Friday, May 13, 2016

How Republicans Win Elections: They Cheat!

Documented: Republican election theft via disenfranchisement and other methods. In many cases when the Republican candidate "wins" the election was actually stolen.

Due to changing demographics (which favor Democrats) Republicans have had to rely more and more on dishonest efforts to tilt the playing field in their favor to win. Of course these disenfranchisement tactics are all fair game in GOP eyes and they do not consider their efforts to prevent people legally entitled to vote from actually voting to be cheating at all. This DSD post is a listing of articles from around the internets that document GOP election cheating. List includes articles from my own blogs (Sleeping with The Devil and Dervish Sanders Blog... in green).

05/07/2011. The Hill.

Democrat says GOP trying to deny blacks the right to vote by Pete Kasperowicz.

[Excerpt] "It's no coincidence that a disproportionate number of these affected voters come from communities of color as well as the poor, the elderly and students", said Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), a former chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus.

11/08/2011. PR Watch.

How the Koch-Funded ALEC Works to Deny Voting Rights; Brave New Film Highlights Voter Suppression by Lisa Graves.

[Excerpt] ...After the 2008 presidential election - in the wake of the highest general election turnout in nearly 60 years (particularly among university students and African-Americans) - corporations and politicians on ALEC's "Public Safety and Elections" Task Force voted to approve "model" voter ID legislation as a policy priority for members. ...

ALEC also devoted time to disseminating talking points that pushed the pretext for changing voter laws, the meme of "Preventing Election Fraud", which was the cover story of the Inside ALEC magazine. Voter ID legislation based on ALEC's template was introduced in states across the country and passed in at least fourteen states.

10/06/2012. NC State AFL-CIO.

ALEC founder in 1980 video says he's against voting by Jeremy (NC State AFL-CIO blogger).

Paul Weyrich, founder of ALEC, the corporate-funded group that has written Voter ID laws passed by state legislatures since 2010, told an audience in the fall of 1980 that "I don't want people to vote... In fact, our leverage goes up as the voting populace goes down".

12/30/2012. Princeton Election Consortium.

Gerrymanders, Part 1: Busting the Both-sides-do-it Myth by Sam Wang.

[Excerpt] ...members of Congress are increasingly insulated by the increasing polarization of their districts. Ever-larger victory margins reflect ever-safer re-election races. [A common belief is] that partisan gerrymandering is a symmetric problem, i.e. both Democrats and Republicans do it. [However, while] both sides are potentially motivated, only one side has taken redistricting to extremes. [My] analysis [shows the] asymmetric... aspects of this year's [2012] Congressional redistricting [following the 2010 census]. ... I conclude that the antidemocratic balance of power in the incoming Congress is driven by just a handful of [Republican] states.

06/27/2013. ThinkProgress.

[Excerpt] Six States Already Moving Forward With Voting Restrictions After Supreme Court Decision by Joseph Diebold.

Less than 48 hours after the Supreme Court struck down Section 4 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 [Shelby County v Holder, 6/25/2013], six of the nine states that had been covered in their entirety under the law's preclearance formula have already taken steps toward restricting voting. In a 5-4 decision, the Court's 5 conservative justices ruled... that the formula, which required states with a history of racial discrimination to preclear changes to their voting laws with the DOJ or a federal judge before enforcing them, was unconstitutional. Since then, these 6 states have already started moving on restrictions, many of which have adverse effects on the abilities of minorities, young people, and the poor to exercise their right to vote...

06/27/2013. SWTD #171.

White Power Conservatives Very Happy With SCOTUS Ruling Giving States Go Ahead to Disenfranchise Minorities by Dervish Sanders.

[Summary] I explain distinction between "voter fraud" and "election fraud". Voter fraud occurs when individual voters cheat. As we know this is extremely rare. Election fraud occurs when the officials in charge of running the elections cheat, and is much more common (refer to one of the other articles linked to here).

Examples of election fraud include things like hacking vote machines (or servers tabulating votes) to change the totals, as well as the institution of restrictive voting regulations that "discourage" people who are legally entitled to vote from doing so. This "discouragement" includes tactics like voter caging, challenging voters at the polls (thereby causing them to have to use a provisional ballot, which is a type of ballot that frequently isn't counted), and by deliberately causing long lines in the hope that people will give up or have to leave (because their presence is required by their employer, for example).

06/29/2013. SWTD #172.

Disenfranchise & Dilute Is Repub Strategy To Win Future Elections by Dervish Sanders.

[Summary] The Republican Party plans to continue to use restrictive voting laws to disenfranchise voters and tilt elections in their favor. A tactic the 6/25/2013 Shelby County v Holder SCOTUS decision (gutting the voting rights act) enabled them to ramp up. Following this ruling many of the states that needed preclearance before making any changes rushed to pass new voter restrictions.

10/29/2013. PennLive.

Voter ID laws have just one purpose - disenfranchisement by Cynthia Tucker.

