Friday, April 29, 2016

Drunkenness Equals Consent, Women Lying About Being Raped When They Had Drunken Sex And Regretted It Later Is A Big Problem, Rape Culture Is A False Meme

Documented: According to the BuzzFeed News article What Is Rape Culture? "every two minutes, someone in the U.S. is sexually assaulted". That rapes occur with such frequency points to the statement "sexual violence is considered the norm" being correct, I think. But the Libertarian blogger Willis Hart strongly disagrees. "Rape culture" is a "thoroughly discredited concept" made up by radical feminists the misogynist sez. And while false rape charges represent just 2-8% of accusations, lying sluts are a much bigger problem than the fact that less than half of all rapes are even reported or that only 3% of rapists actually receive prison time.

Monday, November 16, 2015 AT 4:16 PM.

On President Obama Spouting that Thoroughly Discredited Claim that 1 out of Every 5 College-Aged Women Will Ultimately Be Raped.

Do they simply not have a fact-checker at the White House? Yes, folks, there is a study from the CDC (and an older one by an activist named Mary Koss) which claims what the President is claiming, but it is seriously flawed (the main flaw being that they count all episodes of drunken sex in which the woman regrets it in the morning as "rape" and all episodes in which the man lies to the woman in an effort to get her in the sack as "sexual violence"). A much more accurate number (one that is considered the gold standard) is the one which comes from the Justice Department Crime Survey; 1 in 50 (still a troubling number but not the type that produces hysteria). Of course the $64,000 question is why in the hell did Obama use the bogus stat? Stupidity? More pandering? I'd kind of like to know.

[My guess as to why Obama used the stat? It isn't bogus. See OST #81].

November 17, 2015 AT 4:19 PM.

Rape on campus is a big problem but when people start equating regret with rape it isn't very helpful. Check out the writings of Christina Hoff Sommers. She writes about this issue without an agenda and without hyperbole which is nice for a change.

[Yes, Christina Hoff Sommers is a Rape Denialist by Angus Johnston, a historian and advocate of American student organizing. The Student Activism Blog 12/7/2014].

Monday, December 21, 2015 AT 5:25 PM.

On the Fact that (According to the Pew Research Center) in 20 of the 23 Predominately Muslim Countries Polled, More than 50% of the Men Stated that a Wife MUST Obey Her Husband.

If I had told my wife that she MUST obey me, she would have face-planted my ass and the vast majority of men in our circle of friends would have cheered her on. If you want an actual war on women, folks, you just might want to turn to the Mediterranean and, please, knock off the damned hyperbole (Taliban Dan, a rape culture, etc., etc.).

Monday, February 8, 2016 AT 4:21 PM.

On the Fact that (According to Esteemed Scholar, Christina Hoff Sommers) the One in Five Women Are Raped Figure Comes from a 2007 Internet Study Which a) Used Vaguely Worded Questions (Some Pertaining to Drunken Sex, for Example), b) Implemented a Non-Representative Sample, and c) Had an Exceedingly Low Response Rate.

And yet leftist politicians like President Obama and Senator Gillibrand continue to spew this propaganda as if it was gospel (the real figure according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics being closer to 1 in 50). So frustrating.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016 AT 4:04 PM.

On the Concept of Drunken or Regretted Sexual Interchanges Constituting Felony Rape.

Yeah, this is the type of bullshit that they teach in gender studies classes and it has unfortunately permeated the larger university settings. And I ask you again, are we really going to prosecute people (even if it is just to expel somebody) for drunken sex (and what if the woman gets the dude cocked?) or for sex that a woman has second thoughts about when the booze wears off? I sure as hell hope not 'cause that is full-bore fascism, people.

Thursday, February 11, 2016 AT 4:22 PM.

On the Claim that Women Never Lie About Rape.

Tell that to Brian Banks. This poor bastard spent five years in prison for a rape that the accuser ultimately admitted was an absolute fabrication. And he is hardly just an exception in that the Innocence Project has cleared numerous men who've been falsely accused and convicted. Yes, we need to take rape seriously (ironic in that a lot of leftists DON'T take it seriously when the perpetrators are Muslim) but we also need to remember that everybody is innocent until proven guilty and that there are women out there who will and have made bogus accusations.

Saturday, March 26, 2016 AT at 2:07 PM.

On the Fact that Radical Feminists Seemingly Find it Disrespectful Whenever Someone Demands that Their Logic and Arguments Be Rigorous, that Their Claims Have Accuracy, and that They Show at Least a Semblance of Integrity and Intellectual Honesty.

They live in a fantasy land and have done more to dumb down not just academia but public discourse in general than just about any other group that I can conjure up (the fact that they throw around such thoroughly discredited concepts as a Western rape culture, the wage disparity, gender as a social construct, a 21st century repressive patriarchy, etc., the fact that they've invented such infantile on-campus constructs as "safe-spaces", "trigger warnings", etc., the fact that they've contributed to the disgraceful loss of free-speech on many college campuses, etc.). And, yes, I'm still thinking.

Thursday, March 24, 2016 AT 10:26 PM.

On the Notion that Whenever Two Consenting Albeit Impaired Adults Have Drunken Sex Only the Fellow Is Considered a Rapist.

How is THAT not sexist; a) to the man in terms of unfairness and b) to the woman for treating her like an infant, or at the bare minimum a double-standard? It sure as hell seems like those things to me.

Thursday, April 21, 2016 AT 8:31 PM.

On the Assertion that Women Should Be Believed Absolutely.

It's ludicrous and it's patronizing. Of course women lie and they probably do it as often as men do [Link]. That and do we really and truly want to put men away for 20 years just 'cause the woman had some second thoughts the next day? Come on!

[One of WTNPH's infamous strawmen. Nobody has ever asserted this, explaining his lack of any evidence to support his claim].

Posts that link here
[OST #136] How Many Women Has Willis Hart Raped? 4/22/2016.
[OST #139] Is A Move Or Trip To Oklahoma In Willis Hart's Future? 4/30/2016.
[OST #181] Re A Misogynist Moron's Post On Hypothetical Hypocrisy. 10/11/2016.

DSD #22

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