Thursday, January 12, 2017

Catalog Of Luke The Blog Troll's Vile Comments From SWTD (Warning! Offensive & Profane Content) 2017

Documented: Comments from the blog troll currently going by the name Luke submitted to SWTD (my primary blog Sleeping with The Devil). Previously Luke went by the name "Steve", which was the name on the account before he changed it (DSD #33). Luke also trolls using the name TOM. In fact, he has 4 IDs with the name "TOM" attached to them. That is in addition to his 3 "Luke" accounts (see here). Luke currently writes at a blog he initially called "Speak Your Mind" which he later retitled Words and Music. Previously he wrote (as TOM) on the blog Stay A While (SWTD#357).

Note that comments that include the phrase "so you don't have to steal it, SCUMBAG" are truncated. They do not include the post that Luke erroneously and moronically believes I have an interest in stealing. Why the hell would I want to take credit for and publish a post on my blog in which I insult myself or other Liberals? I do NOT want any of Luke's garbage posts on my blog! In fact I sent him a message saying that if any of his posts were on my blog that he should send me the links and I'd remove them immediately. Luke did not respond.

This post will be updated with additional Luke comments as they are received (but NOT published where he submits them). See DSD#51 for the complete catalog of Luke's 2016 SWTD comments.

001. 1/02/2017 8:40am. SWTD #365.

Here's my post today so you don't have to steal it scumbag!!

A New Year.
The leftist start the new year wallowing in their deluded negativity. The negativity gets deeper and deeper. From calling Trump Hitler to calling Trump the anti-Christ. Now they claim Mrs. Trump is a Russian spy. [Remainder post content removed].

[The "Melania is a Russian spy" post is satire in which I make fun of the blogger Willis Hart for his belief that there is something to the fake news PizzaGate story. Satire obviously goes right over the moron Luke's head].

002. 1/02/2017 at 4:53pm. SWTD #365.

No one believes your lies asshole. Anyone reading my blog knows I am not pro Trump, so again, no one believes you lie that I am pro Trump. I have proven you wrong SO MANY times that I won't bother anymore. Have fun waiting for the apocalypse. I'm sure you worship "Revelations." If you want to be dead, there is an easy way for you to take care of that and make many people happy. Now back to your Jew hating buddy RN.

[I might be the ONLY person who reads his blog and I KNOW he is pro-Trump. Due to the fact that he wrote "I'm rooting for Trump" on his blog. Also, all his TOM and other Luke sockpuppets are pro-Trump. For example. I'm not waiting for the apocalypse. I do not worship the Book of Revelation].

003. 1/9/2017 at 2:25pm. SWTD #365. Also published to WYD as a comment 1/12/2017 at 8:15am.

Here's my latest post so you don't have to steal it scumbag!

The Insanity Continues
Having claimed that Trump is the anti-Christ and his wife a Russian spy, now Dervish is claiming Trump and Ryan are Satanists because they follow the cultist Ayn Rand. [remainder of post from Luke's blog removed].

[After Luke fell for my post about Melania being a Russian spy, I decided to do another one and see if he'd take the bait. So gullible].

004. 1/09/2017 at 3:52pm. SWTD #366.

Just using your own words scumbag.
Not my fault you post such garbage.
No surprise coming from a hate filled bigot like you.

005. 1/09/2017 at 4:25pm. SWTD #366.

From the same dumb fuck who didn't even know Podesta said they were his emails, but claims to know everything. Laughable. So of course you write nothing but lies.

[According to Luke, John Podesta confirmed that the Wikileaked emails were his. However, The Washington Examiner writes that "Clinton's campaign refused to confirm the authenticity of documents published by WikiLeaks... "We're not going to verify any of these right now...", campaign manager Robby Mook told MSNBC host Chuck Todd". Also Poltifact reports "Hillary Clinton and her campaign have sought to cast doubt on the authenticity of thousands of emails leaked by WikiLeaks... In massive document dumps like the Podesta email leak, the risk of encountering altered documents is heightened because it's easy to slip them in among thousands of genuine documents..."].

006. 1/09/2017 at 4:34pm. SWTD #366.

It's so easy to make you look like a liar when you write shit like I am pro Trump. Or a lie like you never wrote a blog with an address just one number off my address. Just reading your blog proves that a lie.
When people read your shit they know you are full of shit, liar! Shit like Trump is Satan, Trump is the anti-Christ, his wife is a Russian spy. Trump stole the election.........
Keep proving me correct lying asshole HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[The blog that is "one number off" his address is jermac1954. A blog that I will neither confirm or deny was created by me, although I have commented there].

