Friday, August 19, 2016

Fanboy Outrage Re Milo Yiannopoulos (A Hard Right Jackass) Being Banned From Twitter

Documented: Willis Hart's commentary tirade against Twitter re it's banning of misogynist douche and supporter of the hard right, Milo Yiannopoulos. Including commentaries in which he slams the victim of Yiannopoulos (and his Twitter followers) harassment, Leslie Jones.

5/31/2016 at 5:13 am.

On the Fact that Social Justice Warriors Always Try to Destroy Their Opponent's Livelihood (Like Sharpton Did with Don Imus, for Example).

We need to stand up to these bald tyrants and it appears that some of us finally are (Sam Harris, Pat Condell, Maajid Nawaz, Colin Flaherty, Dave Rubin, Tom Woods, Ilana Mercer, Janice Fiamengo, Warren Farrell, Paul Joseph Watson, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Milo Yiannopoulos - the "Dangerous Faggot", Christina Hoff Sommers, etc).

THANK GOD. P.S. And, yes, sometimes their tactics can backfire. Like with this Garrison fellow who did the Michelle Obama looking like a power-forward cartoon (which, yes, was somewhat distasteful but then a great amount of satire tends to be - HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!). The SJWs went after him full-bore (he even got death-threats which makes SJWs no better than al Qaeda) and now he's more popular than ever. Oops, OOOOOOOOPS.

5/31/2016 at 5:33pm.

On the Fact that Black Lives Matter Protesters Crashed a Sanctioned Milo Yiannopoulos Interview at Depaul University, Shut it Down Completely, and Even Threatened Mr. Yiannopoulos and Instead of Lambasting the Unruly Protesters (Who Quite Frankly Should Have Been Arrested), the President of Depaul Shat Upon Milo (and, Yes, it Was a Calm and Measured Discussion Prior to the Onslaught).

And the grownups on college campuses... are where these days? Seriously, I don't see 'em.

7/21/2016 at 3:58pm.

On the Fact that Twitter Had to Be Sued Before They Took Down the Tens of Thousands of ISIS Related Accounts but Didn't Hesitate One Second to Ban Milo Yiannopoulos Over Some Racist Tweets that His Followers Were Dishing Out.

The hypocrisy and double-standards of the left are really starting to reach critical-mass, I think, with this being a perfect example... I mean, we're talking about fucking ISIS here, for Christ.

7/22/2016 at 9:58pm.

On the Fact that Black Lives Matter Degenerates Routinely Call for the Killing of Cops on Twitter and Nothing Ever Happens but When Milo Yiannopoulos Throws a Couple of Insults at Some Douche-Bag Black Actress All Fucking Hell Breaks Loose and the Fellow is Banned for Life.

What's next, Muslim bakers refusing gays? What's that? They already...

7/23/2016 at 9:50pm.

On What Twitter Doesn't Deem to Be Offensive.

This, among other things. Nice, huh?

7/26/2016 at 4:35pm.

On the Fact that People Are Constantly Being Bullied and Threatened on Twitter (with Complaints Being Filed) and the Only Time that These Twitter Dullards Do Something About is When it Either a) Embarrasses Them or b) Provides Them with Some Lame Opportunity to Virtue-Signal to Minorities, Their Fellow Progressives, etc.

Amongst the worst human beings on the planet are those without a consistent moral yardstick and, yes, consider Twitter added to that list.

7/28/2016 at 11:22am.

On the Fact that Feminists and Other SJWs Are Trying to Blame the Bad Response to the New "Ghostbusters" Movie in Which All of the Lead Characters Are Chicks on Misogyny.

You know, as opposed to it being a horrible and unfunny POS remake of a much loved movie that makes "My Mother the Car" seem like Moliere and Aristophanes by comparison. That type of misogyny they're referring to.

Posts that link here
[OST #162] On Willis Hart Defending Milo Yiannopoulos, A Misogynist Jackass With A History Of Encouraging His Twitter Followers To Harass Women, 7/23/2016.

DSD #30

Monday, August 15, 2016

Truth 101 Commentary "What Defines A Shithead" From 8/28/2013

Documented: 8/28/2013 post by Truth 101 (AKA Joe Hagstrom) from his now shuttered blog, Truth Shall Rule. The blog is no longer publically accessible ("invited readers only"). But I copied down the full text of the post as well as all 136 comments. Because of Joe's conclusion, which was that Dervish Sanders is a "shithead". This post seriously irked me, due to the fact that I've got trolls like TOM and Steve calling me a shithead TO THIS DAY. Thank you Joe Hagstrom.

Note that most (if not all) of the "anonymous" comments were actually submitted by TOM AKA Steve (2 IDs controlled by the same person, although the name on the "Steve" account has now been changed to "Luke"). "NL" means there is no link (2 comments). I missed copying them down for some reason. Not that it matters, as ALL of the links are to the Truth101 blog, and (as previously mentioned) the blog is currently inaccessible to the public.

WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28, 2013 AT 1:35 PM.

What Defines A "Shithead". BY JOE "TRUTH 101" KELLY.

Although I haven't been active in Blogistan the past few months the few times I've been around I've managed to rankle the feathers [of] the outstanding blogger, Whirling Dervish. Or Dervish Sanders as he calls himself now. Not that I mind what he calls himself as long as it isn't "shithead" since that is one of my catchwords. As is the phrase "deluded rightwing fool". But sadly WD irritated me enough to call him a shithead.

That got me to thinking; just what defines a shithead? It's not a measure of education or intelligence. I've exposed the kooky Professor Donald Douglas of American Power for being a shithead countless times and he's a professor. In fact out of respect I awarded him an honorary doctorate of shitheadedness to go with his poly/sci degree. The man is a shithead of the highest order.

I've labeled many from all walks of life as shitheads. Some because they were just freaking stupid or rude. Others because they were assholes who needed to be outed as asshole shitheads. Dick Cheney is a grand example. As is Donald Trump.

Now and then I withdraw the label of shithead from someone who by deed deserved to be taken off the list. A blogger called Left Coast Rebel made a bet with me once and the winner got $20. I of course won the bet because LCR made a shitheaded bet, but he paid off. Granted after much coaxing from me as he was ashamed of his shitheadedness and having to admit to his shitheaded readers he lost a bet to Truth101. But we decided in fairness that he would write a check to his local Humane Society. We also agreed in the interests of setting an example I would write a check for $20 to my Humane Society. Which did piss me off as they were the ones who talked me into adopting the shitheaded, fatass beagle, Dudley, who is pictured begging for a treat. Then a few others got in the game and I ended up having to match 3 other $20 donations to my local Humane Society. I didn't consider my getting put together by LCR for $80 as being shitheaded. I'm just a victim of my kind and generous nature. So I removed the "shithead" label from Left Coast Rebel.

So we can think of many reasons why someone would be a shithead. But the biggest reason is of course because I say so. WD and I think alike on most issues, at least we did before I became a republican and now I hate everything, and Will and I have had pleasant exchanges on blogs and Facebook. But since all this "nuts" thing, which WD actually started long before I called him nuts and I submitted his comment on Will's shitheaded blog as proof, I've had no choice but to identify them as shitheads. None of this is my fault. The only responsibility I bear is deciding who is a shithead and who isn't. As an ambassador I now urge Will and Dervish to shake hands and make up; one shithead to another.

001. August 28, 2013 at 2:57 PM.

Dervish Sanders: Not sure why anyone should bother leaving a comment in response to this shitheaded post, as you may very well delete it later. Perhaps within a matter of days.

002. August 28, 2013 at 5:10 PM.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: In a great twist of irony another right leaning blogger I hadn't seen in over a year emailed me to see if I thought Dervish would be shitheaded enough to leave a comment. Now go bait Captain Fogg for awhile DS. He's mellowing out and I preferred the angry Captain.

