Friday, September 29, 2023

Michelle Obama Will Be 2024 The Democratic POTUS Nominee As Per Minus FJ

Documented: the trumpturd blogger Minus FJ incorrectly predicts that Michelle Obama will replace Joe Biden as the 2024 POTUS nominee.

Note: PTL is a reference to the blog "Political Tea Leaves".

9/15/2023 at 10:37 AM. PTL.

Post: The Democratic Party HATES Democracy (Proof).

Prediction: Joe Biden will drop out of the race by October 14 and Michelle Obama will replace him on the official NH ballot They won't want her to have to be written in, or she'll lose to RFK, Jr. She will announce her candidacy at the Kaufman Concert Hall in NYC on October 15, after an introduction by David Rubenstein of the Carlyle Group, CFR, Brookings Institute and WEF (her sponsors).

9/19/2023 at 10:04 AM. PTL.

Joe Conservative: MOOOOOOOO!!!!

8/24/2023 at 6:38 PM. PTL.

Minus FJ: When's Biden going to stop playing Moochelle's stalking horse? November or December?

8/25/2023 at 7:13 PM. PTL.

Minus FJ:

Just waiting for "white knight" moment.

8/26/2023 at 5:57 AM. PTL.

Joe Conservative: Dude, Joe Biden isn't running. He couldn't get elected dog catcher.

8/26/2023 at 1:10 PM. PTL.

Minus FJ: Joe Biden is running.... as Moochelle Obama's stalking horse, keeping the field clear until she's ready to jump in at the final moment. btw - What would a brainwahsed political transponder like you know about politics anyway?

DSD #66


  1. How long will your hate site stay up, Dervish?😆😆😆😆😆

  2. Let me correct myself: how long will your hate sites stay up, Dervish? REPENT while you still can!

  3. This isn't a "hate site". Threat reported to Google.

  4. Reported under "harassment".

    Note: this is MY blog. I am NOT reporting my own blog. I am reporting the comment. The person is accusing me of having a "hate blog" and threatening to have it taken down by reporting it. FOR WHAT I don't know. BUT this person has reported other blogs of mine and Google HAS taken them down. Currently I have been waiting MONTHS for Google to restore a blog of mine that this person FALSELY reported. I am TIRED of this person's harassment. WHY won't Google do anything? This person has been harassing me for approximately 5 years. He believes he has a vendetta against me.


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