Thursday, January 12, 2017

Catalog Of Luke The Blog Troll's Vile Comments From SWTD (Warning! Offensive & Profane Content) 2017

Documented: Comments from the blog troll currently going by the name Luke submitted to SWTD (my primary blog Sleeping with The Devil). Previously Luke went by the name "Steve", which was the name on the account before he changed it (DSD #33). Luke also trolls using the name TOM. In fact, he has 4 IDs with the name "TOM" attached to them. That is in addition to his 3 "Luke" accounts (see here). Luke currently writes at a blog he initially called "Speak Your Mind" which he later retitled Words and Music. Previously he wrote (as TOM) on the blog Stay A While (SWTD#357).

Note that comments that include the phrase "so you don't have to steal it, SCUMBAG" are truncated. They do not include the post that Luke erroneously and moronically believes I have an interest in stealing. Why the hell would I want to take credit for and publish a post on my blog in which I insult myself or other Liberals? I do NOT want any of Luke's garbage posts on my blog! In fact I sent him a message saying that if any of his posts were on my blog that he should send me the links and I'd remove them immediately. Luke did not respond.

This post will be updated with additional Luke comments as they are received (but NOT published where he submits them). See DSD#51 for the complete catalog of Luke's 2016 SWTD comments.

001. 1/02/2017 8:40am. SWTD #365.

Here's my post today so you don't have to steal it scumbag!!

A New Year.
The leftist start the new year wallowing in their deluded negativity. The negativity gets deeper and deeper. From calling Trump Hitler to calling Trump the anti-Christ. Now they claim Mrs. Trump is a Russian spy. [Remainder post content removed].

[The "Melania is a Russian spy" post is satire in which I make fun of the blogger Willis Hart for his belief that there is something to the fake news PizzaGate story. Satire obviously goes right over the moron Luke's head].

002. 1/02/2017 at 4:53pm. SWTD #365.

No one believes your lies asshole. Anyone reading my blog knows I am not pro Trump, so again, no one believes you lie that I am pro Trump. I have proven you wrong SO MANY times that I won't bother anymore. Have fun waiting for the apocalypse. I'm sure you worship "Revelations." If you want to be dead, there is an easy way for you to take care of that and make many people happy. Now back to your Jew hating buddy RN.

[I might be the ONLY person who reads his blog and I KNOW he is pro-Trump. Due to the fact that he wrote "I'm rooting for Trump" on his blog. Also, all his TOM and other Luke sockpuppets are pro-Trump. For example. I'm not waiting for the apocalypse. I do not worship the Book of Revelation].

003. 1/9/2017 at 2:25pm. SWTD #365. Also published to WYD as a comment 1/12/2017 at 8:15am.

Here's my latest post so you don't have to steal it scumbag!

The Insanity Continues
Having claimed that Trump is the anti-Christ and his wife a Russian spy, now Dervish is claiming Trump and Ryan are Satanists because they follow the cultist Ayn Rand. [remainder of post from Luke's blog removed].

[After Luke fell for my post about Melania being a Russian spy, I decided to do another one and see if he'd take the bait. So gullible].

004. 1/09/2017 at 3:52pm. SWTD #366.

Just using your own words scumbag.
Not my fault you post such garbage.
No surprise coming from a hate filled bigot like you.

005. 1/09/2017 at 4:25pm. SWTD #366.

From the same dumb fuck who didn't even know Podesta said they were his emails, but claims to know everything. Laughable. So of course you write nothing but lies.

[According to Luke, John Podesta confirmed that the Wikileaked emails were his. However, The Washington Examiner writes that "Clinton's campaign refused to confirm the authenticity of documents published by WikiLeaks... "We're not going to verify any of these right now...", campaign manager Robby Mook told MSNBC host Chuck Todd". Also Poltifact reports "Hillary Clinton and her campaign have sought to cast doubt on the authenticity of thousands of emails leaked by WikiLeaks... In massive document dumps like the Podesta email leak, the risk of encountering altered documents is heightened because it's easy to slip them in among thousands of genuine documents..."].

006. 1/09/2017 at 4:34pm. SWTD #366.

It's so easy to make you look like a liar when you write shit like I am pro Trump. Or a lie like you never wrote a blog with an address just one number off my address. Just reading your blog proves that a lie.
When people read your shit they know you are full of shit, liar! Shit like Trump is Satan, Trump is the anti-Christ, his wife is a Russian spy. Trump stole the election.........
Keep proving me correct lying asshole HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[The blog that is "one number off" his address is jermac1954. A blog that I will neither confirm or deny was created by me, although I have commented there].

007. 1/10/2017 at 12:36am. SWTD #366.

You are the one who gets mad when proven a liar. A separate blog for those who proved you a liar. Your obsession drives you to hours and hours of posting lies. A real mental problem is what you have.
Podesta DID confirm those were his emails. A simple truth printed in all papers around the world, but you can't handle simple truths, just complicated lies. More proof you are mentally unstable. Now get back to your Rand worshiping buddy RN.

008. 1/10/2017 at 8:51am. SWTD #366.

NOBODY has ever proven you wrong! LAUGHABLE!!
Poor demented asshole!
I prove you wrong EVERYDAY!!!
Keep lying!
I love to prove you wrong.
Makes me laugh at you.

[Luke's response after I sent him a comment saying nobody has ever proven me a liar, and NOT that nobody has ever proven me wrong. I think I've probably been proven wrong before, although that has never happened in regards to Luke. Proof that Luke can't read].

009. 1/10/2017 at 3:26pm. SWTD #366.

Of course I would attack a stupid post like this full of lies.
You love to word twist.
A sign of a true liar.
Where does it say satire? Seems even your buddy RN didn't think it was satire.
I take you at your word, if your words are idiotic, that's your problem.
Now back to your lies

[The post is labeled satire. It was when I published it. The primary purpose of me writing it was to see if Luke was gullible enough to take the bait].

010. 1/10/2017 at 4:08pm. SWTD #366.

Doesn't matter if you made it up, or not, you are held responsible for your own words. It's your fault if your words make you look like the liar you are.
You keep claiming I lie based on words by someone else. It doesn't work that way.
I just use your own lying words.
So keep writing lying shit and I will highlight those lies.

[Luke saying "You keep claiming I lie based on words by someone else" is a reference to the fact that I've accurately identified him as Steve as well as TOM. HIS WORDS, not the words of "someone else". In any case, I've also identified lies published by him using the "Luke" account].

