting her; Matthews saying that the only reason that she even had a political career was because her husband cheated on her, Shuster saying that she was "pimping" her daughter. That, of course, was followed by even more disgusting rants against her by Randy Rhodes (yes, she was shnockered when she did it) and the reverend Jeremiah Wright and Keith Olbermann basically running Mr. Obama's campaign from MSNBC. The whole sordid episode was flat-our disgusting, in my opinion.
2) Oh, and let is not forget, either, the way that the hard left vilified Mrs. Clinton when she didn't immediately concede. I mean, it was almost as if they wanted her to cry, "uncle" - never minding, of course, that Reagan never conceded to Ford in 1976, or that Kennedy never conceded to Carter in 1980 (I still remember poor Carter chasing Kennedy around the stage). It's like, what, a woman needs to know her place in politics or something?
3) Guarding Jason Terry (even at the ripe old age of 34)? Seriously?...I would rather guard Christ than Jason Terry, for Christ. I mean, I hate to be so sacrilege about it but, come on! 4) A brief but definitive tribute to the beautiful and talented Eva Marie Saint (replete with footage of her kissing Cary Grant, Marlon Brando, Montgomery Clift, Warren Beatty, Paul Newman, and even Bob Hope!).
On Diane Lane Playing Hillary Clinton in an Upcoming Mini-Series.
What's next? Heidi Klum as Eleanor Roosevelt? Megan Fox as Lady Bird Johnson?
On Hillary Clinton Having Once Supported Egyptian Torture Maestro, Omar Suleiman.
And we wonder why they hate our guts over there.
On Hillary Clinton Severing Ties with the Clinton Global Initiative.
Good, now maybe she can start criticizing Saudi Arabia for their piss-poor treatment of women and gays.
8/24/2015 at 4:13pm. email.
Peter Van Buren on Hillary's Claim that the Emails Weren't Marked as Classified and so She Shouldn't Be Held Accountable.
"If an employee were to be handed information sourced from an NSA intercept of a foreign government leader, somehow not marked as classified, she would be expected to recognize the sensitivity of the material itself and treat it as classified. In other cases, an employee might hear something sensitive and be expected to treat the information as classified. The emphasis throughout the classification system is not on strict legalities and coded markings, but on judgment. In essence, employees are required to know right from wrong. It is a duty, however subjective in appearance, one takes on in return for a security clearance.
'Not knowing' would be an unexpected defense from a person with years of government experience. Every email sent within the State Department’s own systems contains a classification; an employee technically cannot hit 'send' without one being applied. Just because Clinton chose to use her own hardware does not relieve her or her staff of this requirement". This is devastating and if you think that Mr. Van Buren is some sort of virulent right-winger, he's also written articles for "The Huffington Post", "Salon", "Mother Jones", "The Daily Kos", "Al-Jezeera", "", and "The Nation".
8/24/2015 at 8:04pm. email.
On Mrs. Clinton's Claim that Colin Powell Also Had a Private Email Server When He Was Secretary of State and So What's the Big Deal?
Utter bullshit. The fact of the matter is that NO previous Secretary of State has ever had a private email server running in their home from which they sent and received ALL of their correspondence while in office. Nada! And it is also a fact that there were regulations in place at the time that Clinton was in office which plainly required that she turn over ALL official communication prior to her leaving the job AND SHE DID NOT (only turning over selected messages two years later and only when pressured). Look, I'm not saying that any of those 17 Republicans are anything to write home about, either (my plan is to probably vote again for whoever the Libertarian candidate is), but Hillary is more than a smidge oily in my opinion and the Democrats would be better served by turning to somebody else.
8/31/2015 at 8:32pm. email.
The Good News and Bad News for Hillary.
a) The good news - the fact that she (arguably) has plausible deniability as to whether or not she knew that the emails were classified. b) The bad news - the fact that if she asserts this as a defense she looks like a total incompetent and a moron.
On Hillary Clinton Once Having Been Given the Margaret Sanger Award and Professing Her Great Admiration for the Woman.
