Thursday, September 25, 2014

Only Black Lives Matter Ugly Racist Protesters Don't Say

Documented: Ridiculous accusations of racism against the Black Lives Matter movement from the racist blogger dmarks (AKA Dennis Marks).

According to Wikipedia "Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an international activist movement, originating in the African-American community, that campaigns against violence toward black people. BLM regularly organizes protests around the deaths of black people in killings by law enforcement officers, and broader issues of racial profiling, police brutality, and racial inequality in the United States criminal justice system".

Thu Aug 14, 2014 AT 09:53:00 PM EDT

Interesting and balanced between your two views. [Re Rational Nation USA commentary in which the blog proprietor says "As in most situations the natural tendency is to protect, or cover for you own". This being RN's conclusion as to why the executive director of the Fraternal Order of Police, Jim Pasco, criticized President Obama for "excessive force" remarks about law enforcement in Ferguson MO. Black Lives Matter "became nationally recognized for its street demonstrations following the 2014 deaths of two African Americans: Michael Brown, resulting in protests and unrest in Ferguson"].

Unfortunately, the racism presented by Rev. Sharpton and Jackson as they inject themselves into this (as usual) is hardly rational and balanced, and will take us surely far away from justice, better policy, and truth in this. Nor is Limbaugh helpful, of course. Obama, well, treats it like a possible distraction when he is trying to make a perfect putt.

DECEMBER 6, 2014 AT 4:20 AM

Also, the racist protesters are nuts when they lump the Brown incident together with Garner. The cop was the victim in the Brown case, as he fired in self defense as Brown was violently assaulting him [False]. There's nothing like this at all in the Garner case. I use the term "racist protesters" quite accurately. They complain about blacks killed by cops, but are totally silent about whites killed by cops. And they are totally silent about blacks killed by black criminals (a number that is huge compared to the incidents they complain about.

Also, regarding Garner, I hope there is a focus on the police unions. These truly awful organizations support police brutality, and the idea of rewarding bad cops with lengthy paid vacations. And they have come out on the wrong side of this one. The police unions have no legitimate function that serves the public interest at all.

December 13, 2014 at 11:35 PM

This shows that a good part of this protest movement is strongly and very explicitly racist. AOW is correct. These protesters have totally ignored any similar incidents where white, or others who are non-black, have died. All lives do matter. However, members of the KKK, and individuals of identical mindset who are not white and in the KKK, disagree.

Tue Dec 23, 2014 AT 07:44:00 PM EST

[Ema Nymton said] "Police are not under attack, institutionalized racism is".

Yet there is no evidence of racism by the officers involved in either of the two incidents the protesters cite. One Ema point disproven. The racist protest movement even is rife with slogans against the police in general. It is very "anti cop". Another point disproven.

Finally, this racist protest movement doesn't oppose "double standard". It's message is all double standards: these nasty bigots are silent when blacks kill whites. To them, the statement " black lives matter" is a celebration of supremacy... about the only lives that matter to them.

DECEMBER 26, 2014 AT 4:15 AM

Will: why bring race into it at all? It's a meme injected into these discussions by the very racist protesters. The ones that argue that only black lives matter. This meme has been at play despite the fact that race wasn't a factor at all in any of these incidents.

Wed Dec 24, 2014 AT 07:48:00 AM EST

The chickens are coming home to roost from the protesters' ugly racist slogan that only "black lives matter". Unfortunately, RN, this might well lead to police isolated from the community and much more militarized. And, Garner's crime was to fail to pay the money being stolen from him by New York's wealthy elite in a legal mugging. So the muggers made him pay. We need to seriously reconsider the intentional repurposing of the police from "protect and serve" to being like Mafia goodfellas collecting protection money.

MAY 23, 2015 AT 2:50 AM

On top of that, Sharpton is part of the explicitly racist "Black Lives Matter" movement. Since the lives of others do not matter. Over the past decade, twice as many whites as blacks have been killed by police. Supremacists like Sharpton and Jackson are pretty much silent about that. Of course, the best solution is for activists like them to let go of their bigotry and insist, like any decent human being, that "all lives matter", whether black or white.

[Note: While it is true that more White are killed than Blacks, the US is 63% white and 12% black. Statistically speaking a Black person is 300% more likely to be killed by a police officer than a White person. Source].

MAY 23, 2015 AT 12:02 PM

Not only that, but they [The NAACP] are by the defintion of the term racist since they do specifically demand special rewards for those of favored skin color and punishment for those their skin color tells them to dislike. They oppose equality, and always rose up to oppose efforts at equal rights in university admissions. In recent months, the NAACP has embraceed the supremacist slogan that only lives of those of one race matter.

And, on top of that, when they strongly associated with Farrakhan, they were antisemitic as well. And also in 2000, a major leader of the NAACP chimed in to bash Vice Presidential candidate Joe Lieberman not for his views, but simply because Joe was Jewish. [This accusation is false].

Posts that link here
[TADM #80] On The Dennis Marks Racist Claim That The Black Lives Matters Movement's Slogan Is "Only Black Lives Matter", 8/30/2015.

DSD #16

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