011. 1/12/2017 at 12:52pm. SWTD #367.

You are good at writing fantasy BS.
Clinton couldn't beat Trump and Sanders got beat by Clinton, but Sanders would beat Trump.
This is the kind of analytical crap you use to lie about me.
What a joke you are, and I don't have to prove, all anyone has to do is read your garbage blog. You are worse than Buzzfeed - nothing but fake news here, which you already admitted to.

[Luke thinks he "got" me with a post from his blog that cited a researcher he made up. Luke: "Just wanted you to be the first to know, there is no J. Craig Scherf of Duluth MN. I made him up just to watch you do your mental retard bit". Even though J. Craig Scherf is a real person. So he didn't "get" me. Whereas I actually did "get" him with my satire post. Which is whey the idiot is so upset].

012. 1/15/2017 at 10:58am. SWTD #367.

Here is my post for today, so you don't have to steal it SCUMBAG:

Dervish's Truths
A few headlines of posts on Dervish's blogs: [Remainder of content of post from Luke's blog removed].

[Post titles are not "truths". Some are, some are not. For my complete refuting of Luke's moronic lies see here].

013. 1/15/2017 at 3:57pm. SWTD #368.

Your own words speak for themselves. Like, "100% confirmed."
YOU made up that blog and anyone can tell that.
My Google account has me as Luke Smith, but I already told you that.
Keep spewing your lies no one believes you at this point. HA HA HA HA HA
I've posted your own words to many times, like you admitting that you sent 500 comments and multiple death threats and later threatening to send thousands of comments.
Good luck getting people to believe you LIAR!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
What a fucking obsessed, criminal, psychopath, liar you are, and thanks for proving it every time you open your shit lying mouth!

014. 1/16/2017 at 1:13pm. SWTD #369.

You are rally sad!
All you can do is mimic me, mimic what I write.
The difference is I use your own words, you use lies.

015. 1/21/2017 at 4:55pm. SWTD #370.

YOU the psychopath criminal liar still crying over Clinton's loss. Blame it on everything you can LOSER CRYBABY!!

016. 1/22/2017 at 5:25pm. SWTD #370.

My post for today so you don't have to steal it SCUMBAG:

Networks Get Real

[post content from Luke's blog removed] ...Only Dervish is a worse liar than Trump. He still claims I'm pro Trump, laughable. Dervish will steal this post and post it under one of his many alter egos. He usually posts as TOM, then of course, lies and claims I'm TOM.

[The TOM account belongs to Luke. Luke is a worse liar than Trump. I "claim" he's pro-Trump because he wrote QUOTE "I'm rooting for Trump"].

017. 1/25/2017 at 7:52am. SWTD #370.

Dervish and RN comment at WYD everyday, every hour and thanks for correctly describing RN and Dervish.

[Is Luke saying RN and I are psychopaths? But I never made that case, so I don't know why he's thanking someone/me].

018. 1/28/2017 at time. SWTD #370.

Here is my post for today, so you don't have to steal it SCUMBAG!

Who Will Fight? [Remainder of post content from Luke's 1/28/2017 blog post removed].

019. 2/10/2017 at 6:50pm. SWTD #370.

You care enough to send your vile comments and to steal my posts and post them under one of your sock puppet names on other blogs. Now get back to WYD and spread your lies about Trump being Caligula and the anti-Christ.

020. 1/30/2017 at 1:27pm. SWTD #370.

I'm enjoying watching you and your lying buddies making assholes of yourselves. The folks at WYD are enjoying watching you and your lying buddies making assholes of yourselves also.

020. 2/10/2017 at 8:26pm. SWTD #370.

You are the one who was proven a liar over and over again. Lisa even commented on my blog how delusional you are. You lose liar. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[Lisa commented on his blog once. She wrote "The left proves every day how off the rails they have gone" in response to a dishonest commentary Luke wrote about my blog. SO WHAT? He thinks that because of Lisa's comment "I lose"? What a dope]..

21. 3/11/2017 at 7:55am. SWTD #372.

You have to live with your own words which ALWAYS prove yourself to be a liar. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

22. 3/27/2017 at 2:46pm. SWTD #373.

Just to show what a delusional mental retard you are, but everyone knows that anyways from the proven lies you post all over. Certainly they know your parody blog of me, is you. Just another in a long line of fake blogs and ID's you create, which is also a sign of you.

23. 3/28/2017 at 3:04pm. SWTD #373.

Oh gee, another intellectual exercise from the delusional, depraved, retarded, criminal mind of Trump Dervish.
Who did you steal this post from?

24. 3/28/2017 at 3:48am. SWTD #373.

Trumps healthcare bill was withdrawn (defeated) before you even posted this fiction. Typical of you to lie.

25. 3/29/2017 at 1:05pm. SWTD #373.

You claimed it moron. In writing. In your own words. It's on WYD and I have it saved from one of your thousands of vile emails and death threats you sent to me. You can't even keep your lies straight MORON.

26. 3/30/2017 at 3:14pm. SWTD #373.

I didn't even look, so sorry. I know you are itching for something, especially since WYD is not posting your lies, so you obviously made up more of your lies. Again, it shows just how stupid you are to think anyone believes I wrote that blog and proves your insanity. Thank you. You think you are so smart, yet, no one believes y7ou. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
You are just a joke.
Now back to writing your fiction.

27. 3/30/2017 at 3:35pm. SWTD #373.

I don't have brain cancer. You must though. Lisa posted my comment, but since you write delusional fiction, I'm sure you didn't understand it. I appreciate you proving how desperate you are, it proves you are a delusional. criminal liar. Thank you.

28. 3/30/2017 at 4:00pm. SWTD #373.

That's your delusion, not mine. You must be lonely today. Write more delusional fiction.

29. 3/30/2017 at 4:14pm. SWTD #373.

Your delusion is showing again. Get back to taking your meds. I never listed Stay A While on my blog. Just more lies by you. I was right, you are lonely today and Lisa won't post your lying garbage, so you write me again. You are SAD, but I can't feel sorry for such a lying asshole like you.

30. 4/19/2017 at 12:28pm. SWTD #375.

Sorry asshole, it's RN's Jew hate comment that you and Shaw defended. EAT IT JEW HATER!!!