I had thought that race (the fact that Sanger was one of the most virulent racists and eugenicists of the 20th century) trumped everything. I guess that abortion does now.
[NPR Fact Check says, re Sanger being a eugenicist, "Did Margaret Sanger believe in eugenics? Yes, but... Sanger's main argument was not eugenics — it was that "Sanger thought people should have the children they wanted". Re Sanger being a "virulent racist" NPR Fact Check says "Her attitude toward African-Americans can certainly be viewed as paternalistic, but there is no evidence she subscribed to the more racist ideas of the time or that she coerced black women into using birth control. In fact, for her time, as the Washington Post noted, she would likely be considered to have advanced views on race relations".]
On Hillary's Latest Attempts at "Comedy".
Steven Wright is shaking in this boots, tossing and turning, etc., I'm sure.
On Hillary Clinton's Plan for the Student Loan Bubble/Crisis.
Gee, let me guess. More subsidies.
On Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Martin O'Malley, and Lincoln Chafee Not Having the Courage to Say that ALL FUCKING LIVES MATTER!!
The Democratic party of Ed Koch, John F. Kennedy, John Glenn, Sam Nunn, Al Smith, Lee Hamilton, Bill Clinton, Dennis DeConcini, Lloyd Bentsen, Jimmy Carter, Birch Bayh, William Proxmire, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Chuck Robb, David Boren, and Bill Daley Sr. - What happened to it, folks? I mean, I understand that the Republicans have gone a little batty, too, but for those Democrats (save for Jim Webb) to have reduced themselves to that level of pandering was sad, nauseating, and disturbing. Flat out.
10/28/2015 at 4:05pm. Benghazi.
On the Fact that Hillary Clinton Told Her Family and the President of Egypt that the Benghazi Attack Was an Organized Terrorist Operation that Had Absolutely Nothing to Do with a Video and Then Told the American Citizens Just the Opposite.
If that isn't proof-positive that the chick's a liar then nothing is.
So, Does a Trump Presidency Scare Me?
Of course it does. But does it scare me any more than a Cruz Presidency (if impudence was an art-form this fellow would be Mussorgsky), a Clinton Presidency (one of the idiots who thought that getting rid of Gadaffi was a great idea), a Sanders Presidency (not just a socialist but a dumb one), a Huckabee Presidency (a miscreant and a bible-thumping buffoon), a Graham Presidency (yep, he's still running, that moron), etc.? Not really, folks. Nope, they all pretty much scare me and, so, yeah, I'll be voting for Johnson again.
On My Fear that a Chris Christie Presidency Would a Essentially Be a George W. Bush Redo; Big Government Conservatism, A John Wayneesque Interventionist Foreign Policy, Blunt Talk, etc.
More unenthused I could not be (though, yes, there are handful worse than him; Cruz, Clinton, Huckabee, Sanders, Trump, Santorum, etc.).
On Mrs. Clinton's Claim that All Women Should be Believed When it Comes to Accusations of Sexual Assault.
1/22/2016 at 4:12pm. email.
On Hillary Clinton Saying that She Never Sent or Received Anything Marked as "Classified" Via Her Personal Email Server.
The woman is playing word games in that NOTHING is ever marked as Classified ( Information is either marked as "Confidential", "Secret", or "Top Secret" and at least according Business Insider and Andrew Napolitano, there were approximately two dozen of Hillary's emails that weren't just marked "Top Secret" but also had the sub-marking of "Select Access Privilege" - THE MOST SECRET MARKING OF ALL!!! Yeah, I would get a good lawyer if I was her.
1/26/2016 at 3:59pm. Benghazi.
On the Fact that Mrs. Clinton Told HER Family One Thing About Benghazi (i.e., that it Was a Planned Terrorist Attack) While Telling the Families of the Four Victims a Totally Different Thing (i.e., that it Was the Result of Some Youtube Video and that the Government Was Going to Go After the Fellow Who Made it) and Has Since Implied that the Families Are ALL Lying (this Despite the Fact that the Father of Ty Woods Has an In-Time Journal Entry Which Substantiates His Version of the Story).
