Thursday, September 29, 2016

Luke Spencer "Spreads The Word" That He Is Insane (Suffers From Delusions Of Persecution & Grandeur)

Documented: A post from the blog attacking troll Luke Spencer's site Words and Music. Note that I've included links, but they go nowhere, as he put it up for a short while before reverting it to draft. Likely because this post puts his insanity on display for all to see. Although, if you look at his sidebar, you'll find the same insanity there (delusions regarding other bloggers plagiarizing him and attacking his blog. See SWTD #346 for the details).

This came about as a result of me submitting a comment to his blog asking if TOM (one of his IDs, although he denies it) was going to comment. Luke said TOM *did* comment, and he could prove it.

Blog post and 3 comments. Note that the comments are from July 2016, while the publish date of the post is September 2016. Indicating that he published it previously, reverted it to draft, then published it again (to show it to me). Then he reverted it to draft again. All to "prove" that TOM commented on his blog. Although the "TOM" ID for the 2 comments is not a link. Meaning he enabled anonymous commenting and entered TOM manually (typed it in). Although he didn't do this because the TOM account isn't his. I suspect it's because he wanted to answer himself as Luke but didn't want the hassle of having to sign out, sign back in as TOM, then back in again as Luke.

THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2016 at 12:25 PM.

Spreading The Word (Blog Post) by Luke Spencer.

I must be a GREAT writer.
Shaw and her plagiarizing buddies are stealing my posts and posting them all over the net. Including my little ditty about TP, Trump/Pence.
It's easy to understand since their own writing is hate filled garbage. They cant' even spell correctly. Shaw writes her dripping hate about Trump, everyday. She lives to write hate about one person, everyday. She must be deeply troubled in her mind. She can't wait to get up everyday, very early, and write hate. Yet, she continues to write about how sick plagiarists are. I would pity her but she is such a hypocritical, lying bitch, I can't have any pity for her.
Keep stealing and posting my words all over. It's good that people get to read GREAT writing.

[Delusions of persecution... blog attacking, people plagiarizing him... and delusions of grandeur... he's a "great writer". Very similar to what TOM wrote on Stay A While, which is that he is a award-winning writer who has been mentioned in Time Magazine. See post excerpt with GREEN header below].

July 17, 2016 at 3:42 PM.

TOM: Good job on that comment. I could not have said it better myself.

July 17, 2016 at 3:55 PM.

TOM: You do kow that Shaw never Graduated High School don't you?

July 17, 2016 at 4:06 PM.

Luke: TOM,
I know that you have been stealing and posting my work at many blogs, and posted this post at many blogs just in the last hour.
How many TOM's are there? I counted three so far.

01. 9/29/2016 AT 6:00 AM. unpublished comment.

With your great investigative powers you missed it? TOM has commented at my blog, so has RN. In fact TOM told me all about RN, Pam, and the bitch. He nevr mentioned you, but I'm sure RN told you about me. Another reason to laugh at your claims. Now back to your posting more death threats on my blog PSYCHO KILLER.

["The bitch" is Shaw Kenawe. Funny that Luke and TOM both have the same enemies, yet they claim they're different people who have only recently began discussing "assholes who attack blogs"... see comment #8 below].

02. 9/29/2016 AT 11:46 AM. unpublished comment.

Luke: Your PSYCHO KILLER lies get deeper and deeper.
Who the hell is Sue?
Why do you want to be able to post comments on my blog?
Which TOM are you talking about? There are so many.
Now get back to stealing my posts.

[I mentioned to him that, as TOM, he claimed that Sue was mean to him. TOM: "Sue is making fun of my serious illness on her blog" 9/28/2011. The "serious illness" referenced by Octopus here. According to Octo "I recall a few posts and comments that alluded to some kind of medical issue involving brain surgery"].

03. 9/29/2016 AT 12:07 PM. unpublished comment.

Luke: You keep proving you know nothing and can't investigate anything. Thanks. Continue to claim you know everything, it makes you look like the PSYCHO KILLER that you are. Ask your buddy RN. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

04. 9/29/2016 AT 12:13 PM. unpublished comment.

Luke: Now a Leslie? You are really sick. To bad you can't prove any of that. The TOM link you gave went to nothing, which is what you have, nothing. Give me Sue and Leslie's blog addresses so I can read them.
Like your PSYCHO KILLER comments, I don't post them, I just save them.
Ask RN.

[This was in response to me reminding him about how he claimed, using his TOM ID, that Sue and Leslie Parsley attacked his blog and sent him many communications containing vile profanities. TOM: I'm still getting hate mail from my so called fellow liberals, 9/28/2011. Luke says the TOM link "went to nothing" because TOM has his profile set to not display. This is the same claim an Anon made on T101's shithead commentary. This Anon said he was not Steve, and because Steve was not displaying his profile the Anon said "This Steve. ... He has no profile, but you claim he does. Click on his name again, I found no profile". More proof that the shithead Anon, TOM & Steve/Luke are all the same person. These idiots think that, if a profile is set to not display, that there is no profile! See: comment #51 here].

05. 9/29/2016 AT 12:16 PM. unpublished comment.

