Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Bigoted Bigot's Misogynist Misogyny

Documented: Bigoted and misogynist comments from dmarks (AKA Dennis Marks).

JUNE 22, 2012 AT 5:41 PM

WD said: "which one can deduce he has due to his implicit approval of the Republican war on women)".

Well, WD earlier was moaning about how campaigns can influence voters. And here clearly he himself has been fooled by the Democrats' mention of a Republican "war on women", which in reality only exists in the imagination of Democrats. I guess he knows of what he speaks. The rest of us tend to view campaign material with a more critical mind.

MAY 28, 2015 AT 1:43 PM

It's blatant sexism by the left: the demand that female employees deserve even more unearned handouts from employees than makes do.

Add this to so called "living wage" laws and minimum wage laws, and you get a vision of employers as welfare agencies, where the pay had less and less connection to the value of the work done.

MAY 29, 2015 AT 4:28 AM

Will, Sounds like a bunch more "oinkers" who want a lot of free stuff without having to earn it. [Re Willis Hart dismissing the real pay disparity by saying "If women were willing to work for 23% less than men, what possible incentive would any company have for EVER hiring a man? It makes no sense"].

MAY 31, 2015 AT 8:55 AM

"Male privilege" is itself a sexist concept made up by bigots. It's sort of similar to the concept of "white privilege", which was spun from the imagination of anti-black racists in order to cover for their hatred of people of the wrong skin color. "White privilege" has as much place in enlightened thought as the very similar idea that all blacks are criminals.

JUNE 27, 2015 AT 2:37 AM

It's a "patriarchy"!!! That's what pro-female sexist bigots (the word is "feminist") keep claiming... Yeah right....

Sat Sep 05, 2015 AT 07:22:00 AM EDT

As for political correctness, it is much more often what racists and bigots promote, with theories of white privilege, patriarchy, and "micro aggressions".

As for slave wages, it is also insulting to smear immigrants as slaves. I checked the states with the most immigrants vs wages in these states. There is actually a trend toward states with more immigrants having higher wages than those with fewer immigrants. The anti-immigration, nativism view is just not supported by demographics, even if it feels good to those who fear "the other".

This will be my last comment in this item, in keeping with the spirit of the blog host's rules and with the host's many many requests. I've made my points in opposition to immigrant bashing. I will of course consider commenting in new items about the subject, in terms of that new subject and not to please anyone by continuing a grudge match comments in several posts. This is, after all, "Rational Nation", not the personal axe - grinding whetstone of grudgy visitors.

SEPTEMBER 4, 2015 AT 8:43 PM

It really is bad news as her [Hillary Clinton] crimes pile up, and her obstruction of justice gets more and more arrogant (as if her sexist campaign wasn't arrogant enough). Even the left wing media isn't giving her a free pass anymore, and her dwindling supporters circle the wagons with their fingers in their ears. Just think Will, 13 months of more criminal activity, obstruction of justice, and pantsuits. Or hopefully a lot less if there is any justice.

Posts that link here
[TADM #81] Dennis Marks Misogynist Racist Immigrant-Bashing Doublespeak, 9/7/2015.

DSD #15

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