This woman is so venal and, while I agree with those on the left that Trump is a pecker-head, I really have to ask you here, has the man ever done anything as underhanded as this? I'm suspecting that he hasn't.
[See "Concerning The Willis Hart Obsession With Rightwing Spun Fiction Re Hillary Clinton Lying To Benghazi Families" OST #100 for my debunking of this lie.]
On the Fact that Bernie Sanders Never Had a Steady Paycheck Until He Was 40 (and, Yes, that First One Was Courtesy of the Taxpayer), Has Rung Up as Much as $65,000 in Credit Card Debt, and Once Wrote Some Psychotic and Embarrassing Essay About Female Rape Fantasy.
And Hillary can't put this guy (a guy who hasn't even been able to manage his own life, for Christ) away? How utterly embarrassing is that?
[If Hillary is going to prison, then I think the question should be why can't Bernie put her away?]
On the Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton Claim that Wall Street Caused the 2008 Recession.
What a couple of bald-faced simpletons. Yes, there were some bad actors amongst the big banks (none of whom have been indicted by the Obama Justice Department, but I digress) but it wasn't Wall Street folks that a) kept interest rates artificially low (which in turn created an artificial demand for housing), b) flooded the economy with ludicrous levels of fiat currency, c) fostered a bailout culture (they actually called Greenspan, Mr. Bailout!!!!!), d) significantly reduced lending standards, e) created a three agency monopoly for ratings, and f) gobbled up over 3/4ths of the sub-prime loans. The fact of the matter is that government (Democrats and Republicans) had its grubby digits all over the 2008 recession and for Clinton and Sanders to think that it was a failure of the market and that only they, our prudent overlords, can be trusted in the future is as nauseating as it is comical.
[Strawman. Neither Bernie or Hillary have ever said it was Wall Street and ONLY Wall Street that caused the financial crisis. In any case, there are some valid points here, although remember that this crisis took place under the gwb administration. There is mucho bullshit in WTNPH's commentary as well. For example, his point "f" which I debunk in OST #85. I would agree, however, that the Obama Justice department should have done some prosecuting. A lot of prosecuting. I'd disagree with his Libertarian defense of "the market". There absolutely was a failure of the market, and it was Greenspan and his application of Libertarian economic principals are mightly to blame].
On Instead of Having a Town-Hall with Predominantly Black Voters, Going to Speak at a Historically Black College, or Being Interviewed by Prominent Black Journalists, Sanders and Clinton Go to Al Sharpton, a Charlatan, Minstrel, and Stooge Who's Been Pimping Black People for Decades and Who Has a Vested Interest in Racism Existing in Perpetuity, to Shore Up the Black Vote.
When are black people ever going to get insulted by this; the notion that this slanthead speaks for them? Me, I would have gone seriously berserk long ago.
3/3/2016 at 3:44pm. HRC POS.
On the Prospect of a Trump Versus Clinton Race this Fall.
I'm taking a mental shower just thinking about it (an erratic ego-maniacal snake-oil salesman versus yet another lying piece of shit lawyer who may in fact be wearing a jump-suit by election time).
[So, it's ok for WTNPH to refer to HRC as a "piece of shit", but the dumbshit goes ballistic when a lefty calls Sarah Palin "excrement"? Huh. Maybe it's WTNPH who is a piece of shit? Or, a HUGE hypocrite, at least. See OST #119].
3/3/2016 at 5:00pm. email.
On the Fact that Mrs. Clinton Is Now Referring to the FBI Probe Into Her Private Email Server as a "Security Review".
It depends on what your definition of security review is (to steal a Billism), I guess (nah, no focus-group shit going on here).
On the Fact that the Republicans Apparently Aren't Even Willing to Give Obama's Supreme Court Nominee, Merrick Garland, a Fair Hearing.
It is full-bore stupidity. a) It smells like an overreach and b) this Garland dude is easily the best candidate that the Republicans could have hoped for from a Democratic President and light-years better than what Hillary will most certainly nominate. I mean, yeah, you can gamble that Trump wins I guess but with his leftist past, yeah, I'd go with Garland.