31. 5/12/2017 at 6:19pm. SWTD #379.

Nixon's Saturday Night massacre happened because they refused to obey an illegal order from Nixon. NOT what happened with Comey, but you loonies don't understand the difference. Thanks for proving me correct again, that you are to stupid to understand and just input your lies of what you THINK happened. By the way, my blog is not dead, it is devoted to exposing your utter stupidity.

[As per the NY Times "Samuel Buell, a former federal prosecutor who now teaches criminal law at Duke University, said... firing an investigator could fit... Section 1512 of Title 18 {which} makes it a crime if someone corruptly obstructs, influences or impedes any official proceeding, even if the proceeding was not yet pending at the time of the act"].

32. 5/12/2017 at 7:08pm. SWTD #378.

To bad you have to make up lies about me, but all I have to do is post YOUR OWN WORDS to show you are a mentally deranged, criminal troll.

33. 5/12/2017 at 8:58pm. SWTD #379.

Thanks for proving I was correct, you have no clue! Yes, Trump can fire the FBI director if he doesn't like the way he smiles. That's the law. So go back to your delusional crap about Trump can't fire the FBI director. Just like your stupid comparison to the Saturday Night Massacre. They are not the same at all. They had totally different circumstances, but I love the way you prove yourself so stupid as to claim they had the same circumstances.

34. 5/14/2017 at 10:18am. SWTD #379.

You get up early just call a stranger a homo. Thanks for proving what a loser you are Trump Dervish! You lost this months ago when you admitted to sending death threats, and thanks for that LOSER!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

35. 5/21/2017 at 5:08pm. SWTD #379.

You are about to be banned from WYD. You can add that to the long list of other blogs that have banned your hate and lies, just like RN banned you from his blog. Congratulations Trump Dervish you lying, crimi9nal, psychopath! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

36. 5/23/2017 at 9:47am. SWTD #379.

Typical of you, in your delusion, to take no blame, especially since all my comments on WYD were only in response to your comments about me on WYD. YOU are the one who showed your obsessive, hate filled attacks on me, on that blog. GO FUCK YOURSELF TRUMP DERVISH!!

37. 5/23/2017 at 10:13pm. SWTD #379.

Lisa posted my comment. Get a clue fuck head lying Trump Dervish!!

38. 5/24/2017 at 2:25pm. SWTD #379.

You are very close to a mental break down lying asshole Dervish Trump. Now that you can't attack me, I hope you will asshole harassing bully.

39. 5/25/2017 at 4:17am. SWTD #379.

I haven't been trolling you for years asshole and the number of comments I have left on this blog pales in comparison to the number of comments you have left on my blog, not to mention my comments to you are ALWAYS in response to your vile comments you leave on my blog. GO FUCK YOURSELF TRUMP DERVISH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[Luke is a liar. He has been trolling me and others for years. Since around 2012, in fact. Which is when he went by the name "TOM". See the proof here].

40. 5/25/2017 at 1:33pm. SWTD #380.

All I do is post your headlines, word for word, YOUR words. And I leave it as a link so people can read your post, if they want.
The fact that you get so upset just shows what scum delusion your words are and show what a hate filled asshole you are.
Everyone knows YOU write the "jermac" blogs and why would I post your comments on those blogs if I could control comments on those blogs. It's easy to see that's YOUR writing, not mine. It is the delusional ramblings of a sick, hate filled person and has no resemblance to my writing at all.
Now get back to calling for Trumps assassination Dervish Trump FUCK HEAD!

41. 6/4/2017 at 8:07pm. SWTD #380.

I don't know what you are complaining about. You post your gross shit lies, porn pictures, and death threats on that blog and Lisa is glad to post them.
You wanted them all to read your sick fake blogs and tried to get them to believe I wrote them. HA HA HA HA HA
Of course none of them believe you, not even RN, or Ducky. HA HA HA HA HA
You fit right in with that scum crowd. She even posts RN's sick bigoted comments. You love it there. You are there everyday. Lisa loves your shit, lie filled comments.
That makes me look good and YOU LOSE!!
Now go explain why I would even let you post comments on my "supposed" jermac blogs. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Then explain why all those blogs even have the same format as your blog. HA HA HA HA HA HA Thanks for proving to everyone what sick, hate filled asshole you are.
Just as I have been proving that to everyone all along.
Now back to making death threats against the president of the United States, you psychopathic criminal.

[I have never posted lies, porn pictures or death threats to Lisa's blogs. I have never made death threats against the president. Luke is a delusional nutjob].

42. 6/6/2017 at 1:01pm. SWTD #380.

It's been fun fucking with you. I've had a new blog going for months now, which you know nothing about. You are SO stupid HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Enjoy the garbage blogs that are the ONLY blogs left that let you comment HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Who are these people, THAT I GIVE A SHIT ABOUT, you have convinced of anything? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
You only have shit and hate to spew and only shit blogs allow you to post comments HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
You and Plucky have fun with your "jermac" hate blogs. I will keep posting your hate headlines and keep my Dervish Sanders blog up to date. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Thanks for deleting more of your comments from the blog, it proves the point I made about you being a COWARD full of hate HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[So Luke runs away and says I lose? Why should I care about his secret blog? I would not have known or cared about "Words and Music" if he hadn't started trolling me. Again. This being after changing his name from "Steve" to "Luke"].

Incoming Links
[WYD-20170515] WYD comment.

DSD #56

Monday, January 2, 2017

Catalog Of Luke The Blog Troll's Vile "Steve" Comments From SWTD (Warning! Offensive, Profane & Explicit Homophobic Content)

Documented: Comments from the blog troll currently going by the name Luke submitted to SWTD (my blog "Sleeping with The Devil") BEFORE he changed the name on the Blogger account 02315659209094683602 from "Steve" to "Luke" (DSD #33).

Comments in blue were published while comments in green were sent to Spam. Note that this is not a catalog of EVERY "Steve" comment, as I deleted many of them. I have since changed my tactic in regards to troll comments (I now keep them all). But back in 2013 I deleted many of them. I wish I hadn't, but they're gone forever and therefore NOT included in this catalog. Also, Steve commented without using an account prior to 8/13/2013 (the first Steve comment using an account) because I used to allow Anonymous commenting. I now REQUIRE a Blogger account for all comments (August 2013 going forward).

