Friday, August 19, 2016

Fanboy Outrage Re Milo Yiannopoulos (A Hard Right Jackass) Being Banned From Twitter

Documented: Willis Hart's commentary tirade against Twitter re it's banning of misogynist douche and supporter of the hard right, Milo Yiannopoulos. Including commentaries in which he slams the victim of Yiannopoulos (and his Twitter followers) harassment, Leslie Jones.

5/31/2016 at 5:13 am.

On the Fact that Social Justice Warriors Always Try to Destroy Their Opponent's Livelihood (Like Sharpton Did with Don Imus, for Example).

We need to stand up to these bald tyrants and it appears that some of us finally are (Sam Harris, Pat Condell, Maajid Nawaz, Colin Flaherty, Dave Rubin, Tom Woods, Ilana Mercer, Janice Fiamengo, Warren Farrell, Paul Joseph Watson, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Milo Yiannopoulos - the "Dangerous Faggot", Christina Hoff Sommers, etc).

THANK GOD. P.S. And, yes, sometimes their tactics can backfire. Like with this Garrison fellow who did the Michelle Obama looking like a power-forward cartoon (which, yes, was somewhat distasteful but then a great amount of satire tends to be - HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!). The SJWs went after him full-bore (he even got death-threats which makes SJWs no better than al Qaeda) and now he's more popular than ever. Oops, OOOOOOOOPS.

5/31/2016 at 5:33pm.

On the Fact that Black Lives Matter Protesters Crashed a Sanctioned Milo Yiannopoulos Interview at Depaul University, Shut it Down Completely, and Even Threatened Mr. Yiannopoulos and Instead of Lambasting the Unruly Protesters (Who Quite Frankly Should Have Been Arrested), the President of Depaul Shat Upon Milo (and, Yes, it Was a Calm and Measured Discussion Prior to the Onslaught).

And the grownups on college campuses... are where these days? Seriously, I don't see 'em.

7/21/2016 at 3:58pm.

On the Fact that Twitter Had to Be Sued Before They Took Down the Tens of Thousands of ISIS Related Accounts but Didn't Hesitate One Second to Ban Milo Yiannopoulos Over Some Racist Tweets that His Followers Were Dishing Out.

The hypocrisy and double-standards of the left are really starting to reach critical-mass, I think, with this being a perfect example... I mean, we're talking about fucking ISIS here, for Christ.

7/22/2016 at 9:58pm.

On the Fact that Black Lives Matter Degenerates Routinely Call for the Killing of Cops on Twitter and Nothing Ever Happens but When Milo Yiannopoulos Throws a Couple of Insults at Some Douche-Bag Black Actress All Fucking Hell Breaks Loose and the Fellow is Banned for Life.

What's next, Muslim bakers refusing gays? What's that? They already...

7/23/2016 at 9:50pm.

On What Twitter Doesn't Deem to Be Offensive.

This, among other things. Nice, huh?

7/26/2016 at 4:35pm.

On the Fact that People Are Constantly Being Bullied and Threatened on Twitter (with Complaints Being Filed) and the Only Time that These Twitter Dullards Do Something About is When it Either a) Embarrasses Them or b) Provides Them with Some Lame Opportunity to Virtue-Signal to Minorities, Their Fellow Progressives, etc.

Amongst the worst human beings on the planet are those without a consistent moral yardstick and, yes, consider Twitter added to that list.

7/28/2016 at 11:22am.

On the Fact that Feminists and Other SJWs Are Trying to Blame the Bad Response to the New "Ghostbusters" Movie in Which All of the Lead Characters Are Chicks on Misogyny.

You know, as opposed to it being a horrible and unfunny POS remake of a much loved movie that makes "My Mother the Car" seem like Moliere and Aristophanes by comparison. That type of misogyny they're referring to.

Posts that link here
[OST #162] On Willis Hart Defending Milo Yiannopoulos, A Misogynist Jackass With A History Of Encouraging His Twitter Followers To Harass Women, 7/23/2016.

DSD #30

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