Friday, December 16, 2016

2016: Another Stolen Election

Documented: Articles concerning how the 2016 election was stolen via voter suppression (primiarly via Kris Kobach's Interstate Crosscheck). The result being the installation of another illegitimate president. The publication of this article directory is in response to a querry by Dave Miller who said "I've seen no one credible saying there was any fraud in this election".

See also: How Republicans Win Elections: They Cheat! DSD #23.

Health of State Democracies. Center for American Progress Action Fund.

Question: What is The Interstate Crosscheck System?

[Excerpt from undated article] The Interstate Crosscheck system is a database used by officials in 27 states to identify voters potentially registered to vote in more than one state. States need a mechanism to maintain accurate voter rolls, but the states participating in the Interstate Crosscheck system risk purging legally registered voters - with a significant oversampling from communities of color - from the voting lists.

The system flagged roughly 7 million names of "potential double voters" prior to the 2014 election; however, since 2014, not a single person has been convicted of double voting pursuant to Crosscheck data. This large number of false positives is due to Crosscheck not taking into account information that may disqualify a match: SSNs should be disregarded if they do not match, Jr. and Sr. distinctions are often ignored, and many names on the list have mismatched middle names. Because nonwhite communities share surnames more commonly than white communities - in fact, 50% of Communities of Color share a common surname, while only 30% of white people do - this leads to a greater number of flagged potential double voters...

5/24/2016. The Kansas City Star.

Kris Kobach is a big fraud on Kansas voter fraud by The Editorial Board.

[Excerpt] Secretary of State Kris Kobach warned Kansas lawmakers last year that he knew of at least 18 suspected cases of double voting in recent elections. Wait, make that 100 cases! Kobach threw out these wild claims as he successfully pressed the Legislature to make him the only secretary of state in the nation with the power to prosecute in these matters.

It was all part of Kobach's continued loathsome attacks on U.S. immigration policy. He knew he could score political points with many Kansans by promising to stop "illegal" voters from canceling out the votes of red-blooded Americans. But now Kobach has been exposed as a big fraud on the issue of voter fraud, which studies have found to be almost nonexistent in America.

8/24/2016. Rolling Stone.

The GOP's Stealth War Against Voters by Greg Palast.

[Article excerpt] Will an anti-voter-fraud program designed by one of Trump's advisers deny tens of thousands their right to vote in November? When Donald Trump claimed, "the election's going to be rigged", he wasn't entirely wrong. But the threat was not, as Trump warned, from Americans committing the crime of "voting many, many times". What's far more likely to undermine democracy in November is the culmination of a decade-long Republican effort to disenfranchise voters under the guise of battling voter fraud. The latest tool: Election officials in more than two dozen states have compiled lists of citizens whom they allege could be registered in more than one state – thus potentially able to cast multiple ballots – and eligible to be purged from the voter rolls. The data is processed through a system called the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program...

9/2/2016. Facing South. Facing South is the online magazine of the Institute for Southern Studies.

Controversial anti-voter fraud program risks disenfranchising voters through racial bias, report finds by Sue Sturgis.

[Excerpt] Back in 2005, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach — who as chair of his state's Republican Party championed an illegal voter suppression technique called "caging" — launched a program called Interstate Crosscheck to compare voter registration data across states and ferret out evidence of double voting.

The program has since expanded to 30 states... but it's been controversial from the start.'s resulted in very few actual cases of fraud being referred for prosecution, as alleged cases of double voting in multiple states turned out to be clerical and other errors. One tally found that while the program has flagged 7.2 million possible double registrants, no more than four have actually been charged with deliberate double registration or double voting.

(Image: Trump and his immigration advisor Kris Kobach).


10/18/2016. The Huffington Post.

The Republican Myth Of Voter Fraud by Jerry Bowles.

Kansas Secretary of State Kris W. Kobach... is considered by fellow Republican AGs as the master of the GOP voter suppression game. Kobach argued before state lawmakers that his office needed special power to prosecute voter fraud, because he knew of 100 such cases in his state. After being granted these powers, he has brought 6 such cases, of which only 4 have been successful. The secretary has also testified about his review of 84 million votes cast in 22 states to look for duplicate registrations. That effort yielded 14 instances of fraud referred for prosecution, which amounts to a 0.00000017 percent fraud rate.

Undaunted, Kobach doubled-down to the Washington Post: "The reason we have to do this is there is a significant problem in Kansas and in the rest of the country of aliens getting on our voting rolls. With so many close elections in Kansas, having a handful of votes that are cast by aliens can swing an election".

The simple truth is that every serious examination of voter fraud to date has been a bust producing only a statistically insignificant number of possible cases and virtually no prosecutions. Voter fraud by impersonation is GOP talking point with no basis in reality.


Exit polls suggest that Trump's big "victory" was stolen (just like Hillary's nomination) by Mark Crispin Miller (a professor of media studies at New York University, and the author of the book: Fooled Again, How the Right Stole the 2004 Elections. He is known for his writing on American media and for his activism on behalf of democratic media reform).

[My Summary & Editorial] "Unadjusted exit polls for the 2016 election" show exit polls do not match "actual" vote totals (Red Shift). In NC, PA, WI, FL, MI and MN the difference between the exit polls and "actual" vote totals flip a win for HRC (per the exit poll) to a win for Trump. Note that (except for FL, MN and WI) all states participate in the Interstate Crosscheck system.

Rick Scott, the governor of FL and a Trump supporter refused "to extend his state's deadline for voter registration in response to Hurricane Matthew". According to "Dan Smith, a University of Florida political science professor and FL election data expert... his research has found that individuals who register immediately prior to an election turn out to vote "at rates very comparable, if not higher, than the average registrant" (excerpted from Florida Gov. Rick Scott Under Fire for Voter Registration Decision, 10/7/2016).

According to One Wisconsin Now "With Scott Walker leading the charge, Wisconsin Republicans have systematically sought to make voting more difficult and manipulate state law to give themselves a partisan political advantage". MN is the ONE anomaly, in that the exit polls show Trump narrowly winning (0.1% Trump as per the exit polls versus 1.5% Clinton as per the actual vote). Note that this "shift" is the smallest among the states where the exit polls and actual vote don't match (the swing is greater where the exit polls show Clinton winning but the actual vote says Trump won).


The Election was Stolen. Here's How by Greg Palast.

[Article excerpt] Before a single vote was cast, the election was fixed by GOP and Trump operatives. ... Starting in 2013 – just as the Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act – a coterie of Trump operatives, under the direction of Kris Kobach, Kansas Secretary of State, created a system to purge 1.1 million Americans of color from the voter rolls of GOP–controlled states.

On Tuesday [11/8/2016], we saw Crosscheck elect a Republican Senate and as President, Donald Trump. The electoral putsch was aided by nine other methods of attacking the right to vote of Black, Latino and Asian-American voters, methods detailed in my book and film, including "Caging", "purging", blocking legitimate registrations, and wrongly shunting millions to provisional ballots that will never be counted.

12/5/2016. The Intercept.

Trump Adviser Kris Kobach Harassed Kansas Voters In His Failed Quest For Mass Election Fraud by Spencer Woodman.

[Excerpt] ...Donald Trump falsely claimed that millions of people had voted illegally in this year’s general election. Without a credible source to cite, Trump's assertion set off fears that the incoming administration was laying a foundation of disinformation ahead of a potentially unprecedented push to restrict voting access across the country. After being asked to back up his claim, Trump berated journalists for being unable to prove the negative that millions of illegal votes hadn't been cast this year — a rhetorical tactic often deployed by conspiracy theorists.

The source of Trump's claim was apparently his immigration adviser... As Kansas's two-term secretary of state, Kobach himself has been a pioneer of raising the specter of voter fraud to curtail access to the ballot box. ... Today, a year and a half after the Kansas legislature gave Kobach free rein to pursue his legions of illegal voters, he has announced a mere half-dozen prosecutions related to voting, according to the Brennan Center for Justice, largely against elderly voters - and none involving voting by non-citizens.

12/5/2016. The Root.

Was the 2016 Election Stolen by Massive Voter Suppression? by Lauren Victoria Burke.

[Excerpt] Jill Stein can have all the recounts she wants, but you can't count votes that never got a chance to be cast ... According to many experts who watch elections, the real controversy of 2016 is not the recount but the hundreds of thousands of votes that were never cast in the first place because of widespread voter suppression. ... The 2016 election was the first in 50 years without the full protections of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The election turned out exactly the way one would imagine it would: with numerous examples of local officials either misrepresenting the law or making it more difficult to cast a ballot.

"I think what happened in this election [was] voter suppression and manipulation of the voter rolls. I think we saw, basically, a stolen election", said Ben Ptashnik, executive director of the National Election Defense Coalition, before a large audience packed into a committee room on Capitol Hill on 11/16/2016.

12/13/2016. Democracy Now!.

By Rejecting Recount, Is Michigan Covering Up 75,000 Ballots Never Counted? by Amy Goodman.

[Excerpt] Trump won Michigan by fewer than 11,000 votes out of nearly 4.8 million votes cast. Green Party presidential contender Dr. Jill Stein attempted to force Michigan to hold a recount, but a federal judge ordered Michigan's Board of Elections to stop the state's electoral recount. One big question remains: Why did 75,335 ballots go uncounted?

9/25/2017. Mother Jones.

A New Study Shows Just How Many Americans Were Blocked From Voting in Wisconsin Last Year (Trump won the state by 22,748 votes) by Ari Berman.

[Excerpt] Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison surveyed registered voters who didn't cast a 2016 ballot in the state's two biggest counties - Milwaukee and Dane, which is home to Madison. More than 1 out of 10 nonvoters (11.2%) said they lacked acceptable voter ID and cited the law as a reason why they didn't vote; 6.4% of respondents said the voter ID law was the "main reason" they didn't vote.

The study's lead author, University of Wisconsin political scientist Kenneth Mayer, says between roughly 9k and 23k registered voters in the reliably Democratic counties were deterred from voting by the ID law. Extrapolating statewide, he says the data suggests as many as 45k voters sat out the election... "We have hard evidence there were tens of thousands of people who were unable to vote because of the voter ID law"...

Nov/Dec 2017. Mother Jones.

Rigged: How Voter Suppression Threw Wisconsin to Trump (And possibly handed him the whole election). by Ari Berman.

[Excerpt] ...a year later, interviews with voters, organizers, and election officials reveal that, in Wisconsin and beyond, voter suppression played a much larger role than is commonly understood. Republicans said the ID law was necessary to stop voter fraud... But when the measure was challenged in court, the state couldn't present a single case of voter impersonation that the law would have stopped. "It is absolutely clear that [the law] will prevent more legitimate votes from being cast than fraudulent votes", Judge Lynn Adelman wrote in a 2014 decision striking down the law. Adelman's ruling was overturned by a conservative appeals court panel... the law was allowed to stand for the 2016 election.

Incoming Links
[SWTD #369] Trump Not Legitimate Prez Says Civil Rights Icon John Lewis (Speaking The Truth). 1/16/2017.
[DSB #64] Presidency Stolen From Rightful Winner HRC (Alex Mohajer Writing For HuffPo). 1/16/2017.

DSD #54

Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Blog Troll Luke Spencer Wishes Me Death (Admitted)

Documented: Comments from the blog troll currently going by the name Luke in which he wishes me death. According to Luke, I've sent him death threats. The truth is that I sent him speculative comments in which I said what I might do if I were to kill him. But I did this in response to his idiotic and false claims that I previously sent him comments about me murdering. Something I never did. BTW, all the "death threats" I sent him were hypothetical and ended with me saying that I do NOT want to kill him. As a Christian I would not want that stain on my soul. Besides, I have no idea what his real name is or where he lives, which make my "death threats" NOT credible.

As for Luke wishing me death, this takes the form of him saying I should kill myself. Because he doesn't know where I live and can't kill me. Or maybe he's just too chickenshit to threaten to kill me, and so says I should do it. Either way, he wishes me death, whereas I only wish he would go away and stop trolling me.

Note that all the comments that were submitted by Luke to SWTD were not published. Instead I marked them as Spam. I did, however, recently publish every trolling comment Luke has sent me since he first showed up (using the name "Luke") in DSD #51 (2016 comments). And Luke did admit to sending me these comments when I presented them to him on the Who's Your Daddy blog (comment #5). Note that the SWTD comments are excerpts (those from other blogs are the full comments). follow the link and look for the comment # for the full SWTD comment.

1. 9/30/2016 at 10:19am. Comment #2016-73. SWTD #352.

Just go kill yourself PSYCHO KILLER!!! Maybe Rachel Maddow will have sex with you PSYCHO KILLER, so you can stop jacking off while reading my GREAT blog, PSYCHO KILLER!!!

2. 11/10/2016 at 11:19am. Comment #2016-167. SWTD #358.

Your small dick is impotent, so you spew hate to feel better. I'll bet you own a gun also. Just kill yourself and end your useless life of spewing hate all day!

3. 11/11/2016 at 5:51am. Comment #2016-170. SWTD #358.

I'm changing your moniker to Nazi Boy, you have earned it. What a fucking crybaby liar, just like Trump. Leave the country, or just kill yourself you lying NAZI BOY!

