Saturday, September 13, 2014

Bald Men With Ponytails

Documented: Comments by dmarks (AKA Dennis Marks) on the topic of bald headedness.

DECEMBER 26, 2011 AT 7:44 PM

[Rusty Shackelford said] "...bald headed gray haired guys that have a pony tail...."

Which is it? Bald, or with a pony tail?

DECEMBER 27, 2011 AT 10:11 AM

Ummm Rusty.... bald means no pony tail. Pony tail means not bald.

Truth: It's a wonder that company is still in business, with non-qualified people making management decisions. Check out the auto industry sometime, where the unions have negotiated hundreds of thousands of workers permanent unpaid vacations.

DECEMBER 27, 2011 AT 6:39 PM

Or am I bald? [In response to Truth 101 saying "I hear you have nice hair though"].

JULY 25, 2012 AT 8:36 AM

I know how he [wd] gets the tinfoil to cover the top of his head, but how does he get it to wrap around the pony-tail?

Sat Jun 01, 2013 AT 09:22:00 AM EDT

Les: Either that, or his [wd] pony tail has gotten trapped in the hatch in the kitchen floor that leads to the crawlspace, way too many times. You can see how arrogant and ignorant he is, making such foolish judgements about Kentucky's voters.

Wed Aug 07, 2013 AT 12:25:00 PM EDT

You are not a Col *comma* Dennis. Just a Col. Sanders. As for being rejected, my pony-tail isn't long enough to be a regular commenter on the Col's blog. ["Col" is a reference to Dervish Sanders].

AUGUST 17, 2013 AT 5:55 PM

And I saw his [wd] delusions of grandeur... and illogic... as if my change from one D name to another is to escape his use of a pet name he has for me that I never complained about. Wait till he finds the name I use on another blog. It will make his day. He also just now noticed my blog change from months ago, and asserts that he caused that by his post of a few days ago. And he thinks Les (RN) is bald because all bald men are white supremacists.

Not that I care (other than for yuks) or he caused any of my actions other than my blog post modefation. Only an egomaniac would assume that other events that happen anyway are caused by them. Like a pharaoh that thinks the sun rises in the east just to illuminate his glory.

MARCH 14, 2014 AT 3:34 PM

Nixonian? I guess... if Nixon had a pony tail. [In response to Willis Hart saying "Perhaps I should have included, Nixonian, as well, huh?"... as an adjective to describe wd].

MARCH 14, 2014 AT 7:13 PM

Rusty: Beware of pervs in a trench-coat, with a pony tail. [The "perv" with the ponytail is wd].

AUGUST 17, 2014 AT 7:01 PM

He'll get his pony tail in a knot if he reads that, Will.

SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 AT 8:12 AM

Rusty: I don't know about you, but I don't tend to call someone with whom you can see the hair on top of their head as "baldheaded".

I don't know where you are coming from when you can call someone like Les in that image "baldheaded". Unless perhaps you, Rusty, have more hair than anyone, and considers anyone with a receding hairline bald. Perhaps you look like this man or this man (maybe these are both of the same guy?) and feel hair-secure enough to gloat over the hairlines of the less-hirsuit.

Regardless, you get a free pass to call WD, with his ponytail "baldheaded". Whether or not he is in fact bald.

JANUARY 17, 2015 AT 10:43 AM

I defend Shaw because she publishes my BS on her blog. BTW, did you know that I'm a baldheaded ponytailed moron?

Posts that link here
[TADM #78] Is Dennis Marks A Baldheaded Man Who Sports A Ponytail? 8/18/2015.

DSD #4

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