Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Blog Troll Luke Spencer Wishes Me Death (Admitted)

Documented: Comments from the blog troll currently going by the name Luke in which he wishes me death. According to Luke, I've sent him death threats. The truth is that I sent him speculative comments in which I said what I might do if I were to kill him. But I did this in response to his idiotic and false claims that I previously sent him comments about me murdering. Something I never did. BTW, all the "death threats" I sent him were hypothetical and ended with me saying that I do NOT want to kill him. As a Christian I would not want that stain on my soul. Besides, I have no idea what his real name is or where he lives, which make my "death threats" NOT credible.

As for Luke wishing me death, this takes the form of him saying I should kill myself. Because he doesn't know where I live and can't kill me. Or maybe he's just too chickenshit to threaten to kill me, and so says I should do it. Either way, he wishes me death, whereas I only wish he would go away and stop trolling me.

Note that all the comments that were submitted by Luke to SWTD were not published. Instead I marked them as Spam. I did, however, recently publish every trolling comment Luke has sent me since he first showed up (using the name "Luke") in DSD #51 (2016 comments). And Luke did admit to sending me these comments when I presented them to him on the Who's Your Daddy blog (comment #5). Note that the SWTD comments are excerpts (those from other blogs are the full comments). follow the link and look for the comment # for the full SWTD comment.

1. 9/30/2016 at 10:19am. Comment #2016-73. SWTD #352.

Just go kill yourself PSYCHO KILLER!!! Maybe Rachel Maddow will have sex with you PSYCHO KILLER, so you can stop jacking off while reading my GREAT blog, PSYCHO KILLER!!!

2. 11/10/2016 at 11:19am. Comment #2016-167. SWTD #358.

Your small dick is impotent, so you spew hate to feel better. I'll bet you own a gun also. Just kill yourself and end your useless life of spewing hate all day!

3. 11/11/2016 at 5:51am. Comment #2016-170. SWTD #358.

I'm changing your moniker to Nazi Boy, you have earned it. What a fucking crybaby liar, just like Trump. Leave the country, or just kill yourself you lying NAZI BOY!

4. 11/30/2016 at 4:04pm. Comment #2016-208. SWTD #361.

You can't even write a post without stealing an idea from me!! All you can write is vulgar comments and death threats!! Waht a sad excuse for a human being you are!! Just kill yourself!!

5. 12/13/2016 at 3:12pm. WYD.

You admitted to sending me death threats, that makes you a self admitted criminal.
Yes, I just started blogging this year, yet, you claim I have been trolling your blog for over five years. liar.
Anyone who sends 1,000 vile comments including multiple death threats shouldn't complain when he receives ugly comments in return.
You are the scum who has multiple blogs attacking multiple individuals like Will Hart, Dmarks, me, and others. It is your MO to do such hateful tactics. I do not.
I am not TOM.
I am not the TOM that posts here on this thread.
My last name is not Spencer, which you insist, but a check of my Google account proves you lie about that.
You have been writing posts that mimic my posts.
You and your crowd HAVE stolen my posts and I proved that.
I did not write all those comments you claim. TOM probably did, but I'm not TOM. I suspect TOM is a guy you have been attacking for years, like the others you have been attacking for years. Yes, as far as I'm concerned, you can just go kill yourself. What a useless life you have just attacking strangers on the net.
The first two comments I got when I started my blog was from RN and a guy named TOM. YOU SAW THOSE COMMENTS!
TOM wrote all about his history with RN and I stopped posting his comments just like I stopped posting your comments and RN's comments. I want nothing to do with your ugly blog flares, but you sent me 1,000 vile comments and multiple death threats anyways. What a scumbag. You initiated this crap. I made the mistake of replying, but I don't take shit from criminals like you, so you got my comments in reply CRYBABY!
Just stay off my blog and I won't reply. Tell your lies to your buddies who steal my posts and make Jew hate remarks. I could care less if scum like that believe you. GET MENTAL HELP!!!

[I never admitted to sending him death threats. As for "it can't be both ways", in the comment he refers to, I noted that his Words And Music blog was started this year. The 1st post on his previous blog, Stay A While is dated 7/27/2009. Re his last name being Spencer, I never said it was. I also do not have a blog to "attack" him. He is TOM, proven here. I never stole any of his posts and he never proved that I did. I asked him for proof but he refused. Re "YOU SAW THOSE COMMENTS!"... wrong. I saw comments he made by entering the name TOM. TOM was not a link, meaning the comment was not made by someone signed in with the TOM account. There were zero RN comments. Finally, Luke "initiated this crap" when he trolled me as Steve making him the scumbag. "Just stay off my blog" he says... meaning he wants to keep trolling me and for me to do nothing. Sorry, but that's not happening Luke].

6. 1/02/2017 at 4:53pm. Comment #2017-2. SWTD #365.

If you want to be dead, there is an easy way for you to take care of that and make many people happy.

[I've never said anything about wanting to be dead and nobody would be happy if I killed myself. Except Luke, and he'd never know].

7. 2/3/2017 at 12:30pm. WYD.

No liar! What I said was anyone (YOU) sending me thousands of vile emails and multiple death threats (proven by your ow admittance) shouldn't be surprised when I send the same in return. You have a deep mental problem. Just kill yourself and end your agony.

8. 5/02/2017 at 3:31pm. WYD.

You already admitted to multiple death threats and over a thousand vile comments you sent me. I have posted you admitting that MANY times on this blog. You should not be surprised to get negative comments when you do such criminal acts. You are mentally unstable. Your obsession is proof of that. You started it all over again on this thread. It's not enough for you to just send your death threats and vile comments to me you have to do it on Lisa's blo0g and any other blog I comment on. So go fuck yourself asshole. Go kill yourself asshole. Your life is worthless and you would be better off dead. You have NO proof I am the 10 other people you claim I am, because I am not.

9. 5/04/2017 at 12:39pm. WYD.

It's the Golden Rule asshole. You treat me like shit, I return the treatment. YOU started this shit! You send me death threats and then when I return the same garbage, you blame me. FUCK YOU LYING TRUMP DERVISH ASSHOLE. And a stupid asshole you are. You made a mistake and identified me as someone I am not. No suprise since you are such a stupid asshole, but you reap what you sew fuck head. YES!!! Go kill yourself. You are nothing but a bullying, lying asshole and there is no need for your continued existence. You send death threats to me and then are SURPRISED when I send the same to you?? Fuck off asshole idiot!!

10. 5/04/2017 at 7:02pm. WYD.

I never attacked multiple blogs for years LIAR! But it seems you have! Like mine, and Wills and Dmarks. Just kill yourself ! Death threats are a criminal act, but a mental retard like you wouldn't know that. By Dervish Trump Liar!

11. 5/19/2017 at 4:50pm. WYD.

Right lying Trump Dervish!
People can read english, except for a mental retard like you.
That's right, you send me thousands of vile emails and multiple death threats and I guess I'm suppose to send you thanks in return, GO FUCK YOURSELF LYING TRUMP DERVISH! Better yet, yes kill yourself!!

Incoming Links
[DSB-20170311] Response to a Luke comment.
[WYD-20170502] Response to a Puke comment.
[WYD-20170519] Response to Luke lie "for the 50th time here is your admitting to sending me death threats".

DSD #53

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