4. 11/30/2016 at 4:04pm. Comment #2016-208. SWTD #361.

You can't even write a post without stealing an idea from me!! All you can write is vulgar comments and death threats!! Waht a sad excuse for a human being you are!! Just kill yourself!!

5. 12/13/2016 at 3:12pm. WYD.

You admitted to sending me death threats, that makes you a self admitted criminal.
Yes, I just started blogging this year, yet, you claim I have been trolling your blog for over five years. liar.
Anyone who sends 1,000 vile comments including multiple death threats shouldn't complain when he receives ugly comments in return.
You are the scum who has multiple blogs attacking multiple individuals like Will Hart, Dmarks, me, and others. It is your MO to do such hateful tactics. I do not.
I am not TOM.
I am not the TOM that posts here on this thread.
My last name is not Spencer, which you insist, but a check of my Google account proves you lie about that.
You have been writing posts that mimic my posts.
You and your crowd HAVE stolen my posts and I proved that.
I did not write all those comments you claim. TOM probably did, but I'm not TOM. I suspect TOM is a guy you have been attacking for years, like the others you have been attacking for years. Yes, as far as I'm concerned, you can just go kill yourself. What a useless life you have just attacking strangers on the net.
The first two comments I got when I started my blog was from RN and a guy named TOM. YOU SAW THOSE COMMENTS!
TOM wrote all about his history with RN and I stopped posting his comments just like I stopped posting your comments and RN's comments. I want nothing to do with your ugly blog flares, but you sent me 1,000 vile comments and multiple death threats anyways. What a scumbag. You initiated this crap. I made the mistake of replying, but I don't take shit from criminals like you, so you got my comments in reply CRYBABY!
Just stay off my blog and I won't reply. Tell your lies to your buddies who steal my posts and make Jew hate remarks. I could care less if scum like that believe you. GET MENTAL HELP!!!

[I never admitted to sending him death threats. As for "it can't be both ways", in the comment he refers to, I noted that his Words And Music blog was started this year. The 1st post on his previous blog, Stay A While is dated 7/27/2009. Re his last name being Spencer, I never said it was. I also do not have a blog to "attack" him. He is TOM, proven here. I never stole any of his posts and he never proved that I did. I asked him for proof but he refused. Re "YOU SAW THOSE COMMENTS!"... wrong. I saw comments he made by entering the name TOM. TOM was not a link, meaning the comment was not made by someone signed in with the TOM account. There were zero RN comments. Finally, Luke "initiated this crap" when he trolled me as Steve making him the scumbag. "Just stay off my blog" he says... meaning he wants to keep trolling me and for me to do nothing. Sorry, but that's not happening Luke].

6. 1/02/2017 at 4:53pm. Comment #2017-2. SWTD #365.

If you want to be dead, there is an easy way for you to take care of that and make many people happy.

[I've never said anything about wanting to be dead and nobody would be happy if I killed myself. Except Luke, and he'd never know].

7. 2/3/2017 at 12:30pm. WYD.

No liar! What I said was anyone (YOU) sending me thousands of vile emails and multiple death threats (proven by your ow admittance) shouldn't be surprised when I send the same in return. You have a deep mental problem. Just kill yourself and end your agony.

8. 5/02/2017 at 3:31pm. WYD.

You already admitted to multiple death threats and over a thousand vile comments you sent me. I have posted you admitting that MANY times on this blog. You should not be surprised to get negative comments when you do such criminal acts. You are mentally unstable. Your obsession is proof of that. You started it all over again on this thread. It's not enough for you to just send your death threats and vile comments to me you have to do it on Lisa's blo0g and any other blog I comment on. So go fuck yourself asshole. Go kill yourself asshole. Your life is worthless and you would be better off dead. You have NO proof I am the 10 other people you claim I am, because I am not.

9. 5/04/2017 at 12:39pm. WYD.

It's the Golden Rule asshole. You treat me like shit, I return the treatment. YOU started this shit! You send me death threats and then when I return the same garbage, you blame me. FUCK YOU LYING TRUMP DERVISH ASSHOLE. And a stupid asshole you are. You made a mistake and identified me as someone I am not. No suprise since you are such a stupid asshole, but you reap what you sew fuck head. YES!!! Go kill yourself. You are nothing but a bullying, lying asshole and there is no need for your continued existence. You send death threats to me and then are SURPRISED when I send the same to you?? Fuck off asshole idiot!!

10. 5/04/2017 at 7:02pm. WYD.

I never attacked multiple blogs for years LIAR! But it seems you have! Like mine, and Wills and Dmarks. Just kill yourself ! Death threats are a criminal act, but a mental retard like you wouldn't know that. By Dervish Trump Liar!

11. 5/19/2017 at 4:50pm. WYD.

Right lying Trump Dervish!
People can read english, except for a mental retard like you.
That's right, you send me thousands of vile emails and multiple death threats and I guess I'm suppose to send you thanks in return, GO FUCK YOURSELF LYING TRUMP DERVISH! Better yet, yes kill yourself!!

Incoming Links
[DSB-20170311] Response to a Luke comment.
[WYD-20170502] Response to a Puke comment.
[WYD-20170519] Response to Luke lie "for the 50th time here is your admitting to sending me death threats".

DSD #53

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Re: My Google Account Has Me As Luke Smith

Documented: Comment from the blog troll currently going by the name Luke regarding his Google+ profile page, which he says has his name as "Luke Smith", followed by a screenshot of my email inbox (email address covered by a black bar) that shows Luke Spencer submitted a comment to my Google+ page. The comment consisted of a post from Luke's blog Words and Music. While it left off the title, from the body of the post I determined that it is More Insanity From Trump. A post published on Luke's blog on 8/9/2016. The SAME day Luke Spencer commented on my Google+ page, doing what Luke does... sending people his posts "so [they] don't have to steal it".

Update: Luke Spencer commented again on my Google+ Profile (12/29/2016).

December 13, 2016 at 3:12 PM. WYD.

Luke: I never had a blog called Stay A While. You LIE!
My Google account has me as Luke Smith. There's one of your mistakes. I don't know who Luke Spencer is.
Yes, Shaw published 3 of my posts without attribution to me. I asked her to remove them, she refused. They are still there. Anyone reading her blog at that time knew about the issue, because you didn't doesn't mean it's my job to do your homework. You claim to be so sure of your detective research, but you can't even get simple things like names correct, then you send 1,000 vile comments and multiple death threats to a total stranger. You are not only an idiot, but a criminal idiot.

12/29/2016 at 10:18am. Dervish Sanders Google+ Profile Page.

Luke Spencer: Hey John Kerry, better go back to school and learn your History!
And take Dumbo with you.
How can you recognize a two-state solution in the Middle East situation when there are three-states involved: the Israelis, the Palestinians, and the terrorist group Hamas which has de facto control over half the Palestinian land and people?
No wonder this country has gone up Shits Creek since Mr. Hopie Changie got into office!

Incoming Links
[SWTD #-1] Regarding What Being "Banned" Means On This Blog. 8/9/2016.
[WYD20170217] WYD comment.

DSD #52

Monday, December 12, 2016

Catalog Of Luke The Blog Troll's Vile Comments From SWTD (Warning! Offensive & Profane Content) 2016

Documented: Comments from the blog troll currently going by the name Luke submitted to SWTD (my blog "Sleeping with The Devil") in 2016 (all of them; totaling 227). Previously Luke went by the name "Steve", which was the name on the account before he changed it (DSD #33). Luke also trolls using the name TOM (4 IDs with the name "TOM" attached), and previously wrote as TOM on the blog Stay A While (SWTD #357).

Comments in blue were published while comments in green were sent to Spam. Note that, if you believe I may be making up a comment, I can (if you ask) publish it and prove it is real (just tell me which one). I think however, that there are enough published comments to prove that prove the unpublished ones are real (they are all equally idiotic and/or vile).

Note that comments that include the phrase "so you don't have to steal it, SCUMBAG" are truncated. They do not include the post that Luke erroneously and moronically believes I have an interest in stealing. Why the hell would I want to take credit for and publish a post on my blog in which I insult myself or other Liberals? I do NOT want any of Luke's garbage posts on my blog! In fact I sent him a message saying that if any of his posts were on my blog that he should send me the links and I'd remove them immediately. Luke did not respond.

001. 7/27/2016 at 5:43pm. SWTD #341.

Since you insist on stealing my posts, I'll post them on your thread and make it easy for you.

The Clinton Machine [post content removed. This commentary was posted to Luke's blog on 7/26/2016 and also, under the heading "Katrina Van Dingelberrie said" to the FreeThinke blog on 7/27/2016].

[Luke's first comment as "Luke" to my blog. I didn't realize it at the time, but he'd commented on my blog previously with the same account. But before he was "Steve". Later I compared the Blogger ID #s and realized he was Steve. Someone who had trolled me previously, and for a very long time. Anyway, with his FIRST comment as Luke he makes an absurd accusation of post stealing. Which made me say to myself "WTF is he talking about?". If I really had taken material he wrote and posted it to my blog as if I had written it... you'd think he do it in a thread attached to the stolen post. But he didn't because I never stole anything he wrote. I had never been to his blog at this point or encountered "Luke" on another blog. I'd never even seen anything with the name Luke attached to it, so I think me stealing anything of his at this point was impossible].

002. 7/27/2016 at 6:06pm. SWTD #341.

Fucking liar

003. 7/28/2016 at 1:04am. SWTD #341.

My post for the day, so you don't have to steal it.

Obama The Orator [post content removed].

004. 7/31/2016 at 4:50am. SWTD #341.

[Luke cuts and pasts a post from Ralph Nader's blog].

005. 7/31/2016 at 4:50am. SWTD #341.

continued [2nd part of the post from Ralph Nader's blog].

006. 8/02/2016 at 5:59pm. SWTD #342.

Trump [content of post from Luke's blog removed].

007. 8/04/2016 at 3:52pm. SWTD #343.

The War On ISIS [content of post from Luke's blog removed].

008. 8/04/2016 at 4:04pm. SWTD #342.

That's because I write my own stuff asshole. And it must be good since you and your idiot minions keep stealing my words, yet, cry plagiarism. What a bunch of lying assholes.
Hey Jerry, you haven't written a word for years. Go Fuck Yourself lying asshole. The only thing copy and paste, are your lies. Exactly the same as the lies from Dervish and the rest of the assholes.
So keep searching idiot Dervish, you won't find anything, because I am original and you are just a lying asshole.

009. 8/06/2016 at 10:24am. SWTD #342.

You rely on the plagiarist Shaw, that's your mistake asshole. Check my original post on my blog where it came from lying asshole. How come you didn't check Shaw's blog for my posts? Just use your stupid first line method and you will find at least 3 posts on mine stolen by Shaw. Have a nice day fuck head. You can't even track anything correctly and you censor so who the fuck knows what you are talking about. As I said, you will get my new posts every time I post one, so you don't have to steal them fucke head liar. .

010. 8/07/2016 at 9:25am. SWTD #343.

Guess you cannot read stupid fuck head. I only send you my posts so it's easy for you rather than stealing them. Anything else is just your dishonest bullshit. You missed me proving Shaw plagiarized my posts 3 times. To bad, your loss, but it doesn't mean you can claim she did not. Go fuck yourself asshole.

011. 8/07/2016 at 11:50am. SWTD #343.

My post for today, so you don't have to steal it.

The Do Nothing Congress [post content removed].

012. 8/07/2016 at 12:47pm. SWTD #343.

Sorry fuck head, just because you missed it doesn't mean I'm going all through it again. You lose fuck head for not paying attention. And since you were the one making the false allegation you had an obligation to pay attention. You lose lying asshole.

[That I "missed" him proving Shaw stole his posts is a dodge. He can't prove it because it never happened. Luke made, and continues to make, the false allegations].

013. 8/07/2016 at 3:23pm. SWTD #343.

I proved Shaw stole my post 3 times. You did miss it lying asshole and I'm not reproving it for a lying asshole like you. Again, check my blog for that Nader post lying asshole. Say what you want my blog proves alll of you lying assholes. By asshole.

[That he proved Shaw stole 3 posts from him and that they are still there is a lie. If she did he could link to the proof].

014. 8/07/2016 at 4:53pm. SWTD #.

You and Jerry claimed my last post was cut and paste, in fact you inferred everything I write is cut and paste. Go fuck yourself lying asshole, and again, I don't post my posts to your blog so they will be posted, I do it so it's easy for you to steal them, steal away asshole.

015. 8/09/2016 at 10:09am. SWTD #343.

My post for today, so you don't have to steal it.

More Insanity From Trump [post content removed].

016. 8/09/2016 at 1:24pm. SWTD #343.

So where is your proof I'm cut and paste asshole??

017. 8/10/2016 at 10:36am. SWTD #343.

What a stupid FUCK!!
Did you go to my blog? NO!! You would have seen the post said by Ralph Nader, as everyone else has. Did you go to Nader's site? NO!! If you did you would have learned Nader tells all his readers to share his posts without attribution and that's why his name is not on his own posts. Now that you have been caught lying, shove it up your ass liar! You are to stupid to even lie correctly. And where is your proof that I cut and paste everything, asshole?? Thanks for proving what a lying asshole you are. NOw go to Shaw's and ask her why she posted 3 of my posts, fuck head!