[Question: How the hell can Hillary nominate a Supreme Court justice if she's going to prison? Is she also going to serve as president from behind bars? In addition to running her campaign from that location?].
3/19/2016 at 4:16pm. email.
On the Fact that Mrs. Clinton Signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement Which Acknowledged that Classified Markings Are Irrelevant to State Secrets; "Classified Information Is Marked or Unmarked Including Oral Communication".
So, even if she's telling the truth about nothing being marked (and even that may be pure BS in that some of the emails were apparently marked as "Select Access Privilege"), it doesn't get her off the hook. AND HOW COULD SHE HAVE BEEN SO DUMB? That's what I want to know; the fact that she a) kept sensitive national security information on what now appears to have been a poorly encrypted system (Sha-1 with RSA), and b) failed to realize that as the Secretary of State (with the highest security clearance), one of her prime responsibilities (not just hers but YES) WAS to do the markings!!! Look, I'm not saying that Trump is the answer here, either (we're probably screwed either way) but this is bad, real bad and maybe, just maybe, the Democrats need to look elsewhere for a candidate (you know, before the bitch gets indicted).
On the Fact that Mrs. Clinton HAS to Know that Bernie Sanders is Monumentally Full of Shit and a Total Lunatic but Because the Democratic Primary Voters Are Just as Outside the Mainstream as Those on the Republican Side She's Afraid to Bitch-Slap Him and Has Even Tried to Match His Leftist Pandering at Times.
This is exactly why democracies have a penchant to devour themselves (the fact that people when given the choice will almost always vote for those who promise them the most while making others pay for it) and why the Founding Fathers created a Republic instead. Hopefully we still have enough checks and balances to ward off a total collectivist coup and right out fiscal ship. 'Cause if we don't, watch out.
On Hillary Clinton Accusing Donald Trump of "Playing Coy with White Supremacists".
So, kind of like her with Saudi Arabia (the fact that that slush-fund of hers, the Clinton Global Initiative, receives millions of dollars in donations from the Saudi Royal family while Hillary - that self-proclaimed champion of women - never utters a peep about how that country treats its women like shit), in other words? Yeah, I get it.
4/13/2016 at 4:22pm. email.
On the Fact that Hillary Clinton's Lead Over Bernie Sanders in New York Seems to Be Shrinking.
It's obviously not good news for Mrs. Clinton but if I was her I'd probably be a shitload more concerned about the Justice Department and FBI primaries than the New York one, 'cause if Miss Hillary loses those two everything else is purely academic.
4/16/2016 at 9:43pm. email.
On the Fact that, While I'm Not a Huge Trump Supporter (Johnson's My Candidate), I Do Take Some Solace from the Likelihood that at Least the Dude Won't be Forced to Run his Campaign from a Prison Cell or from a Pre-1990 Time-Machine in Which the Old Soviet Union Still Exists.
Yep, there is that.
5/4/2016 at 5:25pm. HRC POS.
On the Fact that I'd Still Waiting for John Oliver's 22 Minute Epic Diatribe Directed at Hillary Clinton (You Know, to Balance Out the Over-the-Top One that He Bludgeoned Trump with); One of the Biggest Piece of Shit Lawyers and Politicians Since Nixon.
I can only hold my breath for so long, people.
5/4/2016 at 8:41pm. email.
On the Fact that We Are Actually on the Verge of Having to Watch Two of the Most Low-Ball and Distrusted Politicians in the Country Defecate on Each Other for the Next Five Months in What Is Bound to Be One of the Most Rancid Presidential Races in U.S. History.
More and more I'm beginning to think that this existence thing of ours isn't actual but rather some virtual reality, hologram, dream, or video game. 'Cause I ask you here, what sane and cogent civilization would act like this? IT MAKES NO SENSE.
5/24/2016 at 11:00pm. Benghazi.
As Plainly as I Can Say it.
