Thursday, July 21, 2016

Men's Brains Are Better Than Women's Brains

Documented: Commentaries from the Libertarian blogger Willis Hart in which he argues that women are underrepresented in the STEM fields for biological reasons (they have different aptitudes). While totally ignoring the "structural, and social-psychological explanations" (Women in STEM fields/Explanations for low representation of women).

MONDAY, JULY 18, 2016 AT 4:11 PM.

On the Fact that (According to Numerous Researchers; Voyer, Voyer, Bryden, Lytton, Romney, Pinker, etc.) a) Men Appear to Have Better 3-D Mental Transformations (i.e., Spatial Abilities) and Mathematics Problem-Solving Skills than Women Do and b) These Differences Are at Least Partially Genetic So Larry Summers got shit-canned from Harvard back in 2006 for telling the truth, in other words. Gotta love it.

P.S. And yes, these of course are averages. A lot of girls do well in math and the physical sciences and we should appreciate them as well (they also score better than men on many verbal indices and perhaps that's the reason why they gravitate more toward social work and education than the STEM fields).

MONDAY, JULY 18, 2016 AT 5:19 PM.

On the Fact that (According to Steven Pinker) at the 760 SAT Mark for Math, Males Outnumber Females 7 to 1.

And this entirely environmental (as opposed to men and women having different aptitudes) I suppose (sarcasm, yes).. What's that? I'm fired? Damn it!!

Posts that link here
[OST #161] Men Have Better Brains Than Chicks & Larry Summers, As Prez Of Harvard, Was Fired For Pointing Out This Fact (So Sez Misogynist Blogger) 7/21/2016.

DSD #27

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