This catalog supersedes DSD #33 (in that all the Steve comments from that post are included here). BTW, note that if you click the link and go to the actual comment, then click the name "Steve", the account for "Luke" comes up. Proof positive that Luke used to be Steve (something the idiot denies).

001. 8/13/2013 at 4:09 PM. SWTD #189.

Seems you were willing to give him [Rational Nation] the benefit of the doubt as long as he allowed you to comment on his blog.
He has several monikers and loves to stir the pot. His griping about anon is fake, he easily could have turned off anon (as you did) a long time ago. He claims these anon's. have been bothering him for years, really? Simple answer to that, right?

002. 8/14/2013 AT 9:13 AM. SWTD #189.

RN can go on Shaw's blog and insult people, but Shaw won't let people insult RN on her blog.
RN can insult people on this blog, but you say no more insults to RN and shut down anon.
RN will insult people on his blog, but won't allow anyone to insult him on his blog.
Then you post attack posts about individuals (Will, RN, Dmarks) and they post attack posts about you.
All of you have been not posting comments (censoring) and then attacking the one you won't allow comments from.
What a bunch of childish, game playing, idiots; and obviously not serious about issues. A typical reflection and copying of the childish, fighting politicians, and look where that has got the country. RN is the worst of the bunch, but you all follow the same idiotic , childish behavior.
None of you have any character, intelligence, or commitment to serious discussion, or civil debate. Exactly the kind of jerks who give blogging a bad reputation.
Now back to your 3rd grade playground.

003. 8/14/2013 AT 5:43 PM. SWTD #190.

"The Jews, during the era of Adolph Hitler's bigoted and tyrannical REIGN of TERROR did not, based on my understanding of HISTORY... resist forcibly.."

This explanation is a lie. Either his teachers are antisemite, or ignorant. Anyone who knows history knows the Jews did fight back and were massacred by vastly superior forces.

Stop saying he is not antisemetic and just stupid. He preaches that he knows history better than anyone, and uses that to declare liberals/progressives as idiots who do not know history. RN is an antisemite.

004. 8/15/2013 AT 12:58 PM. SWTD #190.

And everyone but RN is a lying piece of shit.

005. 8/15/2013 AT 1:05 PM. SWTD #191.

Misspellings and grammar errors are RN's MO, and you are right, those kind of personal habits are hard to hide. Ask Shaw, she might know. This is all part of RN's tactics, also the unmistakeable MO of RN.
TAO once stated that JMJ is RN's alter ego. Created to bash liberals. Funny how JMJ is the only liberal RN allows unfettered comment privileges on his site.

006. 8/15/2013 AT 5:19 PM. SWTD #191.

I don't know you and have never commented on your blog, but thanks for the unearned ass hole treatment by you. Makes me feel like all these others who rightfully blast you.

007. 8/15/2013 AT 5:47 PM. SWTD #189.

Thanks for proving what a wrong, stupid jack ass you are.
I have never commented on your blog and I don't know you.
Your paranoia makes you believe I am someone I am not, but then there are so few Steve's in the world.

008. 8/15/2013 AT 6:37 PM. SWTD #191.

Prove it Jew hater. What besides your paranoid, deluded mind do you base your lie on? Because you had some guy named Steve call you names? Include another Steve that will call you names. You have been such an ass to this stranger to you Steve.

009. 8/15/2013 AT 7:37 PM. SWTD #191.

Just calling out your lies.
It seems the truth is getting to you. Swearing, name calling, lying, you really are the Jew hating ass hole everyone here has been describing.
You truly need help with your anger problems and multiple personality disorder.

010. 8/15/2013 AT 11:25 PM. SWTD #191.

You are deluded dude. Not me, but keep fooling yourself to keep your idiotic pride.

011. 8/15/2013 AT 11:31 PM. SWTD #191

Listen to this psycho. He is truly the scum bag your readers and you have been describing for a long time now. He's convinced I'm some nemesis of his from long ago. I believe he made the same accusation to some guy who posted as TOM, not to mention all his deluded allegations about anons. I now have no doubt he is playing multiple characters on your blog and other blogs, including Shaw's. His paranoid, egotistical personality fits perfectly with a person who feels superior to others, thus the bigotry.

012. 8/15/2013 AT 11:36 PM. SWTD #189.

Again, no proof, just the delusions in an egotistical, paranoid, bigots mind.
You made the same paranoid accusation about a TOM.
You need help dude. You think strangers are your perceived enemies from the past. The whole world is wrong but you. Right. Get help dude.

013. 8/15/2013 AT 11:47 PM. SWTD #191.

We have all read the proof (your own words) that you are a Jew hater.
Please show everyone the evidence that I am, as you claim.
You must be busy with the many monikers you comment under, so I will let you get back to your sick, paranoid, lonely life.
I'll be waiting for your proof.

014. 8/16/2013 AT 12:19 AM. SWTD #190.

Did you notice that Dennis (Dmarks) from "throwaway" blog is now "Dr, Luthor" from "the lost city" blog. And he has a new photo up of himself. Since you posted RN's pictures, I thought you might want to take a look.
I hate to get into stereotypes, but since RN has been so nice to me I have to say they both look like white supremacists, KKK, skinhead types.

015. 8/19/2013 AT 9:23 PM. SWTD #193.

RN trying to repair his well deserved bigoted reputation.

016. 8/21/2013 AT 10:15 PM.

The Voice of Reason, is RN.

017. 8/21/2013 AT 11:13 PM. SWTD #189

See any resemblance between "The Voice of Reason" and Jersey McJones (JMJ)? Check the photos. Then notice both are set up ID's. And try clicking on JMJ's other blogs and friends on his profile page. These are just a few of the many RN ID's. Made long ago during the time RN was attacking blogs.

018. 8/23/2013 AT 8:06 PM. SWTD #195.

One antisemitic vulgar comment is enough to know you are an antisemite. It was not taken out of context and you meant what you said, proof, you apologized. Why apologize for something you did not mean?
That's right, you are in a SMALL minority, yet, you insist you are right, to the point of calling anyone who disagrees with you idiots, ass holes, and worse. Should I believe the millions, or one paranoid bigot like you.
Back to your own blog where you write posts praising the great politicians like Palin and commie counting West.
Go ahead, read RN's blog, it's full of proof that he is a right wing extremist.
If all the world around you is telling you, you are a bigoted ass hole, then check your rationality, not the rest of the world.
We are responsible for our forefathers mistakes, and must seek to correct them. It's totally reasonable that you have to live with affirmative action, because of the sins of your father. It's not a matter if your father was a slave holder, or not, it's a matter of responsibility of our society as a whole, because as a whole society we gave legal permission to enslave.