[I did NOT go to Shaw's blog and ask her why she posted 3 of Luke's posts because I know this did not happen].

018. 8/10/2016 at 10:38am. SWTD #343.

Right, I should post your comments on my blog when you won't post my comments on your blog! Thanks again for proving what a lying asshole you are.

019. 8/10/2016 at 10:39am. SWTD #343.

Gee, thanks for admitting you lied about my posts fuck head liar. You proved me right yourself, thanks fuck head

020. 8/10/2016 at 6:03pm. SWTD #344.

So what about it fuck head, did you check Nader's blog about his policy of reprinting his posts? OF course not, you would rather be a lying asshole. You lose lying asshole HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

021. 8/14/2016 at 11:57am. SWTD #345.

The End of Trump?
Like many people I was surprised Trump got away with his vulgar rhetoric and continuous lies, for so long. Having known about Trump since the 1980's I was totally against him from the start... [remaining post content removed].

[An anti-Trump post. Obviously Luke is one of the haters he despises so much. What a hypocrite].

022. 8/19/2016 at 11:23pm. SWTD #346.

Here's my latest post, so you don't have to steal it:

Any Good Republican Ideas Out There ? [post content removed].

Such a liar Shaw, I have the saved page from your hate dripping blog.

[Comment directed at Shaw in response to her writing "I've never plagiarized anything from the sicko and neither have you or FJ or Pam or any other of the people LUKE/STEVE/TOM has accused". A comment that is 100% true. There is no "saved page". I know this because I asked him to show it to me and he refused. Also, this is NOT Luke's "latest post". This is a commentary first published on 3/1/2010 on the blog Stay A While. Luke... such a liar].

023. 8/22/2016 at 3:16pm. SWTD #346.

Doesn't make sense killer. My na,e is not Luke Spencer and I already told you that. You have sent 100 comments all talking about murder. You will be reported to the police for that< I would be irresponsible not to report you. You definitely sound like the next mass killer. You explain it to the police.

024. 8/22/2016 at 4:06pm. SWTD #346.

It's the FBI I contacted and they don't know you copied it from anywhere and neither did I. You explain it to them. It was fun watching you go ballistic, but now you will have to deal with the FBI. Good luck.

025. 9/01/2016 at 10:10am. SWTD #347.

My post for today, so you don't have to steal it:

Who Are You Going To Vote For?
Hillary is truly the stereotype of the dishonest politician who has gotten rich off of her contacts... [remaining post content removed].

026. 9/04/2016 at 9:16pm. SWTD #348.

Here's my latest post, so you don't have to steal it:

Dervish Sanders, the King Shithead. Crowned that 3 years ago, and well deserved.

This mentally ill criminal has sent me over 200 comments in only 2 days. That alone shows an unstable asshole, but those emails were about him murdering, which makes him a criminal. This sicko is supported by RN, Pam, Shaw, FJ, and many more assholes. Funny, they are all assholes who have stolen my work product and claimed it as their own. Nothing is more despicable. If this criminally insane asshole comes to your blog, call the police. They have a file on him and want more information.

[Something Luke published on his blog but later deleted. Also, I was never crowned king shithead and I sent him 0 emails about murdering].

027. 9/05/2016 at 8:44am. SWTD #348.

Thanks for admitting you are truly insane. The number of emails alone prove that. Your insane mind can believe whatever. Similar statements don't prove anything, especially since many had the same statement, you are king shithead. Many read that and you still have it on your blog. Your mental retardation can be seen in your confused thinking. The FBI is looking at your blog. Good Luck.

028. 9/05/2016 10:07am. SWTD #348.


029. 9/05/2016 at 10:33am. SWTD #348.

It's no secret you are King Shithead, everyone knew and knows that. It's funny you think I'm the only one who knew that, or read the article. Just more proof you are a PSYCHO KILLER.

030. 9/05/2016 at 11:27am. SWTD #.

Your explanation of why you would send anyone 200 emails in 2 days is ridiculous. You have simply proven you area PSYCHO KILLER!

031. 9/06/2016 at 5:30am. SWTD #348.

Here is my post for today, so you don't have to steal it:

A Message to Working People on Labor Day from a Former Labor Secretary [remainder of Luke's post, actually something Robert Reich wrote, removed].

032. 9/08/2016 at 8:39pm. SWTD #349.

Here's my post today, so you don't have to steal it:

President Obama: Will You Speak to the Civic Community? [Remainder removed. Another Ralph Nader commentary. Also not posted to his blog, so I'm not sure how it's "his" post].

033. 9/09/2016 at 3:44pm. SWTD #349.

Here is my post for today, so you don't have to steal it:

Journalistic Integrity [post content removed].

034. 9/10/2016 at 8:56pm. SWTD #349.

Here's my post for today, so you don't have to steal it:

Federal Regulation Saves Millions of Lives [content removed. Not a post of Luke's. Not posted to his blog. A Ralph Nader post].

035. 9/11/2016 at 10:08am. SWTD #349.

Here's my post today, so you don't have to steal it:

Nancy Pelosi is at it again.

And I think that, so many times... [remainder of post by Pamela Hart of The Oracular Opinion removed. Since this post was not by Luke but by another blogger, he is the one who stole it].

036. 9/11/2016 at 5:39pm. SWTD #350.

Meditation on a Tragic Anniversary [remainder of post by FreeThinke removed. Another stolen post by Luke the plagiarist].

037. 9/11/2016 at 7:12pm. SWTD #350.

The story of Christianity is just plain stupid. If you believe it, you're a retard. [Remainder of commentary that was not authored by Luke removed. Although Luke does like to use the word "retarded" as an insult and is an atheist].

038. 9/15/2016 at 1:24pm. SWTD #350.

My post for today, so a lying scum like you doesn't have to0 steal it:

Presidential Health ... I'm rooting for Trump, if for no other reason that to shove it down the throats of these mean, hate filled, crazy liberals... [truncated version of a post from Luke's blog].

039. 9/15/2016 at 1:31pm. SWTD #350.

My post for today, so a lying scum like you doesn't have to steal it:

Presidential Health...

[Same post from Luke's blog submitted as a comment a 2nd time 7 minutes later. Although this time he omits the zero following "to"].

040. 9/15/2016 at 3:22pm. SWTD #350.

Thanks for all the emails about murder, proving you are what I said you are, a PSYCHO KILLER
Thanks for proving you are a delusional liar.

041. 9/18/2016 at 1:06pm. SWTD #350.

My post for today so you scum don't have to steal it"

Birthers [post content removed].

042. 9/19/2016 at 4:54pm. SWTD #350.

My recent post, so you don't have to steal it scum bag:

Birthers [Another repeat sent 3 hours & 48 minutes after he sent it the 1st time].

043. 9/20/2016 at 6:20pm. SWTD #350.

You were crowned king shithead 3 years ago. That is correct and I have the nearly 400 comments (including 3 death threats) from you to prove it. I didn't read them all, but I saved them all. Anyone who sends that many comments to one person is clearly a PSYCHO KILLER no matter what the comments say and you know I will never post any of them so that proves again you are a PSYCHO KILLER.; What a fucking nut job super troll you are. I love the way you edit comments and then expect anyone to believe you are truthful. Censorship is the trait of all chicken shit nut jobs. So explain again how an idiot who sends 400 comments knowing they won't get posted is not a troll PSYCHO KILLER? Thanks for the multiple death threats, that cinches any debate for me. Keep making an ass out of yourself claiming I am 5 other guys. What a fucking joke you are, and thanks for the laughs. Love your logic - anyone who thinks you are nuts must be the same person HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[I was not crowned king shithead. The editing of comments Luke refers to is my quoting unpublished comments of his and censoring his profanity and homophobia. Surely something that makes me a "chicken shit nut job". I have never claimed Luke is "5 other guys"].

044. 9/21/2016 at 12:52pm. SWTD #350.

Here's my post for today so you don't have to steal it scum bag"

I finally found a Trump supporter [remainder of commentary by Robert Reich, not Luke, removed].

045. 9/22/2016 at 7:16pm. SWTD #351.

I never sent you any porn. If TOM did, good for him. The fact you continue to claim I am him, just makes me laugh. Your 400 comments to my blog proves you are the troll, not to mention the 3 death threats and the 100 where you talk about murder. Have your mom give you your meds!

[Luke's response to me sending him a comment about the gay porn image link that he sent me using his TOM ID. It wasn't that I liked it, BTW].

046. 9/24/2016 at 2:08pm. SWTD #352.

Thanks for adding to and proving your insanity by sending 400 emails along with all your stories of murder and your death threats to me. You lose asshole just by that behavior and evidence. Keep claiming I'm 3 other people, it adds to the evidence you are a PSYCHO KILLER. Get back to your good buddies at Daddy's Blog and it's favorite commentator your lying buddy RN

[I have never claimed that Luke is 3 other people. I note that he has 3 IDs. IDs are not people].

047. 9/24/2016 at 6:11pm. SWTD #352.

Just like you to promote weapons of death PSYCHO KILLER! You have threatened my life 3 times. Is that one of the weapons you are going to kill me with?

048. 9/25/2016 at 10:08am. SWTD #352.

Thanks for admitting you are going to kill me. The police need that and I copied your threat for my records.

049. 9/25/2016 at 2:53pm. SWTD #352.

How come you won't post TOM's comments PSYCHO KILLER?

050. 9/25/2016 at 3:45pm. SWTD #352.

If you want to have your comments posted on my blog, you have to be civil. Something your 400 comments and 3 death threats have not shown.

051. 9/25/2016 at 3:58pm. SWTD #352.

If you posted TOM's comments it would show there is no connection to me, that's why you don't post his comments.
I don't remember ever seeing a comment by "Steve" posted on your site.
You have nothing!
Your 400 comments (including 3 death threats) to me prove you are MUCH MORE than a troll. You are a dangerous PSYCH KILLER !

[Hilarious... he's never seen a Steve comment! Was he tying with his eyes closed when he sent me all those Steve comments?].

052. 9/25/2016 at 5:18pm. SWTD #352.

You keep screaming troll, but you are the PSYCHO KILLER who sent 400 comments with multiple death threats, so you lose fuck head. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Now back to your delusion that I am TOM and Steve, which you can't prove HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA How come you are to chicken shit to post our discussion?
Maybe because you are the one that looks like a PSYCHO KILLER !!!

053. 9/26/2016 at 2:04pm. SWTD #352.

Your logic that people who do the same things are the same people proves you are mentally retarded. How many people dislike Trump? I guess they are all the same people.
Is this the same detective work you did on JC at RN's blog?
Gee, I used HA's HA's, That's never been done before by anyone!!!!!!!!
Gee, JC had different ID's so according to you it must be a faker. But JC told you it was him!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
What a stupid fuck you are. I rest my case lying loser!!

I've have never said "people who do the same things are the same people". I've said there are MANY similarities between what Luke writes and what TOM writes. See SWTD #357. As for "JC", Luke is referring to Jerry Critter and the fact that, for some reason JC did not explain, he has 2 Blogger accounts with the same name attached].

054. 9/26/2016 at 10:59pm. SWTD #352.

Even your friends prove you are a retard HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

055. 9/26/2016 at 4:52pm. SWTD #352.

Could you be wrong?
Just as wrong as you were about JC.
A dumb fuck PSYCHO KILLER!!!
You lose asshole!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA
I'll use HA's HA's from now on, it proves what a stupid fucking LOSER you are!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

I wasn't wrong. I was right. There are 2 Jerry Critter accounts. Blogger IDs 01870618647449723147, which is his primary account, and 03379858419292168210 both link to accounts that have the name Jerry Critter attached. And JC confirmed that both are his. Although he never said why there are two].

056. 9/27/2016 at 12:52pm. SWTD #352.

Here's my post for today, so you don't have to steal, scum bag:

That Was Fun [post content removed].

057. 9/27/2016 at 5:17pm. SWTD #352.

Your "sources" are as wrong as you have proven to be. Please come to the address you have for Luke Spencer. I'll be waiting. Just remember, you have been proven wrong on everything you claim, so make that long trip for nothing. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[Luke is referring to a joke I made, which is that I gave him an address for Luke Spencer, the fictional General Hospital character. My "source" is Wikipedia. But the idiot does not get it. Since the address I gave is not his, I have no idea how he could be waiting for me there].

058. 9/27/2016 at 5:58pm. SWTD #352.

You claim you know who I am, and I told you, you were wrong. You send me 400 emails including 3 death threats. Then you claim to know where I live, giving an address, and saying you will come to my house and kill me. Then you rescind that threat as the coward you are. You don't scare me punk, but I appreciate you giving me all the ammunition I need to prove you are a COWARD, a PSYCHO KILLER, and a TROLL. Thank you, idiot. Now get back to your other 5 hate blogs aimed at individuals. Proving again, you are nothing but a hate filled coward. By the way, go ahead and attack my readers blogs, as you have threatened.

[Luke is referring to me figuring out that he is the same blog troll behind the TOM account. SWTD #357. I don't know where he lives. That was a joke].

059. 9/27/2016 at 6:32pm. SWTD #352.

Says the PSYCHO KILLER who sent me over 400 emails with death threats. Am I forcing you to shut down your blog? I hope so. Your hate and death threats should be shut down.