003. August 28, 2013 at 8:01 PM.

Dervish Sanders: Why is it shitheaded? Because you're just going to delete this entire post? I haven't done that much baiting yet. That is why I had to write this. If not good enough I can come up with more.

004. August 29, 2013 at 4:40 AM.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: At least if you're here making a shithead out of yourself you aren't pestering someone else Dervish. My contribution to the world.

005. August 29, 2013 at 7:50 AM.

Dervish Sanders: Maybe it's JK who is making a shithead out of himself? I'm still pestering Will, BTW. He enjoys it so much I don't have the heart to stop.

006. August 29, 2013 at 8:44 AM.

Anonymous: A shithead is someone who professes an historical fact, when it is not; then refuses to cite reputable historians who would verify his false claim. The shithead part comes in as his claim is an anti Semitic slur as bad as calling a black person a nigger. Then there are the dense people who excuse him for that slur, because they never saw him say it, even though it is in writing on his blog. Add to that, that he repeated his bigoted claim on the same post the dense people said they never saw him write it. Ah, that's you - dense as can be and supporting anti Semitic garbage, which can only lead to the proof that you also are an anti Semite, so now you are no longer dense, but a shithead.

007. August 29, 2013 at 10:02 AM.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: While all that is true the final say of who is a shithead is Truth101. WD is a shithead. That's final.

008. August 29, 2013 at 11:01 AM.

Dervish Sanders: The anonymous commenter above is a shithead (likely someone who calls himself "Steve" although Steve would absolutely deny it's him). While I wouldn't say that overall JK is a shithead, he certainly is being one on this matter. No doubt a person who proclaims himself to have authorities he does not possess is a shithead. THAT is final.

009. August 29, 2013 at 11:34 AM.

Kevin Robbins: Truth, since you're now a Republican is there a chance you will have to deem yourself a shithead in the future?

010. August 29, 2013 at 11:45 AM.

Anonymous: I won't try and convince you since you have already made up you mind like a true shithead. I would ask if I and many others expressed the opinion why am I a shithead? The quality of your blog and its comments prove you are a shithead. All you do is write posts attacking people, RN, Will, Dmarks, etc. You prove everyday that 101 is correct, you are a shithead.

011. August 29, 2013 at 11:58 AM.

Dervish Sanders: Steve is a shithead because he kept going on and on about this "protecting" crap and insisting I was, EVEN THOUGH I CALLED RN OUT, complicit. And that because I did not want the conversation entirely monopolized by Steve and his obsession with RN that I am also an anti-Semite.

And Steve is a HUGE shithead (and a hypocrite) to say that "All you do is write posts attacking people" when ALL STEVE DOES is go from blog to blog and try to monopolize the conversation and make it all about his hate for RN... hate that is not entirely unjustified, but GIVE ME A BREAK. I indulged him and we discussed it!

Steve's real goal was to drive wedges between Progressives who would ordinarily be in strong agreement on many of the issues. The coward known as "Steve" is one of the biggest shitheads I have ever encountered. BTW, go ahead and say you aren't Steve. I really don't give a damn.

012. August 29, 2013 at 12:17 PM.

Anonymous: Now you really have proved you are not only a shithead, but a dumb ass.
Right, I'm the only one going around chastising RN for his anti Semitic remarks. HA HA HA. That's laughable given there must be two dozen people posting the same thing.
And now I'm a coward. HA HA HA HA
Your temper is showing again. Just as you show it everyday posting your attack garbage.
Come on, get mad, and prove I'm correct shithead.
RN writes a post attacking you, and you respond by writing a post attacking RN. Both of you are childish shitheads.
Yes, you and RN have a lot in common. No surprise. The same kind of vulgar, anger driven hate filled shitheads.

013. August 29, 2013 at 12:38 PM.

Dervish Sanders: Yes, there are a lot of Conservatives that posted comments on my blog attacking RN. They are complete idiots who think he is a Progressive. You're the only one who goes from blog to blog in an attempt to make every conversation all about RN.

BTW, Joe Kelly and RN are on friendly speaking terms. Given that, are you going to now focus your blog attacking energies on "Truth 101"?

This is the same childish shithead, I believe, who spent a considerable amount of time harassing Sue by submitting vulgar, insulting profanity laden comments to her blog and email address (referring to her using the "C" word, for example).

This Steve guy is one sick shithead, in other words. The only way he can continue to comment is to do so anonymously. If he used his blogger ID consistently he'd be one of the most hated individuals in all blogistan.

And I'm sure he will deny everything, but we know you by your words Steve. As well as the anger behind your words. Steve is one of the most hate filled individuals I have ever encountered.

014. August 29, 2013 at 12:44.

Dervish Sanders: BTW, I'm not mad at all Steve. This can of worms Joe Kelly has opened (by authoring this post calling me a shithead that attracted you) could turn out to be quite amusing. I'm interested to see for just how long Joe tolerates you. I'd guess that you normally wear out your welcome fairly quickly (my blog being the exception).

015. August 29, 2013 at 1:30 PM.

Anonymous: Please show/prove that I go blog to blog. Another delusion of a paranoid dumb ass.
I will certainly deny that I have harassed Sue. I don't even know who you are talking about.
By the way, I'm not Steve, but as I said since you have already decided that, I won't bother. I will just laugh every time you say it.
You have proved you are an angry dumb ass shit head, so consider that when announcing you are SURE of anything.
Another RN trait, believing I am ten other guys. What an egotistical paranoid.
I will just call you RN from now on. Your character traits (lack of) are identical.
Your the one with the anger and attacking people, just like RN. You write whole posts about it.
By RN.

016. August 29, 2013 at 1:52 PM.

Anonymous: Hint: If 101 thinks about it, he knows who I am.

017. August 29, 2013 at 2:12 PM.

Dervish Sanders: I never said I was absolutely sure about anything. I think my guesses could be fairly accurate, however. And this BS about you hiding behind "anonymous" and then attacking people who think you're Steve is ridiculous. You open yourself to this type of speculation by using the Anon/Coward method of commenting.

You can say I'm "angry" all you want but I don't bother with such an intense emotion in regards to morons that I will never meet. If I had to deal with idiots like Steve in real life... then, yes, I'd probably be mad. Lucky for me the only place I'll ever encounter the angry childish blog attacking Steve (and his ilk) is someplace where I can deal with him via the written word (or not at all, if I choose).

Steve is, I think, very much like RN, in that he goes absolutely ape-shit, and obsessively so when someone says something about him he doesn't like. Steve, exactly like RN, writes multiple comments about a person when he fixates on him (or her).

018. August 29, 2013 at 2:25 PM.

Anonymous: Thanks for the laugh RN.
Now back to your piece of shit blog to angrily trash more people.
Who will you write about this time?
Come up with some new vulgar words, you are getting boring with your anger attacks.

019. August 29, 2013 at 2:57 PM.

Anonymous: Must have struck a nerve. Like a child you make the same accusation I made about you, except my accusation is based on facts. Your blog writing proves it.
Ah. Today you attack 101.
thanks for proving me correct.
By RN.

020. August 29, 2013 at 5:47 PM.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: Man WD. Is there anyone who doesn't think you're a shithead. I don't know who "Steve" is. I don't know who the anonymous dude is either. Don't care. Won't expend any effort to find out either. Sadly though, WD continues to sink further into the abyss of shitheadedness.

>021. August 29, 2013 at 5:54 PM.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: Hey Kevin. My employment circumstance forced me to become a republican. I "came out" at MMA already but I need to do a piece at American Nihilist offering to join forces with The Nutty Professor. But WD was being a pest and shithead. My first mission has always been calling out shitheads wherever they trod.

