Thursday, November 24, 2016

Luke Spencer Sidebar Lies, AKA List Of Bloggers He Hates

Documented: Lies from the blog of Luke Spencer, an insane lying blog troll who imagines that many other bloggers are stealing his posts, because he is such a great writer. Screenshot (below) of the (now removed) sidebar gadget (from his blog Words and Music), followed by the text copied and pasted from the sidebar before Luke removed the lies/delusions. Links inserted by me (there were no links in the gadget of delusions as originally posted by Luke Spencer to his sidebar).


Progressive Eruptions - Shaw
Has plagiarized many of my posts and told many lies about me, a true scum bag. She claims I want to be able to post on her site, which is her delusional lie. I simply asked her to stop stealing (plagiarizing) my posts.

The Oracular Opinion and Blogger Sleuth - Pam
Her Blogger Sleuth blog is a fake and just a means to attack people she disagrees with. She has falsely claimed I am 5 other people. She is a huge liar and troll.

Rational Nation (RN) and multiple other aliases
This liar is the sickest of the sick bloggers. He uses aliases to plagiarize, lie, and attack anyone.

Sleeping With The Devil (Dervish Sanders) and 5 other blogs
This troll, liar, plagiarist, and pure asshole has individual blogs attacking multiple individuals, claims I cut and paste every post and never write my own stuff, claims I'm 5 other people, and is just plain dirty nasty.
Over a 3 day period in August 2016, this dangerous person sent 100 comments (most sent at 3 am) about murder. I called the FBI. Of course his buddies (like RN) left comments at his blog cheering him on. These assholes are dangerous people.
(9/3/16) - He sent me another 100 comments, all written at 5am and he told me he was drunk. Another 100 comments 9/4/16.
Now I can add a death threat to me from this criminal. I'll leave the comment up for all to see. 9/19/16 - another 100 comments from this dangerous asshole, including another death threat. This asshole was named King Shithead of the blogs by Truth 101 almost 3 years ago. I guess he has gotten worse - he's up to death threats now. 9/29/16 - Another 100 comments today and he wrote a post about me full of lies. He's chastising me for not posting his comments (death threats).

Dog Report- FJ
This dishonest blogger plagiarizes every post I write knowing full well they are my words and posts.

Who's Your Daddy - Lisa
Every single post I write ends up on her blog stolen by one of her minions and usually changes the words of my posts to mean something totally different. This is RN's favorite blog and is a real asshole to everyone on this blog. A real cesspool of many trolls, liars, and plagiarists.

Free Thinke - FT
This screwball writes in plagiarized and bastardized poetry. He deletes my comments to his blog, yet, allows others to post my words and posts knowing they were my words and posts.

One thing these lying plagiarists have in common, is they are all buddies and have been assholes to people on the net for years. These are the sick trolls you read about. They are real and real nasty. They work together to attack, plagiarize, and lie about bloggers they disagree with. Their goal seems to be to force bloggers to close down their blogs. If they attack you, report it to the police, I did.

Posts That Link Here
[SWTD #346] You've Been Reported! 8/17/2016.

DSD #49

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