[Luke's response to me telling him I know he is trying to get me to shut down my blog, just like he did with Sue].

060. 9/29/2016 at 6:00am. SWTD #352.

With your great investigative powers you missed it? TOM has commented at my blog, so has RN. In fact TOM told me all about RN, Pam, and the bitch. He nevr mentioned you, but I'm sure RN told you about me. Another reason to laugh at your claims. Now back to your posting more death threats on my blog PSYCHO KILLER.

[Luke is referring to a post that isn't on his blog, but in his draft folder. With my "great investigative powers" I'm able to see what's in his draft folder, apparently. "The Bitch" is Shaw Kenawe. BTW, since Luke and TOM are the same person, what he's saying is that he had a conversation with himself].

061. 9/29/2016 at 11:46am. SWTD #352.

Your PSYCHO KILLER lies get deeper and deeper.
Who the hell is Sue?
Why do you want to be able to post comments on my blog?
Which TOM are you talking about? There are so many.
Now get back to stealing my posts.

062. 9/29/2016 at 12:07pm. SWTD #352.

You keep proving you know nothing and can't investigate anything. Thanks. Continue to claim you know everything, it makes you look like the PSYCHO KILLER that you are. Ask your buddy RN. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

063. 9/29/2016 12:13 PM. SWTD #352.

Now a Leslie? You are really sick. To bad you can't prove any of that. The TOM link you gave went to nothing, which is what you have, nothing. Give me Sue and Leslie's blog addresses so I can read them.
Like your PSYCHO KILLER comments, I don't post them, I just save them.
Ask RN.

[Luke refers to a comment I sent him about how he wrote on Stay A While, as TOM, that "On her blog Leslie Parsely calls Republicans Nazis and her buddy Sue... agrees" in a post titled HATE].

064. 9/29/2016 at 12:16pm. SWTD #352.

It's funny watching you go ape shit King Shithead, before I tell you I took those post down, but you know everything, so I thought you knew that. Thanks for proving again, you know nothing but the delusional lies in your PSYCHO KILLER head. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[Luke refers to his Spreading The Word commentary that he reverted to draft].

065. 9/29/2016 at 12:20pm. SWTD #352.

You went through every post I have posted, but not the posts I took down. Thanks for the laughs PSYCHO KILLER!
If you want to be posted at my blog try an intelligent comment. Of course that means you will never get posted, you will never have an intelligent comment. It's not possible from a PSYCHO KILLER.

066. 9/29/2016 at 12:21pm. SWTD #352.

I have never been to Sue, or Leslie's blogs, I don't even know who they are, but lies from your PSYCHO KILLER mind.

067. 9/29/2016 at 12:37pm. SWTD #352.

There you can SHITHEAD!
Proof TOM commented at my blog.
Don't you get tired of being proven wrong?
What you don't know is TOM and I have had many discussions about the assholes who attack blogs, like you.
I learned the history of RN, Pam, Shaw, and other assholes.
I proved you wrong yet again!!!
I've also talked with TAO. Know who that is asshole?

[Of course Luke has conversed with TOM. They are the same person].

068. 9/29/2016 at 12:38pm. SWTD #352.

Gee, you haven't read the post I just put up proving you a liar and me telling the truth.

069. 9/29/2016 at 12:42pm. SWTD #352.

I'll leave that post up another minute, then it goes back to save. Enjoy lying PSYCHO KILLER!!!!

070. 9/29/2016 at 12:51pm. SWTD #352.

What a lying PSYCHO KILLER you are
I've also spoken to Dmarks and Will Hart.
I know the history of the assholes obviously better than you do PSYCHO KILLER
Thanks for proving what a fuck head PSYCHO KILLER you are!!

071. 9/29/2016 at 12:54pm. SWTD #352.

Nothing to say now after all your BULLSHIT lies?
Thanks for proving why 101 crowned you King Shithead!

[I didn't respond soon enough to Luke's last comment and what he wrote above was his response. I didn't respond because I was putting up a screenshot of Luke's post Spreading The Word to this blog].

072. 9/29/2016 at 1:56pm. SWTD #352.

Go ahead and post that I received comments from this TOM. Just proves what you say about me is a lie.
You said (I have the comment saved) I never got a comment from TOM and couldn't because you claim I am TOM.

073. 9/30/2016 at 10:19am. SWTD #352.

It's so easy to get you going PSYCHO KILLER!! I sure hope many people read that post about me, PSYCHO KILLER!!! How many readers will see your next hate post about me, PSYCHO KILLER? OOOOO you are scaring me PSYCHO KILLER!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA They will have to read through your other 5 hate blogs first, PSYCHO KILLER!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA I'm so glad to be hated by you like Will and Dmarks, PSYCHO KILLER!!! Now I have my own shrine on your PSYCHO KILLER blog just like Keith Olbermann. WOW!!! I'm honored by the PSYCHO KILLER!!! To bad I can't return the favor PSYCHO KILLER, but I won't post your hate on my GREAT blog, but I'm sure your fans will flock to read more hate by you the PSYCHO KILLER !!! I know you would love to be posted on my GREAT blog, PSYCHO KILLER !!! Quite a let down for you PSYCHO KILLER !!! Just go kill yourself PSYCHO KILLER!!! Maybe Rachel Maddow will have sex with you PSYCHO KILLER, so you can stop jacking off while reading my GREAT blog, PSYCHO KILLER!!!

[I'm jacking off while reading his "great blog"? Kookoo].

074. 9/30/2016 at 6:07pm. SWTD #352.

A new name that fits you well.
Just like Trump you message at 3am your vulgar lying garbage.
Keep up your lies about me, it's funny as Hell!!
You have been told the truth, but like PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP you are to stupid to get it.

075. 9/30/2016 at 7:38pm. SWTD #352.

Sounds like TOM had assholes just like you attacking his blog. In fact I'm sure you were one who attacked his blog PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP!!! That's exactly what you do to me.
Thanks again for proving you are what I say you are, a PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP !!!. Any readers on that post about me PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP??? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Any comments on that post about me PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP?? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[This jackass complains about me "attacking" his blog, when he's been attacking mine for over 5 years?! What an a-hole. Re "I'm sure you were one who attacked his blog"... I did not. Also, an admission that he is TOM and that I "attacked" Stay A While is why he has a grudge against me].

076. 9/30/2016 at 8:27pm. SWTD #352.

I don't post hate garbage like you PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP or the bitch, or Pam, or RN, or the rest of your hate group.
That's why you will never get posted here PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP!!! I'll wait for your usual 3am hate messages, just like your name sake PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP !!!

[More "hate" delusions. This guy is seriously nuts].

077. 9/30/2016 9:01pm. SWTD #352.

Nope, caught you lying again PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP!!
Where's your link PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP?? There are at least 3 Luke's posting currently, just like there are 4 TOM's, which is where you went off track in the first place PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[So what if other people use the same name? What this moron does not seem to understand is that Blogger ID #s are unique. It does not matter if 2 or more IDs have the same name attached, the ID #s are different. Luke is stupid or is feigning stupidity. Matching ID #s is how I know he used to be Steve].

078. 10/01/2016 at 2:25pm. SWTD #352.

I knew you wouldn't let me down PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP!!!

079. 10/02/2016 at 3:34pm. SWTD #352.

Where's the post about me? Are you ashamed to put it up front? Do you have to hide it within your many other hate blogs?
I'm finished with you, you lying PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP!!!
Send all the hate messages and death threats you want, they won't get posted, but I will save the as I have saved the other 500 messages and death thre4ats.

080. 10/02/2016 at 5:20pm. SWTD #352.

Sorry, King Shithead PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP!!!
You will continue to get my posts marked, "Here is my post for today so you don't have to steal it FUCKHEAD!" Because you and your asshole buddies deserve it.
I simply won't respond. So enjoy my last comment to you KING SHITHEAD PSYCH KILLER TRUMP!!!
If I have anything to say about you King Shithead Psycho Killer Trump, it will be posted on my sidebar where I have listed your retarded behavior.

[I asked Luke that, since he said he was "done" with me, did that mean he was not going to send me any more of his posts "so I don't have to steal them". The above was his response].

081. 10/05/2016 at 1:21pm. SWTD #352.

Here's post for today so you don't have to steal it scum bag:

According to the New York Times, Donald Trump declared a $916 million loss on his 1995 tax returns – which could have allowed him to legally avoid paying any federal income taxes for 18 years... [remainder of commentary by Robert Reich removed].

[Luke obviously likes Robert Reich. I like Robert Reich. I have no idea why Luke has fixated on hating Liberals, including me. It must be that he is nuts. BTW, Robert Reich, like me, started out as a Bernie Sanders supporter but then advocated voting for HRC].

082. 10/05/2016 at 4:12pm. SWTD #353.

Here's my post for today so you don't have to steal it scum bag:

VP Debate [Post content removed].

083. 10/06/2016 at 7:13pm. SWTD #353.

My post for today so you don't have to steal it scum bag: [Ralph Nader post titled Ready for Democracy! removed].

084. 10/07/2016 at 11:03am. SWTD #353.

I think it's great that TOM sends you porn. Wish I could take credit for that, but I can't, I'm not TOM. Thanks for giving me credit. It makes me laugh. It also makes me laugh that you go off so easily, like every mental retard with anger problems. Have fun PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA !!!!

[Luke's response to me commenting on his blog about the porn link he sent me using his TOM ID].

085. 10/07/2016 at 4:44pm. SWTD #353.

You have been wrong about everything you have said about me. You are ALWAYS wrong. No surprise coming from a PSYCHO KILLING TRUMP asshole who sends death threats with his vulgar 500 comments.You not only LOSE, you are just a LOSER!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

086. 10/08/2016 at 4:37pm. SWTD #353.

Here's my post for today so you don't have to steal it scumbag!

Trump's Vulgarity [post content removed].

087. 10/11/2016 at 9:38pm. SWTD #353.

So are you going to end your Dmarks hate blog? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Kiss and make up HA HA HA HA HA HA You have slowed down o your comments, I guess I made a fool out of you HA HA HA HA HA You are still wrong about me being TOM, or Steve, but keep it up< I love it when you make yourself look like the lying, stupid, PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP you are HA HA HA HA HA

088. 10/11/2016 at 11:52pm. SWTD #353.

Good to hear you are going to give up. Good thing. You haven't proved anything but the delusions in your mind. Thanks again for admitting publicly that you did send me death threats and 500 emails. That alone proves everything you have said is just lies. YOU LOSE HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Now back to your new friend that you write a hate blog about Dmarks HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA You used to hate RN, now you are buddies. I'm sure soon you will be buddies with Will. To bad you proved NOTHING LOSER!! If Dmarks is your witness you really are mentally retarde3d PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP!!!

[The admission Luke refers to never happened. It is a delusion in his mind].

089. 10/12/2016 at 3:19pm. SWTD #353.

The lying PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP has a site devoted to hate to you Dmarks! And others.
Yes, stop your stupid lying emails PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP@!! If you can only convince idiots like Dmarks and Dog you LOSE HA HA HA HA HA HA HA What a stupid fuck HA HA HA HA HA What a LOSER HA HA HA HA HA I really want to thank you for proving you are a PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP!!! And yes you did admitt to sending death threats and 500 emails!! Thanks for that, that's why I posted your admission in your own words lying LOSER!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

090. 10/13/2016 at 4:58pm. SWTD #353.

Here's my post for today so you don't have to steal it scumbag:

Why All Progressives Must Vote For Hillary [post content by Robert Reich removed].

[An example of just how stupid Luke is. He hates HRC, yet he submits a commentary by Robert Reich in which he advocates voting for HRC. And he refers to it as "his" post! In his commentary Who Are You Going To Vote For? Luke wrote "Hillary is truly the stereotype of the dishonest politician who has gotten rich off of her contacts from government service and used tax payer money to her personal advantage. ... My State will go overwhelmingly for Clinton, so I won't vote". Did Luke's state go overwhelmingly for Clinton? Or does he live in a state where the voters who might have voted for HRC THOUGHT their state would go for Clinton, stayed home, and contributed to her loss?].

091. 10/13/2016 at 7:00pm. SWTD #353.

Right PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP!! Like Demarks was the liar of the blogs, now you love him! HA HA HA HA HA HA Doesn't matter what you say about me now that you admitted to 500 vulgar emails with multiple death threats. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Getting you to go ape shit is so easy and others see that in you also HA HA HA HA HA HA HA You have proven yourself to be a PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

092. 10/13/2016 at 8:22pm. SWTD #353.

You behave exactly like Trump! It's funnier than hell! What's next PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP??

093. 10/14/2016 at 7:33am. SWTD #353.

You wouldn't know what a true fact was if it bit you in the ass. Your current post is a great example. You go on and on about Trump paying no taxes and you have no clue if that's true, or not. You claim I'm TOM and you have no clue if that's true, or not. You believe something is true because your deluded mind wants to believe it. You have a talent for proving what a hate filled deluded fool you are. Like 600 vile comments and multiple death threats, and you prove that with your own words, thanks. You keep a shrine to a guy who has been fired so many times no one takes him seriously, except deluded fools like you. No wonder you were crowned shithead of the blogs. Just because you didn't see your liberal buddies steal my posts doesn't mean it didn't happen and if you put any research into it you would know it was true, but I( like to watch you go nuts, so keep proving me correct PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA By the4 way, I got the HA's HA's from you, idiot. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

094. 10/17/2016 at 8:00pm. SWTD #354.