022. August 29, 2013 at 6:03 PM.

Dervish Sanders: Steve is a guy who travels around from blog to blog to let everyone know that RN is an anti-Semite. If Joe Kelly is defending Steve he must be in agreement with him about how much RN hates Jews. Is that the case Joe?

Also, Steve's blog commenting proves what a hate filled shithead he is. His numerous comments back this up. But the coward is able to deny it due to his preference to hide behind the anonymous commenting feature. And only a moron would say someone objecting to being called a shithead is "attacking". Who will I write about this time? How about Steve? Then I'll delete him if he tries to comment.

023. August 29, 2013 at 6:38 PM.

Anonymous: HA HA HA HA HA HA
keep talking about Steve.
101 is right, you are a shithead.
A dumb ass shithead
Keep chasing ghosts
Read your blog, Steve said he was never coming back because you are a vulgar ass like RN, but you are going to ban him? Little late. HA HA HA HA HA
So I'm checking out who this Steve guy is and I have only seen him comment on your blog. Humm
Just another pulling your chain, which is so easy to do. HA HA HA HA
This is funny.
You are a gullible idiot.

024. August 29, 2013 at 6:40 PM.

Shaw Kenawe: Hi Joe, glad to see you blogging again, sad to see you've become a GOPer. I'll still come by to read and comment, though the TĂȘte de merde designations scare me.

025. August 29, 2013 at 6:52.

Dervish Sanders: You think people are buying your bullshit, Steve? And you are a hypocrite Steve. Because you attack and complain then about others attacking... also, I pointed out to you that "101" and RN are on friendly terms, so (according to you) he is just as guilty of Antisemitism. But apparently I now have the honor of being the object of Steve's "affections". BTW, whether or not you are actually Steve is something I do not give a shit about. You are very much like Steve so it make no difference to me. Not sure how you cowardly commenting as an Anon makes me "gullible".

026. August 29, 2013 at 7:03 PM.

Anonymous: You prove everyday that you don't care and don't have a clue what you are talking about RN.
Like RN you are obsessed, you think I am someone I'm not. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.
You ASSume I know 101 and RN are buddies. I have no idea and don't care.
Man you are full of ASSumptions and proving again and again what an idiot shithead you are.
Thanks for proving me correct, and for all the laughs.
Like RN you won't give it up, so I can look forward to more laughs, thanks again.
I would give you another hint, but you said you don't care. Fine, the more laughs for me.
By RN.

027. August 29, 2013 at 7:08 PM. NL.

Dervish Sanders: Steve: So I'm checking out who this Steve guy is and I have only seen him comment on your blog.

Right. Steve is checking out who Steve is. Found those comments by Steve pretty quickly too. Perhaps you didn't find them but just remember making them?

Steve: Steve said he was never coming back because you are a vulgar ass like RN.

Steve did not write that. Although, since you're going from memory I could understand why you'd remember that you wrote that (because you're going from memory instead of actually checking what you wrote).

For the record Steve, this is what you wrote (your final comment)...

Fine, like Shaw I will leave you to RN as your only commenter as you seem to believe only he has anything worth while to say since he has a profile, as sick as that profile is, you seem to love him...

Shows how stupid Steve is... to conclude that I "love" RN.

028. August 29, 2013 at 7:10 PM.

Dervish Sanders: Like RN, Steve won't give up.

029. August 29, 2013 at 7:18 PM.

Anonymous: See, told you, you would not give up. HA HA HA HA HA. Funny and childish, you keep accusing me of what you do.

Try again RN

Maybe I'm Dmarks!

Your mind is racing to idiocy.

Waiting for the next guess

Sorry RN, that's

030. August 29, 2013 at 7:37 PM.

Steve: Maybe I'm Steve!





031. August 29, 2013 at 8:34 PM.

Anonymous: I'm sure you are RN.
RN does the same thing
Many fake ID's to harass people with.
No doubt YOU are creating all the vulgar comments on your shit site.
I knew you would not give up.
Got you going now
Really touched a nerve


By RN.

032. August 29, 2013 at 8:59 PM.

Rational Nation USA: Hey Joe, good to see you blogging again on your own site. And no surprise you are doing it as only Truth 101 can. :-)

But I'm really baffled and hurt. ole Derv getting the shithead honors before me. Or did I miss something?

033. August 29, 2013 at 9:50 PM.

Dervish Sanders: Yes, I am a fake ID created by RN. The jig is up RN... everyone now knows that you are Dervish Sanders.

034. August 30, 2013 at 12:48 AM.

Anonymous: Good night RN, I mean DS.
I see your namesake arrived. You must be excited. I'll let you two talk, you have a lot in common and I predict you will become fast friends. You both have the same shithead, lying character. You are both egotistical, paranoid, ass holes. You are both gullible idiots who wouldn't know the facts if they were shoved up your ass. You both censor comments and think that's honest discussion. You both use fake ID's to play games with people, childish.
Again RN, thanks for all the laughs. I look forward to more since another trait you two have in common, is you never give up on your stupidity. Thanks for proving me correct. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

035. August 30, 2013 at 4:02 AM.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: Hey RN. I never had a problem with you. You're just a guy like me who's trying to help his family and call out people you think are shitheads. Thank WD for my return here and for however long. The guy is a shithead. And why does he think you're an anti Semite? That's just shitheaded.

036. August 30, 2013 at 4:04 AM.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: Hey Shaw. I always read your site. Always read RN's also. Been struggling with my conversion to republicanism and didn't want to post comments that made me look like I had a split personality. But one thing the left and right can agree on is WD's shitheadedness.

037. August 30, 2013 at 8:21.

Dervish Sanders: In my opinion a strong candidate for being labeled a shithead would be a person who wrote a post titled "What defines a shithead" and then never offer a definition. Who else but a shithead would say "we can think of many reasons why someone would be a shithead". But then provide zero reasons except "because I say so"?

038. August 30, 2013 at 8:45 AM.

Anonymous: Well, we have all the shithead children together. These shitheads have years of playing games with people throughout blog land. Attacking people, belittling people, being anti Semites, ass holes, smug idiots who think they know everything, yet, are total hypocrites. I'm surprised we haven't heard from Blue Pitbull, Will, Dmarks, Shaw, and other famous blog shitheads. No wonder bloggers have a reputation of being looney shitheads, you guys created that looney shithead reputation, aren't you proud. You all tie for shit headedness. My personal favorite is RN, both of you. No wonder guys like TAO no longer get many commentators, he's sane; and you shit heads stay away from sane. Life would be a loss if you couldn't fuck with people and treat them like shit.
By shit heads.

039. August 30, 2013 at 11:16 AM.

Dervish Sanders: Steve/Anon is the biggest shithead of them all (he ties with no one). An arrogant, cowardly, childish, lying, hypocrite who [1] thinks he's better than everyone (except TAO, apparently), [2] hides behind the anonymous commenting feature, [3] calls names, uses vulgarities and belittles people while [4] accusing everyone of doing exactly what he does.

Also, an idiot who does not know the difference between "by" and "bye". Unless, with his sign offs he's trying to tell us something. Could Steve/Anon be Rational Nation? He says "by RN" (as in AUTHORED by RN), instead of "bye, RN". More likely he's just a shithead... a fact he admitted with his last comment (although he also indicated he's multiple people).

040. August 30, 2013 at 11:39 AM.

Anonymous: RN's big come back as usual he accuses me of what I accuse him, except my accusations are based on facts, his are based on childish anger. Visit his blog for another anger driven hate post. This time about 101. I love that you keep proving me correct and continue to show what an angry bitter old fuck you are. Visit TAO's blog. You won't find the vulgar, hate filled, shithead crap you shitheads generate on your blogs. So you keep writing shit and claiming I'm Steve and I will keep laughing my ass off at you.
Thanks again RN for all the laughs and proving me correct.

