Friday, September 30, 2016

Removed Post (Reverted To Draft) From The Blog Of Luke Spencer (An Insane Blog Troll)

Documented: A post from the insane blog-attacking troll Luke Spencer's site Words and Music that he had up for awhile, until he reverted it to draft (as per his message to me). See DSD #36... Luke Spencer "Spreads The Word" That He Is Insane (Suffers From Delusions Of Persecution & Grandeur).

Screenshot of the post, followed by a cut and past of the post and comments. Final comment (with GREEN header) is an unpublished comment Luke submitted to my blog that explains how I know the post was reverted to draft. Note that Luke uses an image of a canine as his avatar, as he did when the name "Steve" was attached to his account. Then the image was of a Border Collie (DSD #33).

9/29/2016 at 12:25pm.

Spreading The Word (Blog Post) by Luke Spencer.

I must be a GREAT writer.
Shaw and her plagiarizing buddies are stealing my posts and posting them all over the net. Including my little ditty about TP, Trump/Pence.
It's easy to understand since their own writing is hate filled garbage. They cant' even spell correctly. Shaw writes her dripping hate about Trump, everyday. She lives to write hate about one person, everyday. She must be deeply troubled in her mind. She can't wait to get up everyday, very early, and write hate. Yet, she continues to write about how sick plagiarists are. I would pity her but she is such a hypocritical, lying bitch, I can't have any pity for her.
Keep stealing and posting my words all over. It's good that people get to read GREAT writing.

1. July 17, 2016 at 3:42 PM.

TOM: Good job on that comment. I could not have said it better myself.

2. July 17, 2016 at 3:55 PM.

TOM: You do kow that Shaw never Graduated High School don't you?

3. July 17, 2016 at 4:06 PM.

Luke: TOM,
I know that you have been stealing and posting my work at many blogs, and posted this post at many blogs just in the last hour.
How many TOM's are there? I counted three so far.

9/29/2016 at 12:42pm. unpublished comment.

Luke: I'll leave that post up another minute, then it goes back to save. Enjoy lying PSYCHO KILLER!!!!

Comments That Link Here
[10/19/2016] Progressive Eruptions. Light posting for a while as we welcome our French family for their annual visit.

DSD #37


  1. The "great writer" who says Shaw "cant' spell" also uses the wrong form of "everyday". "everyday" is used when describing something. Great writer should have used "every day". (See: Grammarist's Everyday vs. every day).

  2. B.B King

    Every day I got the blues...

    I'll have the last laugh on that subhuman troll yet. It's pretty complicated, but I am sure that there is a technical fix to block unwanted commenters. Blogger is built on having an open access. It's the beauty of the platform to invite the entire world to comment. Choices are few within the software. Witness Will Hart's ridiculous solution, "Comments are open to team members only."

    There is another way. And the next time I have time to burn, I shall be happy to prove it.

    Luke. You could have been my friend. I reached out to you in genuine friendship. I get it. You are a low-level troll. You do what you are told to get your measly pay.

    1. Luke being your friend was never going to happen. He's been trolling for years. He started back when he blogged as TOM (and TOM) on a WordPress blog titled Stay A While. He trolled me for years using his 2nd TOM ID, as well as an ID with the name "Steve" attached to it (an account that currently has the name "Luke" attached to it). This person, IMO, is deeply disturbed.


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