Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Elizabeth Warren Is A Lying Asshole, A Fake & A Contemptible Wannabe Who Boosted Her Career With A Fraudulent Claim Of Being A Native American & Who Supports The Evil Occupy Wall Street Movement

Documented: Comments by dmarks (AKA Dennis Marks) in which he slanders Senator Elizabeth Warren. Including comments about how EW is lying, a fraud and a racist in regards to her claims of having Native American heritage (proven accurate via a DNA test as of 10/15/2018. WYM-85).

6/1/2012 at 9:28am. Contra O'Reilly.

WD said: "Wealthy idolization rhetoric". ["Wealthy idolization rhetoric" was the Dervish Sanders response to dmarks writing "Things go better with Koch"].

No, not at all. I am looking at the ideas, not the wealth.

Rusty: Yes, it turns out that Elizabeth Warren boosted her career on a fraudulent claim of being a Native American. I have been following this for a long time on blogs that discuss Native American issues. She also plagiarized a book. I've read a about her fraud and deceit from Natives. It's a real issue, and has nothing to do with Brown at all.

Rusty also said: "..I mean there are'nt many who willingly flush money down the toilet like the SEIU does."

The sad thing is that most of this money is stolen from workers. This is why the SEIU is in PANIC MODE at the idea that workers can choose whether or not to give money to it.

Finally, when asked about [Scott] Walker buying the election, WD said "Yes, I do have evidence of it.". Yet he failed to give any. Please try again. Give evidence of buying the election, instead of people speaking out and saying things you don't like.

6/1/2012 AT 4:39pm. Contra O'Reilly.

WD said; "It's in the interest of middle and lower class people to vote Democratic".

Actually, it is in the interest of roughly half of them to vote Republican. It is not that they don't "realize" they should vote for the Democrat Party. It is that they are voting in their own interest, and for you to say otherwise is to speak out of complete ignorance. They know their own lives, and you do not. I trust the people. You clearly don't.

[Dervish Sanders said] "Elizabeth Warren is a truth teller, which is why the plutocrats hate and fear her so".

She is finally admitting her lies. She's a fraud.

6/2/2012 at 8:02am. Contra O'Reilly.

WD: "Baloney".

Actually, I am looking at the ideas of the Koch brothers, not the wealth. You have no evidence to the contrary, and are just reacting out of emotion instead of logic.

WD: "Also, the Koch ideas are terrible".

That's your opinion, but it is hardly an intellectual argument.

WD said "as they benefit the wealthy and hurt the poor and middle class".

That is not an opinion, but an uninformed assertion which proves that you have no idea what you are talking about.

[Dervish Sanders said] "SEIU is standing up for it's members".

That would be a first. SEIU is known for bullying its members, most of whom don't even want to be in it. Also, get a grip on reality. The specific 'standing up for its members' we are discussing is the SEIU taking money from people against their will. This is crushing the membership, not defending it.

[Dervish Sanders said] "That's what they use the money you falsely claim they "steal".

Stealing is illegal taking, and it is illegal to use union dues for politics. But SEIU does this.

[Dervish Sanders said] "for... defending workers against fascist thugs like Walker.

You have no idea what fascism means. I do, and therefore I know it certainly does not apply to Walker refusing to give more unearned handouts to fat and happy government workers.

[Dervish Sanders said] "You need to try again dmarks. I presented the evidence" [of Scott Walker buying the governorship with Koch money].

No, you provided nothing at all about buying an election. But you did speak with scorn about people having the ability to speak out.

[Dervish Sanders said] "You're choosing to ignore it". [The evidence of Scott Walker buying the election].

We haven't come to that bridge yet. You've not made a case. There's nothing to ignore yet.

[Dervish Sanders said] "Unfortunately I can't stop you from lying".

You can: just point it out when it happens. I look forward to the day, perhaps 5 years from now. As for Warren, she did indeed plagiarize a book of pow-wow recipes. You are behaving as a partisan reactionary. I've been sticking pretty close to the Native media, and unlike you, they don't lie about someone because there is a (D) after their name.