041. August 30, 2013 at 12:07.

Dervish Sanders: Nobody here is going to believe that Dervish Sanders is a sock puppet controlled by Rational Nation. You're barking up the wrong tree on that one, Steve (my prior comment was a joke that obviously fell flat). My post was published in response to this one by "101". He calls me a shithead and I published a fictional story, the purpose of which was to elicit laughs. I don't know where you're getting "anger driven" from. Wait, I know... you pulled that accusation out of your posterior. Like the rest of your accusations you laughably claim are "based on facts".

042. August 30, 2013 at 12:16 PM.

Anonymous: That's right RN justify your hate.
How about another hate post on Dmarks, or RN?
You have years of practice blogging hate.
One reason I don't have a blog, is I don't want to be a member of the hate group you shithead bloggers represent.
Keep on proving what a hate filled shithead you are, I'm loving it!
Keep on proving what a delusion you live in, I'm loving it!
Keep on blaming someone else (Steve) I'm loving it!
Come back at me with more of your hate. I love it!

043. August 30, 2013 at 12:24 PM.

Anonymous: I forgot
by shithead RN
OR is that BUY shithead
gee, like I will worry about my spelling just for a shithead like you
love the way RN and RN are making up now
soon they will be butt fuck buddies, as I predicted.
by RN you shithead

044. August 30, 2013 at 12:26 PM.

Dervish Sanders: Why would I, if I'm a sock puppet controlled by RN, write a hate post about RN? Your own idiocy is tripping you up, Steve/Anon.

045. August 30, 2013 at 12:39 PM.

Anonymous: Because you love spreading hate, no matter who, or what.
RN writes a hate post about you, you write a hate post about him.
101 writes a hate post about you, you write a hate post about him.
Never saw Dmarks hate post about you, but that didn't stop you from writing a hate post about him.
Will bans you from his blog, you write more than one hate post about him.
Hate is your common denominator.
so sorry
buy the way, I never said you were a sock puppet of RN, only that you are just like RN
That's why I call you RN, there is no difference.
You even make up ID's like RN so you can spread your hate further and pretend no one knows. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

046. August 30, 2013 at 12:41 PM.

Dervish Sanders: What IDs have I made up?

047. August 30, 2013 at 12:49 PM.

Anonymous: Steve, for one
buy RN you shithead.

048. August 30, 2013 at 12:55 PM.

Dervish Sanders: OK then, none. I ask you for some IDs I "made up" and all you can come up with is yourself. Everyone can see what a liar you are, Steve. Time to go away, unless you want to make yourself look even worse.

049. August 30, 2013 at 1:33 PM.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: You're a shithead and an idiot WD. And I did give a reason. Because I said so. And as the final authority on all matters, spiritual and intellectual in blogistan, my decision is law. Now keep your shitheaded replies coming. Google is sending me thank yous and coupons for Burger King for the traffic.

050. August 30, 2013 at 1:36 PM.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: I disabled the comment box thingy so it would be easier for anyone else who wanted to tell WD he's a shithead to do so.

051. August 30, 2013 at 1:36 PM.

Anonymous: You are just like RN.
His alter ego JMJ is the only liberal allowed to comment on his blog regularly, and RN bashes him all the time, yet, other liberals are banned from commenting. I have never seen JMJ comment on any other blog. JMJ's profile is more than suspect.
This Steve. I have never seen him comment on any other blog, but yours. He has no profile, but you claim he does. Click on his name again, I found no profile.
Again, I love the delusion that you think I'm Steve. Very convenient that you have an alter ego to blame everything on, and not face the reality that others find you a shithead, besides 101 and me.
You are well experienced at such things by your own admission.
I have to take a shit now and don't want to bring your smell into the bathroom with me.
by now RN shithead

052. August 30, 2013 at 2:42 PM.

Willis V. Hart: This is more entertaining than Vladimir and Estragon from "Waiting for Godot". And just for the record, I haven't voted Republican for President since 1988.

053. August 30, 2013 at 3:36 PM.

Dervish Sanders: "Steve" comments on no other blog but mine? I suspect you're right, although I have not checked. But I'm sure you would know, seeing as you are Steve. FYI he (you) had to use a profile because I disabled anonymous commenting. This is what you/Steve does... comment anonymously when you are able because you don't want people knowing who you are. You and "101" are both shitheads and I am done with both of you. I tried to be friendly with "101" even after he called me nuts. This "shithead" business goes to far for me to see this guy as any kind of friend any longer.

054. August 30, 2013 at 3:50 PM.

Willis V. Hart: I see a little "Glengarry Glen Ross" here as well.

055. August 30, 2013 at 4:20 PM.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: You started it WD and I didn't even care. Proof is on Will's outstanding, yet shitheaded, blog. And funny how Will doesn't get his panties in a lather over this or me saying he was nuts on several occasions. And look at all the things I've called Dmarks, many on your behalf. But life goes on and if this is the end then we all must move on. I will continue to respect RN and have fun with Will whenever I'm bored with MMA or the financial sites I frequent. But just between us, Will is just messing with you because you let him. And you gotta admit, saying "you shithead" is far easier and makes you way more popular than all the research and cut and paste in the world.

056. August 30, 2013 at 4:25 PM.

Dervish Sanders: Solid proof that this anonymous shithead is Steve is the fact that Steve made the exact same observation about Jersey.

Here is the comment I am talking about...

Steve 8/23/2013 10:01 PM... I do see JMJ (your invented alter ego you used to attack other bloggers) has commenting privileges and the only liberal you allow to continuously post comments. Hummm.
By sick shit.

Also the same "by" sign off when what you meant was "bye". Caught you, Steve.

057. August 30, 2013 at 4:33 PM.

Anonymous: Solid proof
Why because I saw what anyone can see, but you. HA HA HA HA HA HA
I just clicked on Steve's name again, there is no profile, no blog
You truly have been caught lying and now we KNOW it is you
Just like RN you like to play games with people and use fake ID's to do it.
BY is your proof
Give it up shithead
You have been outed
You have been caught lying
Quick now go make up a profile for Steve so you can try that lie again

058. August 30, 2013 at 5:21 PM.

Dervish Sanders: You are the one, Steve, who made your "Profile Not Available". And, if I'm Steve that means you're copying what I said. Face facts Steve, you've been outed. Your lies have been exposed. Post as many "HA HA HA" comments as you want but everyone now knows for a fact that you are the shithead Steve.

Steve (posting using his Blogger ID on my blog): I do see JMJ (your invented alter ego you used to attack other bloggers) has commenting privileges and the only liberal you allow to continuously post comments. Hummm.
By sick shit.

Steve (posting anonymously above): His alter ego JMJ is the only liberal allowed to comment on his blog regularly, and RN bashes him all the time, yet, other liberals are banned from commenting. I have never seen JMJ comment on any other blog. JMJ's profile is more than suspect. ... by now RN shithead.

Notice how similar the two comments are. If I am Steve - why the hell would the Anon who says he isn't Steve copy me? Can't wait to see what lame excuse Steve comes up to explain that.

059. August 30, 2013 at 5:24 PM.

Dervish Sanders: JK: Proof is on Will's outstanding, yet shitheaded, blog.

What proof? I don't know what you're talking about.

060. August 30, 2013 at 5:26 PM.

Anonymous: That's right shithead, I am copying what you say. No better way to show what a lying shithead you are than to use your own words. I love this, you keep proving my point (you are a lying, game playing shithead) for me.
Thanks shithead RN.

061. August 30, 2013 at 5:31.

Anonymous: Sure, that explains it.