019. 8/23/2013 AT 9:17 PM. SWTD #195.

Right, he's a bigot one day and not the next. HA HA HA HA
I'm sure that's they way you and RN would hope it goes.

020. 8/23/2013 AT 9:21 PM. SWTD #195.

Anyone who reads your "the Jews went willingly to the gas chambers" knows for a fact you are full of shit. The rest of your right wing garbage blog just proves what I say. I'll let your hate filled words make my point. Now back to you calling everyone every bad name in the book. Again proving your lack of intelligence and your hate.

021. 8/23/2013 AT 10:01 PM. SWTD #195.

No you hate filled scum.
Any one who has read history knows the Jews did put up resistance. Like the 5,000 Jews in the ghetto who did have guns, did fight back and were massacred by superior forces.
Or the Jews who did escape the Nazis and spent the rest of the war sabotaging Nazi forces, infrastructure, supplies etc. Or the Jews who fought and died killing Nazis from Germany, Poland, Greece, Russia, and anywhere else Nazis were.
Being a skin head Nazi, of course you dispute that, all good Nazis dispute that.
You claim accepted historians make the same claim. Lie. Prove it. Link me to an accepted historian who claims that, and has proof. Put up, or shut up Nazi!
So why, again, did you apologize if you were not wrong? Still waiting for an answer to that.
Why write a post praising Rep. West, the commie counting McCarthy doppelganger? You obviously agree with his thinking.
Now back to where everyone will agree with you, YOUR BLOG. It's so easy when you censor your comments and not be challenged.
I do see JMJ (your invented alter ego you used to attack other bloggers) has commenting privileges and the only liberal you allow to continuously post comments. Hummm.
By sick shit.

[Steve believing that Jersey McJones is a sock puppet belonging to RN is something he has in common with Willis Hart. See DSD #32].

022. 8/23/2013 AT 10:07 PM. SWTD #195.

Hey RN you sick Jew hater,
What would you do with a machine gun, or 5 pointed at you, your wife, and children? Attempt to attack them (with or without a gun)? So for sure, you all die.

023. 8/23/2013 AT 10:15 PM. SWTD #195.

So Nazi boy, I guess the French went willingly to the Nazis, the Polish went willingly to the Nazis, or anyone, or country that were overtaken by the Nazis were just people wanting to die like the cowards you claim they are.
What a sick, racist, coward you are.

024. 8/23/2013 AT 10:30 PM. SWTD #195.

What reality do I deny Nazi boy?
Your reality that says people were willing to be killed by your Nazi forefathers?

025. 8/23/2013 AT 10:32 PM. SWTD #195.

It IS true, so you cannot respond with facts or evidence, just your Jew hate.
If you had any proof, or facts, you would jump all over me.
By Nazi boy.

026. 8/23/2013 AT 10:34 PM. SWTD #195.

I gave facts!
You gave BS, insults, and proved you are nothing but an ass hole.

027. 8/23/2013 AT 10:47 PM. SWTD #195.

I'm not ashamed to be white.
I'm ashamed that white people like you claim to represent the ideology of white people as having no sin of racism and continue to be racists.

028. 8/23/2013 AT 11:43 PM. SWTD #195.

RN, I challenged your lies with facts.
And, of course, you have nothing to say.
As usual for a hate filled bully.
So have your fun name calling and insulting.
Thanks for proving me right!
Thanks for proving you are an ass hole.

029. 8/24/2013 AT 12:32 AM. SWTD #195.

You keep guessing,
As DS has proved about you, there is no guessing, you are a racist ass hole and prove it every time you post anything.

030. 8/24/2013 AT 12:34 AM. SWTD #195.

Everyone is an ass hole to RN, except RN.
Psychology 101 - delusion.

031. 8/24/2013 AT 3:51 PM. SWTD #195.

RN is an egotistical, bigoted, supremest who thinks he's right about everything and everyone else is a stupid jack ass. He won't give up. His superior attitude won't let him. Typical trait of those who think they are superior to others, thus the bigotry.
Hey RN you stupid fuck!
Tom is not the Tom you knew years ago, and I am not the Steve you knew before. That's just your paranoia, another trait of those who cannot believe more than one person thinks you are a sick, bigoted, egotistical ass hole.

032. 8/24/2013 AT 5:06 PM. SWTD #195.

So your slow mind finally caught on after years. What a fuck head. And how about all the crap you gave this Tom and Steve for years? No big deal? What an ass hole. I can only imagine what a prick you were to them, and they had nothing to do with it. You are truly a mental case and hurting people with your paranoid, egotistical, bigoted, ass hole, deranged mind.

033. 8/24/2013 AT 5:37 PM. SWTD #195.

Listen to this deranged fuck.
It's not me you have been playing your games with, and I can only imagine what you did. Harassed them til they quit blogging I imagine, at least that's what you were doing back then. So your celebration is false, it wasn't me, but keep believing that, wouldn't want to crack your delusion and have you go postal.
I see you were up all night long leaving your insults and hate at a few blogs. I noticed your last comment was midnight and your first this mourning was 4am. You are an obsessed deranged person and probably dangerous. You have all the symptoms (psychology 101) of a person who needs to be on mental medication.
"Smoking you ass holes out" HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
You jack ass, you have been blaming people who had nothing to do with it.

034. 8/25/2013 AT 3:26 PM. SWTD #195.

"Just checked your blog profile tommy"
Another lie from the king of liars.

035. 8/27/2013 AT 11:51 AM. SWTD #196.

RN has yet to produce the accepted historians that claim that the Jews went willingly to the gas chambers. RN is no historian and does not speak history only antsemitism, hate and bigotry.
Of course these white supremest, skinhead, Jew hating bigots never go away. The Klan has been around since the end of the civil war.
You and RN have one thing in common. This anon business. I guess you guys think because someone does not have a blog, they are full of shit, or at least have nothing worthwhile to say. I see little difference: you are WD, what does that mean? Name, address, phone number, and Social Security number please. Otherwise you as anon as anyone.

036. 8/27/2013 AT 1:10 PM. SWTD #196.