Luke: It's funny watching you go ape shit King Shithead, before I tell you I took those post down, but you know everything, so I thought you knew that. Thanks for proving again, you know nothing but the delusional lies in your PSYCHO KILLER head. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[After Luke told me that TOM and RN commented on his blog, I went though every one of his posts, and, when I found no TOM or RN comment, submitted a comment of my own saying "no TOM or RN comment here, shithead". This is what prompted him to repost the commentary at the top of this post. I've never claimed to "know everything" and I don't know for how long it was up. I never saw it. No RN comment, however. Also no TOM comment, as I already pointed out, "TOM" is not a link and therefore NOT a comment made with the 02464117691722213136 TOM account].

06. 9/29/2016 AT 12:20 PM. unpublished comment.

Luke: You went through every post I have posted, but not the posts I took down. Thanks for the laughs PSYCHO KILLER!
If you want to be posted at my blog try an intelligent comment. Of course that means you will never get posted, you will never have an intelligent comment. It's not possible from a PSYCHO KILLER.

07. 9/29/2016 AT 12:21 PM. unpublished comment.

Luke: I have never been to Sue, or Leslie's blogs, I don't even know who they are, but lies from your PSYCHO KILLER mind.

08. 9/29/2016 AT 12:37 PM. unpublished comment.

Luke: There you can SHITHEAD! Proof TOM commented at my blog.
Don't you get tired of being proven wrong?
What you don't know is TOM and I have had many discussions about the assholes who attack blogs, like you.
I learned the history of RN, Pam, Shaw, and other assholes.
I proved you wrong yet again!!!
I've also talked with TAO. Know who that is asshole?

[With this comment Luke gives himself license to refer to everything TOM knows. That way, he THINKS, I can't call him out for being the idiot behind both IDs. He's been communicating with TOM. Of course he has! Because they're the same person. Note that earlier Luke acted confused about what TOM I was referring to... see comment #2. Now he knows exactly who I meant].

09. 9/29/2016 AT 12:38 PM. unpublished comment.

Luke: Gee, you haven't read the post I just put up proving you a liar and me telling the truth.

10. 9/29/2016 AT 12:42 PM. unpublished comment.

Luke: I'll leave that post up another minute, then it goes back to save. Enjoy lying PSYCHO KILLER!!!!

[Re "I'll leave that post up another minute" is a reference to his delusionary commentary "Spreading The Word"].

11. 9/29/2016 AT 12:51 PM. unpublished comment.

Luke: HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA What a lying PSYCHO KILLER you are
I've also spoken to Dmarks and Will Hart.
I know the history of the assholes obviously better than you do PSYCHO KILLER
Thanks for proving what a fuck head PSYCHO KILLER you are!!

12. 9/29/2016 AT 12:54 PM. unpublished comment.

Luke: WHAT!!!
Nothing to say now after all your BULLSHIT lies? Thanks for proving why 101 crowned you King Shithead! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[I was NOT crowned "king shithead" by Joe Hagstrom AKA Truth 101. What T101 wrote, in a 8/28/2013 post titled "What Defines A Shithead", was "Dr. Donald Douglas is and always will be the king of shitheads". I don't know who Dr. Donald Douglas is, but he's the "king shithead". T101 further noted, referencing me, is that "his shitheadedness is a mere whiff of one of Donald's weaker flatulences". See comment #131 here. The reason I bring this up is because TOM, Steve and Luke have ALL referenced me being "crowned king shithead". Further proof that all these IDs are controlled by the same person].

13. 9/29/2016 AT 1:56 PM. unpublished comment.

Go ahead and post that I received comments from this TOM. Just proves what you say about me is a lie.
You said (I have the comment saved) I never got a comment from TOM and couldn't because you claim I am TOM.

[Luke lies. I never said he COULDN'T receive a TOM comment. Of course he can. All he has to do is sign out of his "Luke" account, then sign back in with his "TOM" account. Although the "proof" he provided doesn't show any TOM comment. It shows him commenting anonymously... but typing in "TOM". Note that, since I am not publishing these comments and because Luke reverted his post to draft, I predict he will deny everything. Just as he denies he was Steve and is TOM. If the "psycho killer" responds, that is. That he is a "psycho killer" is something he just admitted to, btw, with his incorrect usage of "by". He means "bye" but writes "by"... JUST like TOM].

April 17, 2011. Stay A While blog post.

TOM (WordPress account): I have been blogging for years (not all under "Stay A While") and I have had the blog of popularity. Hundreds of comments each post, awards, mention by Time magazine and other respectable references, but that popularity came at the expense of allowing idiots, trolls, ass holes, and extremists to participate on my blog. I would not have had such a popular blog without them. People like to see fights and train wrecks. (excerpted from TOM's post "Mindless Idiots, Trolls, And Other Hypocrites").

[Luke refers to his GREAT writing and TOM says a previous blog was so popular that it got a mention in Time magazine and WON AWARDS! Evidence that both TOM and Luke suffer from delusions of grandeur. Also evidence that TOM and Luke are the same person. Possibly the reason why Luke removed the post from his blog... by reverting it to draft. Unfortunately for him he provides, by revealing this post to me, even more evidence that Luke and TOM are the same person. At this point it's overwhelming. Fact is, I'd say that it's 99.9% likely that TOM and Steve/Luke are the same sick blog attacking troll].

Posts that link here
[SWTD #-2] Re An Action That "Seems Pretty Infantile" (An Observation Made By The Blogger "Ducky's Here"). 10/4/2016.

DSD #36

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you have proven to be wrong and a liar on everything, so good luck with this post.


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