Monday, June 27, 2016

Deleted Global Warming Post That Calls Out Blogger Rational Nation For Being A Hardcore Progressive (One Of The Dimmer Ones)

Documented: Deleted commentary from the Contra O'Reilly blog in which Willis Hart rattles off the "facts" regarding why global warming is "discredited". A post in which he also names various supposed "hardcore progressives" and says they believe the scientific community when it says AGW is real because they're some of "the dimmer ones". List includes Libertarian/Classic Liberal/Thomas Paine-style "benevolent capitalist" Rational Nation (AKA RN). A blogger who is NOT a "hardcore Progressive" or even a regular Progressive.

As to why the post was deleted? You got me. If he was embarrassed for mislabeling Rational Nation (giving him a political identity that wildly differs from his actual politics), you'd think he could have simply modified his screed.

Note that, while I link to a Google cache page, Google caches expire (and the cache will eventually show the post as being removed). It was current (and showed the removed post) as of the 6/27/2016.

SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2016 AT AT 2:57

On the Fact that Anyone Who's Ever Taken so Much as an Introductory Course in Research Could Have Ascertained, that "Study" Which Attempted to Do Away with the 18 Year Pause in Global Warming Was Complete and Total Bullshit (the Fact that These "Researchers" Disregarded the Most Accurate Temperature Data from the Satellite and Radiosonde Balloon Sources and Replaced it with Fully Contaminated Engine-Intake Data AND Added a Degree to that!!) and Yet the Hard-Core Progressives (the Dimmer Ones at Least; Octopus, Shaw, RN, wd, etc.) in a Desperate and Pitiful Attempt to Hold Onto this Discredited Concept of Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming Treated it Like it Was the Second-Coming of Niels Bohr.

And they call Trump an idiot (not that I disagree with that of course).

Note: Click image to go to the Google cached page for the above post (cached by Google on 5/22/2016).

Google cache info: This is Google's cache of It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on May 22, 2016 23:32:51 GMT. The current page could have changed in the meantime. Learn more.

See Conservapedia page Anthropogenic global warming theory for the Right's take on global warming (AKA AGW, or human-caused warming), which is that it "is most likely a natural phenomenon".

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