007. 1/10/2017 at 12:36am. SWTD #366.

You are the one who gets mad when proven a liar. A separate blog for those who proved you a liar. Your obsession drives you to hours and hours of posting lies. A real mental problem is what you have.
Podesta DID confirm those were his emails. A simple truth printed in all papers around the world, but you can't handle simple truths, just complicated lies. More proof you are mentally unstable. Now get back to your Rand worshiping buddy RN.

008. 1/10/2017 at 8:51am. SWTD #366.

NOBODY has ever proven you wrong! LAUGHABLE!!
Poor demented asshole!
I prove you wrong EVERYDAY!!!
Keep lying!
I love to prove you wrong.
Makes me laugh at you.

[Luke's response after I sent him a comment saying nobody has ever proven me a liar, and NOT that nobody has ever proven me wrong. I think I've probably been proven wrong before, although that has never happened in regards to Luke. Proof that Luke can't read].

009. 1/10/2017 at 3:26pm. SWTD #366.

Of course I would attack a stupid post like this full of lies.
You love to word twist.
A sign of a true liar.
Where does it say satire? Seems even your buddy RN didn't think it was satire.
I take you at your word, if your words are idiotic, that's your problem.
Now back to your lies

[The post is labeled satire. It was when I published it. The primary purpose of me writing it was to see if Luke was gullible enough to take the bait].

010. 1/10/2017 at 4:08pm. SWTD #366.

Doesn't matter if you made it up, or not, you are held responsible for your own words. It's your fault if your words make you look like the liar you are.
You keep claiming I lie based on words by someone else. It doesn't work that way.
I just use your own lying words.
So keep writing lying shit and I will highlight those lies.

[Luke saying "You keep claiming I lie based on words by someone else" is a reference to the fact that I've accurately identified him as Steve as well as TOM. HIS WORDS, not the words of "someone else". In any case, I've also identified lies published by him using the "Luke" account].

011. 1/12/2017 at 12:52pm. SWTD #367.

You are good at writing fantasy BS.
Clinton couldn't beat Trump and Sanders got beat by Clinton, but Sanders would beat Trump.
This is the kind of analytical crap you use to lie about me.
What a joke you are, and I don't have to prove, all anyone has to do is read your garbage blog. You are worse than Buzzfeed - nothing but fake news here, which you already admitted to.

[Luke thinks he "got" me with a post from his blog that cited a researcher he made up. Luke: "Just wanted you to be the first to know, there is no J. Craig Scherf of Duluth MN. I made him up just to watch you do your mental retard bit". Even though J. Craig Scherf is a real person. So he didn't "get" me. Whereas I actually did "get" him with my satire post. Which is whey the idiot is so upset].

012. 1/15/2017 at 10:58am. SWTD #367.

Here is my post for today, so you don't have to steal it SCUMBAG:

Dervish's Truths
A few headlines of posts on Dervish's blogs: [Remainder of content of post from Luke's blog removed].

[Post titles are not "truths". Some are, some are not. For my complete refuting of Luke's moronic lies see here].

013. 1/15/2017 at 3:57pm. SWTD #368.

Your own words speak for themselves. Like, "100% confirmed."
YOU made up that blog and anyone can tell that.
My Google account has me as Luke Smith, but I already told you that.
Keep spewing your lies no one believes you at this point. HA HA HA HA HA
I've posted your own words to many times, like you admitting that you sent 500 comments and multiple death threats and later threatening to send thousands of comments.
Good luck getting people to believe you LIAR!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
What a fucking obsessed, criminal, psychopath, liar you are, and thanks for proving it every time you open your shit lying mouth!

014. 1/16/2017 at 1:13pm. SWTD #369.

You are rally sad!
All you can do is mimic me, mimic what I write.
The difference is I use your own words, you use lies.

015. 1/21/2017 at 4:55pm. SWTD #370.

YOU the psychopath criminal liar still crying over Clinton's loss. Blame it on everything you can LOSER CRYBABY!!

016. 1/22/2017 at 5:25pm. SWTD #370.

My post for today so you don't have to steal it SCUMBAG:

Networks Get Real

[post content from Luke's blog removed] ...Only Dervish is a worse liar than Trump. He still claims I'm pro Trump, laughable. Dervish will steal this post and post it under one of his many alter egos. He usually posts as TOM, then of course, lies and claims I'm TOM.

[The TOM account belongs to Luke. Luke is a worse liar than Trump. I "claim" he's pro-Trump because he wrote QUOTE "I'm rooting for Trump"].

