Thursday, September 11, 2014

Anthony Weinergrams

Documented: Comments by dmarks (AKA Dennis Marks) on the topic of Anthony Weiner's sexting scandal.

SEPTEMBER 16, 2013 AT 11:18 AM

Turns out the spam filter keeps the stuff. I checked and more than 30 from WD, using his own name, Will's name, and the "Anonymous Spammer" id (he admitted to the latter two), mostly at the end of February. The truth fits my usual description of dozens over the space of a couple of weeks.... from Feb 18 to March 4.

Typical content of most of WD's comments to me included "The typical erect p*nis is usually 5 to 6 inches long with a circumference of 4 to 5 inches."

WD went on and on and on about it. Not sure what happened on March 4 to stop him. Maybe he somehow got the idea his comments didn't excite me. Or perhaps Blogger started to automatically deep-six his Weinergrams.

SEPTEMBER 16, 2013 AT 11:29 AM

And Rusty, be glad you don't have a blog of your own. I'm sure Weiner Dervish would have tried to expose himself on it, one way or another.

SEPTEMBER 19, 2013 AT 4:21 PM

Beware the Weinergram.

DECEMBER 8, 2013 AT 7:28 PM

And by the way, Will, about "But at some juncture you eventually have to put some HARD evidence on the table".

Careful with that. Might inspire WD to send another burst of Weinergrams. Lord knows what he sends to you when he spams 20 per day on your end.

DECEMBER 9, 2013 AT 7:21 AM

It's pretty funny. I dug into the most recent blast of them and stopped at mention of a huge wang. Happy to have them automatically fill up the spam filter alongside the illicit drug and cas1n0 ads.

"...and cannot help but wonder if the dude would only put a fraction of that effort into actually bettering himself, he might eventually get somewhere".

I think if he sent this kind of crap to a public official, he might end up on a no-fly list, or even Gitmo.

DECEMBER 12, 2013 AT 4:21 AM

Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. His "weinergram" comments to my blog are more likely to go to spam than the others.

DECEMBER 26, 2013 AT 11:29 AM

You get the gist of what he sends me, if you dare think of how this kid was conceived. Toss in graphic descriptions of body fluids, and the frequent Will Hart or "Lester" and occasional Koch Bro or Santa Claus in the orgy, and you get an idea of his creative bent.

(And Jerry and others surely wonder why he doesn't blog about progressive issues any more, and instead writes Will Hart and "Dennis" fanfic that never gets published).

DECEMBER 28, 2013 AT 4:06 PM

Rusty: As if it makes a difference, WD has not tried to send me photos. He is just a prose version of Anthony Weiner. When I last checked the spam pile, he was sending me several gay sex fantasies per day. If he didtry to send links to photos, I never saw them ( due to only seeing the first sentence or so of his hundreds-of-words-long compositions) and know better than to click on his links anyway.

JANUARY 24, 2014 AT 6:31 AM

Given WD's comment on my blog (deleted) in which he said "....But maybe Will or Lester were kind enough to send him some shots of their naked privates?..." he might have problems staying in his own bed, let alone his own side of the ward.

FEBRUARY 2, 2014 AT 9:26 AM

He did it again today. Sent something, I read the first 3 words to determine it was some sort of cut-and-paste spam. Flushed. If anything, there might be an improvement. I don't think he talked about his penis in it, nor did he use his pet name for me, nor did he talk lustily about Noam Chomsky's naked body. And yes, he has done all that in the past.

If he keeps it in his pants... er, keeps up the improvement, it might be a positive sign.... Nonetheless, the "clock" by which he will be allowed to post comments on my blog has been reset again, for 30 days from today.

SEPTEMBER 5, 2014 AT 10:18 AM

By the way, here is one of the comments that WD composed and attempted to place on my blog on Dec 13, 2013. This stuff sits in the spam filter, for Google's analysis. It being WD, the first two syllables of the word "analysis" are quite emphasized. You will understand when you read this. Any names (and there are several in his fantasy) inside this have been changed to "...". Other than this, WD's writings are completely unaltered.

"Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
No weinergrams were in receipt, not even from ...;
The computer was running and outlook was open,
In hopes that many weinergrams would soon be there;
... was nestled all snug in his bed,
While visions of a nude Mr. ... danced in his head,
And ... completely nude himself, except for a cap,
Had just settled his wang for a long winter's nap —
When from the computer there arose such a clatter,
... sprang from the bed to see if new weinergrams were what was the matter.
Away to the computer screen ... flew like a flash,
One hand on his weiner, the other ready to pump lotion into his lap.
The moon on the breast of the naked woman was displayed on the screen,
Gave ... no incentive to pound on the object below;
When, what to his wondering eyes should appear,
Another email from ... in which he displayed his tiny reindeer (AKA his wiener),
... liked what he saw, it caused his wiener, so lively and quick,
He knew the moment he put his hand on his stick.
More rapid than eagles his orgasms they came... " - Dervish Sanders, 1:18 PM.

I'm not sure Will, but I shudder to think how much WD enjoyed writing this. And this was during a year he sent hundreds of missives like this.

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