Sunday, September 14, 2014

Stalin Worship

Documented: Comments by dmarks (AKA Dennis Marks) on the topic of certain Leftists being admirers of Communism. Idiocy from Mr. Marks reminiscent of comments from former Congressperson Allen West, who said "About 78 to 81 House Democrats are members of the Communist Party. It's called the Congressional Progressive Caucus" (stupidity PolitiFact rated Pants On Fire).

FEBRUARY 23, 2014 AT 9:01 AM

For the most part, socialism is by far the most effective method for concentrating increasing wealth disparity (as I mentioned in the comment about Mr. Sander's hero Stalin over at "Rational Nation").

This applies best to most socialist nations (Syria, Kadaffy's Libya, Mao's China)... but perhaps, as you indicate, in some form to "democratic" socialist nations as well. After all, it's the version of the golden rule, "those who make the rules get the gold".

FEBRUARY 26, 2014 AT 7:58 PM

Will: Read about Boyle's feud with Alan Dershowitz. Eye opening. And yes he says Dershowitz is a war criminal, too. You will see Dershowitz' keen legal mind cut to ribbons Boyle's white-hot hatred of Jewish people. Boyle is also a self-proclaimed "international law expert", who also served as a legal advisor in the 1980s to the PLO, helping this group pursue its goals of wiping out Jews.

Rusty said: "Well dmarks... I hope you're happy. You finally pushed the loon over the edge."

What did he do now? Is this about WD's Stalin worship?

MARCH 2, 2014 AT 11:28 AM

Btw..."the moron" now uses the hammer and sickle as the icon of his blog, in the task bar. A symbol of man's inhumanity to man that even outdoes the swastika in its implications... in every aspect. Fits in with his worship of Stalin and defense of Mao.

MARCH 15, 2014 AT 1:24 PM

Will said:"...Joseph Stalin forcibly removed a fair amount of Ukrainians..."

Dervish Sander's hero Josef Stalin "removed" seven million Ukrainians from this mortal coil. Part of the necessary (according to WD) struggle against the rich.

JUNE 8, 2014 AT 10:57 AM

And very well stated, Will. Remember when a certain person loudly praised Stalin and his specifically statements of hating people who work hard and earn what they own. Stalin's ideology was based on appealing to such base emotions as greed and envy: the idea that the lazy don't have to work and create anything, and they are entitled to steal from those who bother to improve their lives and their situations. The successful appeal to these emotions, rallying people to hate the rich, Jews, or anyone perceived as having more, has resulted in more mass murders than anything else in history.

JUNE 27, 2014 AT 8:22 PM

Yeah, Will, not only does he defend Boyle, but he defends Boyle's golden dream of Jews on the run as being anti-Zionist, not antisemitic.

Thinking more on this statement by Boyle: "Some Jews will remain in (conquered Israel) either voluntarily or involuntarily. Palestine and the Palestinians will treat the remaining Jews fairly."

I do wonder what he means by Jews remaining in the cleaned territories "unvoluntarily". I can't think of any other answer than Boyle's iron dream including prison camps for Jews.

As for Stalin, remember that WD not only defended Stalin, but he defended a truly terrible statement by Stalin that was part of the justification for the worst, or second worst, mass murders in human history.

SEPTEMBER 5, 2014 AT 3:38 AM

Anyway, Les and Will, I don't agree with Will's assessment of Octo being anywhere near like WD, or even "meaner".

He has strong opinions, and expresses them forcefully. In that, as Les has said, he is not too different from the rest of us. Except perhaps for the hyperpartisanship. But so what...

WD on the other hand outright praises Stalin, thinks it is great to call black people the N word and use other slurs, thinks that it is fine and dandy for a politician to worship Mao (due to Mao's excellent record on police brutality, of all things!) engages in trolling just for a pat on the back from Shaw, spent last Christmas cranking out thousands of words of gay Santa porn that he tried to post on my blog, and sends Will hundreds of "love letters" per week. Not to mention the many blogs in his "House of Canards" with fetish fan picture mashups of Les.

With his demand to murder George W. Bush, obsession with "war crimes" that never occured, and repeated insistence that the "OIC" cabal of terrorist despots is "moderate", WD is the type of guy who might find the Secret Service rolling tear gas canisters into his crawlspace when a President visits... no matter which President.

None of this applies to Octopus. Can't imagine him ever going off the deep end like this.

SEPTEMBER 6, 2014 AT 12:44 PM

Quoting Stalin (or Lenin) is one thing, as part of an argument or fairly scholarly discourse. (i.e. you quoting Michael Mann's non-scientific statements).

Presenting as a positive thing an evil quotation which is central to their justification for killing tens of millions of people, as WD did, is another thing entirely.

SEPTEMBER 7, 2014 AT 3:42 PM

Those interested in finding out more about men like Trotsky would do well to read the writings of Dmitri Volkogonov as I can.

To actually present as good the horrific and evil views of Trotsky (presented at and defend them at one point, while at another time vilifying WD for praising the glories of the very similar Stalin, shows a little disconnect, IMHO. [Response to RN].

SEPTEMBER 24, 2014 AT 4:15 PM

But that was OK, BB. According to wd-ology, anyway. That Stalin was a great guy who only harmed plutocrats.

NOVEMBER 15, 2014 AT 7:10 PM

Quoting someone as part of a reasonable argument is one thing. Quoting someone's evil-minded utrue statement, deeply rooted in that someone's justification for killing tens of millions of innocents, is another thing quite entirely.

About Mao? The estimates I have seen are between 20 and 40 million, similar to those for Stalin. So yes, Mao can compete with that.

Socialism in full flower.

FEBRUARY 27, 2015 AT 9:04 AM

Socialism in flower. And remember also, Will, the endorsement by WD of one of the major justifications for the carnage.

MARCH 4, 2015 AT 5:33 AM

Will, am I doing my math right? 2 million of these would end up being 4,687,500 square miles. Now, the US is 3,794,083 square miles. Again, correct me if I did this wrong. but my wild guess about wind farms the size of Asia weren't too far off: the requirement for this is larger than the area of the US. To clear the land for it would require mass depopulation of territory unseen in human history. And the impact on the environment: remember the one in California pretty much erases birds. [re "...we would have to build 2,000,000 of these solar farms"].

Not sure how you would clear such an area to take care of energy needs. WD's hero Stalin probably would have a lot of ideas on how to do this.

APRIL 11, 2015 AT 8:03 PM

Socialism is demonized by its legacy and adherents... from Mao and Hitler to Assad and Milosevic. It's all, for the most part oppression and mass killing, even if the oppressors get into power thru elections rather than bloody coups. We'd be much better off if socialism were entirely abolished. It works at oppression, and it kills, if you look at the big picture instead of cherry-picking the few socialists who aren't out to kill a lot of people.

The "praising Stalin" discussion dates back to when Mr. Sanders brought up in support a truly awful and untrue quotation from Stalin he used as parf of his excuse to kill tens of millions. A quotation that deserve nothing but condemnation, along with the man. Not support.

[Dervish Sanders said] "I think dmarks needs to find himself a boyfriend".

You seem obsessed with that. This much was clear when you decided to start sending me scores and scores of blog messages in which you decided to talk about nothing but your p*nis. Oh. and about the fan blogs? You've had several each of these mancrush blogs for me, Will, Rational Nation, and others. Thing is, the only lies involved in them have been your own.

Posts that link here
[TADM #5] Dennis Lies Concerning "Heroes" That Are Not Heroes, 2/23/2014.

DSD #5

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