Interest in the Election?
The scumbag Dervish Sanders who has attacked my blog with 600 vile emails (including multiple death threats - see my post Republicans Endorsing Clinton - comment section for his admitting to those emails and death threats) ask me why haven't I posted lately. That's funny given he posts very little and when he does post it's never about facts, but about his delusions. Like his last few posts: A post about some composer writing horror music for Trump stalking Clinton, or his post about how gun nuts dream about guns, or his post about how Clinton will die shortly after being elected president. Dervish is a real devotee of tabloid thinking. [remaining post content removed].

[Apparently Luke doesn't know how to make a link or he'd link to my supposed admission which is NOT an admission. I wrote "btw, YOU DESERVE me sending you "500 comments and 3 death threats", shithead". Note that the "admission" is in quotes. I was referring to what HE SAID I sent him. I didn't know he was going to take it as an admission, or I'd have worded it differently].

095. 10/21/2016 at 8:48pm. SWTD #355.

I wrote the pot you wanted me to write. I posted your death threats.What else do you want me to do PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL?
I can only imagine the garbage you send TOM. You claimed to have his email address. Please come visit me in Oregon, the address you claim is mine.
You don't even have my name right, shithead!!
Now get back to your scum buddies PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! It's so sad you have to rely on your enemies for comments on your shit blog!

096. 10/22/2016 at 4:33am. SWTD #355.

The Truth About Dennis Marks (TADM) is a blog dedicated to refuting... [rest of Luke's quotation from the TADM sidebar removed].

And now you and RN are good buddies!!!
And now you and Dennis are good buddies!!!
Of course you were banned!!!
For being a lying PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!
Glad to know everyone else agrees with me!!!

[Luke said I was "good buddies" with all these people previously. It's all a part of his delusion that multiple people are out to get him by "attacking" his blog].

097. 10/22/2016 at 11:56am. SWTD #355.

I am not TOM, I am Luke. Because a deluded PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL like you says otherwise, means nothing. You have proven yourself wrong about me, wrong about everything you claim. So visit me at that address you have, if you are so correct. You don't even have something as simple as my last name correct. So prove it PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!! You claim to know where I live, show up here!! You won't because you are wrong and you know you are wrong. You have a history of attacking with hate and you proved yourself wrong on that also. You change the facts which prove you wrong, like Joe Hagstrom is a shithead. I don't know a Sue, or a Leslie. My guess this is something you did to them and are now trying to blame on someone else. Typical PSYCHO shit. So back to your buddies who you claim believe you (that's not what RN said) because I have the now 600 vile emails and multiple death threats from you that prove me right. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA I sure am glad I don't have idiots like your friends commenting on my blog.

[Luke blames HIS trolling on me? Proof that Luke is the psycho].

098. 10/22/2016 at 8:09pm. SWTD #355.

You are the one trying to shut down my blog with your death threats and 600 vile emails PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!! It won't work no matter how many lies you tell about me. It's your delusion that I am 5 other guys. Come to the address you claim you have for me and find out idiot. You have been proven wrong so many times on so many things, it's laughable and you are laughable. Your behavior is PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!

099. 10/22/2016 at 10:26pm. SWTD #355.

You sent an address you said was mine LIAR!!!
Those are different ID numbers LIAR!!!
You are the one trying to shut down my blog ASSHOLE and it won't work PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!
You are the one sending death threats PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!
You are the one who has sent 600 vile emails PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!
You have proven you are a KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!
Actions speak louder than words PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!
Your actions are that of a PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!
So say what you want YOU are the PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!
So when are you going to stop harassing my blog and trying to shut my blog down PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL????
I have all your garbage messages and death threats PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!
No excuse for your actions and words CRIMINAL PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!

[Looks like it's Luke who's going "ape shit"].

100. 10/22/2016 at 11:11pm. SWTD #355.

You see PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! You just demanded I shut down my blog. I never demanded you shut down your blog! So you are the PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL who is trying to shut down a blog. Sorry PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL I won't shut down my blog because you send death threats. You and your shit buddies did steal my posts, so live with it PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!! I always prove you wrong, yet, you still lie!!! Good luck PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!

[Again with the delusions about people stealing his posts. What a nutjob].

101. 10/23/2016 at 7:10am. SWTD #355.

Sorry your mentally retarded justifications don't fly. I haven't been attacking your shit blog for years because I am not TOM. So fuck your delusions. And yes your buddies have been stealing my posts, just because you are not aware of that fact doesn't mean it didn't happen, so go fuck yourself mental retard idiot, to stupid to know what the fuck happened. If you so good at research (that's a laugh) then research Shaw's and other's blogs and find out they did steal my posts, so go fuck yourself.

[Why do I need to research anything? If the proof is on Shaw's blog why won't he just give the links? I've asked him for links multiple times. He won't give them to be because there is no proof that Shaw stole Luke's posts on her blog. Why would Shaw want to take credit for something Luke wrote? Luke is a liar].

102. 10/23/2016 at 9:08am. SWTD #355.

If I was TOM why would I leave up my old blog for you, or anyone to read? Hint: RN and his buddies were the ones shutting down blogs by harassment. Bluepitbull and Will being the main assholes. Where do I get my information from, TAO and TOM, which I proved to you but as the mental retard you are you can't figure that out. Your hate drives you, proven by your 600 vile emails and multiple death threats. Ask Shaw if I asked her to remove my posts from her blg. Thanks for the continues laughs at your thinking you got it right. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Try again PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA If you are so correct then come by my house, you claimed to know where it is, you even gave me my own address!!!HA HA HA HA HA HA HA You never get tired of being wrong, idiot PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA If you want to REALLY figure out what is going on you better look deeper into RN. He has got you wrapped around his finger and he is laughing about all of this!! Enjoy PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! I keep giving you hints but your stupidity and hate leads you to be a PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[Why would he leave Stay A While up? How do I know. Maybe because if he removed it now it would look suspicious? I mean, his story is that TOM died and a dead man can't take down a blog. Personally I think he finds it funny to lie so blatantly and deny the facts when they are so obvious].

103. 10/23/2016 at 12:33pm. SWTD #355.

This is why you are the PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL. You refuse to check the truth. Like Trump you choose to believe a lie. So be it idiot PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA or STUPID PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA I told you so, if you ever figure out the truth, which you won't because you are to stupid HA HA HA HA HA so come to that address you claim is where I live STUPID HA HA HA HA HA

104. 10/23/2016 at 1:06pm. SWTD #355.


105. 10/23/2016 at 1:25pm. SWTD #355.

I've given you enough hints STUPID PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! You sent death threats which people like Ducky saw and admonished you for. So you just keep proving what a STUPID PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL you are!!!

106. 10/23/2016 at 1:38pm. SWTD #355.

Ducky responded to what you said STUPID PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! You are the one responding to something you know nothing about earning you the moniker STUPID PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!! Even though you have been given the evidence you are wrong!!! Keep making yourself look like a STUPID PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! I don't care, in fact it's funny and all I do is laugh at you.

[So the hell what if Ducky responded. He doesn't know that Luke's been trolling me for years. He doesn't seem to be interested in finding out what's really going on either].

107. 10/23/2016 at 1:50pm. SWTD #355.

I posted your death threats for all to see. Then I posted your admitting to those death threats and your threat to send me 100's of vile emails. Even with that proof you deny it, just like TRUMP! That's why I call you STUPID PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! I've given you the proof, but like TRUMP you lie anyways. I will no longer reply to your lies, enjoy STUPID PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

108. 10/23/2016 at 5:07pm. SWTD #355.

Here is my post for today so you scumbags don't have to steal it:

Liberal Hate [post content removed].

[This is a commentary VERY similar to one written by TOM. Luke wrote "Liberal Hate" and TOM wrote "Liberal Haters". Just a coincidence Luke says. One of MANY. Too many. See SWTD #357].

109. 10/23/2016 at 6:00pm. SWTD #355.

Your original and continuous mistake King Shithead. Only one person can have the same idea? What a STUPID PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL you are. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

110. 10/23/2016 at 7:35 PM. SWTD #355.

That's what you have been saying STUPID PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!! Your prove to everyone is because Luke has similar ideas and thinking to TOM, Luke must be TOM. Thanks for proving yourself wrong by your comment STUPID PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA Don't you get tired of being proven wrong STUPID PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL???? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

111. 10/24/2016 at 6:31pm. SWTD #355.

Your delusions just get deeper LYING PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!
Now you claim I'm TAO because I have the same avatar? Millions use this avatar, it's very popular. Get help retard. You are obsessed with a lie you built up in your own deluded mind.

[More stupidity from Luke. I did remark that Luke and TAO use the same avatar, but I never said I thought Luke is TAO. BTW, "millions" use Norman Rockwell's Freedom of Speech as an avatar? I doubt it. BTW, TOM just happens to have authored a commentary about FOS. Another coincidence I suppose?].

112. 10/25/2016 at 6:11pm. SWTD #355.

You said you had TOM's email, send all this crap to him at Stay a While. He seems to be the guy you have a problem with.
Just because you think I'm 5 people doesn't mean it's true and it's funny watching your obsession turn into psychotics.

113. 10/27/2016 at 11:44am. SWTD #355.

Here is my post for today so you don't have to steal it scumbag:

Bertrand Russell
Here are ten quotes from Bertrand Russell: post content consisting of Bertrand Russell quotes removed].

114. 10/27/2016 at 12:50pm. SWTD #355.

I love it when you go off the deep end and prove yourself to be a LYING PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!! So you will continue to get my posts with the well deserved SCUMBAG moniker. Thanks for proving what a LYING PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! You LOSE just like TRUMP!! Thanks for admitting that you did indeed send hundreds of vile emails and multiple death threats!! I posted your confession and it has been helpful in the face of your lying denials. WOW you are stupid!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

115. 10/30/2016 at 3:19pm. SWTD #355.

If, as you claim, everyone believes the lies you have said about me, why the mentally retarded obsession? I'm honored to have you write my own page on your hate blog! I join Will, Dennis, and you other separate hate pages on separate people. You LOSE LYING CRIMINAL KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Keep up your hate!! It only proves me correct about you and proves you are the LOSER LYING CRIMINAL KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! HA HA HA HA Thanks for that IDIOT!!!

116. 10/31/2016 at 7:30am. SWTD #355.

Here is my post for today so you don't have to steal it SCUMBAG!!

Comey [post content removed].

[Luke refers to Anthony Weiner as "Clinton's pervert buddy". How the hell he reached the conclusion that Weiner and HRC are "buddies"? I have no idea. Although he does think everyone he hates are buddies. Because he is nuts].

117. 10/31/2016 at 2:57pm. SWTD #355.

Flying Junior

1:05 AM (13 hours ago)

to me
Flying Junior has left a new comment on your post "Dream a Little Dream of Me":

Hey, here's an idea, cocksucker, why don't you turn off comment moderation?

Kiss my hairy, white ass... You know the drill, dumb, fucking cocksucker.

Mark as spam
You sickos are all the same

[Luke trolled Flying Junior HARD, and then acts outraged when FJ expresses his anger in comments to Luke's blog? What a moron. As well as a sicko, to troll so many people for so long. For absolutely no reason!].

118. 10/31/2016 at 3:54pm. SWTD #356.

You just got caught in another lie LYING PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!! You said no one used such words, or sent me such a vulgar email. It's fun to prove you wrong all the time LOSER!! And no, I didn't read your garbage. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[Because I didn't believe anyone sent him a comment that contained that word, he says I "lied". I don't like that word. It sounds like a word the homophobic Luke would use. Homophobic JUST like Steve and TOM, BTW. So Flying Junior used it. I stand corrected. Being wrong does not equal a lie, however. I would like to point out, though, that now Luke uses that word. A lot. So I guess he doesn't have that big a problem with it. So why did he act so offended by FJ using it?].

119. 10/31/2016 at 4:20pm. SWTD #356.

He spews the same lies about me you do, then deletes my comments from his blog telling the truth, and you think he has a right to have his vile "cocksucker" comments posted? FU LYING PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!
I will only post your comments when you tell the truth. Like when you admitted that you did send me 500 vile emails and multiple death threats, and said you would continue to. and thanks for that. Just because you believe something that isn't true doesn't mean you get to troll my blog cocksucker.

120. 11/01/2016 at 3:56pm. SWTD #356.

It is you crowned King Shithead who is lying. I am not TOM, Steve, TAO, or anyone else you claim, so I just ignore you and laugh at you LYING PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! Now back to your scumbag, plagiarizing buddies.

121. 11/01/2016 at 6:37pm. SWTD #356.

You can't even keep your lies straight LYING PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!
You are CORRECT!!! I am not TOM. I am not Steve. I am not TAO!
Thanks for admitting that!!

[More of his nonsense that has me "admitting" things I never admitted. What actually happened is that I submitted a SARCASTIC comment to his blog in which I said "you are not TOM", then listed a LOT of coincidences that prove he is TOM. But Luke obviously does not understand sarcasm. BTW, I never said he was TAO].

