Saturday, September 20, 2014

Rusty Shackelford Slanders Ed Schultz & Dervish Sanders

Documented: Comments by Rusty Shackelford (AKA Rusty Schumckelford) in which accusations against Ed Schultz of domestic violence by his ex-wife Maureen Zimmerman (divorced 1993) are discussed.

MAY 26, 2011 AT 10:46 PM

WD,you should really go post at one of the liberal echo chambers. Its amazing how thinned skin you are when someone says something negative about Obie or one of your MSNBC heros.The fact is Ed Shultz is a low life.You do know he admitted to and was issued a restraining order for beating his first wife.That WD is'nt an opinion...its a fact.

Will was correct labeling you a partisan hack... its absolutly what you are.

MAY 27, 2011 AT 10:54 AM

F.Y.I. WD.

Mary K. Zimmerman vs. Edward A. Shultz 1/26/99. Application for Domestic Violence Protection Order.

Yea,old Fat Ed's a real peach. [Note: Ed Schult's ex-wife's first name is Maureen, not Mary. Also, the temporary restraining order was issued in 1995 not 1999].

MAY 27, 2011 AT 11:55 AM

Or WD,you can go to Fargo ND court records and look at case #09-93-C-00131. Fat Ed's wife was 5'4",115lbs when he beat her up. One of your hero's WD...speaks well of you.

JANUARY 24, 2012 AT 6:34 PM

Seeing that Schultz did beat up his ex-wife I'm sure he'd take a stab at [Anderson] Cooper.

JUNE 22, 2012 AT 4:07 PM

WD seems to condone the oddest of things,some boardering on creepy. Last year he saw nothing wrong with Anthony Weiner sending lewd photo's to young,possibly under aged girl. He tries his best to whitewash Scott Ritter's proclivity for underage teen girls. He knows that Ed Schultz was indeed charged with domestic battery by his former wife,but tries to sweep the facts under the rug.

If WD were to find out Jerry Sandusky was a liberal dem he would seek a way to forgive his actions. Based on WD's adamant acceptence of deviant behavior one would only deduce he himself may actively engage in somewhat like behavior.

JUNE 22, 2012 AT 5:18 PM

I beg to differ WD... your constant defense of deviant liberals is most telling. Either you're blind to their behavior due to their politics or you find that behavior most acceptable... your defense of these deviants and their proclivities negate your little (4) point confessional. You're a bit creepy WD... Rusty would'nt be surprised to know WD is on some towns register.

JUNE 22, 2012 AT 7:18 PM

WD,you poor soul... your acceptance of absolute diviant behavior by people who's political view's line up with yours is indeed creepy... now, not personally knowing you I could'nt actually label you as creepy... but you do seem a bit greasy. Not someone I would want working for me or within close proximity ot teenaged girls.

JUNE 22, 2012 AT 7:46 PM

I'd guess its difficult for your ilk to "accept it." But,WD your words are very telling... diviant behavior by some is something you can over look....its interesting you have no problem calling people racist,homophobes or misogynists,yet when your repeated words shine a spotlight of possible acceptance of diviant behavior on you its something you feel you can just brush off... does'nt work that way WD... as I said,your words are very telling and just by your words its evident you are greasy.

JUNE 23, 2012 AT 9:21 AM

WD,you call me and dmarks liars. Please prove to us that Ed Shultz's exwife did'nt accuse him of domestic violence.Prove that she did'nt have a restraining order issued against him because of his liquor filled rages.

I'm here saying Ed Shultz was charged with domestic violence by his ex-wife....I'm here saying his ex-wife went to court and had a restraining order issued against him because she feared his alcohol fueled rages.

Prove me wrong you greasy POS or STFU.

JUNE 23, 2012 AT 6:04 PM

WD,one more time... please answer the following two questions either yes or no.

1) Did Ed Schultz's ex-wife accuse him of domestic violence?

2) Did Ed Schultz's ex-wife seek a restraining order against him due to her fear of his alcohol filled rages?

Now WD,Rusty is going to make a wild guess and say you wont answer those two simple questions and you will demand proof of Schultz's actions....and your response will attempt to deflect the truth about Sgt.Schultz.If you do just that,you'll prove just how greasy you really are....just as we all suspected.

JUNE 23, 2012 AT 6:33 PM

On 11/02/1995 in Cass County North Dakota...

Maureen K. Zimmerman filed a tempory protection order for domestic violence against Ed Schultz.

There you go greasy one...spin that...or use your acceptance of diviante behavior to justify it. I'm beginning to think you are on the creepy side WD.

JUNE 24, 2012 AT 10:49 AM

It seems Maureen Zimmerman (Sgt.Schultz's ex-wife)has a pretty good read on what domestic violence really is... in fact,fat Ed showed her up close and personal just what spousal abuse is.

Yet WD,now known as "that greasy bastard,"supports wife beating.Maybe WD is a muslim who abides by a strict interpretation of the koran....that could explain his acceptance of all sorts of diviant behavior.Creepy guy,that WD....oops,I mean Greasy Bastard.

JUNE 25, 2012 AT 11:39 AM

Fact: Ed Schultz is a wife beater.

Fact: WD supports Ed Shultz.

Fact: WD therefore supports Ed Schultz's actions.

Fact: By proxy WD supports wife beating.

Fact: WD is a greasy bastard.

Posts that link here
[SWTD #307] Is There Evidence Supporting The Allegation That Ed Schultz Is A Wife Beater? 8/18/2015.

DSD #11

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