Fine, like Shaw I will leave you to RN as your only commenter as you seem to believe only he has anything worth while to say sine he has a profile, as sick as that profile is, you seem to love him, to point of publishing his sick, insulting crap. Of course turning your blog to crap like Shaw has turned her blog to crap by allowing RN to take over her comment section. Good luck, you will need it since you cannot tell the difference between good and bad.

[Steve says he's leaving, but he does not. In fact, he sticks around for 286 more days. And later returns as "Luke" on 7/27/2016].

037. 9/2/2013 at 3:40 PM. SWTD #199.

Gee, a hate post, who would have thought?
What a surprise!
I guess not, coming from the SHITHEAD king.
You are predictable.
Anon was right, that was not me, but you won't believe that; which only makes you the idiot SHITHEAD king.
You are dam right he took my words, and you fell for it hook, line, and sinker.
I always knew you were a hate filled ass hole. Easy to tell by all the hate posts you write about individuals.
I didn't know you were such a stupid hate filled ass hole. My mistake, lesson learned.
Now on with writing hate the rest of your sorry life.

038. 9/02/2013 at 7:05 PM. SWTD #199.

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

039. 9/02/2013 at 9:09 PM. SWTD #199.

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

040. 9/02/2013 at 9:11 PM. SWTD #199.

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

041. 9/02/2013 at 9:12 PM. SWTD #199.

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

042. 9/03/2013 at 7:23 PM. SWTD #199.

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

043. 9/03/2013 at 11:30 PM. SWTD #199.

Fuck you ass hole
As I said I don't post to be read by others just that you read it
Now this despicable lie
I will have to make life bad for you in blog land
A treatment you earned by this last lie
having fun?
well see how much fun you think you have had in 6 months
be seeing you

[I deleted this comment, but not before I got a screenshot of it. "This comment has been removed by a blog administrator" is what you will see if you follow the link, but what is above *is* what Steve wrote].

044. 9/05/2013 at 11:22 AM. SWTD #199.

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

045. 9/05/2013 at 6:32 PM. SWTD #199.

You won't either, unless you apologize to me for falsely accusing me of being the anon at 101's blog.
Keep watching. I'm planing a surprise for you for being such a lying SHITHEAD

046. 9/06/2013 at 10:29 AM. SWTD #200.

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

047. 9/06/2013 at 10:59 AM. SWTD #200.

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

048. 9/06/2013 at 11:10 AM. SWTD #200.

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

049. 9/06/2013 at 1:26 PM. SWTD #200.

Go fuck yourself Shit Head, and the horse your rode in on. And fuck Flying Junior also, he's also a Shit heads in my book of Shit Heads, along with Shaw and that whole bunch of progressives.That includes Octopussy, and the number one Shit Head RN otherwise know as Herr Shit Head. Burr-Bye

050. 9/07/2013 at 12:23 AM. SWTD #200.

I know I'm doing something right when two hate filled shitheads like you and RN are now buddies.

051. 9/07/2013 at 12:03 PM. SWTD #201.

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

052. 9/07/2013 at 12:59 PM. SWTD #201.

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

053. 9/08/2013 at 11:51 AM. SWTD #201.

All these free speech ass holes now have comment moderation. What are you hiding from? The truth obviously. HA HA HA HA HA
Nothing but cowards and bullies

054. 9/08/2013 at 12:37 PM. SWTD #201.

Why not reprint the comment of mine you claim I apologized?
Your claims are based on lies, thus baseless.
It only proves what a lying, hate filled, bigot you are, not to mention stupid, given you believe falsehoods.

055. 9/08/2013 at 12:59 PM. SWTD #201.

Right, call your lies jokes
You really are a sad, hate filled, bigoted, SHITHEAD
Thanks for proving me correct yet again.

056. 9/08/2013 at 1:03 PM. SWTD #201.

if it was so funny, why not leave it up?

057. 9/08/2013 at 1:08 PM. SWTD #201.

No chain pulling, just a lying, hate filled, SHITHEAD, bigot. Thanks for proving me correct on all points about you.

058. 9/08/2013 at 1:22 PM. SWTD #201.

Please reprint these threats I supposedly made against you. Do you ALWAYS lie? Are you always a shithead?

059. 9/08/2013 at 1:47 PM. SWTD #201.

Now that you have been caught red handed lying, what's next you SHITHEAD, lying, hate filled bigot? Where are those threats you claim I made you lying, SHITHEAD, hate filled, bigot? Waiting to see them fuckhead

060. 9/08/2013 at 1:55 PM. SWTD #201.

First you make yourself look like an ass by blaming me for being anon, then you cuddle up to the biggest lying, SHITHEAD, hate filled, bigot RN in all blog land, then you lie about me offering an apology, then you lie about me threatening you, then you get caught red handed lying, even your "friends"; who have known you for years call you king SHITHEAD, and your own blog posts prove you write nothing but hate and attacks... I could go on Just how big of a lying, SHITHEAD, hate filled, bigot are you? Big enough to replace RN, or any other ass hole in blog land as THE BIGGEST LYING, SHITHEAD, HARE FILLED, BIGOT IN BLOG LAND! CONGRATULATIONS SHITHEAD!

061. 9/08/2013 at 2:27 PM. SWTD #201.

Nothing to say? Of course not. Lying, SHITHEAD, hate filled, bigoted ass holes never do have anything to say when they are proven to be lying, SHITHEAD, hate filled, bigoted ass holes. Enjoy you lying, SHITHEAD, hate filled bigoted self. Still waiting for you to reprint my comment where I threatened you. Will be waiting for your next hate filled, SHITHEAD, bigoted post. Who will your lies target this time?

062. 9/08/2013 at 5:16 PM. SWTD #201.

Nice, make up fake comments after you have deleted the real comment. Just a typical lying, shithead, bigoted, game playing ass hole. Congratulations, you just surpassed RN and others as being the biggest lying, shithead, bigoted, ass hole.

063. 9/09/2013 at 1:54 PM. SWTD #202.

You are a liar. That has been proven time and time again. I proved it on your last hate post. Another hate post here
You are a member of the RN, Dmarks, Will crowd of lying, SHITHEAD, bigoted ass holes.
Aren't you proud.
You and RN are now butt fuck buddies
The same
Two peas in a pod
Knew you could do it

064. 9/10/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #202.