Trump is a clown and I refuse to vote for clowns. But you know who else that refuse to vote for? I refuse to vote for a person who lies to the families of the victims of the Benghazi attacks (telling them one thing when you told your own family something different) and who, when pressed on the matter, strongly implies that they're the ones who are lying. That's who and why I'm voting for Gary Johnson again.
A Dedication to Mrs. Clinton.
Sooooooooooooooooooooo out of time.
Trump - a Hillary Plant?
I normally don't believe in conspiracy theories ("Michelle Obama is a man", "Paul McCartney died in 1967 and the guy portraying him now is an imposter", "we faked the moon-landing", "LBJ was behind the plot to assassinate JFK", "we're secretly concealing alien life in Roswell, New Mexico", etc.") but this sucker almost seems plausible. BUT EVEN IF IT ISN'T, it might as well be. I mean, think about it. The guy is an absolute buffoon and totally unelectable, and in a political climate in which Mrs. Clinton herself is largely reviled, what better elixir could there possibly be? Seriously, I can almost see the two of them cracking jokes and having a cold one come December.
7/6/2016 at 5:17pm. email.
On the Fact that in FBI Director James Comey's Bizarro Universe, the Terms "Extremely Careless" and "Gross Negligence" Are World's Apart.
Somebody got to him. And if you listen to the man's presentation, everything that he said pointed straight to a recommendation to indict (the fact that dozens of these messages were considered classified AT THE TIME, the fact that her server wasn't even as secure as Gmail, his admission that other people would have been penalized for these transgressions, etc.)... .and then, kaboom, nothing!!! Oh well, time to move on, I guess.
On President Obama Saying that Mrs. Clinton Is the Most Qualified Person to Ever Run for President.
So Hillary is more qualified than John Adams, James Madison, Henry Clay, Grover Cleveland, William Jennings Bryan, Calvin Coolidge, Al Smith, and Adlai Stevenson were when they ran for President? This is what we're led to believe?... Wow, huh?
7/12/2016 at 9:51pm. email.
On Mrs. Clinton Saying that There Was Never Any Confidential or Top-Secret Information on Her Email Server.
That never made so much as one iota of sense in that there was no way in hell that this chick could have possibly done her job that way (the fact that confidential information is constantly traded back and forth in the State, Defense, and Homeland Security departments of the government). I mean, that would have been like the CEO of Goldman Sachs not talking about interest rates, inflation, or the stock market, for Christ. And does she really think that we're that moronic, believing not just a lie but a ridiculous one?... Unreal.
[Not quite time to move on, I guess].
7/27/2016 at 4:24pm. email.
On People Who Aren't Smart Enough to Recognize Classified Information and Who Think that it's a Good Idea to Use an Unsecured Server Knowing Fully Well that You Will Ultimately Receive Such Information While Doing Your Job.
I wouldn't give 'em a security clearance. Would you?
[Clearly it STILL isn't time to move on, despite WTNPH saying earlier that it was].
Posts that link here [OST #71] Willis Hart Utter Bullshit Re Hillary Clinton email Controversy Being "Devastating", 9/1/2015. [OST #79] Willis Hart Cognitive Dissonance Re Fake Benghazi Scandal Manufactured By Congressional Republicans To Harm HRC Prez Campaign, 10/31/2016. [OST #100] Concerning The Willis Hart Obsession With Rightwing Spun Fiction Re Hillary Clinton "Lying To Benghazi Families", 1/28/2016. [OST #119] Wills Hart Astounding Hypocrisy Re OK For Him To Call Hillary Clinton A Piece Of Shit, Not OK For Lefties To Refer To Sarah Palin As Excrement, 3/12/2016. [OST #121] Prediction: Willis Hart Wrong Re "Democrats Need To Look Elsewhere For A Candidate... Before The Bitch Gets Indicted", 3/20/2016. [OST #133] Hillary Clinton Will Be Convicted, Go To Prison Over Her eMail Server, & End Up Campaigning From Behind Bars (All Of This Occurring B4 Voting In November), 4/17/2016. |
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