Thursday, July 14, 2016

Gary Johnson, Libertarian Fraud

Documented: Gary Johnson was the 2012 Libertarian candidate for president and currently is the 2016 Libertarian candidate for president. There are some, however, that say while Gary talks the Libertarian talk, he does not walk the Libertarian walk.

11/6/2012. NSFWCorp.

The Gary Johnson Swindle and the Degradation of Third Party Politics by Mark Ames.

[Summary] Gary Johnson is an ex-Republican with current ties to Republican dirty tricksters. Gary's "actual record as governor of NM was that of a law and order authoritarian, on the right-wing fringe of the Republican Party".

[Excerpt] [why is Gary Johnson's] campaign headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah, just a few blocks away from the HQ of the Church of Latter-Day Saints [when Gary Johnson is not a Mormon?]. ... Gary Johnson's campaign chief, Ron Nielson, is based here. Ron Nielson runs a conservative polling firm called NSON Opinion Strategies, whose headquarters is the same 3-story building on South Temple Road as Johnson's campaign headquarters, and the same address as Gary Johnson's "Our America Initiative" (OAI) nonprofit, which launched his bid for the presidency in late 2009.

According to documents filed with the state of UT, the person responsible for filing the paperwork to register Gary Johnson's OAI is Maureen Otis, a TX attorney with deep roots in the far-right Minutemen movement, and with Republican Party voter-suppression dirty tricks. Otis's TX law office is listed as the mailing address for Johnson's OAI. Maureen Otis has a long history with far-right anti-immigration vigilante groups. Just a few years ago, Otis served as board secretary for the Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, which the Southern Poverty Law Center described as a "nativist extremist" group that "targets individual immigrants rather than immigration policies". That Minuteman outfit collapsed after donation funds went missing, much of it paid to Maureen Otis's own private company, "American Caging"...

Maureen Otis [isn't] the only hard-right operative involved in Gary Johnson's campaign... extremist right-wing operatives like Otis are all around Gary Johnson... both lawyers whose names are on Gary Johnson's main campaign group since 2009 are not only associated with right-wing extremists and violent nativist vigilantes, but more importantly, both of them [Maureen Otis and Jim Lacy] specialize in fraudulent vote schemes that help their Republican Party clients win elections by deceiving Democratic Party voters.

1/7/2016. The Guardian.

Presidential hopeful Gary Johnson is no Libertarian. He's a pro-pot Trump by Jeb Lund.

[Excerpt] The new, and repeat, presidential candidate wants to ban burqas, but policing clothing doesn't jibe with the Libertarian brand. I'm not a Libertarian, but I'm familiar with the schtick: its purpose in American politics is to decouple the Republican goal of ending taxation on the wealthy and eliminating pro-labor regulation from the party's sex policing, religious outrage and marginal-group "othering" that makes Republicans actually electable. So Hayek only knows what Johnson is doing; his position undermines the entire Libertarian brand.

05/23/2016. National Review.

Never Gary Johnson: He's Not Conservative and Not Even All That Libertarian by James Spiller.

[Excerpt] Write in a name if you must, but don't be misled by the label "Libertarian". ... The assumption is that someone whose label is "Libertarian" has libertarian values and would promote them in office. In the case of Johnson, that notion is absurd.

A quick rundown on Johnson's fiscal record as governor: when he entered office the state budget was $4.397 billion and when he left it was $7.721 billion. Johnson claims to have balanced the budget each year, which isn't impressive by itself because the state constitution mandates it. But thanks to some off-budget gimmicks, Johnson actually was able to run deficits.

The section "Government Spending" on his campaign website includes the false and hypocritical claim that debt repeatedly doubled under Obama and Bush. (It only nearly did so; the multipliers are 1.86 for Bush, 1.81 for Obama so far, and 2.53 for Johnson as governor).

05/28/2016. RedState.

Gary Johnson And William Weld Are Fake Libertarians Miseducating The Public by southernconstitutionalist.

[Excerpt] The more I read about Johnson, the less libertarian I realize he is. Others are coming to the same conclusion. Recently, Johnson affirmed his true beliefs when he selected former Massachusetts Gov. William Weld as his running mate, another self-described libertarian who [holds] anti-libertarian positions... including support for an assault weapons ban, eminent domain, and foreign intervention ... support of EPA regulations and affirmative action. In addition, Weld endorsed Obama in 2008, Romney in 2012, and Kasich in 2016 before linking up with Johnson.

6/2/2016. How the hell should I know? (Blogspot Blog).

Gary Johnson is a fraud by Robert Wenzel.

[Excerpt] Gary Johnson is a fraud when it comes to advocating true libertarianism. He must be used as a foil by true radical freedom lovers. He must be intellectually attacked mercilessly for his misleading characterization of libertarianism and exposed for the statist hugger that he is.

6/6/2016. The Resurgent.

Gary Johnson Does Not Deserve Our Support by Josh Hammer.

[Excerpt] Johnson and Weld are Socially Liberal Republicans, not Principled Libertarians [they aren't] actual, Hayek/von Mises-reading, radically anarcho-capitalist/minarchist, oftentimes Ayn Rand-sycophanting principled libertarians... Forget that libertarianism, properly construed, prizes private property rights sanctity, freedom of conscience, and freedom of association alike - Johnson and Weld don't give a damn, and would just as soon force a Christian baker to bake a cake for a same-sex nuptials ceremony as they would force a Jewish baker to bake a cake for a neo-Nazi (or maybe "alt-right", these days) party.

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1 comment:

  1. There is really no such thing as a Libertarian Party. The only true libertarian party is the marginalized "Peace and Freedom Party," which has been struggling for several decades. Please do not confuse these good folks with the horrifying "American Freedom Party."

    I guess Gary Johnson is just another advocate of Laissez-Faire government. Libertarian should be a philosophy, not a party. If I was a libertarian, I would still vote democratic.


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