While others are writing serious posts about current issues You are still posting HATE Congratulations again on proving what a lying, hate filled, shithead, bigot you are. Left with idiot commentators, as it should be.

065. 9/10/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #202.

What a hate filled garbage blog Good job. you are now a bigger hater than RN. Congratulations, I didn't think it could be done. What's your next hate post? Now back to your hate, while the rest of us persue more important issues.

066. 9/10/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #202.

Wow! These comments are so intellectual! But then shit does attract shit

067. 9/11/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #202.

WOW! What a bunch of intellectuals! No surprise a hate blog would attract such scum After all the blog author is scum

068. 9/12/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #203.

OH goodie, another hate post from the king SHITHEAD. Proving again what a scum hate blog this is.

069. 9/12/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #203.

What? Not even the usual haters? That's bad when even the haters won't comment on the biggest hate blog in blog land. But then you are the biggest shithead in blog land.

070. 9/12/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #203.

you make no sense either, except to p[rove you post nothing but hate Typical for an RN loving, lying, Shithead, bigoted, hate filled jack ass You and RN are EXACTLY the same

071. 9/13/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #204.

Thom Hartman is full of shit Like this RN/WD blog

072. 9/14/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #204.

Banned? You use moderation, just like your buddies RN, Shaw, Will, and the rest of the dishonest shitheads. Not to stop the vulgarity and stupidity which you still post plenty of, but to stop the truth which shows you for what you are a dishonest, bigoted, hate filled, SHITHEAD and to stupid to figure out when you are being played. What a fucking joke you are.

073. 9/14/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #204.

Love it. Won't post my actual comments, but keep lying about things like I offered an apology, but won't post the supposed comment where I made that apology. Keep lying fuck head I see you continues lies are bringing great intellectual comments HA HA HA HA HA HA HA What a dumb fuck, and easily fooled. No surprise, you are the biggest fool in blog land!

074. 9/14/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #204.

Keep hiding behind moderation! HA HA HA HA HA HA

075. 9/14/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #204.

Butt fuck buddies How come RN and other intellectuals(HA) are the only ones commenting on your blog? Where are all your supporters, like Shaw? How about your buddies at Swash Zone, they never comment here. Gee, I wonder why? I'll let you get back to your new butt fuck buddy RN. You both hate, both are bigots, both are shitheads, both are Jew haters, both use moderation like cowards, both lie, like my supposed apology, both write hate posts (your the KING of hate posts, both think I'm anon and 20 other guys, both live in a delusion all your own

076. 9/14/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #204.

Kiss kiss suck suck Two bigots sitting in a tree One is RN, one is WD They suck each others cock and shove their dicks into each others ass holes, just to make sure they are ass holes They hate Jews, and everyone else They won't post comments, but talk about those un-posted comments lying about those comments all the time WD had it done to him by RN WD loved being fucked over by RN, so WD decided it was time to really get fucked by RN, dropped his pants and took RN's cock up hi ass HE LOVED IT! So now they are butt fuck buddies

077. 9/14/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #203.

This is your new strategy to discussion? Don't post the comment, but then lie about the comment HA HA HA HA HA And you think you are fooling anyone HA HA HA HA HA HA Everyone knows YOU are the KING LYING SHITHEAD Crowned by your own butt fuck buddies HA HA HA HA HA HA

078. 9/15/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #204.

You and RN do have butt fuck gay sex Homo boys Publish them HA HA HA HA HA HA HA They describe what you and RN are Publish them HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

079. 9/15/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #203.

After butt fuck sex, it is best to open the windows.

080. 9/16/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #204.

Where are my comments? Post them all coward! "I disagree with the majority of your positions on issues as well as most of your conclusions when playing Sherlock Holmes." Even your butt fuck buddy is trying to tell you something, which I have tried to tell you for months, but you are to stupid to get it.Then you take your "mistakes" of your dective work and attack me, falsely. Fine. Even when you see the light, you are getting the treatment by me, you deserve. I laugh as you make yourself the idiot SHITHEAD of blog land. far surpassing RN.

081. 9/16/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #204.

Praise from RN! You must have given him a great butt fucking, with that small penis of yours

082. 9/14/2013 at 4:45 AM. SWTD #204.

Another hate post
against your same enemy Will
when you hate, you hate hard
you are just like RN

083. 9/17/2013 at 9:15 PM. SWTD #204.

Not 1/2 fag, ALL FAG!
He and RN are butt fuck buddies
Please get your facts straight

084. 9/18/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #204.

So this is where all the garbage commentators hang out. Hi skud, Rusty, RN, are you all getting butt fucked by WD?

085. 9/19/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #204.

The RN butt fucking shithead has scumrunner. Whew! The scum had to go somewhere and this shit blog is the perfect place for him. Congratulations shithead. Good addition to your already shit line up. Now you get back to butt fucking RN.

086. 9/19/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #204.

What? NO new hate post? Don't let your readers down, we want hate

087. 9/22/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #204.

As you and your hate blog become irrelevant and ignored, I will stop by to remind you why. Now you can get back to sucking RN's cock before his shoves it into your ass. Enjoy the butt fuck, I know you do.

088. 9/22/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #205.

You must be butt fucking this Thom Hartman also. You are attracted to extreme ass hole aren't you?

089. 9/22/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #205.

Is that RN's sperm working its way up your ass?

090. 9/24/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #205.

Wow, what an intellectual discussion! You fags really love to butt fuck each other

091. 9/27/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #206.

Another hate post! From the king shithead of hate. Who'da thunk? You two must be having a fag fight, just a week ago you were in love with getting butt fucked by your new buddy RN.

092. 9/28/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #206.

His perversion goes well beyond being a Trekie. he loves watching Pelosi speeches while getting butt fucked by RN.

093. 9/29/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #207.

No comments! Who would post on this piece of shit blog? No one but you faking to be someone else, as you always do. Time to let RN butt fuck you again, it's only been 12 hours.

094. 9/30/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #206.

Good to see your butt fuck buddy came along to keep you company. Get used to it, being a lonely shithead I mean. HA HA HA HA HA HA

095. 10/05/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #207.

So nice to see your idiot blog with your idiot readers are dying. Do you get it now? NO, to fucking stupid. Go butt fuck your buddy RN.

096. 10/07/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #207.

Another hate post! Congratulations! Such an intellectual discussion. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

097. 10/09/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #207.

Hey Mr. Butt Fuck RN.