062. AUGUST 30, 2013 AT 5:44 PM.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: I'm Spartacus!

063. August 30, 2013 at 6:00 PM.

Rational Nation USA: I'm Aristotle.

064. August 30, 2013 at 6:37 PM.

Dervish Sanders: JK: Proof is on Will's outstanding, yet shitheaded, blog.

DS: What proof? I don't know what you're talking about.

JK: I'm Spartacus!

So no proof? Also not a very good lie... claim there is proof but then ignore the person you're slandering when they ask for it.

065. August 30, 2013 at 6:50 PM.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: This is the meat of the comment you left calling me a "nut" WD. Further proof you not only started this whole thing, but that you are indeed a shithead. I took no offense. Just WD being WD. But God forbid someone say you're nuts. You big baby. Now quit being a shithead.

And you should apologise to me and everyone else for making this conversation, or should I call it now, an intervention as nobody has come to your defense, other than me if you open your shithead eyes. Learn to relax man.

"What kind of a nut shutters his blog (or restricts readership to "invited" readers only), says he can't blog anymore because it gets him in trouble, then opens up his blog for the world to see again?

You think those people you got in trouble with won't check to see if your blog is active again? I asked if you could not simply delete the post that "got you in trouble" and you said no. But that looks like you did delete that post (I don't recall what the title was, but I do recall the subject matter... and it does appear to be gone).

066. August 30, 2013 at 6:52 PM.

Anonymous: RN asks for proof
Hey shithead where's that profile of Steve you said existed?
Proof: Shithead, you already posted as Steve on this thread, that's proof.
by RN shithead

067. August 30, 2013 at 7:07 PM.

(O)CT(O)PUS: A blogger walks into a pub, totally smashed out of his mind, screaming "I hear this dude named Joe "Truth101" Kelly is a shithead."

A man sitting in the corner shouts: "I take serious offense at that. It's a bloody goddam lie !!!"

The blogger then says: "Ahh, so you must be Joe "Truth101" Kelly."

The man replies indignantly: "No, dumbass, I'm the shithead."

068. August 30, 2013 at 7:17 PM.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: The blogger asks shithead "What line of work are you in?" Shithead answers "Psychology."

I thought Octo's comment was funny WD. He and TAO are the two smartest guys I've never met. Strangely, neither of them ever struck me as funny. Although TAO has his moments and Octo has that New Yorker magazine humor that is funny when the joke is understandable and at someone else's expense.

Now lighten up. You'll be happy.

069. August 30, 2013 at 7:23 PM.

Willis V. Hart: I'm Kaiser Soze.

070. August 30, 2013 at 7:32 PM.

Dervish Sanders: I started this whole thing? Are you serious? Joe, I think you're confused about who called who a nut first. The date you copied over with that comment by me proves it.

Date of my comment: February 22, 2012 at 9:08 AM.

Date Joe Kelly confirmed that it was he who told Will Hart that I was nuts via Facebook: February 18, 2012 12:28 PM.

Links included to verify the dates. As anyone can see, Feb 18 is BEFORE Feb 22.

I remember making that comment, and it was in response to YOU calling ME nuts. Seeing as YOU started this "whole thing" (and I just proved it with the dates), I'll stand by for your apology. Unless you're not confused about who called who a nut first and YOU'RE LYING. Then, of course I expect no apology.

As for Steve asking for the profile of Steve... it is here. Click on it and it says "Profile Not Available"... but that is because that is the way YOU set it up Steve! Anyway, I've already proven that you are Steve so you setting your profile to "not available" is of little consequence.

071. August 30, 2013 at 7:42 PM.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: You started it with your nuttery WD. Eventually I will get bored and move on. This isn't near as much fun as when I ran "The Prickness Stakes" when Bluepitbull and a real shithead who shall remain nameless were being pricks. That was a beauty and sadly for Bluepitbull, and the man tried real hard, he wasn't near the prick the other guy was.

072. August 30, 2013 at 7:47 PM.

Anonymous: you were the one who said there WAS a profile, there is NOT. Yet you said twice on this thread that there was a profile. Now you come here and say there is not a profile.
I mean how big of a shithead liar are you? And now the proof is there for everyone.
Just apologize to everyone for being such a lying shithead.

073. August 30, 2013 at 8:28 PM.

Rational Nation USA: Would someone please pass the Charmin?

074. August 30, 2013 at 9:01 PM.

Dervish Sanders: Steve, if someone (you) sets their profile to not display that doesn't mean there isn't a profile. What an idiot.

Joe, great apology. Loved it.

075. August 30, 2013 at 10:04 PM.

Anonymous: Shithead RN,
There is no profile.
You lied twice.
Keep making yourself look like the shithead liar you are.
Thanks for proving me correct again, and again, and again, and again, and again.
I know it's tough admitting you are wrong, but it is a sign of maturity.
Oh wait, nothing you do, write, or say is mature.
Waiting to see who you will write an attack post against next.
Nice to see you and your namesake are now butt fuck buddies. He needs the Charmin to wipe up the cum I guess.

Keep me laughing.

Buy, By, Bye,


076. August 31, 2013 at 12:47 AM.

Rational Nation USA: Naw, with all the shitheads, and diahrea mouths in the room (that be Anon/Steve mostly) it's a stinking mess in here.

Wait, wd/DS left me a tip (link) to what is the shithead room where shitheadedness is the topic of the day. Lo and behold Joe Truth 101 Kelly, the authority on all things spiritual and otherwise is the esteemed blog proprietor. Could it be wd/DS, Anon, Steve, and yes RN are one in the same person? Given that only RN has revealed his true identity with a voter ID picture. Hmm...

Only the Shawdow Knows for sure.

077. August 31, 2013 at 6:00 AM.

D. Luthor: Thanks for the shoutout, Joe. It is appreciated.

078. August 31, 2013 at 7:34.

Dervish Sanders: JK: You started it with your nuttery WD.

Again, I don't know what you're talking about. Can you give any examples, or is what you're talking about imaginary nuttery? Here, with this post and comment thread, we have genuine nuttery from Joe... Accusing someone of starting something when YOU lobbed the first insult, and then defending yourself by citing imaginary nuttery.

So, it's real documented nuttery versus nuttery that is completely imagined. I think the call as to who is the real shithead is an easy one to make.

As for the Anon who denies he is Steve... his last sick immature comment assures that nobody here will believe him. No need for me to respond to his shitheadedness any longer.

079. August 31, 2013 at 8:39 AM.

D. Lexmarks Luther: I'm placing my money on the Anon who claims he is Steve who denies he is Anon.

080. August 31, 2013 at 9:33 AM.

Anonymous: Dmarks has multiple ID's.
RN has multiple ID's
WD/RN has multiple ID's, including one "Steve."
Seems only I as anon has only one ID.
My last comment was that you lied twice, a fact. Proven by your own admission.
As I said, 101 knows who I am, but isn't interested and doesn't care. Why do you shithead?
Poor Steve getting blamed for all my remarks because you are a stupid shithead, makes me laugh.
Try again shitheads

081. August 31, 2013 at 9:40 AM.

Anonymous: 101 has more ID's than all of you put together and he loves these games. I suspect he's at the bottom of all of this.
But he is correct, RN is a shithead.

082. August 31, 2013 at 6:30 PM.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: I don't think I've ever said RN was a shithead.
WD is shithead enough for all of us.

I've only used the 4 ID's Luthor. And I never tried to keep them secret. I am counting the several T101 personalities as one. Judge, Ambassador, Ayatollah etc.

083. August 31, 2013 at 6:33 PM.

D. Lexmarks Luther: Looks like a career path. Promotions.

I doubted the fakes were you anyway. Being an Ayatollah is a full-time job...

