Thursday, September 18, 2014

Myste Ad Hominem

Documented: dmarks (AKA Dennis Marks) argues with John Myste about Affirmative Action and dmarks many lies about Myste cause his departure from the blog of Willis Hart, but that does not stop dmarks from bashing Mr. Myste for quite awhile.

December 9, 2012 at 10:58 AM

Myste, You were clearly making and defending racist statements, including that all blacks were inferior and "damaged". Not only that, you were too stupid to realize that such views are by definition strongly racist. Good riddance, Grand Wizard of the Myste. And don't let your white robe get caught on the door on the way out.

December 9, 2012 at 11:01 AM

And Myste lied: "DMarks will simply dominate the site with his straw man fiction".

I created no straw men. Your own outrageously racist views were strong enough and completely invalid and devoid of any rigor of critical thinking.... no need for me to create anything. Which is why you will find no evidence of any straw men. I hope you get out in the real world. John, and discover that African-Americans are not the crippled, damaged people you think they are.

December 13, 2012 at 6:47 PM

Sorry, Mord, I was being completely honest. As inconvenient as that may be for you.

[Mordechai said] "or ever (gasp) banned for their hate filled comments like D marks has done here".

You seem quite confused. On this particular topic, the hate filled person was on the Left: John Myste, who kept insisting that all black people were damaged, uneducated, and otherwise incapable of competing and making it in the real world.

John said: "Dmarks, you are not. I have African Americans all around me, and they are not damaged".

Well, it is a wonderful thin that you have now stepped away from the rather outrageous claim that made you defend a particular racist policy. So blacks aren't damaged any more. That's fantastic!

[John Myste said] "You repeatedly call me a racist because I disagree with you".

Now, that is an example of your sloppiness and careless thinking. I only properly identified you as a racist due to your support of racist policies. Whether or not I happened to disagree with them.

August 13, 2013 at 10:52 AM

In retrospect, it is good to bring this issue up again, especially in light of this year's recent polling data:

"As the Supreme Court prepares to once again weigh in on the issue of affirmative action, a record-low number of Americans support such programs, according to the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll. Just 45 percent of respondents said they believe affirmative action programs are still needed to counteract the effects of discrimination against minorities, while an equal 45 percent feel the programs have gone too far and should be ended because they unfairly discriminate against whites".

The chart in the article shows a decades-long erosion in support for this type of racism. That's real societal progress. Of course, it shows that there are still many racists, including Mr Myste who argues that blacks are inferior ("damaged" his word) goods.

MARCH 8, 2015 AT 10:03 AM

Good arguments, Will, Against the John Myste idea of blacks as less capable, damaged beings who can't compete with others on a level playing field.

MAY 11, 2015 AT 2:07 PM

One could always by the John Myste argument on African Americans: that they are less capable, damaged beings that are below the mark, and can't compete on a level playing field. Myste's argument was nasty and demeaning, but isn't too far afield from much of the argument in favor of "affirmative action" quotas/goals/time tables/etc. No, I do not buy into the Myste argument of black inferiority.

MAY 14, 2015 AT 4:37 AM

John even implied that Barack Obama isn't qualified for anything by saying that he wouldn't have gotten anywhere without affirmative action quotas... a man would would not have prevailed or succeeded if held to the same standards as anyone else. John is one of the most empassioned liberal racists I've ever met. His reasons for claiming that blacks are inferior is because they are damaged by history. That's different of course than claiming they are genetically inferior. But either "argument" would make a Klansman smile.

MAY 23, 2015 AT 8:00 PM

Sorry, John Myste's of the world. I do not buy the argument that black people are, in your words, less "capable". They don't need to be treated as inferior beings.

JUNE 14, 2015 AT 4:01 PM

Again, racism and corporate welfare, hand in hand. Some hate the idea of a level playing field, and want it tilted as much as possible. Perhaps due to a John Myste -type belief that black people simply are "less capable" than whites. Yes, I bring his name up as a textbook example of how racism is strong in supposedly enlightened modern people who have nothing to do with the KKK/Black Panthers.

JUNE 14, 2015 AT 6:55 PM

Obviously, unlike Myste, the modern NAACP and others, they [John F. Kennedy and even Hubert Humphrey] didn't believe that black people were inferior, less capable beings who were incapable of competing on a level playing field. And I have been called a racist on these blogs for opposing such a view of African-Americans.

JULY 5, 2015 AT 11:32 AM

And you will probably notice that supposedly well-meaning racists of the John Myste stripe will insist that black are less capable due to their history, while completely denying that this is true of Scots, Irish, Ukrainians, etc etc etc. [Note: Comment deleted, see screenshot here]

JULY 5, 2015 AT 7:45 PM

In the above comment, I will clarify. I don't believe myself that the Irish etc are less capable as individuals in the modern world. due to the very lengthy historic period of atrocities visited upon them. It would be absurd and horribly bigoted to believe this. My point is, that if someone believes black people are diminished beings due to their history, if they were consistent they would believe the same of the Irish and Scots. [Note: Comment deleted, see screenshot here].

Posts that link here
[TADM #62] Dennis Marks White-Hooded Projection, 5/15/2015.
[TADM #83] Racism No Longer Exists Racist Dennis Marks Sez, 10/17/2015.

DSD #8

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