098. 10/10/2013 at 12:16 PM. SWTD #208.

"I submitted some examples of actual spam (male enhancement links) to his blog"

Of course we know you are the instigator of such vile crap, including your own stable of fake ID's and lying, vile shit spam comments, but thanks for admitting it.

RN is waiting to stick his dick in your ass (even though it is a SMALL dick, you love it, so go now and have your buddy butt fuck you.

099. 10/11/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #208.

That's funny - in case I try to delete it I have never deleted any comment I have made You have deleted every comment I make, and the ones you post, you have changed the words A gay lying shithead (crowned KING shithead by your friends) like you deserves every vile criticism, because they are true.

100. 10/12/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #209.

Gee, three days and no comments. Get the picture fag boy Now go get butt fucked by RN, your favorite thing to do.

101. 10/12/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #209.

No one wants to talk to your lying faggot ass

102. 10/13/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #209.

Still no comments Hint, hint What a fucking LOSER

103. 10/14/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #210.

The way you disagree with people is hate filled. It's nothing like the sensation of having RN's dick up your ass. A new low for you, making comments to a guy you won't allow to make comments. I understand no one else will have anything to do with you. That's understandable since you are such a hate filled faggot. Even your butt fuck boyfriend treats you like shit in public, a typical response from one hate filled butt fuck friend to another. It's all psychological for fags who deny they are fags. It's obvious you have a crush on the idiot Thom Hartman, and would love to have him shove his dick in your ass, but he won't have you, you are to fucking stupid and ugly. So you go where you can get dick up your ass, and that's RN, the only hate filled fag who will shove his dick up your ass. Thanks for the shout out, I'll return the favor and try to convince SF to butt fuck you, but don't get your hopes up he doesn't like ugly hate filled faggots. Congratulations on another hate filled

104. 10/15/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #210.

The only one being laughed at is you poor slob

105. 10/17/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #211.

Yet another hate - attack post. CONGRATULATIONS! You keep proving your hate every time you post, and prove me correct. Thank you.

106. 10/23/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #214.

The butt fucking fag has no comments. Gee, you must be out getting butt fucked by RN again. I know you love reading my comments. Probably jack off reading them. Sorry, I'm not a butt fucking fag like you, but you can fantasize about my beautiful male body while you jack off.

107. 10/23/2013 at 2:51 AM. SWTD #213.

Gee another post based on the one you worship. You worship Tom Hartman, someone else worships Ayn Rand, someone else worships Clinton, someone else worships Cantor. When you hate filled delusional faggots stop worshiping and believing in political messiahs maybe America can get back to common sense politics based on the needs of Americans.
Now back to you and RN butt fucking each other.

108. 10/26/2013 at 12:06 AM. SWTD #214.

Just drooling with hate!
Way to go!
Now go get your nightly butt fucking from RN

109. 10/27/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #214.

Geez, now you are butt fucking Octo. You really are a fag whore.

110. 10/28/2013 at 1:44 PM. SWTD #214.

You and RN are butt fuck buddies including being Jew haters. Now the truth is out and you two butt fuckers cannot hide as much as some try to hide the fact that you two butt fuckers are Jew haters.

111. 10/29/2013 at 12:17 PM. SWTD #214.

We hit the truth on the head and you come out screaming liar when you never post my comments. Truth hurts. Now back to you getting butt fucked by RN. Enjoy, I know you do. By Jew hater.

112. 11/2/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #215.

One idiot comment in 6 days. What a butt fucking piece of shit blog. Try posting household hints, you might get some readers. No one is interested in your Jew hate, or your faggot lifestyle of anal sex.

113. 11/4/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #215.

Lies from an idiot who cannot read. I would expect nothing else from the butt fuck buddy of a faggot liar. Now go butt fuck each other as you usually do. I hope you both get AIDS.

114. 11/04/2013 at 12:25 PM. SWTD #215.

Nice blog full of liars. Two comments in over a week. WOW, must be a GREAT blog. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.

115. 11/04/2013 at 12:25 PM. SWTD #216.

What a brick wall fag idiot. Another hate post, CONGRATULATIONS!
Of course Tom H. is correct and Will is wrong as usual according to your idiot fag mind. Laughable, and I laugh everyday at your. Just as Rand is RN God, so this idiot Tom H. is yours. How delusional, to think one person has all the correct answers and some kind of political messiah.

116. 11/14/2013 at unknown time. SWTD #217.

Bored again hey? A hate post about RN. How original. He worships Rand, you worship Hartman, then you both worship at each others dicks. You suck his til it's hard enough to shove up your ass, then you are satisfied.

117. 11/16/2013 at 11:41 AM. SWTD #217.

So good to see you two butt fuckers together again. Enjoy the penetration

118. 11/16/2013 at 11:43 AM. SWTD #217.

Anyone who thinks Obama has met his Waterloo just because the ACA has had start up problems, is the dumbest motherfucker in the world.

119. 12/04/2013 at 4:45 AM. SWTD #220.

What BS Shaw. You are the one who will not argue a poliotical point, not to mention like idiot boy here you support Jew haters, not surprising since you are one.

120. 12/04/2013 at 7:27 PM. SWTD #220.

Protect and defend Jew haters, typical, for a Jew hater

121. 12/12/2013 at 12:54 PM. SWTD #220.

Yes, you have a talent for censorship. Maybe you should try just as hard for the truth. Not a chance in hell from a butt fucking fag like you who promotes Jew hate and those who spew it.

122. 12/13/2013 at 9:28 AM. SWTD #220.

One post in a month. You are spending to much time getting butt fucked by RN, but one post a month by you is about all the faggot shit the blog land can handle.

123. 3/23/2014 at 11:06 AM. SWTD #243.

You have proven yourself to be a moron so many times it's not even questionable.

124. 6/09/2014 at 5:10 PM. SWTD #260.

Shithead being a shithead again. Of course you are just living up your crown, KING SHITHEAD

[Steve again refers to the comment that Steve/Luke made! He claims that T101 "crowned" me, but it was Steve/Luke. See DSD #38. Also, this is Luke's last comment as "Steve". Obviously he thought if he went away for a while - I wouldn't catch on when he returned as "Luke". And I didn't - at first. Because it had been 779 days since Steve's last comment].

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[WYD20160103] Comment directed at Luke re his extreme homophobia (followup1, followup2).
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DSD #55