Monday, November 21, 2016

Luke & TOM Are Offended When bush II And Trump Are Compared To Hitler

Documented: Both the Trump-supporting Luke Spencer (Words And Music) and TOM (Stay A While) write about how offended they are with comparisons between Hitler and Republican preznits. Further proof that these 2 IDs are controlled by the same blog troll (SWTD #357). First comment (with green header) is an excerpt from a post by Mr. Spencer in which he voices his support for Trump.

11/16/2016 AT 7:34 AM. Excerpt from the 9/15/2016 WAM post "Presidential Health".

Luke: I'm rooting for Trump, if for no other reason than to shove it down the throats of these mean, hate filled, crazy liberals who think attacking with hate is the only way to win an election.

[That HRC and her supporters are the "haters" is utterly absurd, of course, given that Trump has appealed to xenophobia and has the support of the KKK. Trump is the one who attacks with hate. But Luke is a hater and haters usually attack the other side and accuse them of what THEY are guilty of].

9/12/2011. Excerpt from the SAW post "HATE".

TOM: More equal to the group liberal blog (The Peace Train) which I helped start. One of the authors wrote a three page (detailed) article on how Bush (Cheney and his other administrators) was/were Nazis, and of course Bush was Hitler. I wrote a comment on how stupid it was to compare Bush to Hitler, or his administers to Nazis. I was summarily banned from that blog. I didn't fall in line with the hate message.

12/12/2011. Excerpt from the SAW post "Liberal Haters".

TOM: Open a History book moron! Ron Paul in not Gerbles. Romney is not the butcher of Auschwitz. The rest of the Republicans are not brown shirts. or Hitler like politicians.

[Goebbels is misspelled. Brownshirt is one word].

7/18/2016 AT 9:06 AM. Excerpt from the WAM post "Trump Is Their Nominee".

Luke: I'm not joining that hate. I don't write hate about either Trump, or Clinton. I don't post silly pictures, cartoons, or videos that cast candidates as Hitler, or other evil killers.

10/17/2016 AT 7:58 PM. Excerpt from the WAM post "Interest in the Election?".

Luke: A typical hate filled liberal like his buddy RN who cheers him on for sending me death threats, or his buddy Shaw who has stolen multiple posts of mine and posted them to her blog without accreditation (plagiarism) similar to his buddy Dog who has done the same. I guess they don't get enough thrill showing Trump as Hitler, just as they claimed Bush was Hitler.

10/23/2016 AT 5:05 PM. Excerpt from the WAM post "Liberal Hate".

Luke: They call Trump Hitler, just as they called Bush Hitler. ... So when president Clinton lies and Americans die, I will be there to say I told you so, but I won't call her a Hitler, or other ridiculous superlatives.

Posts That Link Here
[SWTD #357] Analyzing The Posts "Liberal Hate" By Luke Spencer & "Liberal Haters" By TOM The Omelet Man. 11/9/2016.

DSD #48


  1. Two things you will never see a Republican do but are the sole providence of leftwingnutz... (1)Compare someone to Hitler. (2) Burn the American flag.

  2. Why Republicans are obsessed with comparing Obama to Hitler. Article includes quote by Republican Mike Huckabee in which he claims the Iran nuke deal "will take the Israelis and march them to the door of the oven".

    You Know Who Else Said That? My favorite examples of Republicans comparing Obama to Hitler. Slate article that includes many examples of Republicans comparing Obama to Hitler.

    As for the flag issue... if someone burns a flag that is their property, why should anyone care? You are correct. That is an obsession of rightwingnutz... What people do with their own property if it happens to be a SYMBOL representing America.


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