122. 11/02/2016 at 5:13am. SWTD #356.

You are so embarrassed about being caught lying you took me off the front page. But I have all your garbage captured. I have all your obsessed, lying, emails and death threats, including your admission of those death threats and your admission that I am not really TOM, Steve, or TAO. You LOSE LYING SHITHEAD PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA What a stupid KING SHITHEAD you are! HA HA HA HA HA HA So gl;ad I could shut down cocksuckers comment sections!!! My proof overwhelmed his lies and he wouldn't post it, just like you KING SHITHEAD LYING PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA I really appreciate you admitting to the deathy threats, the emails, the lies about my identity, and all the other garbage!!! Of course with my proof you had no other choice!!! Can't wait to see who you Clinton haters will attack after the election. Your obsession with writing hate will be aimed where KING SHITHEAD LYING PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL???

[I wasn't caught lying about anything. I rearranged the elements on my blog which I do regularly. Something about Luke was at the top on the sidebar and I moved it. "Embarrassment" was not the reason].

123. 11/02/2016 at 5:19am. SWTD #356.

The last thing you do every night is write hate. The first thing you do everyday is write hate. You spend hours everyday writing hate. You have multiple blogs writing hate about multiple individuals. You put a lot of hours into writing that hate, everyday. You are mentally ill KING SHITHEAD LYING PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! And all p[eople have to do is see your garbage writing to know you are mentally ill KING SHITHEAD LYING PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! Thanks for exposing yourself IDIOT KING SHITHEAD LYING PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!

[Everyone writes hate but Luke. Luke is all about love. More sarcasm, BTW. I mention that in case someone like Luke, who doesn't understand what sarcasm is, reads this].

124. 11/02/2016 at 6:08am. SWTD #356.

"For the record, I'm actually in favor of such rules being strictly enforced. But only going forward. Don't tell me that HRC should be prosecuted for negligence when the bush administration was totally let off the hook in regards to actual and intentional crimes! Because that absolutely will NOT fly with me."

Nice partisan explanation for breaking the law. He did it so it's OK! Proving again your childish, criminal thinking, just like your leader crooked Hillary! Reagan lied about Iran-Contra, so it's OK when crooked Hillary lies about Benghazi! Thanks for showing us how fucked up your thinking is IDIOT LYING KING SHITHEAD PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!

[The "For the record, I'm actually in favor" is Luke quoting me SWTD #338. As for HRC breaking the law, James Comey said, "in connection with her use of the email server? My judgement is that she did not"].

125. 11/03/2016 at 3:42am. SWTD #356.

You were crowned King Shithead by Joe and he was right. You tried to erase it from your links, but it's still there LYING KING SHITHEAD KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!

[2 lies by Luke. Joe did not "crown" me "king shithead" and I PRESERVED the post Luke is referring to by copying it over to my blog. Copied over due to the fact that Joe's blog is currently and likely permanently inaccessible].

126. 11/03/2016 at 10:36am. SWTD #356.

It's so easy and fun to get you going! You are so gullible!!!
What a STUPID LYING PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA No contradictions here, just your stupid delusions.

[I point out that Luke defended HRC re the Congressional Benghazi investigations on his blog, while on my blog he writes about "Crooked Hillary" lying about Benghazi... and he says "No contradictions here"?].

127. 11/03/2016 at 10:49am. SWTD #356.

You are the one who said HRC gets a pass no matter what law she broke because Bush broke worse laws. Now there's delusional thinking from the LYING KING SHITHEAD KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA Now back to your trying to convince anyone (no one) of your delusional lies. NO ONE IS READING AND NO ONE CARES WHAT A LYING KING SHITHEAD KILLER TRUMP TROLL SAYS!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[I never said "HRC gets a pass". What I said was that the bush administration did worse and nobody even remembers it. Wikipedia notes that "it was discovered that administration officials had been using a private Internet domain, called, owned by and hosted on an email server run by the RNC" and that "conducting governmental business in this manner is a possible violation of the Presidential Records Act of 1978". Furthermore "over 5 million emails may have been lost"].

128. 11/03/2016 at 11:22am. SWTD #356.

In your proven mentally retarded LYING KING SHIT HEAD KILLER TRUMP TROLL opinion!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA You have been proven wrong so many times, it is funny!

129. 11/03/2016 at 12:10pm PM. SWTD #356.

So what happened to the parody page you had of me? It's funny that when I pointed out the ID numbers you had for TOM, Steve, and Luke were all different numbers proving you to be a liar, the page disappeared. You really are a STUPID LYING KING SHITHEAD KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!

[Luke pointed out something that was false. The Steve and Luke ID #s match because they are the same account. Luke just changed the name on the account].

130. 11/03/2016 at 6:34pm. SWTD #356.

Those are 3 separate ID numbers KING SHITHEAD LIAR!!!
You deny you had a parody page of me at jermac1954????
Careful liar, I have it captured and recorded as visiting my blog.

[Luke asserts that, because Google limits IDs to one per person, he can't be TOM-3136 or TOM-5704. At least I think that's what he's asserting. He keeps saying that I think he's "five other guys". Although Google has no such policy and people CAN have multiple IDs. Which he does. Anyway, I did deny that I have a parody blog at jermac1954].

131. 11/03/2016 at 6:50pm. SWTD #356.

There was LIAR!! And I have it captured because I knew you would lie about it like you lie about everything STUPID KING SHITHEAD LYING KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

132. 11/03/2016 at 6:55pm. SWTD #356.

You have it marked invited readers only! Which proves there is a site there, and I have it captured STUPID LYING KING SHITHEAD LYING KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!! Try better lies KING SHITHEAD HA HA HA HA HA HA

[Luke refers to].

133. 11/03/2016 at 7:06pm. SWTD #356.

You used that address to contact my blog today LYING STUPID KING SHITHEAD KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!!!
TAO doesn't have a blog! Send me the address.
Just like Sue and the other woman you mentioned do not have blogs. Send me their addresses. Make your lies better LYING STUPID KING SHITHEAD KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA I'm just waiting for you to deny you have a site with that address so I can prove you a liar ONCE AGAIN!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA

[Luke again refers to Luke says this site "contacted his blog" because he noticed the URL under Stats/Traffic sources].

134. 11/03/2016 at 7:15pm. SWTD #356.

I never said that liar (and I have saved all my emails to you)!
I said the 3 ID numbers you gave are not the same, so it's not the same person. You prove yourself a LYING KING SHITHEAD KILLER TRUMP TROLL liar, and thanks for that.

[I sent a list of the IDs Luke has used to him, and he feigns stupidity... according to him 1 person cannot have more than one blogging ID. Luke's IDs as follows: Luke, TOM, TOM. He also went by "Steve", but that alias no longer exists because he changed the name on the account to "Luke"].

135. 11/03/2016 at 7:36pm. SWTD #356.

You have no address for TAO, Sue, or this Lesli. All lies by you. In fact it's quite evident that YOU are TOM and Steve and probably many others. You just make all this crap up. TOM was stealing my posts, also as you correctly copied his comments from my blog. It's all you ASSHOLE LYING KING SHITHEAD KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! Go tell your lies to your cock sucking buddy DOG he will believe anything you say because he is a STUPID IDIOT also. STUPID IDIOTS stick together. Enjoy yourself and your 24/7 delusion by yourself.

136. 11/04/2016 at 4:18pm. SWTD #356.

As a typical mental retard you must enjoy listening to yourself. I don't read your garbage and neither does anyone else. As I said enjoy yourself STUPID LYING PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

137. 11/05/2016 at 3:34pm. SWTD #356.

Yes I will! Because only TOM can post space and nature pictures. This is your great detective work LYING KING SHITHEAD KILLER TRUMP TROLL????? Keep proving how stupid and obsessed you are!!!

[Luke's response when I asked him if he was going to post Space or Nature photos to his blog like he did on Stay A While. Luke did such a post, but then deleted it].

138. 11/6/2016 at Unknown Time. SWTD #356.

It's so nice of you to continue to prove yourself a liar! You just admitted to having a parody blog of me which you denied two days ago. Thank you STUPID LYING KING SHITHEAD KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[I don't have the time for this post because, while it was in my Spam folder, it wasn't in my email. I must have accidently deleted it. If I published it the time would show up, but in the Spam folder only the date is shown].

139. 11/07/2016 at 10:43am. SWTD #356.

By tracking you and that cocksucker FJ, I finally found out who Sue is. She hasn't posted for a very long time except for the last week, which makes me believe Sue is you. The LYING STUPID KING SHITHEAD KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! You have proven you will go to any lengths when your delusion is attacked. Just like any retard.

[That Luke "tracked" me is a lie. He knew who Sue was because he trolled her for years as TOM. Sue has not posted for a LONG time because TOM's blog-attacking caused her to shut down her site].

140. 11/07/2016 at 10:58am. SWTD #356.

That's your delusion which has led you to do criminal acts and you call yourself a Christian, what a joke. You are nothing but a LYING STUPID KING SHITHEAD KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!

141. 11/07/2016 11:24 AM. SWTD #356.


142. 11/07/2016 at 11:43am. SWTD #356.

She might remember TOM, she doesn't know me, and I will post your death threats and vulgar emails to her site. By STUPID LYING KING SHITHEAD KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!

143. 11/08/2016 at 1:51pm. SWTD #356.

Talk about false detective work, your is like a first grader. You take something like being called a traitor because I disagreed with the Iraq invasion and claim ONLY I was called a traitor for that position and therefore I must be TOM, or I must be the ONLY person who was ever called a traitor for that position. Truth is 100's of thousands were called a traitor for that same position. What a fucking idiot you are. Get back to "everyone" who listens to your lies. How many is that? Who are they? The plagiarist Shaw? The plagiarist Dog? The Jew hater RN? The LYING IDIOT PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL YOU!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA I would expect such low intelligence lying scum. WOW what friends you have!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA If you have proved your point why send death threats and 100's of vile emails? Because you are what I say you are a LYING STUPID PSYCHO KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!

144. 11/09/2016 at 1:56am. SWTD #356.

You lose liberal hating asshole! Now be just like Trump (as I have said you are) and be a crybaby and don't accept the loss, just as your headline states. What a LYING STUPID KING SHITHEAD KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Couldn't even beat a bigot!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

145. 11/09/2016 at 1:56pm. SWTD #357.

A true crybaby
Thanks for proving you are just like Trump!!
Your lies. Your attacks. Your revenge!
Crawl in a hole Trump crybaby!!
You won't accept the election results? Just like Trump! CRYBABY!!!

146. 11/09/2016 at 1:57pm. SWTD #357.

This is your response to Clinton losing, attack me with your lies. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

147. 11/09/2016 at 1:58pm. SWTD #357.

I have about 800 emails and multiple death threats to even up with you SCUMBAG!! Here they come!!

148. 11/09/2016 at 2:00pm. SWTD #357.

Yes, I agree with a lot of what TOM writes, including you Clinton haters are haters!
Now back to your buddy RN and his Jew hate, which fits perfect with your Christian hate!

["Christian hate" is a reference to me pointing out that Luke and TOM are the same person].

149. 11/09/2016 at 2:04pm. SWTD #357.

Just like the hate filled Clinton wouldn't even give a concession speech and left her supporters, crying all the way home. What a crybaby sore LOSER, just like you.

150. 11/09/2016 at 2:07pm. SWTD #357.

GOOD!!! Get off the blogs! We don't need a lying asshole like you filling people full of your lies. You LOSE, you QUIT !! I would expect nothing else from a lying scumbag! Blog land can breath easier now that scum like you are gone. I finally got you to shut down your filthy lying blog!!! By CRYBABY!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

151. 11/09/2016 at 2:09pm. SWTD #357.

I always knew you were made of shit! Now you proved it again!! THANKS LYING STUPID KING SHITHEAD KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!

152. 11/09/2016 at 2:10pm. SWTD #357.

Nobody listens to a scumbag crybaby loser, except other scumbag crying LOSERS!!! You attract such scum, because you are scum!!!

153. 11/09/2016 at 2:13pm. SWTD #357.

Like a typical lying scumbag crbaby you have to spew your lies once more before leaving, PROVING ME CORRECT ALL ALONG, FOR SURE!!! THANKS STUPID LYING KING SHITHEAD KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!! CRYBABY!! CRYBABY!!! CRYBABY!!! CRYBABY !!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

154. 11/09/2016 at 2:30pm. SWTD #357.

What does someone do about a hate filled liar who send 100's of vile emails and death threats? You proved your hate filled evil character and have again with your sore loser behavior today. Thanks for that asshole.
Try being a real christian, not a hate filled christian you have proved yourself to be.
You just said you are quitting your blog, but just had to spew moire hate for your last post. A fitting end to a LYING STUPID SCUMBAG KING SHITHEAD KILLER TRUMP CRYBABY TROLL!!!

155. 11/09/2016 at 2:34pm. SWTD #357.

I don't have to prove any of the shit about you, you prove it yourself, and THANKS!!
Your motto and behavior: Hate, Revenge, Lies, what a scumbag!!
I'm honored to have a hate page from you, just like your hate page on Dennis, Will, and your other proven hate filled blog crap!!

156. 11/09/2016 at 4:04pm. SWTD #357.

