Wednesday, September 10, 2014

White Privilege

Documented: Comments by dmarks (AKA Dennis Marks) on the topic of White Privilege, which Wikipedia notes is "a term for societal privileges that benefit people identified as white in Western countries, beyond what is commonly experienced by non-white people under the same social, political, or economic circumstances".

JULY 17, 2013 AT 6:05 PM.

He's the face of white privilege. According to Time Magazine, anyway. [George Zimmerman's Uncle, Jorge Mesa].

Sun Jul 21, 2013 AT 06:43:00 AM EDT.

"White privilege" is a laughable myth: a racist concept made up by the Left... itself a form of racial profiling. Sorry, WD, I am not a bigot, and I refuse to try something from the "perspective" of racists. Not even "just once". And when you say "but obviously that is because you are White." You are being nothing more than a bigot: judging on skin color. Only racists do this...

DECEMBER 28, 2013 AT 7:38 PM.

Rusty has a majorly good point... In regards to D: "...blacks actually had a lower chance of prosecution (66% versus 69%) following a felony than whites did and that they were also less likely to be found guilty at trial (75% versus 78%).."

This fits with available information in Michigan. Detroit, mostly black, has a lenient court system. The "outstate" counties, mostly white, have harsher courts, generally. Much less of a revolving door. (White privilege... indeed. scoffs)

SEPTEMBER 9, 2014 AT 4:08 PM.

Rev Al is a big believer in "black privilege", such that black people can commit crimes and get away with it, while white people can't.

MAY 31, 2015 AT 8:55 AM.

"Male privilege" is itself a sexist concept made up by bigots. It's sort of similar to the concept of "white privilege", which was spun from the imagination of anti-black racists in order to cover for their hatred of people of the wrong skin color. "White privilege" has as much place in enlightened thought as the very similar idea that all blacks are criminals.

Sat Sep 05, 2015 AT 07:22:00 AM EDT.

As for political correctness, it is much more often what racists and bigots promote, with theories of white privilege, patriarchy, and "micro aggressions".

As for slave wages, it is also insulting to smear immigrants as slaves. I checked the states with the most immigrants vs wages in these states. There is actually a trend toward states with more immigrants having higher wages than those with fewer immigrants. The anti-immigration, nativism view is just not supported by demographics, even if it feels good to those who fear "the other".

This will be my last comment in this item, in keeping with the spirit of the blog host's rules and with the host's many many requests. I've made my points in opposition to immigrant bashing. I will of course consider commenting in new items about the subject, in terms of that new subject and not to please anyone by continuing a grudge match comments in several posts. This is, after all, "Rational Nation", not the personal axe - grinding whetstone of grudgy visitors.

Fri Oct 10, 2015 AT 09:28:00 PM EDT.

You incorrectly summarized something I said, in your first sentence, but that is just a tangent. [dmarks lie in reponse to Dervish Sanders comment "Sounds reasonable, as opposed to your idea concerning White Privilege being fake"].

As for the rest, yes I am directly addressing the past statement you are referring to. "Violent felon" [Michael Brown] was on my part a careless conclusion based both on the claims about the robbery, and the claims about the severe injury to the cop. Which are just two of the many rumors surrounding this situation. Now I am just waiting for a full account. There is just so much unknown.

Posts that link here
[SWTD #189] Severe Conservative Delusions: MLK Quote-Off Edition, 8/10/2013.
[TADM #59] "N-Word & Other Slurs" Foul Fiction (Examining Dennis Marks' Strong Racial Biases), 10/4/2014.
[DSB #10] Comedian Louis CK On White Privilege & Male Privilege (Comedy Bits) 6/2/2015.

DSD #2

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