Friday, September 23, 2016

Rational Nation USA & The Atlas Shrugged Part 1 Movie, A Flop From 2011 That Lost Over $15 Million

Documented: Pro Atlas Shrugged Part 1 comments from various blogs by various commenters. Wikipedia notes that the film's budget was $20 million and it took in $4.6 million at the box office (qualifying it as a flop). Yet parts 2 and 3 were still made (inexplicably). Although with different actors in the lead rolls and with smaller budgets. The budget for Part 2 was $10 million and the box office was $3.3 million ($6.7 million lost) and Part 3 cost 5 million but only took in $851k ($4.1 million lost). If free market rules had been followed, would the 2nd 2 films have been made? You know, given that $35 million was spent on films that grossed 5.8 million ($29.2 million flushed away).

What follows are some hilarious comments from some enthusiastic (for the movie) Libertarians/conservatives, made shortly before the movie came out.

Sun Dec 19, 2010 AT 10:31:00 AM EST. RNUSA.

Silverfiddle: That two trillion sitting on the sidelines that dems keep carping about is, I think, a mini-shrug. Capitalists big and small make this country work, and in a Chavez-like orgy of regulatory uncertainty, they are sitting on their money. Would you put your money in a rigged game?

As we've discussed Les, I'm not a big Ayn Rand fan, but I hope this movie takes libertarianism to the next level and opens the eyes of the blind. Rand's book did that for multiple generations, and I hope the movie brings her message to a whole new group of people.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011 At 10:51 AM. RNUSA.

Rational Nation USA: Ayn Rand's Epic Novel Atlas Shrugged Out In Theaters April 5th (Post title). Ayn Rand, the 20th century author, playwright, philosopher, and advocate for individualism, laissez faire capitalism, and a true life sustaining value system is now more relevant than ever.

In this time of unrestrained budget deficits and a steadily rising national debt, burdensome and damaging regulatory controls, an anti business and anti growth mentality, crony capitalism and government subsidies for businesses, a rising tide of altruism, unjustified and unethical military interventions into sovereign states that pose no threat to our national security... America needs more than ever a philosophy and ethics to guide her. Ayn Rand's philosophy, Objectivism, provides just such a foundation.

Her works are consistent, non contradictory, rational, and if read with a truly open mind revealing as well as life changing. Admittedly her philosophy will not resonate with those having an altruistic collectivist mindset. It in fact scares them precisely because it requires they live on their own merits alone, and it requires you to live your life based upon your own rational self interests. Something many people find themselves unable to do.

For me to say more about the value, intellectual clarity, and honesty of this remarkable women will only serve to give the progressive/collectivists greater opportunity to call me, as well as other Objectivist world wide nothing more than cultists. So, rather than saying more {at this point anyway} following are two videos, h/t Reason TV. Perhaps they will peak your curiosity in a way that if you haven't already found Rand they will give you the curiosity to do so.

The first talks about Ayn Rand's "long shelf life" while discussing her work and relevancy. The second is a short clip about the movie Atlas Shrugged. A movie based on Rand's epic novel. Atlas Shrugged, as I am sure many of you know, encapsulates Rand's political and economic philosophy. Part 1 of the movie will be out April 15th, tax day. Not just by coincidence you can be sure.

[Cross-posted to Left Coast Rebel. Also, apparently RNUSA is the "Birthplace of Independent Conservatism"??].

4/13/2011 AT 11:21 AM. SWTD #72.

Rational Nation USA: Momentary Infomercial break... non paid advertising.

You got to check it out. Will be the greatest film the first half of this century. Link to current ticket locations.

April 13, 2011 AT 12:14 PM. The Oracular Opinion.

Rational Nation USA: Momentary Infomercial break... non paid advertising.

You got to check it out. Will be the greatest film the first half of this century. Link to current ticket locations.

Thu Apr 14, 2011 AT 05:51:00 AM EDT. RNUSA.

Rational Nation USA: w-dervish - you said... "Wikipedia says "part 1" cost 10 million bucks. Unless the financiers are willing to lose most of that I doubt parts 2 and 3 are going to be made. At least that is what I'm hoping happens".

Could it be you are hoping part 2 & 3 aren't made because you fear the more who grasp and understand Rand's Objectivist philosophy the more irrelevant modern lefties, and Neo cons will become. The more their altruistic self sacrificing ethos is exposed for what it really is the less power the left, and Neo con right will have. Rational self interest, operative word being RATIONAL, is in fact an ethical and moral basis on which to lead one's life.

Posts that link here
[SWTD #73] Scientology & Objectivism Are 2 Equally Crazy Cults. 4/14/2011.

DSD #34

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