[Excerpt] ...federal Judge Richard Posner has arrived at the obvious conclusion about voter identification laws: They are enacted as a barrier to the franchise, an un-American tactic hatched by conservatives to prevent certain people from voting. ... Posner is one of the nation's most respected conservative jurists. As a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit... in 2007, Posner wrote the majority opinion that upheld Indiana's stringent law, setting the stage for the U.S. Supreme Court to reason that it did no harm to an unfettered franchise. That was quite wrong [he now says] in a new book, Reflections of Judging...

05/22/2014. SWTD #254.

Howard Dean Tells Truth About Republicans & Purveyors of Untruth Slander Him With Old Lies Re So-Called "Dean Scream" by Dervish Sanders.

[Summary] Howard Dean, while he has since switched to the dark side (become a lobbyist for the insurance industry), was once a good Progressive Democrat. This commentary concerns comments made by Dean on 5/13/2014 in which he (referring to GOP efforts to disenfranchise voters) said "Republicans are un-American" and should leave the country. My commentary defends these comments (which I agreed with) and debunks the BS concerning the so-called "Dean Scream".

10/29/2014. Al Jazeera America.

Jim Crow Returns by Greg Palast.

[Excerpt] Election officials in 27 states, most of them Republicans, have launched... a massive purge of voters from the rolls. Millions, especially black, Hispanic and Asian-American voters... have been removed [from the voter rolls]... by matching names from roughly 110 million voter records from participating states.

12/29/2014. SWTD #274.

On Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele Guest Hosting Hardball On 12/29/2014 by Dervish Sanders.

[Summary] Former GOP Chair Michael Steele said (when he guest hosted Hardball on 12/29/2014 "the idea of the Southern Strategy is over. I announced that when I was chairman. We're not doing that anymore", but the Republican Party ABSOLUTELY is. Fact is they've doubled down on the Southern Strategy.

08/02/2015. SWTD #300.

ACORN Target Of GOP Lies Because They Registered Voters by Dervish Sanders.

[Summary] Defense of the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), the organization that was targeted by Republican operatives for destruction because they registered low and moderate income people to vote.

11/13/2015. DSB #26.

Mathematical Proof That Republicans Are Engaging In Widespread Election Fraud by Dervish Sanders.

[Summary] Mathematician Richard Charnin says his analysis points to widespread election theft by Republicans. According to Mr. Charnin's blog "since the largest counties are usually heavily Democratic, the consistent pattern of Republican... candidates gaining share from small to large precincts is counter-intuitive. On the other hand, there is virtually no change in vote shares in smaller, heavily GOP counties. This defies political reality and the Law of Large Numbers".

02/02/2016. ThinkProgress.

Study Finds Republican Voter Suppression Is Even More Effective Than You Think by Scott Keyes.

[Excerpt] Democratic turnout drops by an estimated 8.8 percentage points in general elections when strict photo identification laws are in place... compared to just 3.6 percentage points for Republicans.

Comments that link here
[5/14/2016] The Donald vs. Hil-liar-y, The Oracular Opinion.

DSD #23


  1. A very thorough analysis. I must congratulate you. Here is my lesser-researched take on the matter. From my comment on Shaw's blog.

    Republicans lead the pack in voter intimidation, hassles, delays and outright voter disenfranchisement. They wasted no time after their conservative justices gutted the Voting Rights Act. Republican secretaries of state and election workers seem to see their task of helping elderly republicans register to vote, inexplicably throwing away voter registration forms and ballots in democratic-leaning districts and general monkey business in skewing and tipping elections as a type of sacred work to keep democratic politicians out of power. Democratic officials tend to see the right to vote in a clean election as their sacred duty.

    Republicans and conservatives in general have a large and powerful network of television, radio and print propaganda networks that work tirelessly 365 days a year to poison the minds of their unfortunate viewers, listeners and readers. Conservative churches even pass out "Christian" voting guides as well as hold political rallies on their properties.

    They have a twenty-four year head start in spreading lies about the Clintons. That's why Citizens United was incorporated. It never ceases to amaze me the irrational hatred and fear that duped repulicans hold for Hillary and to a lesser extent Bill.

    Republicans are just better at dirty dealing and plain old-fashioned cheating.

    I think where you and I agree is that the repubs really don't see election nudging as cheating. Perhaps something more like doing God's work. Happily, it really only works when elections are close. Granted, with our system of the electoral college, winning just one state can have a devastating effect on the summation of electoral votes. Yet even Jeb Bush, Kathleen Harris and William Rhenquist together would not be able to falsify an entire election. I think Obama's fifty-state strategy should work again for Hillary. Karl Rove, et al, will again be baffled and confused by Trump's inevitable loss, just as Butt Chimney and Rove were speechless the night that Obama kicked their respective asses four years ago.

    1. I think you're right... Trump will likely lose. Yet, IF he gets enough of the White vote, and IF they are able to disenfranchise enough voters... Trump MIGHT be our next president. It's that last one (the cheating) that folks like Nate Silver don't look at that could hand Trump the presidency. Not that the institutional Republican Party is gung-ho for Trump... but they've put a lot of work into their disenfranchisement tactics (which, no, I think they see not as "cheating" but fair game) and they'd have worked for whoever the Republican nominee was. So, if it's Trump, he'll benefit from them.


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