Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Rightwing Fundie Bakers Should Be Able To Discriminate

Documented: Commentaries from the Libertarian blogger Willis Hart in which he argues that "Christian" (homophobic) business owners should be allowed to discrimniate (refuse to serve gay customers).

SUNDAY, APRIL 5, 2015 AT 8:19 PM.

On Restaurant Owners, Photographers, Etc. Who Refuse to Provide Their Services to Gay Couples Getting Married.

This is a complicated issue because it involves a balancing of rights; the rights of the gay customers to not be discriminated against versus the rights of the business owners to do as they please with their own private property, merchandise, and labor. My preference here (and, yes, I've struggled with this one) would probably be for the government to stay the hell out of it (government does enough coercing as it is) because if you really and truly think about it, the party that is being harmed the most here, by far, is the business that's doing the discriminating! I mean, they're the ones that are losing out on the money and, while, yes, there's clearly discrimination, one man's discrimination is another man's money-making opportunity. And do you think that in this day and age, you won't be able to find a florist willing to service gays? Come on.

April 8, 2015 at 6:32 PM. Comment from the Libertas & Latte Blog.

CT is a right to fire state and so technically I could have been dusted yesterday because my size 33 pants were a little too snug (yes, it was obvious). Human beings discriminate all the time (a black lesbian that I work with only dates white and Hispanic chicks, for example) and for the government to have step in and negotiate good versus bad discrimination (hell, it was progressive icon and eugenist, Woodrow Wilson, who set the table for government discrimination) is a bridge too far, in my opinion.

April 8, 2015 at 6:32 PM. Comment from the Libertas & Latte Blog.

And I'm wondering if wd will ever step up and condemn the Muslim businesses (vociferously as he does with non-Muslims - calling them names, etc.) that have also said that they wouldn't serve gay folks. Or the Native-American tribes that have stood opposed. And what about the Catholic priest who refuses to marry gay folks? Should he be coerced, too?

THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2015 AT 4:44 PM.

Some Questions for the Coercers, Busy Bodies, Moralists, and Fascists.

Businesses who refuse to cater and photograph a wedding because the couple also happen to be first cousins - do these businesses also need to be coerced? And what about the owner of a Jewish delicatessen who refuses to serve an admitted skinhead? Do we need to get the moral superiors on the case in this instance, too?

Of course what I really want to know is what we're supposed to do with these restaurant owners and photographers who refuse to work at gay weddings. I mean, are we going to put them in fucking prison and/or levy a bunch of fines that put them out of business forever? Really? For not baking a fucking cake? I'll bake the fucking cake!!

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2015 AT 3:39 PM.

On "Bake Me a Cake with a Statue of Two Little Dudes on it or You're Going to Jail".

Is this really where the left wants society to go in the future? And why would anybody want to engage in commerce with somebody who doesn't want to be with them and who only consents to it at gunpoint? I certainly wouldn't want to.

P.S. And, yes, if I was a gay dude, the very last thing that I would want to attempt would be to eat a cake that was baked by a homophobe (the fact that the individual probably spit in the batter and God only knows what else). That, and a much more civilized response (as opposed to the state holding gun to a person's head and coercing them) would be to boycott the business, take your business elsewhere, etc.


On Bakers Who Refuse to Cater Gay Weddings.

I don't respect businesses that act that way and would personally refuse to frequent them (I might even throw in some negative advertising). But as bad as that is, what would infinitely be worse in my estimation would be for the government to hold a gun to the head of these small businesses and force them to cater these weddings, in that that would be major fascism.

SATURDAY, JULY 16, 2016 AT 4:48 PM.

On Making the Planet Safe from Christian Bakers.

Yeah, the leftists really needs to pick their battles better. I mean, we've got young black men gunning each other down in the thousands over foolishness (half-eaten Snickers Bars, big-butt heifers, etc.), terrorists killing people all over the damned planet, dozens of countries swimming in debt, cheap credit, and fiat currency, and all that these clowns want to talk about are bakers who don't want to take money that numerous other businesses would be more than happy to take, transgender bathroom lunacy, etc.. It's ridiculous and well past the time that the responsible people on that side of the spectrum read these regressives the riot act.

SATURDAY, JULY 23, 2016 AT 12:13 PM.

On if a Gay Baker Refuses to Serve a Shari Law Believing Islamist Who Thinks that Homosexuals Should Be Executed.

It would be interesting to see who the SJWs side with. My suspicion is that since the Muslims appear to rank higher on the oppression scale, it would probably be with them (as it was in Orlando when some knuckle-dragging homophobic Islamist shot up a bunch of gay folks simply because his profoundly mediocre religious text instructed him to and the left talked about everything BUT religion).

Posts that link here
[OST #166] Willis Hart Is A Misogynist, A Racist, An Islamophobe, A Transgenderphobe, A Bigot, & A Defender Of The "Right" To Discrimination Against Gay People 8/2/2016.

DSD #28

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