Hey dip shit! Two people describing the same thing, not in the same words. I'm sure 100's of thousands feel the same way and only so many ways to describe it. This is your great detective work? What a fucking joke LYING STUPID KING SHITHEAD KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!

[Luke whine because I wrote a post definitively proving that he previously used the ID TOM and wrote on a blog titled Stay A While].

157. 11/09/2016 at 4:15pm. SWTD #357.

By the way lying cocksucker, I did get those pictures off of Stay A While. I guess he must of had two blogs with that name, or maybe you are lying!!!! Or wrong!!! But you are perfect, you cannot be wrong HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA what a stupid fuck!!

[Luke's response to a comment I submitted to his blog in which I pointed out that some pictures he posted to his blog didn't come from his old blog Stay A While, despite his claim that they did].

158. 11/09/2016 5:56 PM. SWTD #357.

Lashing out like a crybaby child? Of course you are, I would expect nothing less from a LYING CHILDISH IDIOT KING SHITHEAD KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!!

159. 11/10/2016 at 10:53am. SWTD #358.

Is the poor crybaby still crying?
Your post proves you have a psychopathic problem.
Nothing worse than a crybaby sore LOSER!!

160. 11/10/2016 at 10:56am. SWTD #358.

How's your shrine to Olbermann doing?
A Shrine? That's proof you are a weak minded fool!!!
How's Hartman today? HA HA HA HA HA
You crybaby losers haven't got the brains, or the guts to deal with Trump, because you are Trump!!

161. 11/10/2016 at 10:57am. SWTD #358.

You are certainly not a Christian, your behavior proves that.
You are just another mean asshole on the net.

[My behavior in just taking Luke's trolling and doing nothing. That's the behavior he refers to. I should have just turned the other cheek I suppose. And allowed him to troll me. Jackass].

162. 11/10/2016 at 11:00am. SWTD #358.

You prove you are just like Trump!!! Crybaby, revenge seeker, bigoted idiot, a guy who calls himself a christian but is obviously not, you attack innocent people because you don't get your way...... I could go on but you are simply a

[Luke is the revenge seeker. He has spent years trolling my blog and other blogs. And I have NEVER written anything on this blog or on any blog which he could use to conclude that I'm bigoted against anyone. Except for RW rubes, perhaps. As for these "innocent people", he is referring to himself, I'm guessing. Right. Trolls my blog for years and he's "innocent"].

163. 11/10/2016 at 11:03am. SWTD #358.

The sounds of a crybaby LOSER!!! HA HA HA HA HA
What will you do about Trump? I mean besides cry and write hate? I started calling you TRUMP because your behavior and character is JUST LIKE the CRYBABY TRUMP!!!

164. 11/10/2016 at 11:08am. SWTD #358.

You will have to add another hate blog to your collection for TRUMP, TRUMP TROLL!! HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE!!!
Just like Shaw, RN, DOG, and the rest of your hate group!!
Are you and Dennis buddies now? Figures, both delusional Star Trek fans that sit in their parents basement spewing hate to strangers out in the net. world!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Do you feel better now writing all your hate? Of course you do!! You are just like Trump!! You can't go a day without spewing hate!!!

165. 11/10/2016 at 11:10am. SWTD #358.

You find comfort in your Jew hating buddy RN and Shaw who protects your Jew hating buddy RN. Trump wants you!! He needs other Jew haters on his team!! You will fit perfect in a Trump administration!! Haters love haters and you certainly proved you are a BIG hater! STUPID LYING KING SHITHEAD CRIMINAL KILLER TRUMP TROLL!!

166. 11/10/2016 at 11:16am. SWTD #358.

Did you have your diapers on when Trump won? Or did you just shit in your pants, as usual? Just like Trump you claim someone is not who they really are!!
Did you go to that address you claim I live at to get my birth certificate?
I know YOU!! You are a handicapped mental retard sitting in your parents basement spewing hate between the time your mother has to help you take a shit!!

[Hate for disabled people? More proof that Luke is a horrible person. Something he proves quite often. Me claiming I knew where he lives in response to a JOKE comment I sent to his blog in which I suggested he might live at an address I found here].

167. 11/10/2016 at 11:19am. SWTD #358.

Your small dick is impotent, so you spew hate to feel better. I'll bet you own a gun also. Just kill yourself and end your useless life of spewing hate all day!

[Luke would lose his bet. As for "spewing hate", just look at these comments. Clearly spewing hate is something Luke lives for. Perhaps he should end his useless life].

168. 11/10/2016 at 11:21am. SWTD #358.

That's real sleuthing HA HA HA HA HA HA
Similar ideas and positions mean same person HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
That's psychology 101 that you have deep mental problems!!

[Luke's response to me pointing out in SWTD #357 that Luke wrote a post title Liberal Hate and TOM wrote a post titled Liberal Haters].

169. 11/11/2016 at 5:27am. SWTD #358.

You said you were going to quit blogging lying crybaby asshole

170. 11/11/2016 at 5:51am. SWTD #358.

I'm changing your moniker to Nazi Boy, you have earned it.
What a fucking crybaby liar, just like Trump. Leave the country, or just kill yourself you lying NAZI BOY!

[The only way I think a person could earn being called a Nazi or a neo-Nazi or a White Nationalist, would be to identify as one or subscribe to those ideologies, which I do not. I stand in opposition to this kind of hate].

171. 11/11/2016 at 11:35am. SWTD #358.

Hi Nazi Boy!!
Did you get all your Jew hating buddies to believe you yet?
You are as wrong about me as you were about Clinton winning. It's nice to see you proven not only wrong, but so delusional that you have no clue what your countrymen are all about. Good luck with your next wrong assessment of ANYTHING. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA What a fucking LOSER HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[On 11/8/2016 Luke wrote "President Clinton will give us all plenty to complain about, except for the Kool-Aid drinking liberals who will see her election as the salvation of America". So Luke expected that HRC would win the election... obviously he does not know what his countrymen are all about. Moron].

172. 11/11/2016 at 1:04pm. SWTD #358.

Hi Nazi Boy!!!
You are so good! You have Nazi friends and of course Rusty commenting on your delusional blog. WOW what a great lying blog and such great Nazi friends! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

173. 11/11/2016 at 2:31pm. SWTD #358.

Hi Nazi Boy!!
Your analytical skills have been proven wrong!! HA HA HA HA

174. 11/11/2016 at 4:32pm. SWTD #358.

Hi Nazi Boy!!
Your buddy RN is in such mourning for his dead father he celebrates his dead Nazi father by posting insults all over the blogs. You two are despicable! No wonder TOM treats you like shit, so will I, you deserve it Nazi Boy!!!

[Reference to a comment Luke left on RNUSA in response to a post from the proprietor about his father's death, wrote "Another Nazi Jew hater bites the dust. Can't wait for your turn"].

175. 11/12/2016 at 9:50pm. SWTD #359.

Well Nazi Boy, you made yourself look pretty stupid again, today. Congratulations! I'm sure all the Daddy readers had a good laugh about you today. THANKS NAZI BOY!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA and now you can't even spread your lies at Rational Nation!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA WHAT A CRYING LYING CRYBABY LOSER !!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

176. 11/13/2016 at 5:44pm. SWTD #359.

Here's my post for today so you don't have to steal it SCUMBAG!
Red Neck Nation Votes [post content removed].

177. 11/13/2016 at 6:08pm. SWTD #359.

Hi Nazi Boy!!
You were sending dozens of lying, shit comments a day, but now nothing!! What a crybaby LOSER!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

178. 11/13/2016 at 6:17pm. SWTD #359.

Hi Nazi Boy,
So you don't believe in, stand by, or defend the Constitution? Leave the country Nazi Boy! Our Constitution has stated for over 240 years, the winner of the Electoral College wins the presidency, not the winner of the popular vote. But Nazi's like you don't understand that, so leave the count6ry Nazi Boy, or STFU!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

179. 11/13/2016 at 6:31pm. SWTD #359.

Hi Nazi Boy!
You crybaby liberals should change the Constitution to say only Democrats can win the presidency!
Clinton is the biggest political loser in American History!!!!!!
The crybaby blames Comey, but there are no facts to confirm that. But as usual, a Nazi crybaby Boy like you will invent facts. You are good at that, I know!!!

[Lanny Davis, writing for The Hill in a date article titled Comey likely cost Clinton the election says "we know from exit polls that significant numbers of voters made up their minds in the last week before Nov. 8. Can there be any serious doubt that all the adverse media and the criminal cloud over Clinton created by the Comey's Oct. 28 letter in the last ten days caused at least a 1% additional margin for Trump in these 3 crucial states?". Clinton "lost" by 1.2% or less in MI, PA and WI. No "invented facts", dummy].

180. 11/13/2016 at 6:44pm. SWTD #359.

Hi Nazi Boy!!!
So Trump is not going to kill Obama care like you claimed (another lie) he's just going to tweak it!! Just like your hate filled Hillary!! You are so fucking stupid!!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[Trump ran on repealing ObamaCare. If he does not do so it will be Trump that lied, not me. As for what he is going to do, I think Congressional Republicans won't be onboard with a "tweaking". I don't know how he concluded that HRC is "hate filled". I think that's just a pejorative he applies to everyone he doesn't like].

181. 11/13/2016 at 6:58pm. SWTD #359.

Hi Nazi Boy!!
You are no Christian!! You give Christians a bad name. The Vatican was in bed with the Italian fascist and you are in bed with the Nazi Jew hater! You wrote all about how you agreed with the Jew hater RN and his historical opinion that the Jews went willingly to the gas chambers. Nice defense of your Jew hating buddy, Nazi Boy!!

[The Vatican? Does Luke think I'm a Catholic? I'm not. Also, I never wrote all about how I agreed with RN and his historical opinion. In fact, I said I disagreed with it. Strongly].

182. 11/13/2016 at 7:56pm. SWTD #359.

Hi Nazi Boy!!!
That's right use the guy you hate to prove what you want! Typical for a hypocritical crybaby lying asshole LOSER!!!
I knew you were just a Trump jr. Of course you agree with Trump! You are Trump!! Nazi Boy!!!

183. 11/13/2016 at 8:23pm. SWTD #359.

Hi Nazi Boy!!!
What a fucking crybaby!! You were just full of shit before your hate filled candidate lost! Now nothing!!! What a fucking CRYBABY LOSER!!! You should keep your lying crybaby Nazi Boy mouth SHUT!!!

184. 11/14/2016 at 10:20am. SWTD #359.

Hi Nazi Boy!!!
You must be lonely these days since no one will listen to you and don't want you pushing your lies on their blogs.
Don't worry, I'll send plenty of messages to keep you busy Nazi Boy!!

185. 11/14/2016 at 10:42am. SWTD #359.

Hi Nazi Boy!!!
If you cry hard enough you might get what you want. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
No doubt that worked with your whore mother. That's why you turned out to be such a lying, crybaby asshole.

186. 11/14/2016 at 12:41pm. SWTD #359.

Hi Nazi Boy!!
Did you change your diapers? You have been crying and shitting in your pants for a week now! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Tell us again how the Electoral College gave Trump the election, especially since they don't vote for another 5 weeks! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

187. 11/14/2016 at 3:02pm. SWTD #359.

Hi Nazi Boy!!
You don't know shit Nazi Boy!! And I love it when my misdirection makes you go ape shit and make you look like what you are a STUPID LYING COWARDLY KING SHITHEAD CRIMINAL TRUMP TROLL!! I enjoy making you look stupid and it is so easy!! You do my work for me IDIOT!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

188. 11/14/2016 at 4:09pm SWTD #359.

Hi Nazi Boy!!
You didn't get it which explains why you are so wrong about your great deductive powers about me. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Now you get to fill YOUR blog with YOUR CRAP!!! Just where it deserves to be.

189. 11/14/2016 at 8:23pm. SWTD #359.

Hi Nazi Boy!!
You read everything I write and respond to it in detail, DISHONESTLY!!
Now you are limited to leaving your shit and lies on your blog!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

190. 11/15/2016 at 6:51am. SWTD #359.

Hi Nazi Boy!!!
Gee you do get the scum to comment at your hate site!! I'm jealous!
Gee, I wish I could get a Jew hating, fag boy, liar to comment on my blog!
I guess I have to learn how to suck dick as good as you do to get such greats to comment at my blog!
Enjoy sucking his dick Nazi Boy!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[A reference to gay sex acts between Rational Nation and myself, very similar to comments submitted by both TOM and Steve].

191. 11/15/2016 at 10:09am. SWTD #359.

Hi Nazi Boy!!!
You said you were going to quit blogging Nazi Boy?? Just another of your thousands of Nazi Boy lies!!! At least I shut you up Nazi Boy!!!! If you want to spew your lies and garbage, you will have to do it on your shit blog, where it belongs!! Have fun with yourself Nazi Boy!!! You cab jack off all you want when you are alone, but mom might walk in!!

192. 11/15/2016 at 8:05pm. SWTD #359.

Hi Nazi Boy!!
What's it like to never have sex with another human being Nazi Boy??
Stop shoving the crucifix up your ass while you jack off!!

193. 11/15/2016 at 11:55pm. SWTD #360.

