Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Both TOM & Luke Said They Would Not Vote But They Will Still Complain

Documented: A comment by TOM and a post by Luke in which they both say they aren't voting, but that they aren't giving up their right to complain. Further proof that TOM and Luke are IDs created by the same person.

11/8/2016 at 5:33 AM. WAM.

Luke: Did You Vote Today?

I did not! But don't tell me I don't have a right to complain. As long as I pay taxes, I have a right to complain. As long as I am a citizen, I will complain. As long as crooked politicians are destroying our government, I will complain. As long as extremists cry Hitler, I will call that demagoguery. I refuse to be forced to conform to simply vote when my choices are so unacceptable. Voting to continue corrupt politics by voting for corrupt politicians is a danger in itself and I refuse to engage because I might fear some idiot calling me unpatriotic. I was called a traitor for not supporting the Iraq invasion. I complained about liberals when they called Bush II, Hitler.
I won't worship leaders who created a slave nation. I won't revere leaders who stole from then killed the Native Americans. Don't tell me Trump is the worst thing to happen in American politics. FDR the great liberal imprisoned Americans just because their heritage was Japanese. FDR wanted 13 Supreme Court Justices, because the 9 we had thought his laws were unconstitutional. Take your false principles and vote for whichever crook you THINK will solve all your problems. President Clinton will give us all plenty to complain about, except for the Kool-Aid drinking liberals who will see her election as the salvation of America. Hogwash!

7/13/2016 at 12:27 PM. TOO.

TOM-3136: It's silly. Comey doesn't need a Congressional referral to ask (investigate) that question. He purposely did not ask her anything that did not directly pertain to the email problem. If he wanted to indict her on the emails, he had plenty of reason to. It was a judgment call that could have gone either way. Prosecutors make those calls everyday and guilty people go free.

"but will vote for the lying-egocentric Trump".
So have you decided to vote for Trump? Will his VP pick make any difference to you? Sticking with my convictions, I will not vote. I can't vote for either of them. No matter who wins, when they screw it up, I can claim no responsibility. And no, I don't see a no vote as giving up my right to complain about whoever is president.

Posts that link here
[SWD #357] Analyzing The Posts "Liberal Hate" By Luke Spencer & "Liberal Haters" By TOM The Omelet Man. 11/9/2016

DSD #44

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