084. August 31, 2013 at 6:38 PM.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: The best thing about it was no liberal dare insult an ayatollah. That's why I didn't become a cardinal. They hate the pope but they refuse to insult an ayatollah. And ayatollahs get all the chicks they want.

085. August 31, 2013 at 6:40 PM.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: Oh yeah. Read about the big cat on your blog. Ayatollahs have no problem shooting pesky cats. They don't like statues of them though.

086. August 31, 2013 at 6:41 PM.

D. Lexmarks Luther: But cardinals have better hats!

087. August 31, 2013 at 6:47 PM.

Anonymous: Back about 50 comments ago I said I will call WD - RN because they have identical shithead blogging traits, WD hates it, and I'm fine with saying the original RN is a shithead.

088. August 31, 2013 at 7:07 PM.

D. Lexmarks Luther: Dmarks has multiple ID's. RN has multiple ID's WD/RN has multiple ID's, including one "Steve." Seems only I as anon has only one ID. My last comment was that you lied twice...

Too much math for me. Is the part about two trains traveling in opposite directions at different speeds missing? I will take three lies, divide it by two, and add the coefficient to RN's ID total.

089. August 31, 2013 at 7:17 PM.

D. Lexmarks Luther: This comment has been removed by the author.

090. August 31, 2013 at 7:23 PM.

Dervish Sanders: I called Joe on his rewriting of history regarding who called who a nut first and then he said calling me a nut was justified by my words... so I ask for an example. No example(s)... clearly my nuttery was exclusively a product of Joe's imagination. More actual nuttery from Joe... the comment he posted from me being a prime example. He shut down his blog because (he says) his bosses didn't like it. But it's still here. He says he has converted to Republicanism, so where are the posts touting Conservative ideals? If anyone at work is monitoring him I doubt they buy Joe's "conversion". I guess him being a shithead is what he thinks will convince them (as many Repubs are shitheads). But criticizing Will weakens his case.

091. August 31, 2013 at 7:47 PM.

Rational Nation USA: It's time to settle the whole shithead/shitheadedness controversy. I, RN, who is, never has been, and never will be anyone else is a shithead.

Now, Anon/Steve/Steve/Anon go fuck yourself.

Happy now dude?

092. August 31, 2013 at 7:51 PM.

Anonymous: I'm sure WD(Steve) is.
Now if WD (Steve) will say he is a shithead, it's over.

093. August 31, 2013 at 7:52 PM.

Dervish Sanders: Steve/Anon is a shithead.

094. August 31, 2013 at 7:55 PM.

Anonymous: Since WD is Steve (see his above comment as Steve) then he just called himself a shithead. Is it over now?

095. August 31, 2013 at 8:18 PM.

Dervish Sanders: I've already proven that Anon is Steve... and a shithead.

096. August 31, 2013 at 8:18 PM.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: Lest you all forget, the sole right and authority to decide who is a shithead rests with Truth 101.

097. AUGUST 31, 2013 AT 8:25 PM.

Anonymous: You never proved anything, except that you lied twice. SHITHEAD

A given 101, but I will still call RN a shithead.

098. August 31, 2013 at 8:28 PM.

Dervish Sanders: The proof (again)...

Steve (posting using his Blogger ID on my blog): I do see JMJ (your invented alter ego you used to attack other bloggers) has commenting privileges and the only liberal you allow to continuously post comments. Hummm.
By sick shit.

Steve (posting anonymously above Comment #51): His alter ego JMJ is the only liberal allowed to comment on his blog regularly, and RN bashes him all the time, yet, other liberals are banned from commenting. I have never seen JMJ comment on any other blog. JMJ's profile is more than suspect. ... by now RN shithead.

Notice how similar the two comments are? Both refer to JMJ as a sock puppet of RN and both use the same "by" sign off when what Steve meant was "bye". Steve says he "copied" me (and that I'm Steve), but the second comment isn't "copied", it is the same sentiment rephrased... indicating the thought came out of his (shit) head. Solid proof that the anonymous shithead of this comment thread is the "Steve" who commented on my blog

099. August 31, 2013 at 8:30 PM.

D. Lexmarks Luther: Now I am not sure who is quilty of what...

100. August 31, 2013 at 9:22 PM.

Anonymous: RN is guilty of lying, twice, by his own admission. He was caught. The poor shithead.

101. August 31, 2013 at 9:35.

Dervish Sanders: Steve lies when he says "by his own admission" when I did not "admit" what he says I did (and I am not RN)... he has been caught on this and on being Steve. This makes Steve/Anon a lying shithead beyond a doubt.

102. August 31, 2013 at 9:41 PM.

Anonymous: You are the one who posted on THIS thread, as Steve.
You are the one who said twice that Steve had a profile, then came back and admitted he did not have a profile.
You were caught lying SHITHEAD RN
You can't hide from the facts
Shithead RN

103. August 31, 2013 at 10:06 PM.

Dervish Sanders: YOU can't hide from the facts Steve. The proof I presented shows you are Steve. I never "came back and admitted he did not have a profile". That did not happen. YOU set the profile for the Steve account to not display, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist, dummy. Go to my blog and find a comment by "Steve" (has a Border Collie picture next to it). Click on "Steve" and it will say that the profile is not available. It does not say it doesn't exist. The "not available" message means that there IS a profile (only it's set to not display). Shithead.

104. August 31, 2013 at 10:12 PM.

Dervish Sanders: BTW, the border collie picture is not a picture of Steve's dog, but a picture he stole from here. I looked it up using TinEye. I was hoping using TinEye would yield some clues to Steve's identity, but turns out he just thieved the picture from someone named "Kelly Stark". Shows what a lying piece of crap this guy is. When someone uses a dog or cat pic most would assume it is a picture of their pet (which is the case with me). Steve just stole a pic to add to his deception.

105. August 31, 2013 at 10:20 PM.

Rational Nation USA: I am not guilty. Quilty is what I am. Guilty absolutely not. I may be a shithead but I don't lie.

106. August 31, 2013 at 10:22 PM.

Anonymous: You are truly lost in your hate filled, lying, delusion.
I'll let others read what you said and what you did. It shows you lied.
How do you explain that YOU posted as Steve on this thread.
You are Steve. You hate RN. You have been harassing RN using this Steve ID.
I am anon. I cannot post on your site, RN's site, Shaw's site, or most other sites. 101 is the exception.
Get mental help dude. You have been beating this lying drum for days. You are obsessed.
The more you post, the more you expose yourself.
Now get back to posting as Steve. Get back to harassing RN, your favorite thing to do.

107. August 31, 2013 at 10:45 PM.

Rational Nation USA: Shitheads and shitheadedness all around. A proverbial shit fest of the best and most accomplished Shitheads in the blogosphere. Brought to you by none other than His Truthiness Joe Truth 101 Kelly, the Esteemed Judge and Authority on All Things Shitty.

108. August 31, 2013 at 10:48 PM.

Dervish Sanders: Steve, your comment about JMJ exposed your lies. None of your lying or accusing can cover up that fact. You are not anon. Anonymous is a commenting option, it is not an account associated with any particular individual. The Steve account is yours. You set it up. I bet you really regret using it on my blog and revealing yourself. To late now. Everyone knows you are Steve but you are too dumb to realize it. You think your pathetic lies will convince others but you are wrong. Steve is quite delusional and filled with hate. Your fixation with RN is on display on my blog for everyone to see. The same fixation you are displaying here (which you have extended to include me). You are one sick shithead, Steve. You're the one who needs mental help.