Hi Nazi Boy! You and Grunge have no clue about the Electoral College. Go ahead and get it rescinded from the Constitution and then have the president decided by California from now on. You really are a dumb fuck! You hate Trump, but you cite him to get rid of the Electoral College. As I have found out, you can be conned so easily and led to believe lies.

194. 11/16/2016 at 12:42am. SWTD #360.

Hi Nazi Boy!
Thanks for proving AGAIN what an idiot you are. 250 years of Constitutional history and a crybaby idiot like you would throw it away because you can't handle your candidate lost. Wores, a mental retard like you thinks he knows better than the founding fathers.

195. 11/16/2016 at 7:34 pm. SWTD #360.

Hi Nazi Boy!!
Just wanted you to be the first to know, there is no J. Craig Scherf of Duluth MN. I made him up just to watch you do your mental retard bit. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Next I'll write about Chicken Little and see what you do with that.
You are so fucking stupid!!!
Now back to saying how much you agree with Trump!!!

[Actually, J. Craig Scherf of Duluth MN is a real person. Luke did not make him up. Such a dumb thing to lie about].

196. 11/20/2016 at 6:33pm. SWTD #360.

My newest post so you don't have to steal it SCUMBAG!!

Party Over Country
The liberals are looking for any way to change the results of this election, including throwing out the rules of the Constitution... [remaining post content removed].

197. 11/20/2016 at 6:44pm. SWTD #360.

It's quiet since you went off crying and SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
Typical LOSER says he's going to quit blogging and went off crying!!
Where are your daily vile emails to me Nazi Boy??
Crybabies are never heard from again!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Get back to crying and figuring out how to get rid of the electoral college HA HA HA HA HA HA
Typical hypocrite crybaby sides with TRUMP!! HA HA HA HA HA
I knew you were a TRUMP NAZI, Nazi Boy!!!

198. 11/20/2016 at 6:47pm. SWTD #360.

What a chicken shit crybaby LOSER!!! You had plenty to say until your bitch lost the election HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Get back to your antisemitic buddies calling Trump a fascist, that's hilarious!!!!

[Hillary Clinton, the first woman to be the candidate for POTUS of a major party, is a "bitch". Nice].

199. 11/20/2016 at 7:02pm. SWTD #360.

Hi Nazi Boy!!
What a fucking thief you are stealing my posts!! Then you and your bitch post stealing buddy cry about plagiarism. Typical lying hypocrite Trump supporter. Is your next post about how you support Trump's choice for AG? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA what a sick lying, post stealing, Nazi boy, Trump supporter you are!!

[Shaw Kenawe is the "bitch". Also, I've never stolen any of Luke's posts and I am not a Trump supporter].

200. 11/21/2016 at 10:59am. SWTD #360.

Hi Nazi Boy!!
Nice family picture! Is that your Christmas card?
You look like the one on the left, but I know the one on the right is your buddy who you support!
It's so nice that you have decided to SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!
I WIN !!!!!!!!!

["Nice family picture" is a reference to this internet meme which I had at the top of my blog at the time].

201. 11/22/2016 at 9:47am. SWTD #360.

Where is your George Bush is like Hitler post Nazi Boy!!!!
You are so easy!!! I can make you jump no matter what I post!!! Mainly because you are to chicken shit to send a message!! So you fill your blog with garbage!! HA HA HA HA HA
Thanks for the laugh Nazi Boy!!!

202. 11/24/2016 at 9:54am. SWTD #361.

Hi Nazi Boy!!
Is your mother feeding you today Nazi Boy!
You obviously need a country without an American Constitution CRYBABY NAZI BOY!!!!
Did your law professor tell you all this CRYBABY NAZI BOY!!!
You are good at talking points, not so good at intelligent thinking!
When do you open your law office NAZI BOY? !!
What do NAZI BOY's do on a holiday that celebrates freedom? You and RN getting together to figure out how to trash the Constitution? !!
Or just to spew your hate together?
Congratulate each other on defining acceptable Jew hate, just like hating the Constitution!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA H

[a Luke Thanksgiving day troll].

203. 11/24/2016 at 10:26am. SWTD #361.

Hi Nazi Boy!!
What happened to the cock sucking DOG? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
I know you have no brains, or independent thought, so I'm glad I could give you posts to copy on. The rest of your garbage is just talking points which an idiot follower like you regurgitates well.
Don't you get tired of mimicking your Jew hate buddies?
Now back to supporting RN's Jew hate!

204. 11/28/2016 at 9:41pm. SWTD #361.

My new post so you don't have to steal it scumbag Nazi Boy!!! Now you will something to write about Nazi Boy!! Since you can't write shit without stealing from me Nazi Boy!!

[I can't write anything without stealing from him? Geez, what did I do for the years my blog existed before Luke came along?]

205. 11/28/2016 at 9:43pm. SWTD #361.

The Desperate Are The Deplorable
The mourning after the election the liberals shut down their blogs and comment sections. My troll (Dervish Sanders) posted he would quit blogging. It was the biggest example of political crybabies ever in American politics.
A few days later the liberal blogs were up and posting again, but they would not post comments, I guess because they could not handle the, "I told you so!" My troll Dervish Sanders did not quit blogging (no surprise) just another lie from the troll. Instead Dervish went on a rampage of vile comments and more death threats to me. I put an end to my troll Dervish Sanders and his almost 1,000 comments and multiple death threats. Anyone who wants to comment on this blog must send their comments by email and I will post them. The troll Dervish Sanders was afraid to expose his email and I haven't heard from him since. I knew he would be to chicken to give his email. [remaining post content removed].

[I was in mourning the day after the election, but the dipshit means "morning". Also changing one's mind about continuing to blog isn't lying. And asking people to email him comments effectively ended commenting on his blog. He says he "put an end" to me trolling him, but what he really did was to put an end to ALL comments. He had gotten a few before, but NONE since].

206. 11/30/2016 at 1:25pm. SWTD #361.

How fucking stupid and wrong could you be? HA HA HA HA HA
You were so sure Hillary was going to win! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Your analytical skills suck! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Just like you think my last name is Spencer! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
You are the biggest crybaby in the World!! HA HA HA HA HA
You claim to be Christian, yet, you send a stranger (me) a thousand vile emails and multiple death threats!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Now you show your true crybaby traits and denounce the Constitution, show Trump as Hitler, and claim the vote was rigged!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
You are nothing but a stupid, crybaby, LOSER!! HA HA HA HA HA
Good behavior Nazi Boy!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA

207. 11/30/2016 at 4:01pm. SWTD #361.

So where's that sick kill happy loud mouth Nazi Boy!! Nothing to say since your candidate lost? Which you claimed could never happen! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
You are so full of evil shit and thanks for proving it!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

208. 11/30/2016 at 4:04pm. SWTD #361.

You can't even write a post without stealing an idea from me!!
All you can write is vulgar comments and death threats!!
Waht a sad excuse for a human being you are!! Just kill yourself!!

209. 11/30/2016 at 6:45pm. SWTD #361.

Is that the best you can do Nazi Boy?? Loan apps? HA HA HA HA HA HA
It didn't work because my last name is not Spencer. I have told you that for months, but you are just to stupid.
I'll try and find something fitting for you. HA HA HA HA HA HA
I'll sign you up for all the gay stuff possible, since you are gay. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Try harder next time chicken shit IDIOT Nazi Boy!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

210. 11/30/2016 at 7:39pm. SWTD #361.

Thanks for proving me correct AGAIN!!!
You are a chicken shit child!!
You are a crybaby LOSER!!
You are anti-American and anti-Constitution!!
Whenever you have the guts of an adult, email me.
That will never happen because you are a chicken shit child!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

211. 11/30/2016 at 9:00pm. SWTD #361.

Get any guts yet Nazi Boy??!!!
Still being a crybaby asshole who hates the Constitution!!
Third grade crap!! I would expect nothing else from a crybaby like you!!

212. 12/01/2016 at 7:58am. SWTD #361.

Hi Nazi Boy!!
So you sat up all night playing your childish games.
All with the wrong name on them. HA HA HA HA HA HA
Proving AGAIN you are a stupid child!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
So when does a Jew hater like you join up for deporting millions of people in Trump's SS force? Or maybe like your buddy RN you think they will willingly go to the gas chambers! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
President Trump presents vistas of hate for hate filled Nazi Boys like you!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

213. 12/01/2016 at 4:48pm. SWTD #361.

Hi Nazi Boy!!
Typical of you to blame some knot head for what the president of the United States does. Just as stupid as claiming I'm 5 other people. I don't expect a lying, child to change and you haven't let me down. Now back to your childish sending me garbage, which doesn't even have my last name correct HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Later Nazi Boy!!

214. 12/16/2016 at 8:52pm. SWTD #361.

The poor crybaby Nazi Boy got his feelings hurt so he sent emails that I never read. Boo Hoo!! I love it when you keep acting like a 3 year old Nazi Boy!! It proves me correct and you just a LOSER NAZI BOY!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

215. 12/2/2016 at 8:29pm. SWTD #361.

Here is my latest post, so you don't have to steal it scumbag:

They Are Still Crying [post content removed].

216. 12/3/2016 at 5:53pm. SWTD #362.

Hi Nazi Boy!!!
That was public knowledge BEFORE the election dip shit. More proof your analytical skills are non-exsistant. Just like your lie that I am TOM. There is a simple answer to that, but since you claim to know everything, I just sit back and laugh while you make an ass out of yourself. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
So sorry I don't get all your garbage, but it all goes straight to SPAM HA HA HA HA HA HA HA By, bye, buy, NAZI BOY HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Show some guts NAZI BOY!! Comment on my blog! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Of course you wouldn't dare, being a lying cowardly NAZI BOY!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA

[Luke is wrong about what was public knowledge before the election. Prior to the election Trump was accused of self-dealing but denied it. Now his foundation has released tax documents that show he lied. This happened AFTER the election.]

217. 12/3/2016 at 9:28pm. SWTD #362.

I knew you were a chicken shit, thanks for admitting it NAZI BOY!!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA

218. 12/4/2015 at 6:44pm. SWTD #362.

Here is my latest post so you don't have to steal it SCUMBAG!!

Religion and the Holiday Season
I do not believe in a god, I believe in science... [Remainder of post removed].

219. 12/9/2016 at 10:31am. SWTD #362.

Here's my latest post, so you don't have to steal it, SCUMBAG!

Trump Is Hitler [post content removed].

220. 12/10/2016 at 8:48am. SWTD #363.

My post for today so you don't have to steal it SCUMBAG!

The Crybaby Democrats Are Caving In Already [post removed].

221. 12/10/2016 at 8:43pm. SWTD #363.

I WIN !!!
You fucking LOSER!!

222. 12/14/2016 at 6:10pm. SWTD #363.

You refuse to stay off my blog Nazi Boy! You proved that today with 10 more of your vile comments. You expect me to post your Garbage? HA HA HA HA HA HA Sorry jackass!! Yes mature comments, not your childish, Christian, vulgar language and death threats. FUCK OFF!!

223. 12/16/2016 at 4:18pm. SWTD #363.

Thanks for advertising my blog! At least when people come to my blog they won't have to read the hate you post everyday.

[I don't post to my blog every day so obviously that I post "hate" to my blog every day is a false claim. Even if everything I write is "hate"].

224. 12/22/2016 at 5:19pm. SWTD #363.

You write a post a month, yet, you are all over the blogs spreading you lies and hate. Thanks for proving again, that you are only about being an asshole troll.

225. 12/24/2016 at 3:52pm. SWTD #363.

A Christian spreading his hate on Christmas Eve. You are a sick fucker!

[This comment came in after I responded to a TOM-136 comment on RNUSA in which I wrote that all the TOMs posting on WYD belong to Luke. It came in right after I posted it, so I assume that's the "hate" Luke refers to... my truth-telling re his many sockpuppets].

226. 12/27/2016 at 10:38am. SWTD #363.

Here's my post for today, so you don't have to steal it scumbag!

My vulgar trolls were at it Christmas Eve Day and Christmas Day. You can see just one of the comments I got from the self proclaimed Christian Dervish. Dervish has called Trump Hitler. Now he says Trump is the anti-Christ and his wife is a Russian spy. Not to mention he continues lies about me being 5 other people. Dervish is a total lying left wing nut job. He probably claims he gets radio stations off his teeth. [remainder of post from Luke's blog titled "Christmas Was Fun?" removed].

[I do not believe that Melania is a Russian spy. The post Luke refers to is satire, which he clearly does not get because he is an idiot. As for Trump being the antiChrist, I believe it is possible. I never said I absolutely believe he is. Luke is not "5 other people". He is ONE person with multiple IDs. But Luke, again because he is stupid, obviously does not understand].

227. 12/30/2016 at 1:49pm. SWTD #364.

Thanks for pointing out you are a hypocrite and lying asshole. Pessimism goes along with an asshole character like yours. And thanks for proving you are not the Christian you claim to be. Actions speak louder than words, and your actions are that of an asshole by anyone's standards.

Incoming Links
[WYD 20161212] Comment on the "Who's Your Daddy" blog.
[WYD 20161219] WYD comment re Luke being a gay hating bigot (see #190 above).
[WYD 20161229] WYD comment re Luke being a gay hating bigot.

DSD #51