017. 1/25/2017 at 7:52am. SWTD #370.

Dervish and RN comment at WYD everyday, every hour and thanks for correctly describing RN and Dervish.

[Is Luke saying RN and I are psychopaths? But I never made that case, so I don't know why he's thanking someone/me].

018. 1/28/2017 at time. SWTD #370.

Here is my post for today, so you don't have to steal it SCUMBAG!

Who Will Fight? [Remainder of post content from Luke's 1/28/2017 blog post removed].

019. 2/10/2017 at 6:50pm. SWTD #370.

You care enough to send your vile comments and to steal my posts and post them under one of your sock puppet names on other blogs. Now get back to WYD and spread your lies about Trump being Caligula and the anti-Christ.

020. 1/30/2017 at 1:27pm. SWTD #370.

I'm enjoying watching you and your lying buddies making assholes of yourselves. The folks at WYD are enjoying watching you and your lying buddies making assholes of yourselves also.

020. 2/10/2017 at 8:26pm. SWTD #370.

You are the one who was proven a liar over and over again. Lisa even commented on my blog how delusional you are. You lose liar. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[Lisa commented on his blog once. She wrote "The left proves every day how off the rails they have gone" in response to a dishonest commentary Luke wrote about my blog. SO WHAT? He thinks that because of Lisa's comment "I lose"? What a dope]..

21. 3/11/2017 at 7:55am. SWTD #372.

You have to live with your own words which ALWAYS prove yourself to be a liar. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

22. 3/27/2017 at 2:46pm. SWTD #373.

Just to show what a delusional mental retard you are, but everyone knows that anyways from the proven lies you post all over. Certainly they know your parody blog of me, is you. Just another in a long line of fake blogs and ID's you create, which is also a sign of you.

23. 3/28/2017 at 3:04pm. SWTD #373.

Oh gee, another intellectual exercise from the delusional, depraved, retarded, criminal mind of Trump Dervish.
Who did you steal this post from?

24. 3/28/2017 at 3:48am. SWTD #373.

Trumps healthcare bill was withdrawn (defeated) before you even posted this fiction. Typical of you to lie.

25. 3/29/2017 at 1:05pm. SWTD #373.

You claimed it moron. In writing. In your own words. It's on WYD and I have it saved from one of your thousands of vile emails and death threats you sent to me. You can't even keep your lies straight MORON.

26. 3/30/2017 at 3:14pm. SWTD #373.

I didn't even look, so sorry. I know you are itching for something, especially since WYD is not posting your lies, so you obviously made up more of your lies. Again, it shows just how stupid you are to think anyone believes I wrote that blog and proves your insanity. Thank you. You think you are so smart, yet, no one believes y7ou. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
You are just a joke.
Now back to writing your fiction.

27. 3/30/2017 at 3:35pm. SWTD #373.

I don't have brain cancer. You must though. Lisa posted my comment, but since you write delusional fiction, I'm sure you didn't understand it. I appreciate you proving how desperate you are, it proves you are a delusional. criminal liar. Thank you.

28. 3/30/2017 at 4:00pm. SWTD #373.

That's your delusion, not mine. You must be lonely today. Write more delusional fiction.

29. 3/30/2017 at 4:14pm. SWTD #373.

Your delusion is showing again. Get back to taking your meds. I never listed Stay A While on my blog. Just more lies by you. I was right, you are lonely today and Lisa won't post your lying garbage, so you write me again. You are SAD, but I can't feel sorry for such a lying asshole like you.

30. 4/19/2017 at 12:28pm. SWTD #375.

Sorry asshole, it's RN's Jew hate comment that you and Shaw defended. EAT IT JEW HATER!!!

31. 5/12/2017 at 6:19pm. SWTD #379.

Nixon's Saturday Night massacre happened because they refused to obey an illegal order from Nixon. NOT what happened with Comey, but you loonies don't understand the difference. Thanks for proving me correct again, that you are to stupid to understand and just input your lies of what you THINK happened. By the way, my blog is not dead, it is devoted to exposing your utter stupidity.

[As per the NY Times "Samuel Buell, a former federal prosecutor who now teaches criminal law at Duke University, said... firing an investigator could fit... Section 1512 of Title 18 {which} makes it a crime if someone corruptly obstructs, influences or impedes any official proceeding, even if the proceeding was not yet pending at the time of the act"].

32. 5/12/2017 at 7:08pm. SWTD #378.

To bad you have to make up lies about me, but all I have to do is post YOUR OWN WORDS to show you are a mentally deranged, criminal troll.

