Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Comments By TOM, Steve & Luke In Which All 3 Claim Dervish Sanders Was "Crowned King Shithead" (Despite The Fact This Never Happened)

Documented: Comments by bloggers who refer to Dervish Sanders as "King Shithead" and say that Truth 101 (AKA Joe Hagstrom) "crowned" him that (in his 8/28/2013 commentary "What Defines A Shithead"). Even though that never happened (see 2nd comment below by T101).

September 1, 2013 AT 7:34 PM. T101 #127.

Anonymous: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
You OK dude
It's not so bad that you admitted lying twice, or that you have been outed as "Steve"
What's bad is you have now proven you are, and have been crowned as the biggest SHITHEAD in blog land.
Deservedly so.
Get a grip dude.
Get back to writing your hate/attack posts.

[This is almost certainly a TOM/Steve/Luke comment. He is addressing me, Dervish Sanders, BTW. He was the one that used the "king of shitheads" phrase first, despite his claim that T101 said it. T101 REFUTED IT. See the next comment. Also, Dervish Sanders is/never was "Steve". In fact, the blogger Luke is now known to be the person behind the Steve account].

SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 AT 7:48 PM. T101 #131.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: SORRY Anon 7:34. Dr. Donald Douglas is and always will be the king of shitheads. As shitheaded as WD has become, his shitheadedness is a mere whiff of one of Donald's weaker flatulences.

6/09/2014 AT 5:10 PM. SWTD #260.

Steve: Shithead being a shithead again. Of course you are just living up your crown, KING SHITHEAD

6/09/2014 5:10 PM. SWTD #317.

TOM-3136: Thanks for continuing to prove you are the king shithead, as crowned years ago HA HA HA HA

Truth 101

What defines a "shithead"

6/09/2014 5:10 PM. SWTD #348.

Luke: Here's my latest post, so you don't have to steal it:

Dervish Sanders, the King Shithead. Crowned that 3 years ago, and well deserved.

This mentally ill criminal has sent me over 200 comments in only 2 days. That alone shows an unstable asshole, but those emails were about him murdering, which makes him a criminal. This sicko is supported by RN, Pam, Shaw, FJ, and many more assholes. Funny, they are all assholes who have stolen my work product and claimed it as their own. Nothing is more despicable. If this criminally insane asshole comes to your blog, call the police. They have a file on him and want more information.

[Despite him writing that his comment is a post from his blog, it isn't. Or so I thought. I did a Google search and found a cached page. See below. Not that this 9/5/2016 post is untitled. Also, he apparently waited 4 days to send it to me as a comment].


[Note that Luke lies. Because his G+ profile page has his name as "Luke Spencer", I sent him some excerpts from the Wikipedia page for the fictional Luke Spencer. In Luke Spencer's fictional bio it says "Luke accidentally hit Lena in the head with a baseball bat. His older sister Patricia drove Lena to the hospital in Tim's car, which he loved more than his kids, but Lena died there. When Tim told Luke he was just like him, Luke beat him to death". Tim was Luke's father. In addition to the Wikipedia excerpt, I noted that Luke Spencer murdered his father. This is the "murdering" that the blogger Luke says he reported to the police. BTW, I seriously doubt that sending Wikipedia excerpts to someone via the Blogger comment form is a crime].

Comments & Posts that link here
[SWTD #357] Analyzing The Posts "Liberal Hate" By Luke Spencer & "Liberal Haters" By TOM The Omelet Man. 11/9/2016.

DSD #38

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