[Dervish Sanders said] "It was actually Elizabeth Warren who was plagiarized". [National Review's Elizabeth Warren Plagiarism Claim Quickly Debunked. The Huffington Post 5/19/2012].

Talk about getting things backwards. What next? You will probably claim that the Cherokee victimized Warren. In fact, Warren's a fraud. A contemptible wannabe like Ward Churchill.

6/21/2012 at 6:18am. Newspaper Rock.

It's no surprise conservatives make political hay of this, just as it is no surprise that I hear things like the liberal who told me that in this, Warren is actually a victim of Natives. Not the other way around.

[dmarks refers to Dervish Sanders pointing out that the "plagiarism" claim against Elizabeth Warren is false. False due to the book she supposedly "plagiarized" being published AFTER her book was published. Dervish Sanders never said Warren was "a victim of natives" as the person who made the debunked plagiarism claim was Katrina Trinko, a National Review author who is not Native American and who also issued a correction and apology].

6/22/2012 at 8:59am. Newspaper Rock.

She's digging herself a deeper hole. If she hadn't lied about her heritage, and kept covering it up. making excuses, and lying about it more, she'd be in good shape. But instead she makes mistake after mistake after mistake.

6/22/2012 at 9:00am. Newspaper Rock.

Back to the original article: "while the Warren camp is charging that the Cherokees are doing Brown's bidding".

Yeah, to Warren, Natives have no minds of their own, and any who object are part of a conspiracy. To her, Indians don't exist except as something in the past that can be used for advantage in a fraudulent ancestry claim, or something that Sen. Scott Brown cooks up in a laboratory like homunculi.

6/22/2012 at 5:37pm. Contra O'Reilly.

WD said: "Also, most voters say the "controversy" regarding Elizabeth's Warren's ancestory won't affect their vote. Feel free to keep bashing her for this... just be aware that it's getting you nowhere".

I've been still sticking with the Natives on this issue. Warren is a fake, a fraud, a white person of privilege falsely claiming to be a Native American to get more privilege. And you said earlier that she is the victim of Indians.

WD said: "The evidence shows that whichever candidate spends the most usually wins. Why do you think this is? It's because people don't ignore the ads, they listen to them".

That's called the free and open exchange of ideas about the most important matters of the nation. IF you don't like it, move to China, where people don't have the rights that you again and again bash, complain about, and want outlawed. It's the difference between democracy, which I support, and fascism, which WD supports.

2/28/2013 AT 05:32:00 PM EST. RNUSA.

To counterbalance Warren, they'd need to put up a Native American who fraudulently claims to be caucasian in order to get free stuff. [In response to Willis Hart writing that Ted Cruz counterbalances Warren... in that they're both nutty/extreme].

7/7/2014 at 07:11:00 AM EDT. RNUSA.

Will: She [Elizabeth Warren] is pretty bad....I remember listening to a speech she did loaded with language to pit American vs American, appealing to base jealousy and greed. And don't forget her fraudulent claims of being a Native American.

7/7/2014 at 07:51:00 AM EDT. RNUSA.

Will: Hillary is scandal-ridden and emotionally unstable, and left her Secretary-of-State position in disgrace. There's more than 2 years of scandal and ridiculous statements (a multi-millionaire personally profiting from her government connections claiming to be "dead broke"???) left before Nov 2016. Damaged goods.

Warren's views are extreme, as in driving off moderates (as well as conservatives of course). She will capture the hearts of the "99% Movement" (which really represents only 20% or so of Americans, and as you can see, is rather self deluded).

It would take a pretty bad Republican candidate to lose to either of these. However, I have no doubt that the Republicans will rise to the task and provide such a candidate.

7/07/2014 at 08:27:00 AM EDT. Contra O'Reilly

RN: It's your blog.... but. We've all seen various flights of fancy and off-topic tangents... and many times you have allowed such, and have even caused them in comments in your posts.