33. 5/12/2017 at 8:58pm. SWTD #379.

Thanks for proving I was correct, you have no clue! Yes, Trump can fire the FBI director if he doesn't like the way he smiles. That's the law. So go back to your delusional crap about Trump can't fire the FBI director. Just like your stupid comparison to the Saturday Night Massacre. They are not the same at all. They had totally different circumstances, but I love the way you prove yourself so stupid as to claim they had the same circumstances.

34. 5/14/2017 at 10:18am. SWTD #379.

You get up early just call a stranger a homo. Thanks for proving what a loser you are Trump Dervish! You lost this months ago when you admitted to sending death threats, and thanks for that LOSER!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

35. 5/21/2017 at 5:08pm. SWTD #379.

You are about to be banned from WYD. You can add that to the long list of other blogs that have banned your hate and lies, just like RN banned you from his blog. Congratulations Trump Dervish you lying, crimi9nal, psychopath! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

36. 5/23/2017 at 9:47am. SWTD #379.

Typical of you, in your delusion, to take no blame, especially since all my comments on WYD were only in response to your comments about me on WYD. YOU are the one who showed your obsessive, hate filled attacks on me, on that blog. GO FUCK YOURSELF TRUMP DERVISH!!

37. 5/23/2017 at 10:13pm. SWTD #379.

Lisa posted my comment. Get a clue fuck head lying Trump Dervish!!

38. 5/24/2017 at 2:25pm. SWTD #379.

You are very close to a mental break down lying asshole Dervish Trump. Now that you can't attack me, I hope you will asshole harassing bully.

39. 5/25/2017 at 4:17am. SWTD #379.

I haven't been trolling you for years asshole and the number of comments I have left on this blog pales in comparison to the number of comments you have left on my blog, not to mention my comments to you are ALWAYS in response to your vile comments you leave on my blog. GO FUCK YOURSELF TRUMP DERVISH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[Luke is a liar. He has been trolling me and others for years. Since around 2012, in fact. Which is when he went by the name "TOM". See the proof here].

40. 5/25/2017 at 1:33pm. SWTD #380.

All I do is post your headlines, word for word, YOUR words. And I leave it as a link so people can read your post, if they want.
The fact that you get so upset just shows what scum delusion your words are and show what a hate filled asshole you are.
Everyone knows YOU write the "jermac" blogs and why would I post your comments on those blogs if I could control comments on those blogs. It's easy to see that's YOUR writing, not mine. It is the delusional ramblings of a sick, hate filled person and has no resemblance to my writing at all.
Now get back to calling for Trumps assassination Dervish Trump FUCK HEAD!

41. 6/4/2017 at 8:07pm. SWTD #380.

I don't know what you are complaining about. You post your gross shit lies, porn pictures, and death threats on that blog and Lisa is glad to post them.
You wanted them all to read your sick fake blogs and tried to get them to believe I wrote them. HA HA HA HA HA
Of course none of them believe you, not even RN, or Ducky. HA HA HA HA HA
You fit right in with that scum crowd. She even posts RN's sick bigoted comments. You love it there. You are there everyday. Lisa loves your shit, lie filled comments.
That makes me look good and YOU LOSE!!
Now go explain why I would even let you post comments on my "supposed" jermac blogs. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Then explain why all those blogs even have the same format as your blog. HA HA HA HA HA HA Thanks for proving to everyone what sick, hate filled asshole you are.
Just as I have been proving that to everyone all along.
Now back to making death threats against the president of the United States, you psychopathic criminal.

[I have never posted lies, porn pictures or death threats to Lisa's blogs. I have never made death threats against the president. Luke is a delusional nutjob].

42. 6/6/2017 at 1:01pm. SWTD #380.

It's been fun fucking with you. I've had a new blog going for months now, which you know nothing about. You are SO stupid HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Enjoy the garbage blogs that are the ONLY blogs left that let you comment HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Who are these people, THAT I GIVE A SHIT ABOUT, you have convinced of anything? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
You only have shit and hate to spew and only shit blogs allow you to post comments HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
You and Plucky have fun with your "jermac" hate blogs. I will keep posting your hate headlines and keep my Dervish Sanders blog up to date. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Thanks for deleting more of your comments from the blog, it proves the point I made about you being a COWARD full of hate HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[So Luke runs away and says I lose? Why should I care about his secret blog? I would not have known or cared about "Words and Music" if he hadn't started trolling me. Again. This being after changing his name from "Steve" to "Luke"].

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[WYD-20170515] WYD comment.

DSD #56

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