Monday, November 7, 2016

Jersey McJones Is A Sockpuppet Controlled By Rational Nation According To TOM, Steve & Luke

Documented: Comments from TOM, Steve and Luke (3 IDs controlled by the same person) in which he expresses his belief that Jersey McJones is a sockpuppet controlled by Rational Nation. A belief TOM/Steve/Luke has in common with Willis Hart (DSD #32) and TAO (TAO, 7/23/2013: "JMJ... a strawman Les set up to give folks like you a strawman to feed off of).

Not that I think that TAO, Willis or TOM/Steve/Luke believing that JMJ is (or was) RN's sockpuppet confirms the claim. I am, in fact, convinced that Jersey is (or was) a real person. Although I still think it's odd that JMJ never commented on my blog. Even though he said (on RN's blog) he read one of my posts. I invited him to comment, but he never did.

Avatar of Jersey McJones (AKA JMJ).

8/13/2013 AT 6:22 PM. PE.

Anonymous: You know JMJ is RN's alter ego. RN loves to post the "other side". Funny but deeply sick.

[Very likely a TOM/Luke comment].

8/15/2013 at 1:05 PM. SWTD.

Steve: Misspellings and grammar errors are RN's MO, and you are right, those kind of personal habits are hard to hide. Ask Shaw, she might know. This is all part of RN's tactics, also the unmistakeable MO of RN.
TAO once stated that JMJ is RN's alter ego. Created to bash liberals. Funny how JMJ is the only liberal RN allows unfettered comment privileges on his site.

8/23/2013 at 10:01 PM. SWTD.

Steve: No you hate filled scum.
Any one who has read history knows the Jews did put up resistance. Like the 5,000 Jews in the ghetto who did have guns, did fight back and were massacred by superior forces. Or the Jews who did escape the Nazis and spent the rest of the war sabotaging Nazi forces, infrastructure, supplies etc.
Or the Jews who fought and died killing Nazis from Germany, Poland, Greece, Russia, and anywhere else Nazis were.
Being a skin head Nazi, of course you dispute that, all good Nazis dispute that. You claim accepted historians make the same claim. Lie. Prove it. Link me to an accepted historian who claims that, and has proof. Put up, or shut up Nazi!
So why, again, did you apologize if you were not wrong? Still waiting for an answer to that.
Why write a post praising Rep. West, the commie counting McCarthy doppelganger? You obviously agree with his thinking.
Now back to where everyone will agree with you, YOUR BLOG. It's so easy when you censor your comments and not be challenged.
I do see JMJ (your invented alter ego you used to attack other bloggers) has commenting privileges and the only liberal you allow to continuously post comments. Hummm.
By sick shit.

6/25/2016 at 10:34 PM. WYD.

TOM-136: TAO also understood that Jersey McJones was RN's alter ego. Back in those days RN spent his time attacking blogs with his asshole buddies. I see nothing has changed.

[2 compound word errors, typical of Steve/Luke. "Any one" & "skin head" are both ONE word].

9/27/2016 at 3:27 PM. WYD.

TOM-3136: Lisa doesn't usually delete RN's comments. He must be showing just how vulgar he really is. He hasn't changed his asshole behavior, even if he has changed his politics, which I doubt.
TAO told us years ago that JMJ is his alter ego and he has many more. He used them to attack blogs back then. His old friends are now his enemies. His old enemy Dervish is now his buddy, but everyone knows Dervish is an idiot.

12/26/2016 at 2:16 PM. WYD (deleted post).

Luke: You didn't know? Jersey and RN are the same person.

7/21/2017 at 6:03 PM. WYD.

Thanks for proving again Dervish what a childish liar you are. Nothing better than repeating my words about you back at me?
What I said was TAO said Jersey was RN sock puppet. As usual you twist things just enough to make them a total lie.
You can't find my new blog so it's imaginary? Proving again what a joke you are.
Now get back to sending death threats on the internet. You threatened to kill the president of the United States. What a sicko!

[Luke now denies that he brought up TAO's claim that JMJ is RN's sockpuppet. Apparently he brought it up for no reason, given the fact that TAO does not comment on WYD and nobody brought him or the topic of JMJ possibly being a sockpuppet].

[According to a number of blog posts, Jersey McJones passed away from cancer. 7/18/2017, WYD: "We Lost A Friend Today". 7/19/2017 MMS: "In Memory Of Liberal Blogger Jersey McJones". 7/19/2017, PE: "Rest In Peace, Jersey McJones"].

Posts that link here
[SWD #357] Analyzing The Posts "Liberal Hate" By Luke Spencer & "Liberal Haters" By TOM The Omelet Man. 11/9/2016

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