109. August 31, 2013 at 11:41 PM.

Anonymous: I have no account, that's why I post anon.
Stupid shithead RN.
I'm impressed that all you shitheads have multiple ID's and love to play games with them all, like good shitheads.
You got caught lying twice and cannot admit you have been caught red handed as Steve. I guess you want to continue to harass RN with that ID, but sorry not after this thread, now everyone knows it's you and thanks for revealing that SHITHEAD RN
You and your namesake sound the same and use the same SHITHEAD blog tactics
I thought the original SHITHEAD RN was worse, but you SHITHEAD RN have surpassed even his delusions

110. September 1, 2013 at 12:00 AM.

Dervish Sanders: Everyone knows you are Steve but you are too dumb to realize it. No need to say anything else at this point.

111. September 1, 2013 at 12:14 AM.

Anonymous: Nope
You have been outed
Caught red handed lying
Go lick your wounds
You will have to make up a new ID to continue harassing RN
Your word twisting has not fooled anyone
Because you admitted yourself that you are Steve and you did lie.

112. September 1, 2013 at 2:05 AM.

Dervish Sanders: Everyone knows you are Steve but you are too dumb to realize it. No need to say anything else at this point.

113. September 1, 2013 at 12:17 PM.

Anonymous: WD/Steve/, whatever you are calling yourself today

Did you get an answer to your question about JMJ from your namesake?

How fucking gullible are you? You haven't figured it out yet?
You are so deep into your ID games (blaming anon, being Steve, etc) that you have lost all sense of truth and reality.
Like 101 says, you are a SHITHEAD

114. September 1, 2013 at 1:35 PM.

Dervish Sanders: definition: namesake: 1. a person named after another. 2. a person having the same name as another.

Neither applies. My Blogger ID (Dervish Sanders) is in no way similar to Rational Nation's. It is also the only one I use, BTW.

Regarding your claims about JMJ, I never said I categorically rejected them, so you calling me "gullible" is bullshit... exactly like almost everything you write. Also, outed yourself as Steve again, as this concern about JMJ being controlled by RN was first voiced by Steve (you).

Steve (you) is the stupid shithead that has lost all sense of truth and reality. And I don't give a shit what the shithead "101" writes (not as big a shithead as you, however). He is an idiot (though not as big an idiot as you) who says he only called me nuts because I used the insult against him first (an assertion I proved false).

115. September 1, 2013 at 2:02 PM.

Anonymous: I just read you question to RN on his blog, simple, but your conspiracy theory mind is going off in delusions. Others (TAO) have said JMJ is RN's alter ego. You are just to stupid to get it.
You are "Steve" and posted as such on this thread. Nice try though blame me HA HA HA HA HA
Yes, you are RN's namesake RN. The two of you SHITHEADS are interchangeable. Identical blog traits, both SHITHEADS and ass holes.
Yes, RN, you are a very gullible dumb shit SHITHEAD Come back and blame me for something else HA HA HA HA HA I love the way you prove me correct and keep making yourself look like the dumb shit SHITHEAD that you are.

116. September 1, 2013 at 2:18 PM.

Dervish Sanders: Everyone knows you are Steve but you are too dumb to realize it. No need to say anything else at this point.

117. September 1, 2013 at 3:10 PM.

Anonymous: You said the same thing at 2 in the mourning. You were a lying SHITHEAD then and you are still a lying SHITHEAD

118. September 1, 2013 at 3:13 PM.

Anonymous: Keep believing it.
I'm told that destroying ones delusions could cause them to get violent. I wouldn't want you to go postal. You are already obsessed.

119. September 1, 2013 at 3:19 PM.

Dervish Sanders: Everyone knows you are Steve but you are too dumb to realize it. No need to say anything else at this point.

120. SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 AT 4:01 PM.

Anonymous: OMG
He's repeating himself and his lies.
Danger Will Robinson!
Get a grip dude
Don't kill yourself
Just believe your lies and delusions are real
Everything will be alright

121. September 1, 2013 at 4:17 PM.

Dervish Sanders: Everyone knows you are Steve but you are too dumb to realize it. No need to say anything else at this point.

122. September 1, 2013 at 4:17 PM.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: Sorry to point this out again, seeing as it is so obvious to even the least experienced identifier of shitheads. But man WD, you're letting this anonymous dude own you brother. Now if you want to continue with this shitheadedness then as a republican now I most certainly support your right to be gamed by this guy and made to look like a shithead. But dude. Relax. You're driving yourself nuts.

Oops! Did I just say that? Dang. Said WD was nuts again.

123. September 1, 2013 at 4:35 PM.

D. Lexmarks Luther: am I quilty of being Steve now?

124. September 1, 2013 at 5:14 PM.

Dervish Sanders: Joe:'re letting this anonymous dude own you brother.

What makes you think I'm not gaming him? Got him to expose himself as doing everything he accuses me (and others) of doing. Not much reason to respond any longer (which is why I copied and pasted the same comment several times). I was only wondering if he'd eventually give up.

If you're bored perhaps it is time to delete this post? Especially given the fact that it is quite possibly the dumbest thing you've ever written. More of the same and you'll have to change the name of your blog to "Lies101".

125. September 1, 2013 at 5:56 PM.

Anonymous: I think the post was a GREAT success.
We got WD/RN to admit he lied twice, he posted as "Steve" and exposed the mystery of who is really Steve, himself. I drove him crazy. He hates being called RN. He truly is obsessed, paranoid, and NUTS. He can't let it go, keeps coming back for more. He and the real RN are now butt fuck buddies. You pissed him off; and proved beyond a doubt, that he is the biggest SHITHEAD in blog land. And I haven't laughed so hard at an idiot since Bush declared "Mission Accomplished."
Mellow out Steve/RN/WD before you hurt yourself.
Get busy making up another fake ID for yourself. "Steve" is no good for you to use now

126. September 1, 2013 at 7:04 PM.

Dervish Sanders: Steve/Anon has proven himself to be a shithead and the opinions and lies of shitheads mean nothing to me. Fact is, I'm laughing at him.

127. September 1, 2013 at 7:34 PM.

Anonymous: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
You OK dude
It's not so bad that you admitted lying twice, or that you have been outed as "Steve"
What's bad is you have now proven you are, and have been crowned as the biggest SHITHEAD in blog land.
Deservedly so.
Get a grip dude.
Get back to writing your hate/attack posts.

128. September 1, 2013 at 7:36 PM.


129. September 1, 2013 at 7:40 PM.

Anonymous: Everything will be alright. WD is WILL. Bwahahahahahaha.

130. SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 AT 7:41 PM.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: Ah WD. The only "lies" I've told are the ones describing you and your blog as outstanding. The Truth 101 is you are a shithead. And to further prove your shitheadedness, the fact that I'm in agreement with the righty, Steve, Luthor, Anonymous, that you're a shithead, proves my republican credentials.

One thing you have going for you here WD is not a whole lot of people have been following this thread. Plenty of traffic but it's been the same 56 people with multiple looks. Sadly I haven't logged on to my statcounter in a long time so I forgot how to look up where traffic is coming from so I can't verify who is posting as whom. But my rules from when I began blogging would prevent me from revealing any personal information anyway and I have no pressing need to care who is doing what. Not changing the world. Just having fun and hoping to help you deal with your shitheadedness by first exposing it and hoping you accept it and deal with it.

131. SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 AT 7:48 PM.

Joe "Truth 101" Kelly: SORRY Anon 7:34. Dr. Donald Douglas is and always will be the king of shitheads. As shitheaded as WD has become, his shitheadedness is a mere whiff of one of Donald's weaker flatulences.

132. SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 AT 7:48 PM.

Anonymous: I think you are the most stupid person in the world. I am very disagree with you on Bush & Blair war crimes in Iraq. Your posting are so stupid. You are so stupid like like Mrs. Chen. Mrs. Chen never thought to think. I think, you too never thought to think, do you?.