In my view, I think Shaw's mention of Dr. Carson as a possible candidate in 2016, and his (lack of) experience is quite in topic with mentioning Warren and her (lack of) experience in 2016.

7/7/2014 at 7:26pm. WYD.

"Occupy Wall Street"... a truly evil movement. With its ramp camps, rallies against Jews, assaults on small busineses, and the general push for making the top government elites who mess up our lives even more powerful. And Warren supported them?

9/10/2014 at 8:39pm. Contra O'Reilly.

He's also a person, like Elizabeth Warren, who has fraudulently presented themself as a Native American for personal gain. It's a form of racism on their part.

[The "he" dmarks refers to is Ward Churchill].

10/8/2014 at 4:19pm. Contra O'Reilly.

[Willis Hart said] "...he could possibly get the nomination and then go down in flames in the general. No argument.' [BB-Idaho said] If ya Cruz, ya lose...".

The same could happen with scandal-ridden Hillary... prone to emotional outbursts. Or the fraudulent fake Native American Elizabeth [Warren] (who cynically lied about her race for special advantage), seen as too extreme by most. Some real "winners" on both sides.... he could possibly get the nomination and then go down in flames in the general. No argument.

9/17/2014 at 07:19:00 AM EDT. RNUSA.

Exactly Will.

[Response to a comment by Willis Hart in which he refers to Elizabeth Warren as an "idiot plutocrat"].

12/21/2014 at 12:41pm. Contra O'Reilly.

Also, glad you included Ward Churchill in the white list. Though he fraudulent claims to be Native american in order to get special treatment. This is in a way perhaps racist against real Natives, and certainly demeans then. Elizabeth Warren has done the exact same thing. I'd say she belongs on the white list too, for her divisive pseudo-populist rhetoric that seeks to pit citizens against each other and demands that that the only solution is more authoritarian State power.

[Willis Hart authored a post titled "My Own Personal Contribution to Race Relations", and in it he names "white assholes" and "black assholes"].

4/6/2015 at 8:34am. Libertas And Latte.

Jersey, here is an attempt to look at your statement about the second Bush administration being the most corrupt in history. It comes from the Left, actually: HuffPo.

"Here is America's international performance on the [World Economic Forum] factors relating to corruption....: The U.S. is down on 19 of these WEF factors, up on 2, and unchanged on 1, during the period while Obama has been in office. This overall finding, of declining U.S. performance, is entirely in line with the similar findings from the World Bank: Corruption in the United States is increasing significantly during Obama's Presidency".

Inept? That can be quantified further if you want. I would start with about how millions of jobs were shed, and how the national debt increased, by his choice, at a significantly worse rate than under Bush.

Anyway, rest assured that it would get even a lot worse under a President Hillary Clinton, with a history steeped in crime, obstruction, and secrecy. (And no, this is not a partisan statement. I will readily point out that Elizabeth Warren, a leading contender, more to the left than Hillary, does not have any sort of history of malfeasance).

4/7/2015 at 2:36pm. Libertas And Latte.

The rest has been disproven elsewhere. As am not a racist or bigot, i never excuse or support ethnic hatred due to the ethnic group a racist, antisemite, etc belongs to. That is concerning of the two men mentioned.

But I will only mention that of course it was a sort of racism for Warren to have knowingly and fraudulently presented herself as a Native American in order to get special advantage, when she wasn't one at all and she knew it. Her fraud has never played well in Indian Country...


4/12/2015 at 09:29:00 PM EDT. RNUSA.

BB: How about Warren? A fresh face to a country wear of clintonbushclintonbushclintonbushclintonblush... And whatever Warren's distance from the center, she's pretty clean (other than the receding fake Indian claim, which was really a long time ago). I think there's that one skeleton in her closet, and it's rather dusty. Hillary Clintons got a dancing army of them. Warren could have a good chance at nomination, especially if something similar to Hillary hiding the emails comes up in the heat of the early primaries.

[Hillary Clinton didn't "hide" any emails. SWTD #313].

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DSD #14

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