Saturday, June 15, 2024

Gain Of Function GoF

Video: Jun 16, 2022. Sen. Rand Paul: "If I give you ten, or if I give a patient ten mRNA vaccines, and they make protein each time or them make antibody each time, is that proof that we should give ten boosters?" Dr. Anthony Fauci: "No. I think that is somewhat of an absurd exaggeration".

Dervish Sanders: What was the most serious lab leak that has had the worst consequences that has been documented to have acutally happened?

Copilot: One of the most serious documented lab leaks occurred in Lanzhou, China. In July and August 2019, an inadequacy in sanitizing processes at a biopharmaceutical plant led to the aerosolization of Brucella, a pathogen. The wind carried it to nearby settlements and academic institutes, resulting in over 10,000 human brucellosis cases by November 2020. This incident highlights the need for enhanced vigilance and strict regulatory interventions in similar facilities.

Dervish Sanders: How common is "gain of function" research when it comes to viruses? Anthony Fauci was accused by Rand Paul of funding "gain of function" research in Wuhan China, though Anthony Fauci has denied this. What is the truth of whether or not "gain of function" research was conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virolog. Whether or not it was funds were approved by Anthony Fauci?

Copilot: The topic of "gain-of-function" research is complex and has been a subject of debate. Here’s what we know:

Definition of Gain-of-Function Research...

Gain-of-function (GoF) research involves modifying viruses to enhance their properties, such as transmissibility or virulence. The goal is to understand how viruses evolve and develop countermeasures.

Fauci's Denial and Controversy:

Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has denied funding GoF research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).

He stated that the NIH did not fund such research at the WIV.

Congressional Investigation: In 2021, the U.S. House Oversight Committee revealed that an NIH grantee failed to report outcomes of an experiment involving coronaviruses in mouse models. The NIH demanded further documentation, but until that information is publicly available, the claim remains unproven.

Documented Funding and Research: The debate centers on whether this specific research directly led to COVID-19's emergence.

Conclusion: While Fauci denies direct funding for GoF research at the WIV, the situation remains contentious. Transparency, rigorous oversight, and responsible research practices are crucial to prevent unintended consequences. In summary, the truth is still unfolding, and further investigation is needed to definitively establish the link between GoF research and the pandemic.
Dervish Sanders: What are the potential benefits of gain-of-function research?

Copilot: Gain-of-function (GoF) research, despite its controversies, has potential benefits in understanding viruses and developing countermeasures. Here are some key advantages...

• Understanding Viral Evolution: GoF studies allow scientists to observe how viruses evolve. By modifying specific genes, researchers can explore how viruses adapt and change over time. This knowledge informs vaccine development and treatment strategies.

• Vaccine and Drug Development: GoF research helps identify critical viral components. By enhancing virulence or transmissibility, scientists can study immune responses and test potential vaccines or antiviral drugs. For example, the development of mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines relied on understanding viral genetics.

• Preparedness for Natural Mutations: Viruses mutate naturally. GoF research aims to anticipate these changes and develop preemptive measures. By studying altered viruses, scientists can prepare vaccines or therapeutics to combat future variants.

• Biosecurity and Surveillance: GoF research contributes to global health security. By studying viruses in controlled environments, researchers can identify potential threats and enhance surveillance systems. This knowledge helps prevent or mitigate outbreaks.

• Basic Science Insights: GoF experiments provide insights into fundamental biological processes. They reveal how viruses interact with host cells, replicate, and cause disease. These discoveries have broader applications beyond specific viruses.

However, responsible oversight, transparency, and adherence to safety protocols are crucial to prevent accidental releases or misuse. Striking a balance between scientific progress and risk management is essential.

Minus FJ
...and the Woke Lawfare continues. Jim Hoft, "Marxist Tyrant NY AG Letitia James Now Targets Doctors Prescribing Ivermectin for COVID-19". New York Attorney General Letitia James has reportedly begun to target doctors who prescribe Ivermectin for COVID-19. Thursday, June 13, 2024 @@.

DSD #67

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