This is my opinion about Bush & Blair war crimes in Iraq:

Through my own experience, I feel US has became a 'spy country'. I started to view things from another angle. When Lewinsky scandal happened and Linda Tripper said in her speech,"I am you, American." I couldn't help to laugh. She thought many people were the same as her, spying on fellow Americans. She is absolutely right. In this country, informant are vastly used. _ Kat Hak Sung.

133. SEPTEMBER 1, 2013 AT 8:14 PM.

Atticus Finch: Confucius say, "shithead is person who flung dung and shitheadedness is person who flung dung hitting self in head with flung dung.

134. SEPTEMBER 6, 2013 AT 10:52 AM.

Anonymous: I HATE truth101, Shaw, RN, and that sleeping with the devil shit-head.

135. SEPTEMBER 6, 2013 AT 10:58 AM. NL.

Oh I forgot a few ShitHeads, Shaw, RN, the prick who calls himself Critter, Sue. And did I sat Shaw, and R N!.

136. SEPTEMBER 6, 2013 AT 11:03 AM.

Anonymous: Oh, almost forgot. I hate that blow hart fat fuck FT, what a fucking bore he is and he thinks he's hot shit because he laps up Shaw's wrinkled up twat.

September 02, 2013 AT 11:31:00 PM EDT. RNUSA.

Rational Nation USA: Just my luck. Joe Truth 101 Kelly prognosticates on wd/DS being a shithead and points out his shitheadedness and the next thing I know Dervish Sanders finds.his way over here to be a shithead.

But, as Anon/Steve pointed out on Truth 101 Dervish could actually be RN. Or was it the other way around? Oh yeah, same difference. Dervish, or is it RN?, seemed pretty focused on discrediting Steve/Anon.

Anyway, hopefully wd/DS has finally found inner peace over being anointed a shithead for all his shitheadedness and finds some solace in the fact we were at RN have never considered Derv a shithead. Occasionally a few dimes short of a dollar but never a shithead.

[In this comment - made while the "shithead" discussion was still in progress on T101's blog - a smug RN reminds me of T101 branding me a "shithead". Although not "king shithead" as TOM, Steve and Luke claim. Comment added 11/7/2016].

May 16, 2018 at 2:43 PM. WYD.

TOM: Very weak lies Dervish. Truth's blog is not visible to YOU. YOU are not and never will be an invited reader.
You keep getting confused, it is the other TOM who claimed he authored "Stay A While." More of your mental delusions.
Your Truth 101 quote is totally made up. A lie, as usual, by you. Where is your link proof? You can (and do) write any bullshit. That blog post you cited is as fake as the multiple blogs you write.
Try harder on your lies, idiot.

[I quote TRUTH101 re Donald Douglas being the "king of shitheads" on WYD and TOM lies, calling the quote "totally made up", when he KNOWS it is accurate. #131].

incoming links
[SWD #203] Exposing The Truth About 101, 9/11/2013.
[WYD20180515] Comment made in response to a TOM lie about me being "crowned king shithead".

DSD #29

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Rightwing Fundie Bakers Should Be Able To Discriminate

Documented: Commentaries from the Libertarian blogger Willis Hart in which he argues that "Christian" (homophobic) business owners should be allowed to discrimniate (refuse to serve gay customers).

SUNDAY, APRIL 5, 2015 AT 8:19 PM.

On Restaurant Owners, Photographers, Etc. Who Refuse to Provide Their Services to Gay Couples Getting Married.

This is a complicated issue because it involves a balancing of rights; the rights of the gay customers to not be discriminated against versus the rights of the business owners to do as they please with their own private property, merchandise, and labor. My preference here (and, yes, I've struggled with this one) would probably be for the government to stay the hell out of it (government does enough coercing as it is) because if you really and truly think about it, the party that is being harmed the most here, by far, is the business that's doing the discriminating! I mean, they're the ones that are losing out on the money and, while, yes, there's clearly discrimination, one man's discrimination is another man's money-making opportunity. And do you think that in this day and age, you won't be able to find a florist willing to service gays? Come on.

April 8, 2015 at 6:32 PM. Comment from the Libertas & Latte Blog.

CT is a right to fire state and so technically I could have been dusted yesterday because my size 33 pants were a little too snug (yes, it was obvious). Human beings discriminate all the time (a black lesbian that I work with only dates white and Hispanic chicks, for example) and for the government to have step in and negotiate good versus bad discrimination (hell, it was progressive icon and eugenist, Woodrow Wilson, who set the table for government discrimination) is a bridge too far, in my opinion.

April 8, 2015 at 6:32 PM. Comment from the Libertas & Latte Blog.

And I'm wondering if wd will ever step up and condemn the Muslim businesses (vociferously as he does with non-Muslims - calling them names, etc.) that have also said that they wouldn't serve gay folks. Or the Native-American tribes that have stood opposed. And what about the Catholic priest who refuses to marry gay folks? Should he be coerced, too?

THURSDAY, APRIL 9, 2015 AT 4:44 PM.

Some Questions for the Coercers, Busy Bodies, Moralists, and Fascists.

Businesses who refuse to cater and photograph a wedding because the couple also happen to be first cousins - do these businesses also need to be coerced? And what about the owner of a Jewish delicatessen who refuses to serve an admitted skinhead? Do we need to get the moral superiors on the case in this instance, too?

Of course what I really want to know is what we're supposed to do with these restaurant owners and photographers who refuse to work at gay weddings. I mean, are we going to put them in fucking prison and/or levy a bunch of fines that put them out of business forever? Really? For not baking a fucking cake? I'll bake the fucking cake!!

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 2015 AT 3:39 PM.

On "Bake Me a Cake with a Statue of Two Little Dudes on it or You're Going to Jail".

Is this really where the left wants society to go in the future? And why would anybody want to engage in commerce with somebody who doesn't want to be with them and who only consents to it at gunpoint? I certainly wouldn't want to.

P.S. And, yes, if I was a gay dude, the very last thing that I would want to attempt would be to eat a cake that was baked by a homophobe (the fact that the individual probably spit in the batter and God only knows what else). That, and a much more civilized response (as opposed to the state holding gun to a person's head and coercing them) would be to boycott the business, take your business elsewhere, etc.


On Bakers Who Refuse to Cater Gay Weddings.

I don't respect businesses that act that way and would personally refuse to frequent them (I might even throw in some negative advertising). But as bad as that is, what would infinitely be worse in my estimation would be for the government to hold a gun to the head of these small businesses and force them to cater these weddings, in that that would be major fascism.

SATURDAY, JULY 16, 2016 AT 4:48 PM.

On Making the Planet Safe from Christian Bakers.

Yeah, the leftists really needs to pick their battles better. I mean, we've got young black men gunning each other down in the thousands over foolishness (half-eaten Snickers Bars, big-butt heifers, etc.), terrorists killing people all over the damned planet, dozens of countries swimming in debt, cheap credit, and fiat currency, and all that these clowns want to talk about are bakers who don't want to take money that numerous other businesses would be more than happy to take, transgender bathroom lunacy, etc.. It's ridiculous and well past the time that the responsible people on that side of the spectrum read these regressives the riot act.

SATURDAY, JULY 23, 2016 AT 12:13 PM.

On if a Gay Baker Refuses to Serve a Shari Law Believing Islamist Who Thinks that Homosexuals Should Be Executed.

It would be interesting to see who the SJWs side with. My suspicion is that since the Muslims appear to rank higher on the oppression scale, it would probably be with them (as it was in Orlando when some knuckle-dragging homophobic Islamist shot up a bunch of gay folks simply because his profoundly mediocre religious text instructed him to and the left talked about everything BUT religion).

Posts that link here
[OST #166] Willis Hart Is A Misogynist, A Racist, An Islamophobe, A Transgenderphobe, A Bigot, & A Defender Of The "Right" To Discrimination Against Gay People 8/2/2016.

DSD #28